Iphone manufacturer foxconn plans to replace almost every human worker with robots

Money has already been earned and taxed, at least once. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Fiat money has no intrinsic value.

And all we're doing is "making money" through debt. All bubbles are eventually unsustainable.
why not end our War on Drugs?

Because they make too much money off it. But this post isn't about the war on drugs.
it is about lowering our tax burden so the right won't need to whine about taxes as much.
And I will be here to point out the growing gap between your opinion and reality.

It's not to late to join the bandwagon.

Bandwagons and group think is your arena, enjoy.

It's ok to be afraid of change. But this is good change. If we win.

Your side you mean, that's not where I'm coming from or into, that's your thing.

Actually, everything you post shows that it is where you are going from.

You just can't accept that change is coming in a form you did not anticipate.

This is the revolution you've been waiting for. I hope you notice before it is over.

Funny, it already is over. People chose a celebrity again and went home. Goldman Sachs and the usual recycled swamp rats came along as per usual. You just need to feel what you need to feel, so the illusion is alive and well. Watch.

You're declaring the Trump Presidency a failure before he takes office?

And you're telling ME to "Watch"?

<a-HEM> You see where I'm going with this?
iPhone Manufacturer Foxconn Plans to Replace almost Every Human Worker with Robots
China’s iPhone factories are being automated

Foxconn, the Taiwanese manufacturing giant behind Apple’s iPhone and numerous other major electronics devices, aims to automate away a vast majority of its human employees, according to a report from DigiTimes. Dai Jia-peng, the general manager of Foxconn’s automation committee, says the company has a three-phase plan in place to automate its Chinese factories using software and in-house robotics units, known as Foxbots.

Most of us saw this coming a long time ago. Every years it's going to get worse. Expect jobs to become less and less as time goes on. Wonder how long it will take the liberals to figure that one out. They will still sit by the door waiting for their heoric Hitler Obama or Clinton to save them if they were in office, the funny thing is since we will have Trump in office they'll expect him to save their dumb asses after they shredded him to pieces, and wanting him dead.
Instead of being called Democrats they should be called " Hypocrites".
Well, dumb fuck, a great many of us saw this coming. And became technicians of one kind or another. And are making very good money. If you expected to continue having good pay at a job that requires no brains, you will have no job, period.

No one is going to change this. What we have to do is arrange work for those that are capable so they have good pay for a lot fewer hours. Otherwise, no market for the products. When charlatans like the orange clown promise they will fix it, they are creating their own problems. No way to keep that promise. Like promising the coal miners that coal will come back when it is economics of gas, wind, and solar that is spelling the doom of coal, not regulations.
iPhone Manufacturer Foxconn Plans to Replace almost Every Human Worker with Robots
China’s iPhone factories are being automated

Foxconn, the Taiwanese manufacturing giant behind Apple’s iPhone and numerous other major electronics devices, aims to automate away a vast majority of its human employees, according to a report from DigiTimes. Dai Jia-peng, the general manager of Foxconn’s automation committee, says the company has a three-phase plan in place to automate its Chinese factories using software and in-house robotics units, known as Foxbots.

Most of us saw this coming a long time ago. Every years it's going to get worse. Expect jobs to become less and less as time goes on. Wonder how long it will take the liberals to figure that one out. They will still sit by the door waiting for their heoric Hitler Obama or Clinton to save them if they were in office, the funny thing is since we will have Trump in office they'll expect him to save their dumb asses after they shredded him to pieces, and wanting him dead.
Instead of being called Democrats they should be called " Hypocrites".
Well, dumb fuck, a great many of us saw this coming. And became technicians of one kind or another. And are making very good money. If you expected to continue having good pay at a job that requires no brains, you will have no job, period.

No one is going to change this. What we have to do is arrange work for those that are capable so they have good pay for a lot fewer hours. Otherwise, no market for the products. When charlatans like the orange clown promise they will fix it, they are creating their own problems. No way to keep that promise. Like promising the coal miners that coal will come back when it is economics of gas, wind, and solar that is spelling the doom of coal, not regulations.

