Iowa teacher blasts Biden for grabbing her hands when she asked him a question

Iowa teacher blasts Biden for grabbing her hands when she asked him a question
'You need to ask first': Iowa teacher blasts Biden for grabbing her hands when she asked him a question

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Joe Biden left an Iowa teacher unimpressed with his canned response to her question about collective bargaining, but what she resented more was how he abruptly seized her hands and clung onto them.
Jessica Roman, 41, had stopped Biden, 76, as he greeted voters on Monday during the Hawkeye Area Labor Council's Labor Day picnic in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The North Liberty preschool teacher, who works with special needs children, was pressing the former vice president on his plans to help unionized members of her profession under recent changes to Iowa's collective bargaining laws when he reached for her hands

ME: What can I add to that? Creepy Sleepy Uncle Joe just can't learn. His senility has recently been brought into question
Substitute "Trump" for "Biden", and this thread would be a blubbering rant on feminazis.
Iowa teacher blasts Biden for grabbing her hands when she asked him a question
'You need to ask first': Iowa teacher blasts Biden for grabbing her hands when she asked him a question

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Joe Biden left an Iowa teacher unimpressed with his canned response to her question about collective bargaining, but what she resented more was how he abruptly seized her hands and clung onto them.
Jessica Roman, 41, had stopped Biden, 76, as he greeted voters on Monday during the Hawkeye Area Labor Council's Labor Day picnic in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The North Liberty preschool teacher, who works with special needs children, was pressing the former vice president on his plans to help unionized members of her profession under recent changes to Iowa's collective bargaining laws when he reached for her hands

ME: What can I add to that? Creepy Sleepy Uncle Joe just can't learn. His senility has recently been brought into question

Joe is just letting you know what is in every Leftard's heart: that they think:
  • They own your body
  • They own your soul
  • And they want to own your mind as well.
Joe is just letting you know what is in every Leftard's heart: that they think:
  • They own your body
  • They own your soul
  • And they want to own your mind as well.

You know, there may actually be something to that. Their true colors often show through when they are not really thinking about what they are doing or saying.
Joe is just letting you know what is in every Leftard's heart: that they think:
  • They own your body
  • They own your soul
  • And they want to own your mind as well.

You know, there may actually be something to that. Their true colors often show through when they are not really thinking about what they are doing or saying.
Of course there's something to that! Do you think I'm here to hear myself talk? Their every action and word is a direct projection of what is in their minds, hearts and plans, all laid out in plain view for anyone willing to see.
Then we have the famous Trump handshake


That's a fake.. Trust me.. I did image analysis for decades.. The 2nd time the guy's hand disappears behind t-rump -- his sleeve momentarily gets detached from his hand...

It's like a Vegas magic act...
So let’s get this straight

Trump can grab pussy but Biden can’t grab hands

Thats right. I am a woman, and that's right. Do you want to know why?

In showbiz, sex between stars and fans is as common as breathing. There are woman who will screw a star at the drop of a hat. For a showbiz star to get touchy with women is not news. I am sure you have heard stories of being backstage at rock concerts and stuff like that. Well, Trump was a TV star, and shit happens.

Biden, though, is just a creepy politician grabbing people while he is out making political speeches or at political events. That is a 180 opposite situation and environment.

Do you understand? If we learned that David Lee Roth grabbed pussy nobody would think twice. Well, thats showbiz. (There was a time when I would have jumped on Diamond Dave myself. I am not embarrassed to say it)
"There was a time when I would have jumped on Diamond Dave myself"

Would he have survived?
I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump said. “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”
Mr. Tic Tac
So let’s get this straight

Trump can grab pussy but Biden can’t grab hands

Expressing desire publicly or privately to grab or touch genitalia of the opposite sex is something heterosexuals worldwide everyday. When, where, and how did Trump grab or touch pussy without consent? That is the issue. Biden should extend his hands for greeting, not grab.
So let’s get this straight

Trump can grab pussy but Biden can’t grab hands

Thats right. I am a woman, and that's right. Do you want to know why?

In showbiz, sex between stars and fans is as common as breathing. There are woman who will screw a star at the drop of a hat. For a showbiz star to get touchy with women is not news. I am sure you have heard stories of being backstage at rock concerts and stuff like that. Well, Trump was a TV star, and shit happens.

Biden, though, is just a creepy politician grabbing people while he is out making political speeches or at political events. That is a 180 opposite situation and environment.

Do you understand? If we learned that David Lee Roth grabbed pussy nobody would think twice. Well, thats showbiz. (There was a time when I would have jumped on Diamond Dave myself. I am not embarrassed to say it)
"There was a time when I would have jumped on Diamond Dave myself"

Would he have survived?

Maybe, maybe not. :)
Iowa teacher blasts Biden for grabbing her hands when she asked him a question
'You need to ask first': Iowa teacher blasts Biden for grabbing her hands when she asked him a question

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Joe Biden left an Iowa teacher unimpressed with his canned response to her question about collective bargaining, but what she resented more was how he abruptly seized her hands and clung onto them.
Jessica Roman, 41, had stopped Biden, 76, as he greeted voters on Monday during the Hawkeye Area Labor Council's Labor Day picnic in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The North Liberty preschool teacher, who works with special needs children, was pressing the former vice president on his plans to help unionized members of her profession under recent changes to Iowa's collective bargaining laws when he reached for her hands

ME: What can I add to that? Creepy Sleepy Uncle Joe just can't learn. His senility has recently been brought into question

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