Iowa Caucus Thread

We need to make sure they do not repeat the cheating they did in the 2016 general election to make it closer then it was and other elections.
How do you plan to stop the DNC from rigging 2020 like they rigged 2016?
Make a lot of noise to start. Do not let the media suppress areas where they know there are questionable returns. There are inner city areas notorious for finding ballots and plenty of them. Repubs keep much quieter on this. When Bush won Florida in 2000 he actually would have won it easier. The usual three counties in South east Florida late returns finding votes and the premature call of the election before the panhandle closed caused this. The Florida panhandle is on central time. The polls were opened one hour more then the rest of the state. Thousands and thousands of voters did not vote. The mail in votes were questionable also. Repubs know many of the areas. They need to scream. In 2016 Progs were fishing for votes to win close states. I believe Trump won by more then we were told. Reports of holding off certifying Michigan for Trump because of trying to get the fraud votes from Detroit ended up stopping the Progs from going further. Close elections are Progs to win. Or are close because they cheat.
That’s not rigging! That’s redistribution!

Good idea, to that end I propose a new system for the remaining Democrat contests which should make all the candidates very happy....

Half of the votes won by the top 50% of the candidates in each contest will be redistributed to the bottom 50% of candidates in that contest, that's the only way to keep things "fair".
This is an example of generations destroyed by the democratic education system, they reward everybody.. everybody gets an award!
Mofos can’t count!
I bet there’s black woman telling whites to gtfotw lol and they have them locked in a room, with BLM counting lol

They don't like the results.....that's the problem.... Bernie probably took it hands down and they are freaking beside themselves trying to figure out what they need to do to screw him out of it.

Hacked computers?
Impossible...Democrats are geniuses and you can’t hack geniuses.
Don't be stupider than you have to be, kid.
Your husband know you're posting your pics on the internet, Stumpy?
And all those morons are claiming victory.
What a fucking joke.
4 more years of the peaches in chief
No they are just testing out their new equipment. This was a test run. To see where the kinks are. I'm guessing that they were testing out their hacking machines to see if it can take control over people's cellphones. But instead it must have had shorted out the cellphone towers.

Democrats in the early presidential voting states of Iowa and Nevada will be able next year to skip their states' traditional neighborhood caucus meetings and instead cast their votes over the phone, according to plans unveiled by the state parties.


More than a million registered voters in the Seattle area can now cast a ballot for an obscure election using a smartphone or computer. Organizers are calling the pilot program the largest mobile voting effort in the country.

Julie Wise, the director of elections in King County, said the election would be “a key step in moving toward electronic access” for voters across the region, in a statement released on Wednesday from Tusk Philanthropies, the nonprofit partnering with the county’s board of elections.

The vote in King County, Wash., which includes Seattle, will fill an open spot on the board of the King Conservation District, an agency that manages natural resources. Beginning this week, eligible voters will be able to use a smartphone or computer to log into a portal created by Democracy Live, a Seattle-based company that receives government funding.

“There’s no special app, there’s no electronic storage of votes. Instead a voter’s choice is recorded onto a PDF, which they then verify before submission,” Ms. Wise said in an email on Thursday.

Once the ballots are received, the board will follow the same processing protocols that are used for mail-in ballots, she added.

“I have complete confidence in the security of this system,” Ms. Wise said.

Previous elections for the conservation district have had such low turnout that voters have had to request a ballot to participate, and the cost of mailing out ballots would have been prohibitive, said Bea Covington, the district’s executive director. Voting by Phone Gets a Big Test, but There Are Concerns

Voting by Phone Is Easy. But Is It Secure?
How will they blame Trump for this?

Worse, Bernie is still showing himself to not have it in him to blame those responsible, his speech addresses Trump!
Iowa also proved that maybe just maybe all states should use paper ballots and hand count this election year and the hell with all this electronic shit....the blessings from Iowa are just unending and all good!!
Iowa proved that Democrats will cheat and commit fraud in every election, including those that are internal, against fellow Democrats.
Democrats know a loser when they see, just as Putin knew a loser when he gave yall Trump
GOP the Big Winner After Democrats’ Iowa Caucus Cock-Up.

“With the impeachment circus wrapping up in the worst possible fashion for the Democrats, this wasn’t the kind of publicity they needed. The party elders headed into Monday believing that a likely Bernie Sanders win would have been the worst-case scenario for them. Welcome to Democratic luck in the Trump era, ladies and gentlemen.”

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