Iran Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

So, what's the solution? No other nation should be allowed to have missiles? Only America? Better invade the rest and overthrow democratically elected governments..
Yep because Iran has attacked the US SOOOO many times huh?

Bet you said the same thing on Monday, September 10th, 2001
When the CIA/Mossad/Bush cronies participated in the worst false flag attack in history? Yep....Oh and even if you believe the "official" story of 9/11 Iran had NOTHING to do with it,the Israeli owned government in the US attacked Iraq another country that had NOTHING to do with the official story of 9/11 if Iran had something to do with it the US would have attacked them. Your israel loving bias is quite obvious and actually its the ONLY reason EVERY anti Iran moron has for attacking Iran.
So, if the US says you aren't allowed to launch satellites, that's it? Doesn't make much sense. Who is the US to make such proclamations? North Korea and Iran have every right to launch satellites. The Warmongers need to get over it.
Yep because Iran has attacked the US SOOOO many times huh?
Now they have the financial backing to do so.
Be releasing THEIR money back to them. Iran is a peaceful country. Leave them alone they leave us alone. They didn't attack Iraq,Iraq attacked them. Bout the only war I remember Iran being in. The US needs to be a strong country at home and leave the world the hell alone one would think we have MORE than enough problems at home to fix than harassing a country overseas because they MIGHT not like Israel who has NUKES and can defend themselves with the BILLIONS in aid they get from the US every year while Americans suffer on the streets.

"Iran is a peaceful country."

What more need be said.
"Israel is a peaceful country"

What more need be said

1967 USS Liberty attack just ask them how peaceful the terrorist state of Israel is.
So, what's the solution? No other nation should be allowed to have missiles? Only America? Better invade the rest and overthrow democratically elected governments..
Don't give the war mongering chicken hawks any ideas.

In this case it's a Chic-enhawk.
The Libtards claim there is no connection whatsoever between No Korea and Iran when it comes to nuke development. These are peace loving nations which follow UN dictates religiously. Our President will vouch for them.
Great post.

Let's review the salient points.

None of the Liberals has commented beyond 'oh yeah...sez you!"

1. The Liberals never knew that North Korea has a GDP of about $15 billion.
North Korea GDP | 1970-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News

2. Nor did they know that Iran gives North Korea about $3 billion annually...and has for years.

3. Liberals have been trained not to think, so it comes as no surprise that they cannot incorporate the above facts into their worldview..... other words: why does Iran give North Korea 20% of its GDP?

4. And...continuing the connecting of those dots....why hasn't it been made known that Obama gave tacit approval to that arrangement?????
In fact.....he paid the bill to North Korea!
this thread absolutely belongs in conspiracy theories, not politics
Exactly what I revealed about the their default: "Hide the truth!!!!!!"

you've pushed a conspiracy theory and tried to connect 9/11 to iran.

tell us, who was on the grassy knoll, what did the alien autopsy reveal, and how do you feel about the illuminati?

How about you admit these two truths:
a. You are an abject imbecile
b. You never knew the following:

"North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon

A central plank of the Obama administration’s case for the nuclear deal just concluded by the P5+1 powers is that the agreement closes off "all pathways” by which the Iranian regime could acquire a nuclear capability, at least for the coming decade.

That, however, simply isn’t true. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the new nuclear bargain is officially called, only addresses the overt means by which Iran might go nuclear. A covert path to the bomb, entailing the procurement of materiel from foreign suppliers, still remains open to Iran, if it chooses to take that route.

....over the past three decades, Iran and the Stalinist regime of the Kim dynasty in North Korea have erected a formidable alliance—the centerpiece of which is cooperation on nuclear and ballistic-missile capabilities." North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear Weapon
You thought the news said 'North Korean Missile"????

There is that explanation for ignorance that suggests that the American public is treated in the same way that mushrooms are raised:

"Kept in the dark and fed s**t."

And no where is that more evident than in explanations of what is going on in the world.

The news is every news outlet....through a political prism along the lines of 'don't happy...government knows best, and has everything under control."

It doesn't, and it isn't.

Big news this week, and the context that the media fails to reveal>

1. "North Korea’s Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

2.North Korea has again successfully put a satellite into orbit, demonstrating the same technology needed to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and showing that its long-range missile program is becoming increasingly reliable."
North Korea's Missile Launch Shows It Could Target US Homeland

Bad enough.....the insane tin-pot dictator in North Korea has this technology.
But worse.....the insane tin-pot dictator in the White House did this: OK'd the homicidal maniacs in Tehran getting a nuclear bomb...and giving them over $100 billion.

The connection of the two stories is unknown almost all Americans.
Here it is:

Know what Iran's nuclear facility laboratory is called????

It's called North Korea.

"Experts say the deal worked out by Secretary of State John F. Kerry carries no known prohibition against North Korea performing Iran’s nuclear arms research, paid out of the $100 billion to $150 billion the deal frees up in Iranian assets.

“There appears to be little in the Iran nuclear agreement that would prevent Iran from continuing or increasing its personnel and financial investments in North Korea’s future missile and nuclear warhead programs,” Mr. Niksch told a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee in July.
“It seems to me that North Korea may receive from Iran upwards of $2 [billion] to $3 billion annually from Iran for the various forms of collaboration between them.”
John Brennan: U.S. watching for nuclear cooperation between Iran, North Korea

Get that????
No news outlet has told you that the North Korean missile technology is for Iran....

...Iran has been paying one seventh of North Korea's GDP for years!!!!!

Obama just gave North Korea the funds to build nuclear missiles to reach American.

If you voted Democrat you voted to fund Iran/North Korean aims against America.

Come on PoliticalSpice. Your source:

The Daily Signal is the multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation covering policy and political news, conservative commentary and analysis.
Heritage Tries Its Hand At News, But Forgets The Facts - The National Memo - Smart. Sharp. Funny. Fearless.
The Daily Signal, The Heritage Foundation’s online “news” website, debuted Tuesday, offering up vagaries and unverifiable assertions aplenty, but too few empirical facts and little in the way of attribution. Its first video was a publicist’s dream, a puff piece that no serious news organization would air.

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