The recent WTO airbus ruling shows that Trump was completely right on Trade.

THe jobs have left because our trading partners are cheats.

We stop that shit, and they will come back.
Bandwagons and group think is your arena, enjoy.

It's ok to be afraid of change. But this is good change. If we win.

Your side you mean, that's not where I'm coming from or into, that's your thing.

Actually, everything you post shows that it is where you are going from.

You just can't accept that change is coming in a form you did not anticipate.

This is the revolution you've been waiting for. I hope you notice before it is over.

Funny, it already is over. People chose a celebrity again and went home. Goldman Sachs and the usual recycled swamp rats came along as per usual. You just need to feel what you need to feel, so the illusion is alive and well. Watch.

You're declaring the Trump Presidency a failure before he takes office?

And you're telling ME to "Watch"?

<a-HEM> You see where I'm going with this?
If he does half the nonsense that he campaigned on, yes, the clown's Presidency will be a failure. One that the whole nation will share in. His cabinet of incompetence says that is what will happen.
It's ok to be afraid of change. But this is good change. If we win.

Your side you mean, that's not where I'm coming from or into, that's your thing.

Actually, everything you post shows that it is where you are going from.

You just can't accept that change is coming in a form you did not anticipate.

This is the revolution you've been waiting for. I hope you notice before it is over.

Funny, it already is over. People chose a celebrity again and went home. Goldman Sachs and the usual recycled swamp rats came along as per usual. You just need to feel what you need to feel, so the illusion is alive and well. Watch.

You're declaring the Trump Presidency a failure before he takes office?

And you're telling ME to "Watch"?

<a-HEM> You see where I'm going with this?
If he does half the nonsense that he campaigned on, yes, the clown's Presidency will be a failure. One that the whole nation will share in. His cabinet of incompetence says that is what will happen.

Your pretense that enforcing the immigration laws, bringing back jobs and NOT fucking with Russia is "nonsense" is utter bullshit.

Why are you lying?
The purpose of "globalization" is harmonized regulatory systems such that capital knows no nationalism. Nationalism is for the little people.

The Little People make up the world
The Leaders need to be reminded of that.

Absolutely!!! That will never happen using the systems rules, such as the vote.

The leaders were completely united behind Hillary, from the Bushes to the Kennedys to the international Left.

And they got their asses handed to them.

Briexit is also shaking them.

Change is in the air.

Why are you so afraid of change?
I was born in 1943, during a time of results of radical change. Change that cost over 50 million people their lives. And scarred the lives of billions more. Leaders were installed that saw the world in terms of sick ideologies. And people blindly followed them. These same people committed horrors that a decade earlier they would have hung people for. The orange clown and his followers very much remind me of the people of that period.
The economic cannibalization of american society and wealth redistribution of public funds toward private hands began a half century ago now; it has been utterly bipartisan, with no daylight between neoliberalism and neoconservatism when it comes to "the people". Bush to Obama was a seamless transition. Sorry, I do not see any possibility that any 1%er type celebrity is coming to save anything. It will be on us if it ever comes. Trump will serve Trump. Your only hope is your fellow citizens which is why the corporate state media stokes division. If all we are prepared to do is vote and go back home, you'd do well to settle in. The average american worker has been working for less and less real take home pay since the 70's. By design.

And both parties leadership united behind HIllary.

Trump was a populist revolution.

You are missing the boat.

You don't mind if I disagree, I can do that, right? Thanks.

And I will be here to point out the growing gap between your opinion and reality.

It's not to late to join the bandwagon.

Bandwagons and group think is your arena, enjoy.

It's ok to be afraid of change. But this is good change. If we win.
Win what?
Absolutely!!! That will never happen using the systems rules, such as the vote.

The leaders were completely united behind Hillary, from the Bushes to the Kennedys to the international Left.

And they got their asses handed to them.

Briexit is also shaking them.

Change is in the air.

Why are you so afraid of change?

I'm afraid you aren't gong to get any appreciable change. We'll see, but look pard, Goldman Sachs and Wall Street are always in the room; elections never have THOSE consequesnces.

