Iran Placing Medium-Range Missiles in Venezuela; Can Reach the U.S

He needs to acknowledge they use them as weapons, too.

Note to the Palis:

Real men do their own fighting. They don't send out kids and the mentally handicapped while they remain in hiding. Cowards, the lot of 'em.

Again, we see that the mentally deficient supporters of Zionism attempt to justify their prejudices with crude stereotypes rather than with any sort of meaningful discussion of facts. Color me shocked.
Then you do not deny that they use their young as human shields.

They Kill their own for media purposes.

Yes, there are some Jew who use them for shields during wars. They do not use their own.

That's the point you miss Kalam. Your causes use their own young for their deaths in order to manipulate the media.

The few Jewish soldiers who do this are (in their minds) protecting their young. Your side is (in there minds) Creating the death of their young to further their cause.

Just as your Chechen do.

There are some soldiers who have done this. It is not on order though. But all you are looking for is an Zionist indictment isn't it?
There are many who have done it and it has been a Zionist practice for a number of years. I'm looking for some semblance of honesty from supporters of Zionism and most of what you post is, as I've said, amateurish propaganda.

Will you acknowledge the Arabians who call themselves Palestinians use their young as shields also?
I've never denied it. Don't forget that you're the one who lied about this practice, as usual.
Just as your Chechen do.

Prove this or apologize for insulting them, filth.

I seldom respond to name calling. There are no apologies from my end. And, when I look at the Western civilization's views regarding your cause I do not see apologies, I see understanding of what your cause does to further said cause.
I seldom respond to name calling. There are no apologies from my end. And, when I look at the Western civilization's views regarding your cause I do not see apologies, I see understanding of what your cause does to further said cause.

You were asked to substantiate your slander with proof or apologize for uttering it in the first place. Do so. I don't care if I hurt your little feelings with an insult; get over it.
Refer to my post in the other thread, moron. You just posted an account of Kremlin-loyal forces using "human shields." :rofl:
Not at all. I posted that to show that whilst I do not support the methods your cause uses, I support the cause.

I know you do not understand this.
Just as I do not support the methods that the Arabians who call themselves Palestinians use, I do support their cause.

I know you do not understand this either.
Not at all. I posted that to show that whilst I do not support the methods your cause uses, I support the cause.

I know you do not understand this.

Again, see my post in the other thread. :lol:
Refer to my post in the other thread, moron. You just posted an account of Kremlin-loyal forces using "human shields." :rofl:

You seem to enjoy calling other people names when you don't even understand them.

To reiterate, in discussion, such things are considered beneath discussion.
Refer to my post in the other thread, moron. You just posted an account of Kremlin-loyal forces using "human shields." :rofl:

You seem to enjoy calling other people names when you don't even understand them.

To reiterate, in discussion, such things are considered beneath discussion.

You seem to enjoy commenting on conflicts you know little about. Doing this, particularly when it involves misrepresenting the victims of Russian atrocities in the Caucasus, will always elicit an emotional response from me because the issue is close to my heart.

If you came to USMB looking for formal debate, you'll be disappointed. Since few of your posts contain any sort of factual evidence to prop up your empty rhetoric, however, I doubt that formal debate is what you're after.
@ Kalam

I have never said that the Palestinians do not have a legitimate cause. I have always said that there methods are not conducive to their cause.

Likewise, your cause.
Of course you have those legitimate feelings. I have them for my cause as well. It's what makes us human. We care about 'our' causes because we are tied to them.

That being said, are you not able to contain your emotions when in discussion. If not.

Then I reiterate, you lack.

Refer to my post in the other thread, moron. You just posted an account of Kremlin-loyal forces using "human shields." :rofl:

You seem to enjoy calling other people names when you don't even understand them.

To reiterate, in discussion, such things are considered beneath discussion.

You seem to enjoy commenting on conflicts you know little about. Doing this, particularly when it involves misrepresenting the victims of Russian atrocities in the Caucasus, will always elicit an emotional response from me because the issue is close to my heart.

