Iq tests mean nothing.

they may not mean anything but they are pretty consistent scores always fall into a 4 point difference......126 to 130.

if you want to feel smart simply take a test that was normed in the 50s, 60s or 70s. or easier still take one of those pop up internet tests.
not claiming to be brilliant of the most intelligent people i have ever known couldn't read .

I wasnt trying to be insulting. at one point I took some recreational IQ and SAT tests. old tests and internet tests (after all they are selling something) had inflated results. high ceiling tests were very interesting but somewhat ego deflating.

most individuals dont know what their IQ range is, and it doesnt really matter. the overall average for populations does matter though, and the fraction of high scorers matters even more. there are threshhold for different occupations, and while it is possible for an IQ100 individual to become a doctor or lawyer, they wont be very good at their jobs.

IQ tests are like thermometers. the heat is still there whether you measure it or not, and so is intelligence.
it is statistically unwise to measure self selected groups against average populations, especially when you are using a proxy for intelligence.

to a certain extent having a university degree is a gaurantee of at least a certain level of intelligence, depending on the major and institution. but lack of college education does not correspond to lack of intelligence in the same fashion. if you want to proof that African immigrants are smarter than whites simply give a representitive sample of them an IQ test. so dont leave out those Somali and Ethiopian refugees in Minnesota.

I won't leave out the Somali and Ethiopian refugees if you don't leave out the refugees from Vietnam and other Southeast Asian environs when the "Asians are smarter than Whites" canard ensues! Take your random samples of Asian intelligence from central China and tell me the results would be any different than those you are proposing for blacks. I think not! In fact the chinese samples would probably fare worse when compared to Black African Immigrants who matriculate. But lets not compare apples and oranges here as you propose. The Somali and Ethiopian refugees are not noted for attendance at Universities. They are trying to piece their lives back together after experiencing the pain of conflict. Lets take those random samples from actual enrollees, as apparently has been done, and keep it real!

I am trying to keep it real.

north korean adoption refugees from the famine years turned out to have high IQs even though they had poor prenatal and perinatal experiences. Hmong refugees, not so much.

you seem to be saying that a large fraction of black immigrants from Africa have university degrees and therefore are smarter than native whites. the French would disagree with you. I havent even seen compelling information there is a significant fraction that are educated. any links that I have chased down have been op-ed pieces or have disagreed with the statement. I have seen seen stats that show non-american blacks take up a significant portion of university spots but that is not really the same thing, is it?
And you seem to be quite willing to disparage any news that glorifies Black intelligence. If you are Asian, you should be quite aware that regimes and oppression can stifle intelligence. No "race" in modernity has been so maligned and downtrodden as have Blacks.

White journalism has carried the news of black "inferiority" across the globe and even to Asian shores. You represent the complete success of that mission. Standing here before the world at large you join in the castigation of a minority that has suffered right along with you when American Apartheid was law. Remember, it was Dr. Martin L. King who spearheaded the movement that gave YOU the freedom to impugn the intelligence of his people with such contempt! Without Blacks, you and yours would not be in the Universities of this land. Yes, Affirmative Action freed you to use your IQs... so now, let the Africans do the same... their time has come!
Mississippi White, not Hispanic Population Percentage by County

White alone. 58%. Still the majority and blacks are not treated very well there.

Yes sure. Whites outnumber blacks, even in Mississippi, but you used it as an example of a state with poor education results to try to support a claim. Your premise is blown out of the water.
Mississippi has the highest percentage of blacks (3x the national average) and deplorable education. Vermont has the second lowest percent black (less than 1%) population and is #2 in HS graduation rate. Both states are primarily rural with a lot of the population employed in agriculture.

Your assessment still doesn't take into account the observations of Ashley Montagu. He cited the 1917 study where Northern Blacks outscored Southern whites on !Q tests administered by the Army. Its all there on page 168 of Montagu's book: Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race!