There has never been an election like this one.

You did note that the GOP leadership was supporting Hillary, right?

The economic cannibalization of american society and wealth redistribution of public funds toward private hands began a half century ago now; it has been utterly bipartisan, with no daylight between neoliberalism and neoconservatism when it comes to "the people". Bush to Obama was a seamless transition. Sorry, I do not see any possibility that any 1%er type celebrity is coming to save anything. It will be on us if it ever comes. Trump will serve Trump. Your only hope is your fellow citizens which is why the corporate state media stokes division. If all we are prepared to do is vote and go back home, you'd do well to settle in. The average american worker has been working for less and less real take home pay since the 70's. By design.

And both parties leadership united behind HIllary.

Trump was a populist revolution.

You are missing the boat.
So was Hitler and Mussolini.
we may need to simplify our tax codes, so robots can work and pay our taxes for us.

They are already coming up with tax codes, the problem is you are going to pay those taxes.
Well yes, as a upper middle income taxpayer, under the clown's proposals, I would pay more. The working poor would pay fractionally less, and the wealthy get a 10+ % break. Now why am I laughing?
The purpose of "globalization" is harmonized regulatory systems such that capital knows no nationalism. Nationalism is for the little people.

The Little People make up the world
The Leaders need to be reminded of that.

Absolutely!!! That will never happen using the systems rules, such as the vote.

The leaders were completely united behind Hillary, from the Bushes to the Kennedys to the international Left.

And they got their asses handed to them.

Briexit is also shaking them.

Change is in the air.

Why are you so afraid of change?
I was born in 1943, during a time of results of radical change. Change that cost over 50 million people their lives. And scarred the lives of billions more. Leaders were installed that saw the world in terms of sick ideologies. And people blindly followed them. These same people committed horrors that a decade earlier they would have hung people for. The orange clown and his followers very much remind me of the people of that period.


The Godwin panic mongering of the Left was simply an amplification of their normal propaganda technique of smearing their enemies.

That you choose to be a willing dupe of that, is all on you.

But you can't expect anyone not a fellow far lefty to pretend to take you seriously.

The policies issues are about deporting surplus labor to improve jobs and wages for Americans, to bring back jobs, to improve jobs and wages for Americans, and to NOT fuck with Russia, making Americans safer.

That is what Trump's presidency will be about. The question is can the Establishment stop him, or will the people win and get what they want.
And both parties leadership united behind HIllary.

Trump was a populist revolution.

You are missing the boat.

You don't mind if I disagree, I can do that, right? Thanks.

And I will be here to point out the growing gap between your opinion and reality.

It's not to late to join the bandwagon.

Bandwagons and group think is your arena, enjoy.

It's ok to be afraid of change. But this is good change. If we win.
Win what?

Better jobs, wages and no second cold war.
The leaders were completely united behind Hillary, from the Bushes to the Kennedys to the international Left.

And they got their asses handed to them.

Briexit is also shaking them.

Change is in the air.

Why are you so afraid of change?

I'm afraid you aren't gong to get any appreciable change. We'll see, but look pard, Goldman Sachs and Wall Street are always in the room; elections never have THOSE consequesnces.

There has never been an election like this one.

You did note that the GOP leadership was supporting Hillary, right?

The economic cannibalization of american society and wealth redistribution of public funds toward private hands began a half century ago now; it has been utterly bipartisan, with no daylight between neoliberalism and neoconservatism when it comes to "the people". Bush to Obama was a seamless transition. Sorry, I do not see any possibility that any 1%er type celebrity is coming to save anything. It will be on us if it ever comes. Trump will serve Trump. Your only hope is your fellow citizens which is why the corporate state media stokes division. If all we are prepared to do is vote and go back home, you'd do well to settle in. The average american worker has been working for less and less real take home pay since the 70's. By design.

And both parties leadership united behind HIllary.

Trump was a populist revolution.

You are missing the boat.
So was Hitler and Mussolini.

Sending people home is not the same as sending them to the gas chambers. Try to be less crazy.

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