Iran: The next unaffordable Republican War that raises gas prices


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010
We have 50 states.

And not all of them want to attack Iran. Why should the Federal government be allowed to make a decision for the rest of us? We are surviving just fine without attacking Iran.

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum don't care about the rights and powers of the states. They are big government Republicans and they will use the full power of the federal government as Bush and Reagan did (both of whom used war to grow Washington beyond belief). There has never been a Republican administration that was not built around an inflated National Security threat or a war. Every Republican president requires a Big Enemy in order to generate support among citizens and to move economic woes off the font page.

Therefore, Romney/Santorum is going to engage us in another unaffordable war which causes gas prices to go over $4. If you think the economy is bad now, just wait until the Republicans cause massive instability in the Middle East again.

Trust me. War is coming.

We can't afford another expensive, wrongheaded Republican war. (And don't claim that Afghanistan is just such a war. Bush started Afghanistan, and it's no Iran. Attacking Iran would destabilize the region more than attacking Iraq & Afghanistan combined. It would be a disaster. Afghanistan is a mud hole. Iran is a real country.)

Will Republican voters fall in line behind dear leader when he starts the next war?

Do Republican voters ever question their Washington leaders when it comes to war? -like the Left did with LBJ?

When Romney attacks Iran, will the Right run out and buy flags? Or will they, as free citizens, question their government?

Prediction: When Romney attacks Iran, the Tea Party will go from anti-government watchdogs to fire breathing Apparatchiks. They will shout down anyone who questions Washington on the war. They will become a big government protectorate, much like the Republican base during the first 6 yrs of Bush.

Why does the Right always allow Government to do whatever it wants when their party is in power? Why do they trust government so much?

(We can't afford another useless war. Please listen to Ron Paul)
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You realize that Obama is the commander in chief right?
We have 50 states.

And not all of them want to attack Iran. Why should the Federal government be allowed to make a decision for the rest of us?

Because one of the main functions of the Federal Government is to commit our country to armed conflict. Kinda hard to do when states can just decide to opt out.
What do you want to do about Iran? Cannot allow them to get a bomb. Would you be happier if we just wipe them out. War would actually save Iranian lives.
We have 50 states.

And not all of them want to attack Iran. Why should the Federal government be allowed to make a decision for the rest of us? We are surviving just fine without attacking Iran.

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum don't care about the rights and powers of the states. They are big government Republicans and they will use the full power of the federal government as Bush and Reagan did (both of whom used war to grow Washington beyond belief). There has never been a Republican administration that was not built around an inflated National Security threat or a war. Every Republican president requires a Big Enemy in order to generate support among citizens and to move economic woes off the font page.

Therefore, Romney/Santorum is going to engage us in another unaffordable war which causes gas prices to go over $4. If you think the economy is bad now, just wait until the Republicans cause massive instability in the Middle East again.

Trust me. War is coming.

We can't afford another expensive, wrongheaded Republican war. (And don't claim that Afghanistan is just such a war. Bush started Afghanistan, and it's no Iran. Attacking Iran would destabilize the region more than attacking Iraq & Afghanistan combined. It would be a disaster. Afghanistan is a mud hole. Iran is a real country.)

Will Republican voters fall in line behind dear leader when he starts the next war?

Do Republican voters ever question their Washington leaders when it comes to war? -like the Left did with LBJ?

When Romney attacks Iran, will the Right run out and buy flags? Or will they, as free citizens, question their government?

Prediction: When Romney attacks Iran, the Tea Party will go from anti-government watchdogs to fire breathing Apparatchiks. They will shout down anyone who questions Washington on the war. They will become a big government protectorate, much like the Republican base during the first 6 yrs of Bush.

Why does the Right always allow Government to do whatever it wants when their party is in power? Why do they trust government so much?

(We can't afford another useless war. Please listen to Ron Paul)


January 2, 2012. Jerusalem. In one of the most blacked-out stories in America right now, the US military is preparing to send thousands of US troops, along with US Naval anti-missile ships and accompanying support personnel, to Israel.

It took forever to find a second source for confirmation of this story and both relatively mainstream media outlets are in Israel. With one source saying the military deployment and corresponding exercises are to occur in January, the source providing most of the details suggests it will occur later this spring. Calling it not just an “exercise”, but a “deployment”, the Jerusalem Post quotes US Lt.-Gen Frank Gorenc, Commander of the US Third Air Force based in Germany. The US Commander visited Israel two weeks ago to confirm details for “the deployment of several thousand American soldiers to Israel.”

BREAKING NEWS: The Pentagon to Send US Troops to Israel. Iran is the Unspoken Target

and the CURRENT Commander in Chief is a Republican?

