Iowa Passes Six Weeks Abortion Ban

You are wrong and it doesn't matter, if the man is around you still give him no rights, even though he was part of the decision to engage in sex, and it is equally his child. My argument was not derogatory toward women, yours is, you are the one supposing because they are weaker they should receive more rights.
I answered this before, and I think it was misinterpreted when I said ”if she allows it“ to the question about the man engaging in unprotected sex.

What I meant is if she allows him to proceed without using a condom. That would be her choice.
Yes, and you named them - it’s inconvenient, the timing is off, you want to focus your attention on your current kids, etc., etc. These are all pitiful “reasons” to end the life of your own child.

But if you live in Iowa and any of those “reasons” apply, you still have a few weeks to terminate the life of your developing child. If later, you can have your husband, or more likely boyfriend, drive you to the next state.
Six weeks is ridiculous. Time limits are ridiculous. You do not even begin to understand ALL the reasons women have abortions. That's the only problem, your misunderstanding of other women. Once again you attempted to belittle their reasons, you don't have that right to judge them on this very personal issue.
Six weeks is ridiculous. Time limits are ridiculous. You do not even begin to understand ALL the reasons women have abortions. That's the only problem, your misunderstanding of other women. Once again you attempted to belittle their reasons, you don't have that right to judge them on this very personal issue.
You’re ignoring that there is another life at stake. Saying the timing is “inconvenient” is a terrible reason to terminate the life of one’s own child, but even then, a woman can still do it.

You‘re demanding that every state should allow a woman to have an abortion, at any point in her pregnancy, and for whatever reason she wants. Do you demand all states enact OTHER laws, as well? Not your state….not your business.
Six weeks is ridiculous. Time limits are ridiculous.
Allowing this human rights abuse to occur at all without capital murder charges is ridiculous.

You do not even begin to understand ALL the reasons women have abortions.
I already stated them all in one sentence. Be less stupid.

That reason is beyond contemptable. All of them deserve to die in prison.
You’re ignoring that there is another life at stake. Saying the timing is “inconvenient” is a terrible reason to terminate the life of one’s own child, but even then, a woman can still do it.

You‘re demanding that every state should allow a woman to have an abortion, at any point in her pregnancy, and for whatever reason she wants. Do you demand all states enact OTHER laws, as well? Not your state….not your business.
The embryonic stage of any lifeform represents the possibility of life. Not all seeds grow. Is the human population of this planet decreasing ? No, it's still increasing, endangering us all. It's not a problem when you look at the big picture. Get over yourself already.
The embryonic stage of any lifeform represents the possibility of life. Not all seeds grow. Is the human population of this planet decreasing ? No, it's still increasing, endangering us all. It's not a problem when you look at the big picture. Get over yourself already.
You represent zero potential for intelligent life.

You, like every other living thing, will potentially live another day by tomorrow if you don’t die.

They are alive. You are stupid beyond all reasonable metrics.
You represent zero potential for intelligent life.

You, like every other living thing, will potentially live another day by tomorrow if you don’t die.

They are alive. You are stupid beyond all reasonable metrics.
LOL, says the person who keeps ignoring the dying planet. That's really smart ! ( Not at all. )
Six weeks is ridiculous. Time limits are ridiculous. You do not even begin to understand ALL the reasons women have abortions. That's the only problem, your misunderstanding of other women. Once again you attempted to belittle their reasons, you don't have that right to judge them on this very personal issue.
The issue is the irresponsibility in getting pregnant if they have no desire to have a child, or can't afford, or aren't ready.
LOL, says the person who keeps ignoring the dying planet. That's really smart ! ( Not at all. )
LOL, dying planet.

Just fly 63 miles up, trash, and leave the “dying planet.”

We’ll be fine, go on without us.

Don’t worry, a lot of morons like you are sterilizing yourselves, and that’s fine. You’ll never make kids to then kill that way. You will also improve the gene pool significantly.
That does not pertain to all the cases. You are practicing bigotry and prejudice. You assume far too much.
Negative, and your name calling will not silence me 97% of abortions are done for convenience, as in oops I had sex and got pregnant, because I forgot having sex does that, let me kill my offspring please.
Negative, and your name calling will not silence me 97% of abortions are done for convenience, as in oops I had sex and got pregnant, because I forgot having sex does that, let me kill my offspring please.
You implied it of all pregnancies. That's totally on you.
That does not pertain to all the cases. You are practicing bigotry and prejudice. You assume far too much.
How is saying that women who don’t want to get pregnant should use birth control being a bigot? It’s just remarking that people who are adult enough to have sex should be adult enough to be responsible for the consequences
The embryonic stage of any lifeform represents the possibility of life. Not all seeds grow. Is the human population of this planet decreasing ? No, it's still increasing, endangering us all. It's not a problem when you look at the big picture. Get over yourself already.
So the embryo is endangering us all? THAT is your new excuse?

And what exactly are we debating here? You’re acting as if abortion has been outlawed. All that’s being done is that some states are putting restrictions on it.
How is saying that women who don’t want to get pregnant should use birth control being a bigot? It’s just remarking that people who are adult enough to have sex should be adult enough to be responsible for the consequences
That doesn't pertain to all cases of abortion. Stick with the facts.
Any woman who cannot take a risk getting pregnant should INSIST the man use condoms in addition to the birth control she is taking.

To the men insisting on abortion at will, at any time and for any reason, isn’t this a wise and responsible course of action?

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