Iowa Straw Poll IS OUT........

Abortion is any form of various SURGICAL METHODS for terminating pregnancy.

So, this demonstrates your lack of regard for the life of the child.


Who says? I can be against abortion if I want to be. I don't need your permission. Now, imagine this scenario, Bravo. I repeat, this is a scenario (fyi to the Mods).

What if some crazed murderer came into your home and beat your very pregnant wife into a miscarriage? You wouldn't say "he killed my fetus!" you would cry "he killed my baby!"

Everyone knows what that is. It's a child.

I have yet to see one post about the man who gets the woman pregnant, he walks away.

My mother walked away, left me in foster care 26 years ago. My dad had the guts to come back, 13 years later. So, here's that post you're looking for.

You're about sexual control of women, pure and simple.

No, you are. You champion choice, but in reality there is only one. Abortion. There is no more glorious a thing than having one. How about that? Looks like you'r(e) wrong.

You use your so-called religion to hide your desire to control women.

You use your party ideologies to commit infanticide.
Iowa is irrelivent. NH is what matters now. Everybody should skip Iowa and go straight to NH if you want to see if you have a shot in hell of being President. Period.
Cool another one of those tolerant inclusive libs we hear so much about.

As opposed to the Racist, Homophbic, Sexist Bigots of the Right?
At least you do admit you nether tolerant or inclusive,then lay what you are on the right??!! LOL you don't even know what you are bwhahahahah
Scratch a lib you will find an intolerant bigoted racist,that is why they spend so much time and energy blaming what they themselves are on others,rather third grade and childish,but that's what they are all the same.

No, I simply point out your own hypocracy. The RW hates Gays, loves to racism and thinks women cannot b3e trusted to have control over their own body.
For pro-lifers like myself, abortion is not about the woman's body. It is about the body being murdered. I know lefties like you would like to make it all about the vagina, and dance around in vagina costumes, but you need to lift your eyes several inches to the womb and have the guts to face the life you want to snuff out. Trying dancing around in dismembered fetus costumes at the next "pro-choice" shindig, and see where that gets you.

Well unless human biology has changed greatly, it is the woman who carries the fetus. The Woman decides what medical care she wants. Not government.
True, as a fact of Constitutional law the protected liberty of the woman is paramount.

When the Supreme Court reaffirmed the right to privacy with regard to abortion in Casey, it wasn't saying abortion was 'good' or 'right' or that the embryo/fetus 'wasn't human'; rather, the Court was simply stating that the 'solution' advocated by the states violated the Constitution, where citizens would need to address the problem in the political realm, not the judicial, and respect a woman's right to privacy.

Otherwise, citizens remain at liberty to seek to end the practice of abortion by any other means.

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