Doesn't that fly in the face of your position? Malikc6 is spot on!

intelligence testing in 1917 was pretty primitive. northern whites outscored northern blacks. southern whites out scored southern blacks. the Lynn/Flynn effect implies that our ancestors would be tested as retarded, although they obviously werent. it is better to make direct comparisons when your tests arent validated and normed to the populations being tested.
I won't leave out the Somali and Ethiopian refugees if you don't leave out the refugees from Vietnam and other Southeast Asian environs when the "Asians are smarter than Whites" canard ensues! Take your random samples of Asian intelligence from central China and tell me the results would be any different than those you are proposing for blacks. I think not! In fact the chinese samples would probably fare worse when compared to Black African Immigrants who matriculate. But lets not compare apples and oranges here as you propose. The Somali and Ethiopian refugees are not noted for attendance at Universities. They are trying to piece their lives back together after experiencing the pain of conflict. Lets take those random samples from actual enrollees, as apparently has been done, and keep it real!

I am trying to keep it real.

north korean adoption refugees from the famine years turned out to have high IQs even though they had poor prenatal and perinatal experiences. Hmong refugees, not so much.

you seem to be saying that a large fraction of black immigrants from Africa have university degrees and therefore are smarter than native whites. the French would disagree with you. I havent even seen compelling information there is a significant fraction that are educated. any links that I have chased down have been op-ed pieces or have disagreed with the statement. I have seen seen stats that show non-american blacks take up a significant portion of university spots but that is not really the same thing, is it?
And you seem to be quite willing to disparage any news that glorifies Black intelligence. If you are Asian, you should be quite aware that regimes and oppression can stifle intelligence. No "race" in modernity has been so maligned and downtrodden as have Blacks.

White journalism has carried the news of black "inferiority" across the globe and even to Asian shores. You represent the complete success of that mission. Standing here before the world at large you join in the castigation of a minority that has suffered right along with you when American Apartheid was law. Remember, it was Dr. Martin L. King who spearheaded the movement that gave YOU the freedom to impugn the intelligence of his people with such contempt! Without Blacks, you and yours would not be in the Universities of this land. Yes, Affirmative Action freed you to use your IQs... so now, let the Africans do the same... their time has come!

I am not disparaging anyone. individuals should be judged on their own merits. I would not be concerned with 'group averages' except that racial disparities are used to call me a racist, therefore I deserve to be able to point out that average abilities are the reason for unequal outcomes not racism.
Yes, Affirmative Action freed you to use your IQs... so now, let the Africans do the same... their time has come!
That is quite a convoluted sentence, although I'm sure it does make sense to you in some way.

The time of Africans, I'm afraid, has not come. The time of the East Asians is drawing neigh, and I doubt Africans and their diaspora will fare much better.
the Chinese have done well wherever they went. Malaysia has laws restricting them and promoting the ordinary malay via a type of AA, yet the chinese dominate. remember Idi Amin and Uganda? the Indian settlers ran the businesses and the country collapsed when he kicked them out with nothing. yet they went ot other countries like Canada and flourished. Russia oppressed the jews and yet they still dominated science and other fields.

you cannot keep smart peoples down, and you cannot build dumb peoples up, no matter how hard you try.
I am trying to keep it real.

north korean adoption refugees from the famine years turned out to have high IQs even though they had poor prenatal and perinatal experiences. Hmong refugees, not so much.

you seem to be saying that a large fraction of black immigrants from Africa have university degrees and therefore are smarter than native whites. the French would disagree with you. I havent even seen compelling information there is a significant fraction that are educated. any links that I have chased down have been op-ed pieces or have disagreed with the statement. I have seen seen stats that show non-american blacks take up a significant portion of university spots but that is not really the same thing, is it?
And you seem to be quite willing to disparage any news that glorifies Black intelligence. If you are Asian, you should be quite aware that regimes and oppression can stifle intelligence. No "race" in modernity has been so maligned and downtrodden as have Blacks.

