Iran secret side deals


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Congress Members Frustrated by Secret Iran Nuclear Agreements and Hidden Unclassified Documents

Crucial aspects of the Iran nuclear deal remain hidden from the public, and in some instances, from the American government, Bloomberg reports.

In a closed-door session with House members Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry revealed that two side deals between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were reached. Kerry said he neither read nor possesses the secret agreements.

According to U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., a member of the House Intelligence Committee who attended the closed-door session, Congress also is in the dark on these agreements.

"Kerry told me directly that he has not read the secret side deals. He told us the State Department does not have possession of these documents," Pompeo told Bloomberg View columnists Josh Rogin and Eli Lake.

Furthermore, other secret agreements kept from the public were presented to Congress on Monday – part of 18 documents the White House were required to disclose – including secret letters of understanding between the U.S., France, Germany , and the United Kingdom that outline some of the ambiguous aspects of the nuclear deal.

Seventeen of these documents are unclassified, yet they are stored in ultra-secure facilities intended for top-secret information, the Daily Beast reports. These extraordinary precautions indicate that the Obama administration is seeking to keep unclassified documents from reaching the public.

"A lot of both documents and discussion that have been held in a classified setting doesn't have classified characteristics to it... to the extent that many [documents aren't classified,] they should be made totally public, as far as I'm concerned, so that the public can evaluate for themselves," U.S. Sen Bob Menendez, D-N.J., told the Daily Beast.

IAEA officials told Pompeo and U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., that the two side deals involve IAEA inspections of the Parchin military complex and how Iran and the IAEA would address concerns regarding the military dimensions of the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.

The Obama Administration is only required to pass documents in its possession to Congress, therefore the side deals cannot be presented to Congress or the U.S. public.

"Kerry gave no indications they are seeking these documents and there is no indication he is the least bit worried he doesn't have access to this. The Ayatollah [Khamenei] knows what's in the deal but we don't," Pompeo told Bloomberg.

These elements of secrecy regarding unclassified documents hidden from the public and side agreements without U.S. knowledge seem to directly contradict Preside Obama's argument that the Iran nuclear deal is verifiable and transparent
Congress Members Frustrated by Secret Iran Nuclear Agreements and Hidden Unclassified Documents

Crucial aspects of the Iran nuclear deal remain hidden from the public, and in some instances, from the American government, Bloomberg reports.

In a closed-door session with House members Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry revealed that two side deals between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were reached. Kerry said he neither read nor possesses the secret agreements.

According to U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., a member of the House Intelligence Committee who attended the closed-door session, Congress also is in the dark on these agreements.

"Kerry told me directly that he has not read the secret side deals. He told us the State Department does not have possession of these documents," Pompeo told Bloomberg View columnists Josh Rogin and Eli Lake.

Furthermore, other secret agreements kept from the public were presented to Congress on Monday – part of 18 documents the White House were required to disclose – including secret letters of understanding between the U.S., France, Germany , and the United Kingdom that outline some of the ambiguous aspects of the nuclear deal.

Seventeen of these documents are unclassified, yet they are stored in ultra-secure facilities intended for top-secret information, the Daily Beast reports. These extraordinary precautions indicate that the Obama administration is seeking to keep unclassified documents from reaching the public.

"A lot of both documents and discussion that have been held in a classified setting doesn't have classified characteristics to it... to the extent that many [documents aren't classified,] they should be made totally public, as far as I'm concerned, so that the public can evaluate for themselves," U.S. Sen Bob Menendez, D-N.J., told the Daily Beast.

IAEA officials told Pompeo and U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., that the two side deals involve IAEA inspections of the Parchin military complex and how Iran and the IAEA would address concerns regarding the military dimensions of the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.

The Obama Administration is only required to pass documents in its possession to Congress, therefore the side deals cannot be presented to Congress or the U.S. public.

"Kerry gave no indications they are seeking these documents and there is no indication he is the least bit worried he doesn't have access to this. The Ayatollah [Khamenei] knows what's in the deal but we don't," Pompeo told Bloomberg.

These elements of secrecy regarding unclassified documents hidden from the public and side agreements without U.S. knowledge seem to directly contradict Preside Obama's argument that the Iran nuclear deal is verifiable and transparent

So why is Mr. Transparent so secretive? Why must he hide what is inside the agreement with Iran like he did Obamacare?

