Iran has launched a drone attack towards Israeli territory, IDF says.

IDF says Iranian cruise missiles are still heading for Israel, attack has not yet ended
BNO News (@BNONews) April 14, 2024

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says Iran launched dozens of ballistic missiles at Israel, causing slight damage to a military base.

He says most of the missiles were intercepted by the long-range Arrow air defense system. The missiles were mostly downed outside of Israeli…
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 14, 2024
I support Biden as much as you do

So, we are over there shooting down drones and missiles.

Is that good enough or do you desire for the US to do more?

I desired the US to stand strong like we did with Trump. He told Putin if you invade Ukraine we bomb Moscow. Putin behaved. If Trump would have been president he would have told Iran if you attack Israel we bomb Tehran.

Too late now. Potatohead has already shown weakness. Iran knows he's incapable of leading the military. He's incapable of making it to the big boy potty. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but nobody expects Biden to prevent anything. He's a complete idiot. Absolute wonder of the world of stupidity. What was his strong message to Iran? "DON'T". Hey, it's Biden. Being able to make a one word sentence is a good day for that fucking idiot.

Guess what you stupid senile child molester? They DID. Now what, dumbfuck?
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I desired the US to stand strong like we did with Trump. He told Putin if you invade Ukraine we bomb Moscow. Putin behaved. If Trump would have been president he would have told Iran if you attack Israel we bomb Tehran.

Too late now. Potatohead has already shown weakness. Iran knows he's incapable of leading the military. He's incapable of making it to the big boy potty.

So, you think we should bomb Tehran.



When are you heading to boot camp?
The Obiden Regime would love to get involved in another a war before the Election!

Could be perfect for them!

....and tragic for America.
I’m a proud American Christian. But if you want to keep making one line posts or personal attacks I’m gonna put you on ignore.

The president of Ukraine did give a standing ovation to a Ukrainian SS soldier. You know about this or you’re lacking knowledge about the topic

I hope you’re not one of those childish juvenile trolls, who makes one line posts. provide some substance, and have some civility.

By the way, the former Prime Minister of Israel finds Putin to be a rational man. What do you say about that. Are you like supporter of Ukraine and Israel buddy.?

The original poster claims to support Ukraine and Israel.
you support Moscow 🇷🇺 ulus = Iran

This is it irosie91 SavannahMann

The original poster claims to support Ukraine and Israel. The president of Ukraine gave a standing ovation to a Ukrainian SS soldier who served Hitler. Go ahead and criticize the president of Ukraine ok ??

See you can criticize the president of Ukraine while also saying you want Ukraine to win the war. Or maybe you support the Ukrainian military but if you think it’s OK to give a standing ovation to somebody who served the SS and then claim to support Israel you’re not fooling anybody.

You applaud and excuse Nazi like behavior in Russian troops today. What is worse someone doing something awful eighty years ago, or eighty minutes ago?
Biden said "don't!!", and Iran thoroughly thumbed their noses at him.
Biden just lost the election. The U.S. must defend our ally against an attack by an enemy Muslim terrorist nation. That means all the Jew-hating Muslims in MN will refuse to vote for Biden.

Virginia might even go for Trump. LOTS of Muslims in the northern counties.

Same with AZ. Lots of Muslims there too.
Here's something interesting: One of the Iranian missiles was destroyed with an exoatmospheric intercept. That means it was intercepted while it above the atmosphere.

Raytheon is supposed to have developed an exoatmospheric kill vehicle.

Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle

Added: It's believed to have been from the Arrow 3 defense system.
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No, they didn't. They were using the embassy in Syria to plan attacks on Israel. That means it's a valid target. Proof was that they killed a high level Iranian general in the attack. You use the embassy to plan attacks expect said embassy to be flattened.
So they say.

Bombing an embassy is an act of war.
The Israeli War Cabinet has just Approved a Motion to allow Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, and Minister Benny Gantz to decide on the Israeli Response to tonight’s Iranian Attack.
OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 14, 2024

Israeli media is stating that the IDF believe that Iran's response is done.

Channel 12 is reporting that almost all of the IAF were in the air to either perform interceptions or other protection duties.
— Global: Military-Info (@Global_Mil_Info) April 14, 2024

Israeli Media is reporting that U.S. and Israeli Intelligence received Information from Sources on how Significant and Large-Scale the Iranian Retaliatory Attack would be roughly 24 Hours before it began, allowing Israel and Allies to make moves to Directly Counter the Attack.
OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 14, 2024

There will be no immediate response by Israel to Iran's attack. War cabinet to meet tomorrow.
DEFCONWarningSystem (@DEFCONWSALERTS) April 14, 2024

Dozens of surface-to-surface missile launches from Iran were identified approaching Israeli territory. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted the majority of the launches using the Arrow Aerial Defense System, together with Israel's strategic allies, before the…
Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) April 14, 2024
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