If you came to USMB looking for formal debate, you'll be disappointed. Since few of your posts contain any sort of factual evidence to prop up your empty rhetoric, however, I doubt that formal debate is what you're after.
Why is so out of the norm to react to MISSILES with violence?
The silos aren't being loaded for a friendly game of backgammon.


How many Minuteman missiles have we launched?

This is a game. It's not backgammon, but it's still a game.

Underlying the use of any missile to strike the United States is the realization that we will flatten the responsible country.
[Perhaps I misunderstood your praying icon after your comment about having missiles pointed at Iran. For clarification, you do or don't want us to blow the shit out of Iran?

I pray we do not have to use them. I pray if we do have to use them, that we win.

I don't buy that "One bomb country". Furthermore, any middle eastern country that used a nuke on Israel would incur the wrath of the world. That's why it is not going to happen. It's similar to MAD between the USSR and USA. However, it's basically "Your Assured Destruction". So basically, you have countries like Iran trying to provoke Israel into striking it first, so It can justify an escalation of the conflict.

Yes, I think Israel has to take the first hit. If it makes you feel better, I think the United States should too. If the past decade taught us anything, it's the notion of "Preventative War" is disastrous.

I suppose I might support it if there was a real smoking gun. Such as "We know they have the nukes and are intending to use them on a specific target within the next 24 days".

Other than that, if Israel picks a fight, they shouldn't expect a lot of support from the American people. Everyone here is sick of war.

What will come will come. Regardless of what people like. But you are clear. Unless there is clear proof that Iran has not only an ability to attack, but must be seen within twenty four hours to be ready to attack for a response to be made.

I understand you. I just disagree. America has no choice but to intercede because Iran has stated that the Straits of Hormuz will be shut down, thus cutting Americas hegemonic control and its ability to transfer the oil securely (even from Iran) will be severely curtailed. This represents 40% of the world's seaborne oil shipments, and 20% of all world shipments.

Look and see what revenues America extracts from the Strait of Hormuz. Look at what the financial gain is to the American (not Israeli) control of the middle eastern oil hegemony. Israel is a supporter of this American hegemony.

Iran has stated that any attack on it will be considered an attack from America. They have stated what they will do in such a case.

Why do you think Israel has not attacked?

Hundreds of thousands of American troops in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc. are all targeted by Iran already.

No, Israel will not unilaterally attack. I don't think that they should either.

Are you?

That's fair enough. I see where you are coming from. If we have to go to war, I want us to win. I just don't support pre-emption (unless it truly is a slam dunk).

Am I what?
He needs to acknowledge they use them as weapons, too.

Note to the Palis:

Real men do their own fighting. They don't send out kids and the mentally handicapped while they remain in hiding. Cowards, the lot of 'em.

Again, we see that the mentally deficient supporters of Zionism attempt to justify their prejudices with crude stereotypes rather than with any sort of meaningful discussion of facts. Color me shocked.
Tough shit, Skippy. Here's some facts for you:

Earlier Friday, remote-controlled explosives strapped to two mentally retarded women detonated in a coordinated attack on Baghdad pet bazaars, killing at least 73 people in the deadliest day since the U.S. sent 30,000 extra troops to the capital last spring.

In Iraq, terrorists have used handicapped children as suicide bombers. In fact, a child with Down’s syndrome was used to blow up a polling site in Baghdad. A bomb was placed around the child’s body, and he was marched to the polling location. His handlers then goaded him to walk to the target. But the terrified child paused. He became confused, and as a result, he turned and began walking to the terrorists who had sent him. The infuriated psychopaths immediately detonated the boy, furious that he had failed. At another time, terrorists used another Down’s syndrome child to throw grenades with the hope that U.S. soldiers would kill the boy. They believed that the disabled children would be able to get closer to their targets because people would be naturally less suspicious and even sympathetic to the injured.​
There's some meaningful facts for you.

Like I said, Islamic terrorists are cowards.

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