It's because if you knew what was inside, you would be pissed out of your mind. There is no other explanation. Roaches need to hide in the dark, because when you turn on the light, they feel threatened.
if they hate the agreement that bad just use the nuke option like harry reid did
gutless wonders.
I'm beginning to hate republicans worse than the dems do
if they hate the agreement that bad just use the nuke option like harry reid did
gutless wonders.
I'm beginning to hate republicans worse than the dems do

Agreed. The GOP are worse because they pretend to be conservatives.
Iran takin' advantage of sanctions lifting...

Iran Presents New Oil Contracts For Foreign Investors
November 30, 2015 - Iran has unveiled a new model of oil contracts aimed at attracting foreign energy companies once sanctions are lifted under a nuclear deal reached earlier this year.
The new contracts were announced on November 28 at a conference in Tehran attended by many of the world's major energy companies. However, there were no U.S. companies present.

Under the terms of the new contracts, foreign investors will be allowed a greater stake in long-term profits. During the conference, Iran, the holder of the world’s fourth-largest crude reserves, presented $30 billion worth of projects to investors. Shell, Total, and Lukoil have reportedly specified fields they would be interested in developing.

Under the nuclear agreement reached with world powers in July, Tehran agreed to curb its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions. Iran has pledged to increase output by 500,000 barrels a day once sanctions are lifted.

Iran Unveils New Oil Contracts

See also:

Iran's Mines Could Bring 'Much More' Money Than Oil
November 30, 2015 - An Iranian government official says the country has potential to generate more revenue from mining than it does from oil.
Mojtaba Khosrowtaj, first deputy minister at the Ministry of Industry, Mine, and Trade, was quoted as making the comments in an interview published November 29.

Khosrowtaj told Bloomberg that metals such as copper and rare earth elements could be worth “much more” than Iran’s oil industry revenue of $30 billion, assuming crude at $40 a barrel and exports of 2 million barrels a day.

He said domestic and foreign companies need to be encouraged to develop the metal sector, which he said is still using equipment developed 15 or 20 years ago because of lack of funds due to sanctions. Under a nuclear deal reached with world powers in July, Tehran agreed to curb its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions.

Iran's Mines Could Bring 'Much More' Money Than Oil
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

am beginining to think we need to abolish this current Govmt.
Congress Members Frustrated by Secret Iran Nuclear Agreements and Hidden Unclassified Documents

Crucial aspects of the Iran nuclear deal remain hidden from the public, and in some instances, from the American government, Bloomberg reports.

In a closed-door session with House members Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry revealed that two side deals between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were reached. Kerry said he neither read nor possesses the secret agreements.

According to U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., a member of the House Intelligence Committee who attended the closed-door session, Congress also is in the dark on these agreements.

"Kerry told me directly that he has not read the secret side deals. He told us the State Department does not have possession of these documents," Pompeo told Bloomberg View columnists Josh Rogin and Eli Lake.

Furthermore, other secret agreements kept from the public were presented to Congress on Monday – part of 18 documents the White House were required to disclose – including secret letters of understanding between the U.S., France, Germany , and the United Kingdom that outline some of the ambiguous aspects of the nuclear deal.

Seventeen of these documents are unclassified, yet they are stored in ultra-secure facilities intended for top-secret information, the Daily Beast reports. These extraordinary precautions indicate that the Obama administration is seeking to keep unclassified documents from reaching the public.

"A lot of both documents and discussion that have been held in a classified setting doesn't have classified characteristics to it... to the extent that many [documents aren't classified,] they should be made totally public, as far as I'm concerned, so that the public can evaluate for themselves," U.S. Sen Bob Menendez, D-N.J., told the Daily Beast.

IAEA officials told Pompeo and U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., that the two side deals involve IAEA inspections of the Parchin military complex and how Iran and the IAEA would address concerns regarding the military dimensions of the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.

The Obama Administration is only required to pass documents in its possession to Congress, therefore the side deals cannot be presented to Congress or the U.S. public.

"Kerry gave no indications they are seeking these documents and there is no indication he is the least bit worried he doesn't have access to this. The Ayatollah [Khamenei] knows what's in the deal but we don't," Pompeo told Bloomberg.

These elements of secrecy regarding unclassified documents hidden from the public and side agreements without U.S. knowledge seem to directly contradict Preside Obama's argument that the Iran nuclear deal is verifiable and transparent

So why is Mr. Transparent so secretive? Why must he hide what is inside the agreement with Iran like he did Obamacare?

It's because if you knew what was inside, you would be pissed out of your mind. There is no other explanation. Roaches need to hide in the dark, because when you turn on the light, they feel threatened.

Are you really this stupid? The Obama administration is not the IAEA.

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