Iran has launched a drone attack towards Israeli territory, IDF says.

Please link me to that information. And please prove to me how those. . "militias," are a threat or have been attacking Israel.
You are the Stupidest Jerk here.
There are Proxy Wars going on all over the place in, ie, Syria and in Ukraine.
We are arming/helping the Ukrainians to Kill Russians military invaders.
that does NOT mean Russian can attack the USA.
Got it you 12 IQ Moron?

Israel did not kill Iranians in their country, they killed them helping our/their opponents/terrorists in Syria (and previous in Iraq)

Got it Mr Banana Peale?( i see they too away your Mod status thank goodness)

So you don’t believe Iran is a terrorist regime? Like seriously?
Oh, I totally believe they are a terrorist regime. . . but then? Every government on the planet is a "terrorist regime."

How one views insurgents? Greatly depends upon one's point of view.

Our own government has re-catorgorized parents speaking up at PTA meetings as, "terrorists."

Our own government has, at one time, funded radical Islamic jihadists, fighting in Afghanistan, against the Soviets, which then, a decade later, attacked us.

It is well documented, that Isreal itself, was the one that favored Hamas over other political factions in Gaza, for political purposes.

When we went into Iraq, we were responsible for creating and helping ISIS form. . .

I don't see what yoar point is. I really don't.

Every government on the planet that has a half-way decent functioning intel agency, uses terrorism against its enemies. Nearly all terrorism can be traced back to a powerful organized government. . . and if you don't know that? You are a normie NPC that doesn't know shit about how the world really works.





You are the Stupidest Jerk here.
There are Proxy Wars going on all over the place in, ie, Syria and in Ukraine.
We are arming/helping the Ukrainians to Kill Russians military invaders.
that does NOT mean Russian can attack the USA.
Got it you 12 IQ Moron?

Israel did not kill Iranians in their country, they killed them helping our/their opponents/terrorists in Syria (and previous in Iraq)

Got it Mr Banana Peale?( i see they too away your Mod status thank goodness)


. . . and ours are. . "freedom fighters," and theirs are. . "terrorists."

Thank you for making my point for me.


(and no, I quit.)
Educate yourself and shut up . You can't possibly be this ill informed. It's not possible

Iran offers Israel off-ramp to 'conclude' attack after launching missiles, drones on Jewish state

Tehran has failed to honor diplomatic protections for embassies in the past
"Conducted on the strength of Article 51 of the UN Charter pertaining to legitimate defense, Iran’s military action was in response to the Zionist regime’s aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus," the mission’s statement, posted on social media platform X, states.

"The matter can be deemed concluded," the mission argued. "However, should the Israeli regime make another mistake, Iran’s response will be considerably more severe. It is a conflict between Iran and the rogue Israeli regime, from which the U.S. MUST STAY AWAY!"
You mean it is all over the corporate & government controlled MSM, and it is there to brainwash you.

You bleev what they want you to bleev sugar.

I will think for myself.

Are you drinking or just stupid? You're ill informed, have no idea what Iran is all about and most likely a antisemitic.

Just stop, I'm not buying it and I doubt anyone else is. And save your infantle "funny", child. Overuse is against the rules
Please link me to that information. And please prove to me how those. . "militias," are a threat or have been attacking Israel.


Do you seriously believe Israel doesn't have the intel capability to know who is planning and coordinating the attacks against them? Those were some bad actors the Izzies took out in Damascus.

"Daniel Hagari, the IDF spokesman, told reporters: "According to our intelligence, this is neither a consulate nor an embassy." He further added that the target struck was a "military building of Quds forces disguised as a civilian structure in Damascus".[36] Yoav Gallant, the Minister of Defense, said that "Israel is working to make it clear to everyone who acts against us, all over the Middle East, that the price for acting against Israel will be a heavy price."

Israeli bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus - Wikipedia

"Zahedi was a senior IRGC officer serving as Iran's envoy to command the Quds Force in Lebanon and Syria. He effectively led the IRCG's regional Intelligence Division, and ground and air forces. He was also involved in planning terrorist operations within Israel...

...Ynet's military analyst Ron Ben-Yishai notes the attack near the Iranian embassy – which Israel has yet to take responsibility for - has two aspects: according to reports in Arab media, it seems the consulate had ties to the operation of pro-Iranian militias working against Israel from Syria alongside Hezbollah; the second aspect is the launching of the drone toward Eilat that hit an IDF Navy base – which was reportedly carried out by Iran-backed Iraqi militias."

Who was the Iranian Quds Force commander eliminated in Damascus

"According to the report, the target was a "secret meeting" between senior Iranian intelligence officials from the Quds Force and senior officials of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). However, the report didn’t specify whether PIJ leader Ziyad al-Nakhalah, who was seen in Iran last week, was present at the meeting."

F-35 missiles near Iranian embassy: How senior Iranian commander was eliminated in Damascus
Last edited:
Are you drinking or just stupid? You're ill informed, have no idea what Iran is all about and most likely a antisemitic.
Personal invective and ad hominem in substitution for real logical debate? Sorry, I can't counter that, it is a fallacy, and not an argument.
Just stop, I'm not buying it and I doubt anyone else is.