White journalism has carried the news of black "inferiority" across the globe and even to Asian shores. You represent the complete success of that mission. Standing here before the world at large you join in the castigation of a minority that has suffered right along with you when American Apartheid was law. Remember, it was Dr. Martin L. King who spearheaded the movement that gave YOU the freedom to impugn the intelligence of his people with such contempt! Without Blacks, you and yours would not be in the Universities of this land. Yes, Affirmative Action freed you to use your IQs... so now, let the Africans do the same... their time has come!

I am not disparaging anyone. individuals should be judged on their own merits. I would not be concerned with 'group averages' except that racial disparities are used to call me a racist, therefore I deserve to be able to point out that average abilities are the reason for unequal outcomes not racism.

That responser is almost plausible, but not quite! Consider that, for decades, China was thought to be a land of inferiors just as Africa was. Third World status was borne by its citizenry for much of the 20th Century and some of the 19th! Does your unequal outcomes
apply to China vs the West for such a long time? How could the "superior" intellect of Asians be undermined so drastically by the British?
the Chinese have done well wherever they went. Malaysia has laws restricting them and promoting the ordinary malay via a type of AA, yet the chinese dominate. remember Idi Amin and Uganda? the Indian settlers ran the businesses and the country collapsed when he kicked them out with nothing. yet they went ot other countries like Canada and flourished. Russia oppressed the jews and yet they still dominated science and other fields.

you cannot keep smart peoples down, and you cannot build dumb peoples up, no matter how hard you try.

The Chinese may have done well every where they went but they aren't doing too well at home are they? Sweat shops persist there and abroad! Some are still trying to escape their hopeless circumstances via SEA-LAND Cargo containers where many perish. Is that lack of intelligence any more profound than any lack thereof found in Africa? That glimpse into the heart of Asia tells me that there is more to Asia than the illusion of IQ! Intelligence, in the format worshiped by people like you, is stifled in some by the more powerful. Many people are forced to use their cognitive assets to survive as best they can against those who deem themselves their superiors! Intelligence alone is not enough for survival of the fittest!
And you seem to be quite willing to disparage any news that glorifies Black intelligence. If you are Asian, you should be quite aware that regimes and oppression can stifle intelligence. No "race" in modernity has been so maligned and downtrodden as have Blacks.

White journalism has carried the news of black "inferiority" across the globe and even to Asian shores. You represent the complete success of that mission. Standing here before the world at large you join in the castigation of a minority that has suffered right along with you when American Apartheid was law. Remember, it was Dr. Martin L. King who spearheaded the movement that gave YOU the freedom to impugn the intelligence of his people with such contempt! Without Blacks, you and yours would not be in the Universities of this land. Yes, Affirmative Action freed you to use your IQs... so now, let the Africans do the same... their time has come!

I am not disparaging anyone. individuals should be judged on their own merits. I would not be concerned with 'group averages' except that racial disparities are used to call me a racist, therefore I deserve to be able to point out that average abilities are the reason for unequal outcomes not racism.

That responser is almost plausible, but not quite! Consider that, for decades, China was thought to be a land of inferiors just as Africa was. Third World status was borne by its citizenry for much of the 20th Century and some of the 19th! Does your unequal outcomes
apply to China vs the West for such a long time? How could the "superior" intellect of Asians be undermined so drastically by the British?

when I was a kid orientals were called 'inscrutable'. chinese, japanese werent considered stupid, just different.

a person is considered smart or dull by comparison to their peers. countries and cultures are difficult to compare when they are fundementally different.
the Chinese have done well wherever they went. Malaysia has laws restricting them and promoting the ordinary malay via a type of AA, yet the chinese dominate. remember Idi Amin and Uganda? the Indian settlers ran the businesses and the country collapsed when he kicked them out with nothing. yet they went ot other countries like Canada and flourished. Russia oppressed the jews and yet they still dominated science and other fields.

you cannot keep smart peoples down, and you cannot build dumb peoples up, no matter how hard you try.

