Iran says it's ready for war with US

We did not worry about prices in WWII-some things are more important than money

Not to a Republican; Money is the ONLY THING a Republican cares about.
----------------------------------- might be correct about 'conservative repubs , rinos ' or 'bush style conservatives' but not so much for TRUMPSTERS Caddo .

Nope; Republicans only care about MONEY.

They ONLY care about their own money; no one else's ...........

Why would anyone care about someone else's money, aside from coveting it?

Republicans are some strange beasts; you would have to ask one of the beasts

You brought it up. What's your rationale?
Not to a Republican; Money is the ONLY THING a Republican cares about.
----------------------------------- might be correct about 'conservative repubs , rinos ' or 'bush style conservatives' but not so much for TRUMPSTERS Caddo .

Nope; Republicans only care about MONEY.

They ONLY care about their own money; no one else's ...........

Why would anyone care about someone else's money, aside from coveting it?

Republicans are some strange beasts; you would have to ask one of the beasts

You brought it up. What's your rationale?

any Republican only cares about money.

that same Republican doesn't give a ratz ass if anyone else has any money; Republicans included.

Get it?

use your damn brain ; oh sorry. You don't have one.
----------------------------------- might be correct about 'conservative repubs , rinos ' or 'bush style conservatives' but not so much for TRUMPSTERS Caddo .

Nope; Republicans only care about MONEY.

They ONLY care about their own money; no one else's ...........

Why would anyone care about someone else's money, aside from coveting it?

Republicans are some strange beasts; you would have to ask one of the beasts

You brought it up. What's your rationale?

any Republican only cares about money.

that same Republican doesn't give a ratz ass if anyone else has any money; Republicans included.

Get it?

use your damn brain ; oh sorry. You don't have one.

You give no reason why a Republican - or a Democrat for that matter - should give a rat's ass if anyone else has any money. Why should they? Explain yourself.
problem I have with money is when money is placed as the number one priority by money grubbers over the USA
any Republican only cares about money.
that same Republican doesn't give a ratz ass if anyone else has any money; Republicans included.
Get it?
use your damn brain ; oh sorry. You don't have one.

Caddo Kid - Just another lost snowflake

A conventional, "proportionate" war with Iran would be a world economic disaster.

A total border-to-border obliteration with no living thing....even a single blade of grass...remaining would cause a short period of uncertainty which would end very quickly upon the speaking of a single phrase:

Should have done this in Afghanistan to some degree....not entire country but there should have been at least one giant mushroom after they refused to hand Bin Laden over
That or torch their entire oil industry,,,,
That's funny. Apparently they have no clue what hell Trump will unleash upon them should he decide to end this problem once and for all. He is no Barack Obama.

Iran says it's ready for war with US after Saudi oil attack accusations

If we had kicked their ass royally many years ago as any superpower with a set of non-PC balls should have, we wouldn't be in this position now. Anyone with a cane could have seen this coming. Letting an impudent child run your life never ends well and the problems only get worse with time.
Do you realize that a war with Iran would spike crude oil prices? What is the one main factor that has preceded nearly every recession over the past several decades? A prolonged spike in energy co$t$.

A US Iran war would at a minimum most likely result in a world wide recession.

Odds would be pretty high for a resulting world wide depression & a world war also.

Let's see if Trump has the cajones.
It'll be a short war.
You LIE!!!

Iran is 3 times more powerful than Iraq was & that was the longest US war besides Afghanistan.
Do you realize that a war with Iran would spike crude oil prices? What is the one main factor that has preceded nearly every recession over the past several decades? A prolonged spike in energy co$t$.

A US Iran war would at a minimum most likely result in a world wide recession.

Odds would be pretty high for a resulting world wide depression & a world war also.

Let's see if Trump has the cajones.
It'll be a short war.
You LIE!!!

Iran is 3 times more powerful than Iraq was & that was the longest US war besides Afghanistan.
Iran is about to become a parking lot if they don't knock it off.
Iran also uses Soviet Era military tactics.....have no decent airforce or navy.....and the only thing they're good at is sneaking around and committing terrorist acts.
In war you gotta kill ALL the enemy and break their 'things' rather than strut around after dropping a MOAB . See 'nagasaki' and 'hiroshima' and 'dresden germany' to see the way Kiss .
That's funny. Apparently they have no clue what hell Trump will unleash upon them should he decide to end this problem once and for all. He is no Barack Obama.

Iran says it's ready for war with US after Saudi oil attack accusations
Does that means that they've already bent over and kissed their asses goodbye?
No, it means they are about as smart as the guys here who think their basement is a bunker and their ar-15 will let them overthrow the government.
Iran always runs their big mouths......................bragging and grunting and BS................They are hardly in any position to go to War with us......................They will have to get their paramilitaries on a leash or they are going to get smacked down.............

