Iran elections: early results show reformists and moderates lead race, high turnout.

UPDATED: 17:55 EST, 31 May 2013

"Mass grave uncovered containing dozens of Palestinians killed in 1948

Six mass graves features the remains of dozens of Palestinians killed during the Israeli-Arab war of 1948, when the Jewish state was founded have been uncovered in the Jaffa district of Tel Aviv.

An official at the Muslim cemetery there told AFP that the grisly find happened on Wednesday when ground subsided as builders carried out renovation work.

In 1948 Jaffa was a Palestinian town but there was an exodus of most of its Arab population when it fell to the fledgling Israeli army and right-wing Jewish militias.

'We discovered six mass graves, two of which we dug up. Our estimate is that they contain around 200 bodies, with an unknown additional number in the other graves.

'The remains belong to people of different ages, including women, children and the elderly, some of which bear signs of violence.'

Read more: Mass grave uncovered containing dozens of Palestinians killed in 1948 war that founded Israel
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yeah? so? There was a war. ---------there were movements of all kinds of
people in the Middle east-----and lots of dead bodies. As for arab dead---nothing
that happened 68 years ago comes close to that which is going on now-----under the care of BAATHIST PIG Assad-----or that which took place under the care
of BAATHIST PIG Gamal Abdel Nasser-----etc etc------200? not a whole lot
What did the European Zionist colonization of Palestine and the eviction of the native Christians and Muslims that inhabited the land have to with Assad or Nasser?
What did the European Zionist colonization of Palestine and the eviction of the native Christians and Muslims that inhabited the land have to with Assad or Nasser?
The Jewish people were encouraged to migrate to the area where the Turkish muhammedan colonizers had earlier invaded.

What does your whining have to do with removing the muhammedan invaders?
I first came into contact with Iranian jews in the mid-sixties-----when Iranian jewish parents noted the stink of islamism in the air-------and in an attempt to hold
onto their property----SENT THEIR KIDS to safety-----lots to the USA At that time
there were more like 200,000 jews in Iran -------than the 100,000 LEFT by
1979 as noted in the IDIOT ISLAMO NAZI PIECE----presented by MONTE
Now 8OOO monte??------ok so Iran committed genocide against the jews of
Iran according to all accepted definitions of the term GENOCIDE------thanks for
the information. I have relatives from Iran who fled more recently than 1979 and
jews are still TRICKLING out of that shariah cesspit
100.000 jews left Iran and millions of palestinians expelled by zionazis from Palestine.

you got a citation? ----try facts for a change-----No arab muslims were expelled from Palestine-----less than 600,000 arab muslims left Israel in the era which
was the formation of Israel as a country----THE ENTIRE ERA----far more jews fled
Islamic persecution during the same era. A far GREATER proportion of arab muslims remained IN ISRAEL than jews remained in muslim countries during that
era despite the fact that migration from Israel is LEGAL but people attempting to
flee muslim lands were subject to BEING SHOT

About 700,000 Christians and Muslims were expelled from Palestine by the European Zionists. This is not denied by anyone. Hasbara has not even tried to edit the Wiki citation.

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة‎, "al-Nakbah", literally "disaster", "catastrophe", or "cataclysm"),[1] occurred when more than 700,000Palestinian Arabsfled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war."

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It all depends on which version you put more faith in.

What did the European Zionist colonization of Palestine and the eviction of the native Christians and Muslims that inhabited the land have to with Assad or Nasser?

Actually, how in the world did this thread, where the title is about the Iranian election, degenerate into talking about the Jews and the Arabs and what happened over 50 years ago, especially when hundreds of thousands have been killed in wars in Iraq, Syria and Yemen lately.

It would have been more apropos for me to post this article instead of dragging in something which has nothing to do with the Iranian elections.

How some Iranians are mobilizing to get voters off the couch - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
The loquacious Rosie started the Israel discussion.

Monte lied again as is typical of Baathist fascist dogs. In fact it was HE who
introduced the JEWISH TOPIC in his POST # 5 on this very thread-----he pasted
up islamo Nazi Shiite propaganda
The loquacious Rosie started the Israel discussion.

Monte lied again as is typical of Baathist fascist dogs. In fact it was HE who
introduced the JEWISH TOPIC in his POST # 5 on this very thread-----he pasted
up islamo Nazi Shiite propaganda

Below is my post 5. Where, Rosie is anything about Israel? I think we know whose veracity to doubt.

"Not only are there Sunni mosques in Iran there are at least 9 in Teheran. Plus there are Christian churches and Jewish Temples.

"In Tehran alone there are 13 active synagogues, five Jewish schools, two kindergartens and a 100-bed Jewish hospital, where Moreh Sedgh serves as director"

How Iran’s Jews Survive in Mullahs’ World

Read more: How Iran’s Jews Survive in Mullahs’ World

List of Sunni mosques in Tehran:

1- Sadeghiyeh mosque, located in the Second Square Sadeghiyeh
2- TehranPars Mosque, Located in Dellavaran St
3- Shahre Qods mosque,located 20 km Karaj old road
4- Khalij-e-Fars(Persian Gulf)mosque, located
5- Alnby mosque, located in the Town of Danesh
6- Haft'joub mosque, located in Malard
7- Vahidiyeh mosque, located in Shahriyar
8- Nasim Shahr mosque, located in Akbar Abad
9- Razi Abad mosque, located in Se'rah Shahriyar

List of Kurdish political parties in Iran

Iran election: Moderates poised to make gains -

"Iran's Interior Ministry said Saturday that with about one-third of the votes counted in Tehran, reformers were leading the parliamentary elections. Results from outside Tehran also indicated a strong showing by moderate candidates.