The Chinese may have done well every where they went but they aren't doing too well at home are they? Sweat shops persist there and abroad! Some are still trying to escape their hopeless circumstances via SEA-LAND Cargo containers where many perish. Is that lack of intelligence any more profound than any lack thereof found in Africa? That glimpse into the heart of Asia tells me that there is more to Asia than the illusion of IQ! Intelligence, in the format worshiped by people like you, is stifled in some by the more powerful. Many people are forced to use their cognitive assets to survive as best they can against those who deem themselves their superiors! Intelligence alone is not enough for survival of the fittest!

Japan was beaten in war, and had to relinquish their old ways. in only a few decades they were pissing off westerners by making better cars. why? because the average worker was smart and concientious, unlike Detroit.

Africa cannot succeed because they do not have the human capital neccesary to fill the common jobs. a chinese peasant can be trained up to do a lot of jobs, a subsaharan black, not so much.
Yes sure. Whites outnumber blacks, even in Mississippi, but you used it as an example of a state with poor education results to try to support a claim. Your premise is blown out of the water.
Mississippi has the highest percentage of blacks (3x the national average) and deplorable education. Vermont has the second lowest percent black (less than 1%) population and is #2 in HS graduation rate. Both states are primarily rural with a lot of the population employed in agriculture.

Your assessment still doesn't take into account the observations of Ashley Montagu. He cited the 1917 study where Northern Blacks outscored Southern whites on !Q tests administered by the Army. Its all there on page 168 of Montagu's book: Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race!

Doesn't that fly in the face of your position? Malikc6 is spot on!

intelligence testing in 1917 was pretty primitive. northern whites outscored northern blacks. southern whites out scored southern blacks. the Lynn/Flynn effect implies that our ancestors would be tested as retarded, although they obviously werent. it is better to make direct comparisons when your tests arent validated and normed to the populations being tested.
What difference does it make that intelligence tests in 1917 were primitive? If, as you claim, that superior cognitive ability is somehow assigned to race, the white southern troops should have out scored ALL Blacks troops, northern or otherwise. But that did not happen.
the Chinese have done well wherever they went. Malaysia has laws restricting them and promoting the ordinary malay via a type of AA, yet the chinese dominate. remember Idi Amin and Uganda? the Indian settlers ran the businesses and the country collapsed when he kicked them out with nothing. yet they went ot other countries like Canada and flourished. Russia oppressed the jews and yet they still dominated science and other fields.

you cannot keep smart peoples down, and you cannot build dumb peoples up, no matter how hard you try.

The Chinese may have done well every where they went but they aren't doing too well at home are they? Sweat shops persist there and abroad! Some are still trying to escape their hopeless circumstances via SEA-LAND Cargo containers where many perish. Is that lack of intelligence any more profound than any lack thereof found in Africa? That glimpse into the heart of Asia tells me that there is more to Asia than the illusion of IQ! Intelligence, in the format worshiped by people like you, is stifled in some by the more powerful. Many people are forced to use their cognitive assets to survive as best they can against those who deem themselves their superiors! Intelligence alone is not enough for survival of the fittest!

Japan was beaten in war, and had to relinquish their old ways. in only a few decades they were pissing off westerners by making better cars. why? because the average worker was smart and concientious, unlike Detroit.

Africa cannot succeed because they do not have the human capital neccesary to fill the common jobs. a chinese peasant can be trained up to do a lot of jobs, a subsaharan black, not so much.
Japan, unlike China, decided to embrace western know-how and were able to defeat an (white) country, Russia and so was the first to do so in modern history. The Chinese long held to the belief of their superiority and refused to learn from others. As Napolean said, "When the dragon wakes, the world will tremble.", and so it has.