I don't care. I don't care if I am the only person on the planet that can recognize lies and evil propaganda.

It was wrong of Israel to violate the territorial integrity of consulates and embassies. Julian Assange was in the Ecuadorian one for years, driving the US intel agencies batshit insane, we did nothing about it.

I don't give a flying rats ass if you HATE Iran, and bleev that aren't a real nation. I don't care what propaganda you have swallowed about them. Israel and Iran, to my knowledge, are not at war and that move was not justified, it was barbaric and a violation of international norms. It was outrageous.

Civilized nations don't act like that. These are the facts. Sorry your dumb ass doesn't get it.
Personal invective and ad hominem in substitution for real logical debate? Sorry, I can't counter that, it is a fallacy, and not an argument.

I don't care. I don't care if I am the only person on the planet that can recognize lies and evil propaganda.

It was wrong of Israel to violate the territorial integrity of consulates and embassies. Julian Assange was in the Ecuadorian one for years, driving the US intel agencies batshit insane, we did nothing about it.

I don't give a flying rats ass if you HATE Iran, and bleev that aren't a real nation. I don't care what propaganda you have swallowed about them. Israel and Iran, to my knowledge, are not at war and that move was not justified, it was barbaric and a violation of international norms. It was outrageous.

Civilized nations don't act like that. These are the facts. Sorry your dumb ass doesn't get it.

If you say so. See? Nobody cares

Do you seriously believe Israel doesn't have the intel capability to know who is planning and coordinating the attacks against them?


"Daniel Hagari, the IDF spokesman, told reporters: "According to our intelligence, this is neither a consulate nor an embassy." He further added that the target struck was a "military building of Quds forces disguised as a civilian structure in Damascus".[36] Yoav Gallant, the Minister of Defense, said that "Israel is working to make it clear to everyone who acts against us, all over the Middle East, that the price for acting against Israel will be a heavy price."

Israeli bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus - Wikipedia

"Zahedi was a senior IRGC officer serving as Iran's envoy to command the Quds Force in Lebanon and Syria. He effectively led the IRCG's regional Intelligence Division, and ground and air forces. He was also involved in planning terrorist operations within Israel...

...Ynet's military analyst Ron Ben-Yishai notes the attack near the Iranian embassy – which Israel has yet to take responsibility for - has two aspects: according to reports in Arab media, it seems the consulate had ties to the operation of pro-Iranian militias working against Israel from Syria alongside Hezbollah; the second aspect is the launching of the drone toward Eilat that hit an IDF Navy base – which was reportedly carried out by Iran-backed Iraqi militias."

Who was the Iranian Quds Force commander eliminated in Damascus
Ukraine has been under attack by those same Iranian built Moscow operated Shaheds for the last 2 years almost EVERY DAY


Do you seriously believe Israel doesn't have the intel capability to know who is planning and coordinating the attacks against them?


"Daniel Hagari, the IDF spokesman, told reporters: "According to our intelligence, this is neither a consulate nor an embassy." He further added that the target struck was a "military building of Quds forces disguised as a civilian structure in Damascus".[36] Yoav Gallant, the Minister of Defense, said that "Israel is working to make it clear to everyone who acts against us, all over the Middle East, that the price for acting against Israel will be a heavy price."

Israeli bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus - Wikipedia

"Zahedi was a senior IRGC officer serving as Iran's envoy to command the Quds Force in Lebanon and Syria. He effectively led the IRCG's regional Intelligence Division, and ground and air forces. He was also involved in planning terrorist operations within Israel...

...Ynet's military analyst Ron Ben-Yishai notes the attack near the Iranian embassy – which Israel has yet to take responsibility for - has two aspects: according to reports in Arab media, it seems the consulate had ties to the operation of pro-Iranian militias working against Israel from Syria alongside Hezbollah; the second aspect is the launching of the drone toward Eilat that hit an IDF Navy base – which was reportedly carried out by Iran-backed Iraqi militias."

Who was the Iranian Quds Force commander eliminated in Damascus

"According to the report, the target was a "secret meeting" between senior Iranian intelligence officials from the Quds Force and senior officials of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). However, the report didn’t specify whether PIJ leader Ziyad al-Nakhalah, who was seen in Iran last week, was present at the meeting."

F-35 missiles near Iranian embassy: How senior Iranian commander was eliminated in Damascus
I don't doubt this, however, irrespective of Israel's claims, everyone on the planet knows, and has always known, that embassies and consulates have always been used for military and espionage purposes.

Israel's national interest, is no more important than any other nation or the international norms and the rule of law. They could have got him when he was coming or going.

. . . the U.S. owes not a damn thing to Israel in this escalation. IMO? They are now on their own. Fuck 'em.

If they want to act like a lawless terrorist state, let 'em twist in the wind. They are acting like a loose cannon at this point.
I did not "make a point for you" you moron.
I told you the rules for Proxy Wars which never have supporter countries/non-combatant states attackkng each other directly.

For Everyone else, Mister Beal is a JPG TROLL.
Using Giant Multi-JPG post to try an bury everyone else.

He should be banned, or at least pay for the bandwidth costs he incurs.




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