Iphone 5, Samsung Galaxy S3, or Droid Razr Maxx?


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
Anybody have any good or bad things to say about these phones. Its about time to upgrade my phone. I have an Iphone 4 right now and have never had a problem with it. Are there any real benefits to the other phones? any downside? Just curious as to everyone's opinion to gain some feedback for the future.
Anybody have any good or bad things to say about these phones. Its about time to upgrade my phone. I have an Iphone 4 right now and have never had a problem with it. Are there any real benefits to the other phones? any downside? Just curious as to everyone's opinion to gain some feedback for the future.

Just saw this about the I 5.

iPhone 5 users complain about purple photos - CNN.com
Anybody have any good or bad things to say about these phones. Its about time to upgrade my phone. I have an Iphone 4 right now and have never had a problem with it. Are there any real benefits to the other phones? any downside? Just curious as to everyone's opinion to gain some feedback for the future.

Just saw this about the I 5.

iPhone 5 users complain about purple photos - CNN.com

Good article ... that photo looks pretty crappy in comparison to the others.
Anybody have any good or bad things to say about these phones. Its about time to upgrade my phone. I have an Iphone 4 right now and have never had a problem with it. Are there any real benefits to the other phones? any downside? Just curious as to everyone's opinion to gain some feedback for the future.

The iPhone 5 is plagued by problems.

1) Maps are so bad that they are actually recommending competitive mapping software or going to Google Maps or Nokia Maps via the web browser.
2) "Purple sun" syndrome. Already linked.
3) It cant switch from 4G to Wifi on at least the Verizon version. Which means that your 4G monthly max usage is done within a few minutes when watching a movie over WIFI. It is a known problem and there are quick fixes for it.
4) WIFI problems with WPA encryption. People are reporting that WIFI is bad or non existant when they use WPA encryption. Apple claims they are close to releasing a fix for this, but knowing Apple and their "fixes", .. lets wait and see.
5) Cracks and scratches out of the box. Apple says it is "normal".. horseshit.. it is a 800+ dollar freaking phone, so cracks and scratches out of the box is not normal.
6) linked to the above.. easy to crack and scratch the back. Glass is also a bit flimsy. Lets put it this way.. dont drop the phone. It breaks very easily.
7) Faulty charger. There is a new charging plug..and there are many reports of the phone not charging when plugged in. No it does not use mini USB like everyone else.. it is their own expensive version and is not compatible with previous iPhones.
8) Faulty build. Users have reported rattling in the phone.. that is the battery.
9) Bad screen.. there is light coming in from the top of the phone when the screen is black. You dont expect that on an 800 dollar phone.
10) Faulty software. iOS6 is full of bugs. SIRI, one of the main selling points, cant even tell the correct weather for where you are.

And people are actually complaining that the phone is too light now.

Also battery time is highly questionable.. no real world tests out yet since it is a relatively new phone.

So basically stay clear of the iPhone 5.. if you want an iPhone, buy the 4S.. cheaper, and 95% of the same features. Just dont upgrade to iOS6 just yet, if you use Google Maps. Apple maps are horrible.

As for the other phones. If you are not a "nerd" and want a smartphone that is functional but still simple... wait for Windows 8 phones coming out over the next few months. On the simplicity level .. Windows 8 Phone > Apple's iOS. Nokia 920 will be out by November or so, and is at the moment the most advanced phone that has been presented. Its camera is the best by miles out there and it is packed with true global 4G/3G and NFC (Near field communication). Even though I have a Galaxy Nexus phone at the moment, I am seriously tempted to jump to the 920 when it comes out. The downside is that is a bit heavy relative to the light iPhone 5

If you are a semi nerd, then go Android. . Samsung Galaxy S3 or the high end HTC One X series. LG and Sony also have some nice top end phones. I would personally recommend Samsung Galaxy S3 or the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. It is rumoured that a new "Nexus" phone is coming out shortly.. "Nexus" means pure Google Android, which means you get the newest OS updates first. I have a Galaxy Nexus and love it.. for now! Just make sure that any Android phone you get, either has Jelly Bean on it, or will get Jelly Bean. Jelly Bean is by far the most superior mobile OS out there .. even better than Windows 8.. but also more complicated.

As for the Droid Razr Maxx. I have not experience with Motorola phones.. they not that big over here in Europe, but from what I understand, the Maxx blows away the competition when it comes to battery time. It has a huge battery in it. It is also Jelly Bean and comparable to the other high end Android phones. If it is battery life you want.. then this is the one to get. With Jelly Bean battery saving technology and your own tweaks, then this phone can easily last a day on a charge, something the iPhone 4S or 5 can not. The Galaxy 3 and other high end Android phones can all last a normal day easily. My Nexus lasts up to 2 days but I have tweaked it quite a bit :)
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