Africa is, and continues to be a basket case. Among the intractable problems with Africa are acute disorganization, corruption and a culture that encourages both. The human resources problem is a reflection of this insurmountable problem, probably into the long term. It is not a question of it's-Africa's-turn, as Public seems to think.
Last edited:
There is probably a topic like this but Ill make another one anyway.

I have seen posts on here and on other sites about Iq tests and how non whites and non Asians don't do very well. Apparently blacks average 80 to 85. On stormfront, they use this fact to make it seem like Africans and African Americans are dumb and cannot manage through white societies.

This man even stated that there are intelligent differences in races. This is sad coming from a so called expert on this topic.
Race Differences in Intelligence - YouTube
If you watch the whole video, he mentions that Europeans that larger brains than Africans and that is what makes them smarter. I am no scientist, but I am pretty sure if brain size was the case, elephants and whales would dominate the earth. Saying that brain size matters pretty much destroyed this mans credibility.

Taylor is not an expert on intelligence, he is a white nationalist or whatever they are called. that said, he did a good job of explaining how different average intelligence levels affect and predict racial disparities.

malic6- you seem to think that brain size would not influence intelligence levels. why is that? the ratio of brain size to body size is highest in humans not elephants or whales, although those species are smarter than most other animals.

there is a small but positive correlation between hat size and intelligence. a stronger correlation between skull volume and intelligence. stronger still for brain size and intelligence. and a much stronger correlation if you measure the grey matter (seat of thought) rather than just overall size.

of course there are other brain characteristics that can be measured and taken into consideration. speed of signal conduction, integrity of signal conduction, density of neurons, etc.

could it be that bigger, faster brains are also more intelligent brains? experiments that test ECTs (elementary cognitive tasks) show that to be the case. one such test simply asks participants to press a button to turn off a randomly lit light. the usual asian, white, black hierarchy ensues although it is interesting that the task can be broken down into decision time (which button to push) and movement time (how long to push button once the decision is made). blacks actually have faster movement times but much slower decision times.
What a CROCK! Your anecdote is meaningless without some historical context of the backgrounds of the asians, whites and blacks who supposedly took part in this racist allegory! Although you did not mention the number of participants involved, surely you can see the fallacy of trying to prove that "race" was a consistent correlation in decision making and response times. that is laughable! Next you will say that mixed race people are better than all "pure" raced people in those functions!
Matthew your [sic] comment is stupid. Now your not even making a counter arguement [sic]. You just called me and my people clueless heartless people. No wonder your[sic] hated throughout forum. I also get a laugh now and then how you arrogantly claim that the white man built civilization when actually it was egyptians [sic] which descended from Ethiopia. Yes iq [sic] tests mean nothing to me. They don't tell your intelligence overall.

How are you going to tell me I have no morals? I mean you don't even know me...

I counted three misspelled words here and two words that should have been capitalized. No, I do not think you're (notice how it should be spelled) a credible expert on intelligence.

Also, you made a factual error that indicates lack of general knowledge. The Egyptians (notice that it should be capitalized) were whites who had mastered agriculture one or two thousand years earlier, and who immigrated across the Sinai Peninsula.

The DNA of the Egyptians is more similar to that of Europe than that of Negroes further south in Africa.

In general, various DNA studies have found that the gene frequencies of North African populations are intermediate between those of the Near East, the Horn of Africa, southern Europe and Sub Saharan Africa,[25] though NRY frequency distributions of the modern Egyptian population appear to be much more similar to those of the Middle East than to any sub-Saharan African population, suggesting a much larger Eurasian genetic component.
Population history of Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following statue of an Egyptian scribe, and painting of an Egyptian queen are clearly the statue and painting of Caucasians.


  • $scribe.jpg
    31.1 KB · Views: 37
  • $398px-Nefertiti_30-01-2006.jpg
    35 KB · Views: 45
And you seem to be quite willing to disparage any news that glorifies Black intelligence. If you are Asian, you should be quite aware that regimes and oppression can stifle intelligence. No "race" in modernity has been so maligned and downtrodden as have Blacks.