In one significant result, former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and President Hassan Rouhani, both reformists, were in the top two spots for the Assembly of Experts in Tehran as of Saturday afternoon.

Rafsanjani called for national unity following the divisive vote, according to Iran's state-run news agency, IRNA.

"The competition is over and the era of unity and cooperation has arrived," Rafsanjani said, according to IRNA. He said he hoped the final results would promote Iran's position in the region and across the globe."
The loquacious Rosie started the Israel discussion.

Monte lied again as is typical of Baathist fascist dogs. In fact it was HE who
introduced the JEWISH TOPIC in his POST # 5 on this very thread-----he pasted
up islamo Nazi Shiite propaganda

Below is my post 5. Where, Rosie is anything about Israel? I think we know whose veracity to doubt.

"Not only are there Sunni mosques in Iran there are at least 9 in Teheran. Plus there are Christian churches and Jewish Temples.

"In Tehran alone there are 13 active synagogues, five Jewish schools, two kindergartens and a 100-bed Jewish hospital, where Moreh Sedgh serves as director"

How Iran’s Jews Survive in Mullahs’ World

Read more: How Iran’s Jews Survive in Mullahs’ World

List of Sunni mosques in Tehran:

1- Sadeghiyeh mosque, located in the Second Square Sadeghiyeh
2- TehranPars Mosque, Located in Dellavaran St
3- Shahre Qods mosque,located 20 km Karaj old road
4- Khalij-e-Fars(Persian Gulf)mosque, located
5- Alnby mosque, located in the Town of Danesh
6- Haft'joub mosque, located in Malard
7- Vahidiyeh mosque, located in Shahriyar
8- Nasim Shahr mosque, located in Akbar Abad
9- Razi Abad mosque, located in Se'rah Shahriyar

List of Kurdish political parties in Iran

Iran election: Moderates poised to make gains -

"Iran's Interior Ministry said Saturday that with about one-third of the votes counted in Tehran, reformers were leading the parliamentary elections. Results from outside Tehran also indicated a strong showing by moderate candidates.

In one significant result, former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and President Hassan Rouhani, both reformists, were in the top two spots for the Assembly of Experts in Tehran as of Saturday afternoon.

Rafsanjani called for national unity following the divisive vote, according to Iran's state-run news agency, IRNA.

"The competition is over and the era of unity and cooperation has arrived," Rafsanjani said, according to IRNA. He said he hoped the final results would promote Iran's position in the region and across the globe."

try again MONTE-----I have relatives who fled the filth of iran------and SINCE
the mid 1960s ---when I was an adolescent-----I have been acquainted with jews
who fled the filth------the SHIT you present as "nice"-------Goebbels wrote the same
kind of shit in the mid thirties about your hero ADOLF----and the "situation" in Germany

I do agree that that which Jews ENJOY in Iran -----should be handed to MUSLIMS
in Israel-------in fact, even in the USA (honorable mention for the sunnis and zoroastrians and Christians who ENJOY the benevolence of SHIIITE SHIT--in Iran)
Nice try in changing the subject. You said I brought up Israel in post 5. I did not, as I reposted the post. You were loose with the truth.
Nice try in changing the subject. You said I brought up Israel in post 5. I did not, as I reposted the post. You were loose with the truth.

read again---Baathist pig------IRAN's POSITION IN THE MIDDLE EAST------
AKA "DEATH TO ISRAEL"--------death to monte and his shitty spawn
The loquacious Rosie started the Israel discussion.

Monte lied again as is typical of Baathist fascist dogs. In fact it was HE who
introduced the JEWISH TOPIC in his POST # 5 on this very thread-----he pasted
up islamo Nazi Shiite propaganda

I read his article about how the Jews get along with the Mullahs. Imagine if in the Islamic schools here, they were forced to have a Christian or Jewish principal like the Jewish schools in Iran have to have a Muslim principal.

I can see why the Jewish journalist was let in to write his piece. A liberal/leftist newspaper like The Forward would assure the authorities that his piece would make Iran look good. As far as Habib Elghanian being executed, his crime was that he bought several tickets to an Israeli soccer match. Of course the Iranian authorities cooked up the story that he was spying for Israel. Do you remember the poster Amir? That was his uncle.

Recalling Elghanian’s Execution 30 Years Later | Community

What I found especially sad when I used to seat down having refreshments with Iranian Muslim and Jewish women in their homes was that the husband remained in Iran to run his business and the wife and children were here. The only time I saw one of the husbands was when he got cancer and came to the U.S. In fact, a Muslim father (a widower) sent his two grown daughters out. giving them down payments to buy houses and continued to also run his business in Iran..
The loquacious Rosie started the Israel discussion.

