Iowa Voters Leave CNN Hosts “Perplexed”

Who cares about Iowa and who cares about CNN ?

Who watches CNN.......? Something like 1/2 million people.

That is 1/660th of the entire population of the U.S.

They matter why ?

Drink your coffee...taste Commie Harris....
The Iowans that vote for trump. Yes. Idiots.

So it isn't Iowans.

It's people that vote for Trump (my guess is that you consider those in Nebraska who voted for Trump to be idiots too......correct me if I am wrong).

And you were wrong to generalize Iowans.

In fact, such a statement as the one you made is pretty intellectually lazy.

Correct ?
So it isn't Iowans.

It's people that vote for Trump (my guess is that you consider those in Nebraska who voted for Trump to be idiots too......correct me if I am wrong).

And you were wrong to generalize Iowans.

In fact, such a statement as the one you made is pretty intellectually lazy.

Correct ?
If they are in denial and are supporting him, yes.
Does that compute?
It’s funny to me. Despite the investigations by the Republicans in the Michigan State Legislature which found nothing. And the Investigation by the Republicans in Georgia, which found nothing. The true believers insist their position is both valid and true.

Frankly. You sound as dumb as the morons who insist the Earth is flat. And how are we supposed to take that sort of insanity serious?

Iowa Voters Leave CNN Hosts “Perplexed”

After Providing Politically Incorrect Answers on the Trump Indictments, Ukraine, and More – Then CNN Snidely Insults the Voters

12 Aug 2023 ~~ By Cullen Linebarger

If there was any doubt CNN has zero clue what people around the heartland believe, this was erased Thursday.
The Blaze reported Friday that CNN hosts Dana Bash and John King were left “perplexed” at Iowa voters’ answers to the most pressing issues of the day including the Trump prosecutions, Ukraine, and 2020 election fraud. They simply could not understand why voters no longer trusted them.
The segment opens with King making a recent visit to Iowa to speak with voters. As it begins, King haughtily intoned that the voters’ “reverence for Ronald Reagan” and “optimism” has been overridden by Trump’s grievances, “disdain of big government” and “Trump’s distrust of just about everything.” Their answers below certainly explain why King was so triggered.
One man said that he completely agreed with Trump’s claim that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen from him.
I think he (Trump) thinks he (Biden) stole it from him. And I and and lot of people agree with him.
The voter also went on to blast the disgraceful Trump prosecutions being carried out by the Biden regime and their cronies.
Nothing about that deal is the American way.​
One of the more notable moments in the video occurs when King asked the voters to raise their hands if they think the voters should be supporting Ukraine in the fight against Putin.
Not a single one raises their hand!

Once the segment concluded, King and Bash could not understand why the voters were not buying the falsehoods their network has propagated for decades. Surely they would use these next moments for some introspection?
No, they instead started insulting the voters and said they were the problem. Bash started off by ranting about how these intelligent Iowa residents were “seeped in these completely conspiratorial questions and thoughts.

King was a bit more sympathetic toward the voters but still quite condescending. He implied that the voters were completely brainwashed by Tucker Carlson, particularly on Ukraine.
That is because they are part of the problem. As the Blaze notes, they hardly bother fact-checking Biden’s numerous lies. 11 of the 12 recent fact-checks have targeted Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and one even sought to defend Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal.

Its interesting to see the CIA, excuse me, I mean CNN struggle with people of Middle America not buying their obvious bovine scatology anymore.
Incidents like this continue to show Americans the bias and complicity of the Quisling Media and the Maoist/DSA Democrats. Its not just CNN of course but the majority of the biased Media.
Ms. Bash seems to get around, Dana (Schwartz) was married to Obama's CIA clown Jeremy Bash.
Then she married John King, that's right the idiot having the moronic conversation with her. Next she was with Spencer Garrett.
CNN has and will never understand that it's not Trump's grip. Similarly the Maoist/DSA Democrats misunderstand that Trump lives in reality, with us. The people at CNN are so used to the cult of personalities.
Let’s Fight Off Nerve Pain! – Saving Money

Oh my fucking god

White people being referred to on whitewing media…

Have you demanded the attention of everyone to stand at attention!!!
The people aren't out of touch with reality. Democrats are. Insulting voters is not a winning strategy. Condescending pricks.
Democrats insult voters who don’t believe in climate change, refuse to vaccinate and think Trump won the 2020 election

Rightfully so

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