Iq tests mean nothing.

What a CROCK! Your anecdote is meaningless without some historical context of the backgrounds of the asians [sic], whites and blacks who supposedly took part in this racist allegory! Although you did not mention the number of participants involved, surely you can see the fallacy of trying to prove that "race" was a consistent correlation in decision making and response times. that is laughable! Next you will say that mixed race people are better than all "pure" raced people in those functions!

According to all of the relevant evidence whites and Orientals average higher intelligence than Negroes. This is obvious from scores on all the mental aptitude tests however they are designed, academic achievement, and the quality of the cultures they have created and continue to create.

Everywhere blacks go they create dysfunctional societies and communities. There are a few intellectually superior blacks, just as there are a few whites who play on professional basketball teams. Nevertheless, there is no evidence that blacks are capable on their own of creating modern, viable societies. The evidence of Haiti should dispel black pride.

Matthew your [sic] comment is stupid. Now your not even making a counter arguement [sic]. You just called me and my people clueless heartless people. No wonder your[sic] hated throughout forum. I also get a laugh now and then how you arrogantly claim that the white man built civilization when actually it was egyptians [sic] which descended from Ethiopia. Yes iq [sic] tests mean nothing to me. They don't tell your intelligence overall.

How are you going to tell me I have no morals? I mean you don't even know me...

I counted three misspelled words here and two words that should have been capitalized. No, I do not think you're (notice how it should be spelled) a credible expert on intelligence.

Also, you made a factual error that indicates lack of general knowledge. The Egyptians (notice that it should be capitalized) were whites who had mastered agriculture one or two thousand years earlier, and who immigrated across the Sinai Peninsula.

The DNA of the Egyptians is more similar to that of Europe than that of Negroes further south in Africa.

In general, various DNA studies have found that the gene frequencies of North African populations are intermediate between those of the Near East, the Horn of Africa, southern Europe and Sub Saharan Africa,[25] though NRY frequency distributions of the modern Egyptian population appear to be much more similar to those of the Middle East than to any sub-Saharan African population, suggesting a much larger Eurasian genetic component.
Population history of Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following statue of an Egyptian scribe, and painting of an Egyptian queen are clearly the statue and painting of Caucasians.
You ARE WAYYYYY OFF TOPIC. I will say that EGYPT began as a BLACK nation and was in turn conquered by outsiders over 4 millennia.SO, yes some of the figurines would resemble Caucasians NOT whites! It is interesting that you did not post any of the far more prolific darker and more negroid looking images such as the first king...NMR!

first of all you should supply a link to your claim as I believe it to be total bullshit.

Secondly there is historical evidence that the Nubians conquered Egypt, but then only the political structure at the top is what changed.
I am not disparaging anyone. individuals should be judged on their own merits. I would not be concerned with 'group averages' except that racial disparities are used to call me a racist, therefore I deserve to be able to point out that average abilities are the reason for unequal outcomes not racism.

That responser is almost plausible, but not quite! Consider that, for decades, China was thought to be a land of inferiors just as Africa was. Third World status was borne by its citizenry for much of the 20th Century and some of the 19th! Does your unequal outcomes
apply to China vs the West for such a long time? How could the "superior" intellect of Asians be undermined so drastically by the British?

when I was a kid orientals were called 'inscrutable'. chinese, japanese werent considered stupid, just different.

a person is considered smart or dull by comparison to their peers. countries and cultures are difficult to compare when they are fundementally different.

When I was a kid I heard them called a lot worse! But don't get soft on Japan. They conquered China too! Are Chinese just dull or too stupid to martial their resources and conquer the world instead of being conquered all the time! Still, they are all of the same stock...

BTW!Where does IQ fit in the conquest of China by Japan and any Western entity that wanted to beat them up?
What a CROCK! Your anecdote is meaningless without some historical context of the backgrounds of the asians [sic], whites and blacks who supposedly took part in this racist allegory! Although you did not mention the number of participants involved, surely you can see the fallacy of trying to prove that "race" was a consistent correlation in decision making and response times. that is laughable! Next you will say that mixed race people are better than all "pure" raced people in those functions!