Monte lied again as is typical of Baathist fascist dogs. In fact it was HE who
introduced the JEWISH TOPIC in his POST # 5 on this very thread-----he pasted
up islamo Nazi Shiite propaganda

Below is my post 5. Where, Rosie is anything about Israel? I think we know whose veracity to doubt.

"Not only are there Sunni mosques in Iran there are at least 9 in Teheran. Plus there are Christian churches and Jewish Temples.

"In Tehran alone there are 13 active synagogues, five Jewish schools, two kindergartens and a 100-bed Jewish hospital, where Moreh Sedgh serves as director"

How Iran’s Jews Survive in Mullahs’ World

Read more: How Iran’s Jews Survive in Mullahs’ World

List of Sunni mosques in Tehran:

1- Sadeghiyeh mosque, located in the Second Square Sadeghiyeh
2- TehranPars Mosque, Located in Dellavaran St
3- Shahre Qods mosque,located 20 km Karaj old road
4- Khalij-e-Fars(Persian Gulf)mosque, located
5- Alnby mosque, located in the Town of Danesh
6- Haft'joub mosque, located in Malard
7- Vahidiyeh mosque, located in Shahriyar
8- Nasim Shahr mosque, located in Akbar Abad
9- Razi Abad mosque, located in Se'rah Shahriyar

List of Kurdish political parties in Iran

Iran election: Moderates poised to make gains -

"Iran's Interior Ministry said Saturday that with about one-third of the votes counted in Tehran, reformers were leading the parliamentary elections. Results from outside Tehran also indicated a strong showing by moderate candidates.

In one significant result, former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and President Hassan Rouhani, both reformists, were in the top two spots for the Assembly of Experts in Tehran as of Saturday afternoon.

Rafsanjani called for national unity following the divisive vote, according to Iran's state-run news agency, IRNA.

"The competition is over and the era of unity and cooperation has arrived," Rafsanjani said, according to IRNA. He said he hoped the final results would promote Iran's position in the region and across the globe."

Regardless if your list of all the places of worship in Iran, I feel you are just hoodwinking the readers about religious tolerance in Iran. You could list thousands and thousands of these and it would still not mean that there is actually religious tolerance in Iran. Everything is not honky dory there and people are still escaping.

Meanwhile, articles are still being written about the election.

Iran elections: disqualifying candidates, arresting unionists » peoplesworld?

Iran’s elections are magic?

Why Tehran matters so much in Iranian politics - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

How much change do Iranians really want? - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
The loquacious Rosie started the Israel discussion.

Monte lied again as is typical of Baathist fascist dogs. In fact it was HE who
introduced the JEWISH TOPIC in his POST # 5 on this very thread-----he pasted
up islamo Nazi Shiite propaganda

I read his article about how the Jews get along with the Mullahs. Imagine if in the Islamic schools here, they were forced to have a Christian or Jewish principal like the Jewish schools in Iran have to have a Muslim principal.

I can see why the Jewish journalist was let in to write his piece. A liberal/leftist newspaper like The Forward would assure the authorities that his piece would make Iran look good. As far as Habib Elghanian being executed, his crime was that he bought several tickets to an Israeli soccer match. Of course the Iranian authorities cooked up the story that he was spying for Israel. Do you remember the poster Amir? That was his uncle.

Recalling Elghanian’s Execution 30 Years Later | Community

What I found especially sad when I used to seat down having refreshments with Iranian Muslim and Jewish women in their homes was that the husband remained in Iran to run his business and the wife and children were here. The only time I saw one of the husbands was when he got cancer and came to the U.S. In fact, a Muslim father (a widower) sent his two grown daughters out. giving them down payments to buy houses and continued to also run his business in Iran..

Journalists do what they MUST do ----in order to continue to have some access
Facts are facts, there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia and other Wahabi states. There are churches and synagogues in Iran. Your constant bullshit does not change facts.
Facts are facts, there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia and other Wahabi states. There are churches and synagogues in Iran. Your constant bullshit does not change facts.

The "FACT" you present is---in the context that you present-----
is irrelevant in view of the FACT ----that since the "cultural" revolution---
of 1979-----Christians, jews, Bahai, Zoroastrians have been rendered
"lesser people" by law in Iran--------and even before that were subject to
variable levels of discrimination since the unfortunate arab and muslim
invasion of Iran and-----the populations of Christians, and Bahai and Zoroatrians
and jews have been subjected to variable levels of GENOCIDE Regarding
the persecution of KAFFIRIN------there is no better or worse between Shiites and
Sunnis-------no matter where. The first Shiite I knew VERY WELL----was from
New Dehli, India-----he could parrot islamo Nazi propaganda chapter and verse-----
and---of course, HATED HINDUS too (someday we'll drink their blood) Way
back then------(shah times) islamo Nazi propaganda was not part of the
grammar school curriculum in Iran------but anti-Semitism was-----GLADLY
EMBRACED by the general population. (I have known lots of Iranians---
since the mid 60s------muslims, jews and-----the rare zoroastrian

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