White journalism has carried the news of black "inferiority" across the globe and even to Asian shores. You represent the complete success of that mission. Standing here before the world at large you join in the castigation of a minority that has suffered right along with you when American Apartheid was law. Remember, it was Dr. Martin L. King who spearheaded the movement that gave YOU the freedom to impugn the intelligence of his people with such contempt! Without Blacks, you and yours would not be in the Universities of this land. Yes, Affirmative Action freed you to use your IQs... so now, let the Africans do the same... their time has come!

I am not disparaging anyone. individuals should be judged on their own merits. I would not be concerned with 'group averages' except that racial disparities are used to call me a racist, therefore I deserve to be able to point out that average abilities are the reason for unequal outcomes not racism.

That responser is almost plausible, but not quite! Consider that, for decades, China was thought to be a land of inferiors just as Africa was. Third World status was borne by its citizenry for much of the 20th Century and some of the 19th! Does your unequal outcomes
apply to China vs the West for such a long time? How could the "superior" intellect of Asians be undermined so drastically by the British?

the Chinese considered the white Europeans inferior. Sir Richard Burton related that the Somali's felt they were superior to the whites.

somehow you will always find a way to bash whitey
Your assessment still doesn't take into account the observations of Ashley Montagu. He cited the 1917 study where Northern Blacks outscored Southern whites on !Q tests administered by the Army. Its all there on page 168 of Montagu's book: Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race!

Doesn't that fly in the face of your position? Malikc6 is spot on!

intelligence testing in 1917 was pretty primitive. northern whites outscored northern blacks. southern whites out scored southern blacks. the Lynn/Flynn effect implies that our ancestors would be tested as retarded, although they obviously werent. it is better to make direct comparisons when your tests arent validated and normed to the populations being tested.
What difference does it make that intelligence tests in 1917 were primitive? If, as you claim, that superior cognitive ability is somehow assigned to race, the white southern troops should have out scored ALL Blacks troops, northern or otherwise. But that did not happen.

I have no idea what an IQ test looked like in 1917. if we took a 2013 test back to 1917 then the results would show the usual results. but we cannot go backwards in time to investigate the defect in testing that gave somewhat spurious results.

out of curiosity, do you think it was the northern blacks that were smarter, or the southern whites? is there some mechanism for that?
What a CROCK! Your anecdote is meaningless without some historical context of the backgrounds of the asians [sic], whites and blacks who supposedly took part in this racist allegory! Although you did not mention the number of participants involved, surely you can see the fallacy of trying to prove that "race" was a consistent correlation in decision making and response times. that is laughable! Next you will say that mixed race people are better than all "pure" raced people in those functions!

According to all of the relevant evidence whites and Orientals average higher intelligence than Negroes. This is obvious from scores on all the mental aptitude tests however they are designed, academic achievement, and the quality of the cultures they have created and continue to create.

Everywhere blacks go they create dysfunctional societies and communities. There are a few intellectually superior blacks, just as there are a few whites who play on professional basketball teams. Nevertheless, there is no evidence that blacks are capable on their own of creating modern, viable societies. The evidence of Haiti should dispel black pride.
There is probably a topic like this but Ill make another one anyway.

I have seen posts on here and on other sites about Iq tests and how non whites and non Asians don't do very well. Apparently blacks average 80 to 85. On stormfront, they use this fact to make it seem like Africans and African Americans are dumb and cannot manage through white societies.

This man even stated that there are intelligent differences in races. This is sad coming from a so called expert on this topic.
Race Differences in Intelligence - YouTube
If you watch the whole video, he mentions that Europeans that larger brains than Africans and that is what makes them smarter. I am no scientist, but I am pretty sure if brain size was the case, elephants and whales would dominate the earth. Saying that brain size matters pretty much destroyed this mans credibility.