If we do go to War with us.............then no rules.........get the hell in and get the hell out..............

They will back down..............they are just seeing how far they can push before we smoke their asses........
First , don't worry.... our foreign enemies know that Trump is all mouth and no action,,,, remember, Trump's 'fire and fury' threat to North Korea turned out to be 'Kim Jung Un sends me beautiful love letters' and a photo op in the DMZ with him, and Trump's bowing to the Saudi Prince who brutally murdered an American resident and the employee of an American company, and remember Trump's groveling in Helsinki to Putin .... he's a yellow belly pussy cat...with a mouth of a lion, and a forked tongue of a snake....

Also, Trump CAN NOT GO TO WAR against Iran, without a resolution of war in Congress passing.

And on top of all of this, you are talking Saudi F-ing Arabia, where near all of our attackers on 9/11 came from.... this is NOT our war to fight.... No American should be sent to die in a war like that... ever! Americans are tired of this warring crap that we have been living up to our eyeballs in....
First , don't worry.... our foreign enemies know that Trump is all mouth and no action,,,, remember, Trump's 'fire and fury' threat to North Korea turned out to be 'Kim Jung Un sends me beautiful love letters' and a photo op in the DMZ with him, and Trump's bowing to the Saudi Prince who brutally murdered an American resident and the employee of an American company, and remember Trump's groveling in Helsinki to Putin .... he's a yellow belly pussy cat...with a mouth of a lion, and a forked tongue of a snake....

Also, Trump CAN NOT GO TO WAR against Iran, without a resolution of war in Congress passing.

And on top of all of this, you are talking Saudi F-ing Arabia, where near all of our attackers on 9/11 came from.... this is NOT our war to fight.... No American should be sent to die in a war like that... ever! Americans are tired of this warring crap that we have been living up to our eyeballs in....

US Presidents can attack any country for 60 days & extend that to 90 days without approval of congress. But this war is between Saudi & Iran, so we should just sell them weapons to destroy each-other.

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First , don't worry.... our foreign enemies know that Trump is all mouth and no action,,,, remember, Trump's 'fire and fury' threat to North Korea turned out to be 'Kim Jung Un sends me beautiful love letters' and a photo op in the DMZ with him, and Trump's bowing to the Saudi Prince who brutally murdered an American resident and the employee of an American company, and remember Trump's groveling in Helsinki to Putin .... he's a yellow belly pussy cat...with a mouth of a lion, and a forked tongue of a snake....

Also, Trump CAN NOT GO TO WAR against Iran, without a resolution of war in Congress passing.

And on top of all of this, you are talking Saudi F-ing Arabia, where near all of our attackers on 9/11 came from.... this is NOT our war to fight.... No American should be sent to die in a war like that... ever! Americans are tired of this warring crap that we have been living up to our eyeballs in....

US Presidents can attack any country for 60 days & extend that to 90 days without approval of congress. But this war is between Saudi & Iran, so we should just sell them weapons to destroy each-other.

---------------------------------------------- thankyou . Care4 needed that info to be informed Kiss . And as far as TRUMP going to War , well I guess that he doesn't like killing people and it is TRUMPS Party Care4 .
That's funny. Apparently they have no clue what hell Trump will unleash upon them should he decide to end this problem once and for all. He is no Barack Obama.

Iran says it's ready for war with US after Saudi oil attack accusations

Honest to God I cannot imagine Trump as Commander in Chief.
A good Commander in Chief - Job1 is to allow the military to be the military with little interference.
I don't see Trump doing that. His ego is too big. I see him trying to micro manage it.
Hopefully I could be wrong.
Having said that, the Democrats are on their knees pleading to any God that will listen that the war happens. The media can start counting the dead, plaster negative wherever they can find it, manufacture it where they can't.
Having said that, the Democrats are on their knees pleading to any God that will listen that the war happens. The media can start counting the dead, plaster negative wherever they can find it, manufacture it where they can't.
why do you have to lie? :dunno: you were doing so good telling truth...till the lie...
That's funny. Apparently they have no clue what hell Trump will unleash upon them should he decide to end this problem once and for all. He is no Barack Obama.

Iran says it's ready for war with US after Saudi oil attack accusations

Honest to God I cannot imagine Trump as Commander in Chief.
A good Commander in Chief - Job1 is to allow the military to be the military with little interference.
I don't see Trump doing that. His ego is too big. I see him trying to micro manage it.
Hopefully I could be wrong.
Having said that, the Democrats are on their knees pleading to any God that will listen that the war happens. The media can start counting the dead, plaster negative wherever they can find it, manufacture it where they can't.
---------------------------------------- as far as micro manage of Military , I don't know but maybe the Military needs to be micro managed since 'mrobama' did his purge of many Battle Hardened and Experienced American Generals and other high ranking people 'IAM .

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