According to all of the relevant evidence whites and Orientals average higher intelligence than Negroes. This is obvious from scores on all the mental aptitude tests however they are designed, academic achievement, and the quality of the cultures they have created and continue to create.

Everywhere blacks go they create dysfunctional societies and communities. There are a few intellectually superior blacks, just as there are a few whites who play on professional basketball teams. Nevertheless, there is no evidence that blacks are capable on their own of creating modern, viable societies. The evidence of Haiti should dispel black pride.


hahaha. you dont think he sould say 'all', eh?

there is another study, somewhat more recent that put the IQ of interracial babies concieved in WWII as the same for non interracial babies. there are always some studies that show contradictory results. it is wise to study them carefully because often that is where interesting advancements are found. Scarr's adoption study was like that. they found mixed race babies that were assumed to be all black still had intermediary IQ scores, somewhat disproving expectations. mixed race children who score higher when they have a white mother is another interesting area that could produce insights.
I counted three misspelled words here and two words that should have been capitalized. No, I do not think you're (notice how it should be spelled) a credible expert on intelligence.

Also, you made a factual error that indicates lack of general knowledge. The Egyptians (notice that it should be capitalized) were whites who had mastered agriculture one or two thousand years earlier, and who immigrated across the Sinai Peninsula.

The DNA of the Egyptians is more similar to that of Europe than that of Negroes further south in Africa.

In general, various DNA studies have found that the gene frequencies of North African populations are intermediate between those of the Near East, the Horn of Africa, southern Europe and Sub Saharan Africa,[25] though NRY frequency distributions of the modern Egyptian population appear to be much more similar to those of the Middle East than to any sub-Saharan African population, suggesting a much larger Eurasian genetic component.
Population history of Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following statue of an Egyptian scribe, and painting of an Egyptian queen are clearly the statue and painting of Caucasians.
You ARE WAYYYYY OFF TOPIC. I will say that EGYPT began as a BLACK nation and was in turn conquered by outsiders over 4 millennia.SO, yes some of the figurines would resemble Caucasians NOT whites! It is interesting that you did not post any of the far more prolific darker and more negroid looking images such as the first king...NMR!

first of all you should supply a link to your claim as I believe it to be total bullshit.

Secondly there is historical evidence that the Nubians conquered Egypt, but then only the political structure at the top is what changed.

Aww kiss a bug, I don't have to provide anything. It would not do any good anyway in this rathole.
I do remember from earlier discussions on this topic that Pianky, a Nubian King, conquered Egypt and one of his relatives Taharka, was the last Nubian Pharaoh of a 66 year reign. But before Egypt was even formed Ethiopia existed. Basil Davidson wrote in his book, I believe the title was AFRICA, that the nile brought the silt down from the land of the gods (Nubia) and built up a delta that eventually became Egypt. The Ethiopians then walked out and claimed the land from which KMT not Egypt (greek) sprang! KMT means Land of the Blacks!
That responser is almost plausible, but not quite! Consider that, for decades, China was thought to be a land of inferiors just as Africa was. Third World status was borne by its citizenry for much of the 20th Century and some of the 19th! Does your unequal outcomes
apply to China vs the West for such a long time? How could the "superior" intellect of Asians be undermined so drastically by the British?

when I was a kid orientals were called 'inscrutable'. chinese, japanese werent considered stupid, just different.

a person is considered smart or dull by comparison to their peers. countries and cultures are difficult to compare when they are fundementally different.

When I was a kid I heard them called a lot worse! But don't get soft on Japan. They conquered China too! Are Chinese just dull or too stupid to martial their resources and conquer the world instead of being conquered all the time! Still, they are all of the same stock...