Taylor is not an expert on intelligence, he is a white nationalist or whatever they are called. that said, he did a good job of explaining how different average intelligence levels affect and predict racial disparities.

malic6- you seem to think that brain size would not influence intelligence levels. why is that? the ratio of brain size to body size is highest in humans not elephants or whales, although those species are smarter than most other animals.

there is a small but positive correlation between hat size and intelligence. a stronger correlation between skull volume and intelligence. stronger still for brain size and intelligence. and a much stronger correlation if you measure the grey matter (seat of thought) rather than just overall size.

of course there are other brain characteristics that can be measured and taken into consideration. speed of signal conduction, integrity of signal conduction, density of neurons, etc.

could it be that bigger, faster brains are also more intelligent brains? experiments that test ECTs (elementary cognitive tasks) show that to be the case. one such test simply asks participants to press a button to turn off a randomly lit light. the usual asian, white, black hierarchy ensues although it is interesting that the task can be broken down into decision time (which button to push) and movement time (how long to push button once the decision is made). blacks actually have faster movement times but much slower decision times.
What a CROCK! Your anecdote is meaningless without some historical context of the backgrounds of the asians, whites and blacks who supposedly took part in this racist allegory! Although you did not mention the number of participants involved, surely you can see the fallacy of trying to prove that "race" was a consistent correlation in decision making and response times. that is laughable! Next you will say that mixed race people are better than all "pure" raced people in those functions!


what is racist about a participant pushing a button? the whole point is to make a task so simple that everyone can do it. are you surprised that there is a racial difference in decision making time (or movement time)? a 'mixed race group' might indeed have intermediate times on both decision and movement times.
Consider that, for decades, China was thought to be a land of inferiors just as Africa was. Third World status was borne by its citizenry for much of the 20th Century and some of the 19th! Does your unequal outcomes
apply to China vs the West for such a long time? How could the "superior" intellect of Asians be undermined so drastically by the British?

This is simply not true at all. The Chinese have a civilization that goes back at least three thousand years. The Chinese invented gun powder, the compass, and paper. They invented a printing press before Gutenberg, although Gutenberg's design was superior.

There is nothing equivalent to this in Negro history.
Matthew your [sic] comment is stupid. Now your not even making a counter arguement [sic]. You just called me and my people clueless heartless people. No wonder your[sic] hated throughout forum. I also get a laugh now and then how you arrogantly claim that the white man built civilization when actually it was egyptians [sic] which descended from Ethiopia. Yes iq [sic] tests mean nothing to me. They don't tell your intelligence overall.

How are you going to tell me I have no morals? I mean you don't even know me...

I counted three misspelled words here and two words that should have been capitalized. No, I do not think you're (notice how it should be spelled) a credible expert on intelligence.

Also, you made a factual error that indicates lack of general knowledge. The Egyptians (notice that it should be capitalized) were whites who had mastered agriculture one or two thousand years earlier, and who immigrated across the Sinai Peninsula.

The DNA of the Egyptians is more similar to that of Europe than that of Negroes further south in Africa.

In general, various DNA studies have found that the gene frequencies of North African populations are intermediate between those of the Near East, the Horn of Africa, southern Europe and Sub Saharan Africa,[25] though NRY frequency distributions of the modern Egyptian population appear to be much more similar to those of the Middle East than to any sub-Saharan African population, suggesting a much larger Eurasian genetic component.
Population history of Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following statue of an Egyptian scribe, and painting of an Egyptian queen are clearly the statue and painting of Caucasians.
You ARE WAYYYYY OFF TOPIC. I will say that EGYPT began as a BLACK nation and was in turn conquered by outsiders over 4 millennia.SO, yes some of the figurines would resemble Caucasians NOT whites! It is interesting that you did not post any of the far more prolific darker and more negroid looking images such as the first king...NMR!

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