Iran has launched a drone attack towards Israeli territory, IDF says.

Fox reporting the U.S. has shot down drones
The neo Nazi's and Christians, sometimes hard to tell apart, will try and ensnare us into a war that we can fall into without anyones help. Our navy remains vulnerable and it only is going to take one successful hit that kills some sailors and we are in.

Why do we want to fuck up the Middle East again? When do we stop doing this?

You missed that one by a mile, Cletus. The "neo-Nazis" are the left-wing Jew-haters supporting the Palestinians and Hamas by proxy. They're the ones chanting "From the river to the sea" and "Death to America", not the Christians, conservatives, or Republicans.

And it was your President Joe Biden who fucked up the Middle East by removing sanctions from Iran and releasing a shitload of money to them.

Like Barack Obama said, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up." And he certainly has.
You missed that one by a mile, Cletus. The "neo-Nazis" are the left-wing Jew-haters supporting the Palestinians and Hamas by proxy. They're the ones chanting "From the river to the sea" and "Death to America", not the Christians, conservatives, or Republicans.
O’Danny is another anti-Israel liberal, I’ve been observing, and it’s about 9:1.
You missed that one by a mile, Cletus. The "neo-Nazis" are the left-wing Jew-haters supporting the Palestinians and Hamas by proxy. They're the ones chanting "From the river to the sea" and "Death to America", not the Christians, conservatives, or Republicans.
Or, as I like to refer to them….Nazi bastards!
This probably came with some input/blessing from allies Russia and China. There is a bigger objective for them here.

The day we must be worried is the day China sends one of their aircraft carriers to the M.E. That day will one day come thanks to the greed of some corporations and the naive belief some have had, even within our intelligence services but especially in our political class who answer to their corporate donors only.

Iranian leadership couldn't afford to lose face yet again. Their military ranks would be most enraged and unwilling to fight and it would be an invitation for Israel to continue these assassinations unabated as they have for months. The latest killing of one of their top generals is just one of many over the last year or so.

Where this leads is anyones guess but the U.S will have to pull rank if Bibis eyes get too big and those in the further right in his coalition become John Boltons.

Iran won't launch an all out war, they aren't suicidal.

Iran is not the one to decide what Israel will do....I think if the Iranian attack does not result in a lot of deaths and damage then the Israeli response will not be all out war....however if many Israelis are killed I would expect Israel to chop off the head of the Iranian snake...irregardless of what the biden regime wants...not to forget biden is responsible for all the wars now raging...the many warnings about the fool biden and how his presidency would result in disaster...was ignored by too we see all the warnings were right on target...any nation willing to elect a verifiable fool should expect what they get.
Op is odd …. That’s not a personal attack because the guy has attempted to downplay the Ukrainian SS divisions, who fought for Hitler in World War II.

Russian state media has called Hamas a terrorist organization numerous times. And it interviews the IDF and provides pro Israel coverage often.

Natalie Bennett the previous Prime Minister of Israel visited Russia shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine. There he was in the same room with Vladimir Putin.

It’s really important to keep in mind that some of the supporters of Ukraine are total fanatics. They shout at people they use juvenile language. They have no interest in a reasonable discussion. When key points are brought forth to diminish their argument, they ignore them or launch personal attack.
It is being reported that the US has already shot down some of the drones.
Or, as I like to refer to them….Nazi bastards!

Leftist shitbags and commies are Hamas simps. Israel has a hell of a lot more support than the fake news puts out there. Jordan has entered the chat...

NEW: Jordanian jets have shot down dozens of Iranian drones flying across northern and central Jordan heading to Israel, two regional security sources tell Reuters.
— Faytuks News ? (@Faytuks) April 13, 2024
No biggie. They're all shot down, Iran is happy. The US is happy.
This is it irosie91 SavannahMann

The original poster claims to support Ukraine and Israel. The president of Ukraine gave a standing ovation to a Ukrainian SS soldier who served Hitler. Go ahead and criticize the president of Ukraine ok ??

See you can criticize the president of Ukraine while also saying you want Ukraine to win the war. Or maybe you support the Ukrainian military but if you think it’s OK to give a standing ovation to somebody who served the SS and then claim to support Israel you’re not fooling anybody.
1. I call bullshit.
2. You a Russian or a commie?

I’m a proud American Christian. But if you want to keep making one line posts or personal attacks I’m gonna put you on ignore.

The president of Ukraine did give a standing ovation to a Ukrainian SS soldier. You know about this or you’re lacking knowledge about the topic

I hope you’re not one of those childish juvenile trolls, who makes one line posts. provide some substance, and have some civility.

By the way, the former Prime Minister of Israel finds Putin to be a rational man. What do you say about that. Are you like supporter of Ukraine and Israel buddy.?

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