BTW!Where does IQ fit in the conquest of China by Japan and any Western entity that wanted to beat them up?

warfare is more technology than anything else. if the chinese had used gunpowder for other purposes we might be talking in a different language.

the west happened upon the scientific method before others, so we are ahead until others catch up.
when I was a kid orientals were called 'inscrutable'. chinese, japanese werent considered stupid, just different.

a person is considered smart or dull by comparison to their peers. countries and cultures are difficult to compare when they are fundementally different.

When I was a kid I heard them called a lot worse! But don't get soft on Japan. They conquered China too! Are Chinese just dull or too stupid to martial their resources and conquer the world instead of being conquered all the time! Still, they are all of the same stock...

BTW!Where does IQ fit in the conquest of China by Japan and any Western entity that wanted to beat them up?

warfare is more technology than anything else. if the chinese had used gunpowder for other purposes we might be talking in a different language

Oh noooo! I doubt it! What about your theory of predictable outcomes by race? And you still did not explain how a puny island managed to conquer a behemoth like China. In fact both Britain AND Japan are islands in a sense... either way, they are small in comparison to the mighty Dragon but both brought him to his knees!

the west happened upon the scientific method before others, so we are ahead until others catch up.

Except you think that paradigm could not possibly apply to Africa. I think you are wrong!
Yes, Affirmative Action freed you to use your IQs... so now, let the Africans do the same... their time has come!
That is quite a convoluted sentence, although I'm sure it does make sense to you in some way.

The time of Africans, I'm afraid, has not come. The time of the East Asians is drawing neigh, and I doubt Africans and their diaspora will fare much better.

My sentence is convoluted to the inebriated or the lame brained. Just read it as is and stop trying to put your spin on it! Asians could not have crashed the doors of American institutions any earlier than the early 1960s when the Civil Rights Era began. AA opened the door s for white women, Asians and any minorities who had been locked out due to White male exclusivity and their clubhouse of universal suffrage for white males only!
Yes, Affirmative Action freed you to use your IQs... so now, let the Africans do the same... their time has come!
That is quite a convoluted sentence, although I'm sure it does make sense to you in some way.

The time of Africans, I'm afraid, has not come. The time of the East Asians is drawing neigh, and I doubt Africans and their diaspora will fare much better.

My sentence is convoluted to the inebriated or the lame brained. Just read it as is and stop trying to put your spin on it! Asians could not have crashed the doors of American institutions any earlier than the early 1960s when the Civil Rights Era began. AA opened the door s for white women, Asians and any minorities who had been locked out due to White male exclusivity and their clubhouse of universal suffrage for white males only!
I assumed it meant something to you and of course I knew it would be convoluted. I can't understand why you would assume that anyone would not use their IQ, from the stupidest of slaves to the most ingenious of masters, or visa-verse. You would think one would use it in every situation that demanded even the simplest of reason. You really are a bit of a blank, aren't you?

Could be an IQ problem I suppose. Still, even that's beyond the pale.
IQ tests are the BEST possible indicator of how well one can do on an IQ test.

They can be useful indicators for how well one might do in an academic environment where reading and math skills are highly useful.

There are at least 7 kinds of human intelligence. (I suspect there's hundreds).

That is WHY IQ test outcomes and success in life are NOT highly correlated.

One can be smart as a whip but if ones interpersonal intelligence is low one is unlikely to do very well in life as but one example of why smart don't mean all that much.

Now why is that?

Because humans are SOCIAL creatures and our success typically depends on the goodwill of others and our ability to work and get along with others.

I mean do we not all know at least a few people who are basically dumber than posts but whose charm (interpersonael intelligence) is so vast that we cannot help but like them and want to help them do well?
Completely true, but realize you're addressing the parochial disposition which myopically looks only towards justification of preconceived casuistic convictions.


If anything I did the opposite pointing out that standard IQ is a very limited tool for understanding the nature of intelligence in people.

Their view negates the possibility of objective observation.

