Iran- Still At It


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Because they are nothing more than trained sheep, Democrat voters have never asked their masters questions along the lines of ...

...why is it so import to end the half-century long Non-Proliferation Treaty, and guarantee nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism...

...or why the vaunted Obama-Iran Deal had no inspections allowed.....

...or why the deal never restricted Iran from building intercontinental missiles....


"State Department: Iran’s Nuclear Transgressions Make Return to Deal Harder

Iran blocks nuke inspectors from contested sites while boosting production of highly enriched uranium

The State Department says Iran’s refusal to permit international nuclear inspectors access to its most contested atomic sites is making it harder for the Biden administration to achieve its goal of returning to the 2015 nuclear deal.

"Iran says it wants to return to a diplomatic solution but continues to take steps to make that harder," a State Department spokesman told the Washington Free Beacon on Friday, responding to questions about the Biden administration’s stance on Iran’s violations of the nuclear deal.

Iran is restricting access to its nuclear sites, sparking a row between the country and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is required to inspect Iran’s sites as part of the original nuclear agreement. Since the United States abandoned the deal in 2018 under the Trump administration, Tehran has repeatedly sparred with the IAEA and violated the deal by producing highly enriched uranium, the key component in an atomic weapon.

Iran’s nuclear transgressions have sparked international backlash from European nations, which said in a joint statement last month that they remain "deeply concerned by Iran’s continued violations of its nuclear-related commitments, and recent escalations." The United States did not sign onto that statement but has expressed similar concerns about Tehran’s rush to enrich uranium and keep its nuclear sites secret.

This behavior has not been met with sanctions or any other punitive measures. "

This is what you get as foreign policy when Democrats are in power.

Versus, this:

5th Nobel Peace Prize Nomination for President Trump ... › peterpry › emp-icbm-nato-testing › 2020 › 10 › 26 › id › 993845
President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for many stellar accomplishments advancing world peace — not least his diplomatic breakthrough toward lasting peace in the Mideast. Although President Trump deservedly received four nominations for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize, and should have won, it was awarded to the World Food Bank.
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Because they are nothing more than trained sheep, Democrat voters have neve asked their masters questions along the lines of ...

...why is it so import to end the half-century long Non-Proliferation Treaty, and guarantee nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism...

...or why the vaunted Obama-Iran Deal had no inspections allowed.....

...or why the deal never restricted Iran from building intercontinental missiles....


"State Department: Iran’s Nuclear Transgressions Make Return to Deal Harder

Iran blocks nuke inspectors from contested sites while boosting production of highly enriched uranium

The State Department says Iran’s refusal to permit international nuclear inspectors access to its most contested atomic sites is making it harder for the Biden administration to achieve its goal of returning to the 2015 nuclear deal.

"Iran says it wants to return to a diplomatic solution but continues to take steps to make that harder," a State Department spokesman told the Washington Free Beacon on Friday, responding to questions about the Biden administration’s stance on Iran’s violations of the nuclear deal.

Iran is restricting access to its nuclear sites, sparking a row between the country and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is required to inspect Iran’s sites as part of the original nuclear agreement. Since the United States abandoned the deal in 2018 under the Trump administration, Tehran has repeatedly sparred with the IAEA and violated the deal by producing highly enriched uranium, the key component in an atomic weapon.

Iran’s nuclear transgressions have sparked international backlash from European nations, which said in a joint statement last month that they remain "deeply concerned by Iran’s continued violations of its nuclear-related commitments, and recent escalations." The United States did not sign onto that statement but has expressed similar concerns about Tehran’s rush to enrich uranium and keep its nuclear sites secret.

This behavior has not been met with sanctions or any other punitive measures. "
If I were Iran I definitely wouldn't trust another deal. And after seeing Kim Jong Un be recently celebrated by the U.S., I would be inspired to try harder than ever to get nukes.
If I were Iran I definitely wouldn't trust another deal. And after seeing Kim Jong Un be recently celebrated by the U.S., I would be inspired to try harder than ever to get nukes.

"I would be inspired to try harder than ever to get nukes."

Never let it be said that you didn't do a far better job of self-identifying as an imbecile than any job I could do.
..Israel is much more worried about Iran getting nukes than they were about Iraq's in 1981....Israel won't mess around with them
"I would be inspired to try harder than ever to get nukes."

Never let it be said that you didn't do a far better job of self-identifying as an imbecile than any job I could do.
So, countries around the world, seeing that the U.S. has elected a deranged sociopath in Trump, should just sit back and expect the best behavior toward them?

Grow a brain.
..Israel is much more worried about Iran getting nukes than they were about Iraq's in 1981....Israel won't mess around with them
They just have to find the right balance between not wanting Iran to have nukes, and wanting to keep using the Iran threat to maintain the gushing of free money they keep suckering out of the U.S.
They just have to find the right balance between not wanting Iran to have nukes, and wanting to keep using the Iran threat to maintain the gushing of free money they keep suckering out of the U.S.
..yes, we should stop giving $$$$ to everyone--we don't have it to give
So, countries around the world, seeing that the U.S. has elected a deranged sociopath in Trump, should just sit back and expect the best behavior toward them?

Grow a brain.

We already had our imbecile quote filled in this thread.

Try again tomorrow.
It's taken Iran longer to get the bomb than all the other nations who have the bomb, I wonder why that is?
So putting American interests first makes Trump a deranged sociopath in your mind?
I realize you’re slow. I’ll try again:

Any country seeing Trump get elected in the U.S. is going to do everything they can to protect or deter an attack from a lunatic in control of America’s military.
This behavior has not been met with sanctions or any other punitive measures. "
Iran's position became much more legitimized when Trump took the US out of the existing 5+1 nuclear deal.
It removed any onus to act militarily off of Iran by all parties and that's allowing Iran to dictate terms that are much more acceptable to them.

The only real option left open is the Zionist regime's direct act of war against Iran and that's likely prohibitive by now. The Biden regime just won't take that chance!

The reasons why it's prohibitive would be a useful discussion for this thread.

Otherwise, your remark:
...or why the deal never restricted Iran from building intercontinental missiles....

Can be shelved by a simple answer that ICBM are not a prohibited defensive measure.

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