Who is the THEY your "their" is referring to?
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I see per usual this discussion is now being viewed through the distorted lens of our resident RACE OBSESSED posters.

Really how pathetic to have such a limiting obsession.
Whites make 72.4% of the population actually. Blacks are 12.6% of the population.
Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again. Blacks are treated badly in Mississippi.
Fail? I already stated blacks "are about 12% of the population" 12.6 is hardly a fail. Blacks comprise 37.3% of the population of Mississippi.
Blacks are treated badly by other blacks all over, not just in Mississippi.
You do realize that a 20-30 year old black male is about 10 times as likely to be murdered as a 20 to 30 year old white male? You do realize that being black in a black neighborhood is the leading cause of death for black males 15-35 years of age?

Look at your post. You said whites make up 12% of US population. They make up much more of that.

In Mississippi, whites make up 58% of it.

My mistake. That should have read blacks make up 12%... How long did we go back and forth? I had stated blacks = 12%, said blacks in Miss. are 37% and said black population there is 3 times national average.
You ARE WAYYYYY OFF TOPIC. I will say that EGYPT began as a BLACK nation and was in turn conquered by outsiders over 4 millennia.SO, yes some of the figurines would resemble Caucasians NOT whites! It is interesting that you did not post any of the far more prolific darker and more negroid looking images such as the first king...NMR!

first of all you should supply a link to your claim as I believe it to be total bullshit.

Secondly there is historical evidence that the Nubians conquered Egypt, but then only the political structure at the top is what changed.

Aww kiss a bug, I don't have to provide anything. It would not do any good anyway in this rathole.
I do remember from earlier discussions on this topic that Pianky, a Nubian King, conquered Egypt and one of his relatives Taharka, was the last Nubian Pharaoh of a 66 year reign. But before Egypt was even formed Ethiopia existed. Basil Davidson wrote in his book, I believe the title was AFRICA, that the nile brought the silt down from the land of the gods (Nubia) and built up a delta that eventually became Egypt. The Ethiopians then walked out and claimed the land from which KMT not Egypt (greek) sprang! KMT means Land of the Blacks!

in other words, you are full of shit
Mississippi White, not Hispanic Population Percentage by County

White alone. 58%. Still the majority and blacks are not treated very well there.

Yes sure. Whites outnumber blacks, even in Mississippi, but you used it as an example of a state with poor education results to try to support a claim. Your premise is blown out of the water.
Mississippi has the highest percentage of blacks (3x the national average) and deplorable education. Vermont has the second lowest percent black (less than 1%) population and is #2 in HS graduation rate. Both states are primarily rural with a lot of the population employed in agriculture.

Your assessment still doesn't take into account the observations of Ashley Montagu. He cited the 1917 study where Northern Blacks outscored Southern whites on !Q tests administered by the Army. Its all there on page 168 of Montagu's book: Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race!

Doesn't that fly in the face of your position? Malikc6 is spot on!

Which further supports my contention that intelligence and academic achievement is more cultural than racial. Even people raised with a cultural disregard for education can excel if motivated. Consider Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and Condoleeza Rice.
What a CROCK! Your anecdote is meaningless without some historical context of the backgrounds of the asians [sic], whites and blacks who supposedly took part in this racist allegory! Although you did not mention the number of participants involved, surely you can see the fallacy of trying to prove that "race" was a consistent correlation in decision making and response times. that is laughable! Next you will say that mixed race people are better than all "pure" raced people in those functions!

According to all of the relevant evidence whites and Orientals average higher intelligence than Negroes. This is obvious from scores on all the mental aptitude tests however they are designed, academic achievement, and the quality of the cultures they have created and continue to create.

Everywhere blacks go they create dysfunctional societies and communities. There are a few intellectually superior blacks, just as there are a few whites who play on professional basketball teams. Nevertheless, there is no evidence that blacks are capable on their own of creating modern, viable societies. The evidence of Haiti should dispel black pride.


Then explain Haiti vs The Dominican Republic.

Again, it goes back to culture and motivation.
That is quite a convoluted sentence, although I'm sure it does make sense to you in some way.

The time of Africans, I'm afraid, has not come. The time of the East Asians is drawing neigh, and I doubt Africans and their diaspora will fare much better.

My sentence is convoluted to the inebriated or the lame brained. Just read it as is and stop trying to put your spin on it! Asians could not have crashed the doors of American institutions any earlier than the early 1960s when the Civil Rights Era began. AA opened the door s for white women, Asians and any minorities who had been locked out due to White male exclusivity and their clubhouse of universal suffrage for white males only!
I assumed it meant something to you and of course I knew it would be convoluted.
And I knew you would be a delusional misinformed jerk who tries to turn the posts of others into something other than what was actually said.

I can't understand why you would assume that anyone would not use their IQ, from the stupidest of slaves to the most ingenious of masters, or visa-verse.
Perhaps its because you are obtuse! Please quote the part of my narrative you misunderstood. That would be the intelligent thing to do... but i expected no more from the likes of you!

You would think one would use it in every situation that demanded even the simplest of reason. You really are a bit of a blank, aren't you?
Again, quote the source of your complaint or shut up! Right now I don't know what you are talking about and neither does anyone else, except maybe Matthew!

Could be an IQ problem I suppose. Still, even that's beyond the pale.

I suppose it IS an IQ problem, one that begins with your mental lapses into the world of illusions!
I am not disparaging anyone. individuals should be judged on their own merits. I would not be concerned with 'group averages' except that racial disparities are used to call me a racist, therefore I deserve to be able to point out that average abilities are the reason for unequal outcomes not racism.

That responser is almost plausible, but not quite! Consider that, for decades, China was thought to be a land of inferiors just as Africa was. Third World status was borne by its citizenry for much of the 20th Century and some of the 19th! Does your unequal outcomes
apply to China vs the West for such a long time? How could the "superior" intellect of Asians be undermined so drastically by the British?

the Chinese considered the white Europeans inferior. Sir Richard Burton related that the Somali's felt they were superior to the whites.

somehow you will always find a way to bash whitey

Where am I bashing "whitey." TO be frank, I have been giving China a long over due BASH, not "whitey." You Right Wing nuts are SOOOO delusional! It makes no sense to engage in honest debate with you because you all live in a small cloistered world where reality is exchanged for FAUXISM! Thats why the Repubs lost the election, you are out of touch with the diversity of the American people and reality!

OH,and BTW, just because someone thinks they are superior to someone else does not make it so. Action speaks louder! Britain AND Japan actually showed their superiority over China by conquest. WHen you conquer a nation you can do what you want with their citizens, their infrastructure and their wealth!
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According to all of the relevant evidence whites and Orientals average higher intelligence than Negroes. This is obvious from scores on all the mental aptitude tests however they are designed, academic achievement, and the quality of the cultures they have created and continue to create.

Everywhere blacks go they create dysfunctional societies and communities. There are a few intellectually superior blacks, just as there are a few whites who play on professional basketball teams. Nevertheless, there is no evidence that blacks are capable on their own of creating modern, viable societies. The evidence of Haiti should dispel black pride.


Then explain Haiti vs The Dominican Republic.

Again, it goes back to culture and motivation.

That is not a good example and you know it. You don't seem to have a clue about Haitian history and how the two nation island came to be! Perhaps you should stick with sources closer to home and compare white Appalachians to Native American Casino owners!

Does that satisfy your "culture and motivation" nonsense? GEEZE, as if ALL blacks are monolithic in their thinking and cultural aspirations. The only cultures Black Americans are in sync with are those observed by ALL persons born here. Middle classed Blacks behave like middle classed white people while SOME poor Blacks are as uncouth and trampy as SOME OF their white counterparts! Not that ALL poor people are uncouth and trampy, but there are plenty that are...I make no apologies for that!

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