I dont mind people using propaganda to meet thier political needs, but for the sake of sanity can people try not to be so blatant about it. This is goebbels level stuff here.
Are you serious? You don't know why the federal government is responsible for the decision to go to war? I guess the modern union educated generation truly has no idea of history. Every major conflict in the bloody 20th century was started during a democrat administration. WW2 was about oil. Lefties were actually afraid the war in Iraq would lower gas prices for a lot of reasons. Lefties will never tolerate Military victory during a republican administration and lefties thrive on high gas prices and chaos and unrest. That's how democrats get elected. Democrats prevented oil drilling on a tiny portion of ANWAR and they kissed Hugo Chaves ass every time he spoke in the UN> Barry Hussein told Brazil Oil company "we want to be your best customer" while preventing American companies from being independent of foreign oil. Barry says he wants to punish lazy Americans for using so much energy. We are dependent on the Mid East for oil because of democrat policies. Barry said he wants to "wean" Americans off oil while we are selling our grand-grand kids future to countries (like China) who produce oil.
We have 50 states.

And not all of them want to attack Iran. Why should the Federal government be allowed to make a decision for the rest of us? We are surviving just fine without attacking Iran.

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum don't care about the rights and powers of the states. They are big government Republicans and they will use the full power of the federal government as Bush and Reagan did (both of whom used war to grow Washington beyond belief). There has never been a Republican administration that was not built around an inflated National Security threat or a war. Every Republican president requires a Big Enemy in order to generate support among citizens and to move economic woes off the font page.

Therefore, Romney/Santorum is going to engage us in another unaffordable war which causes gas prices to go over $4. If you think the economy is bad now, just wait until the Republicans cause massive instability in the Middle East again.

Trust me. War is coming.

We can't afford another expensive, wrongheaded Republican war. (And don't claim that Afghanistan is just such a war. Bush started Afghanistan, and it's no Iran. Attacking Iran would destabilize the region more than attacking Iraq & Afghanistan combined. It would be a disaster. Afghanistan is a mud hole. Iran is a real country.)

Will Republican voters fall in line behind dear leader when he starts the next war?

Do Republican voters ever question their Washington leaders when it comes to war? -like the Left did with LBJ?

When Romney attacks Iran, will the Right run out and buy flags? Or will they, as free citizens, question their government?

Prediction: When Romney attacks Iran, the Tea Party will go from anti-government watchdogs to fire breathing Apparatchiks. They will shout down anyone who questions Washington on the war. They will become a big government protectorate, much like the Republican base during the first 6 yrs of Bush.

Why does the Right always allow Government to do whatever it wants when their party is in power? Why do they trust government so much?

(We can't afford another useless war. Please listen to Ron Paul)

So, you think if Iran Closes the Straights we should do nothing? And what will that do to oil prices?


you people are so unwilling to see that sometimes force is needed. Blockading that Straight would send the Entire worlds economy into another free fall. It can not be allowed.

Iran with a Nuclear weapon would put the Whole world at risk. The UN agrees, our allies agree. The only people that do not agree are Iran, and Liberals who just don't get it.

of all the countries that could get nukes, Iran is the last one we should allow. It does not take a PHD to see that if anyone would use nukes after seeing what they can do, and knowing all there is to know about the Radiation and Devastation that comes with their use, its a religious nut. Any Religious nut. and Iran just happens to be ruled by Religious nuts.

Some things are worth fighting for. Limited Action to strike their Nuclear Program, and Action to keep the Straight should be on the table at all times, and after 10 years of failed negotiations as Iran Gets closer to the Nuclear Club, it's getting close to time to consider such action.

I stop short of supporting an Invasion, but I damn sure think it's time we, or someone(Israel) at least sets their Programs back some. You think the Middle east is unstable now. Wait till Iran has a Nuclear arsenal to Shield itself with, and threaten it's neighbors.

I personally think it's a very good way to bring on WWIII allowing them to have Nukes, but what do I know right. I am just going on what I have seen in my 49 Years of life, and life long study of History, and frankly I think better than the average Americans Understanding of the People in the Middle east, and more Importantly the Government of Iran.
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What do you want to do about Iran? Cannot allow them to get a bomb. Would you be happier if we just wipe them out. War would actually save Iranian lives.

I do not like the idea of Iran with the bomb. But how do you propose to stop them, or anybody else? Creating a bomb gets easier every day as the technology advances. Soon, any third world nation that desires to have a bomb, will be able to create one.

So, the question is, how many nations are you going to invade because you think that they are building a bomb? And even when you are correct, how long can we occupy those nations before we are dead broke? How many of our sons and daughters are you going to sacrifice as you did in Iraq for no gain?
What do you want to do about Iran? Cannot allow them to get a bomb. Would you be happier if we just wipe them out. War would actually save Iranian lives.
Like when we didn't stop the North Koreans from getting a nuke and they bombed the South the next day!

All those people were killed and the country was devastated. They'll probably never recover!

If ONLY we had stopped the Norks. Let's not do the same with Iran!
What do you want to do about Iran? Cannot allow them to get a bomb. Would you be happier if we just wipe them out. War would actually save Iranian lives.

I do not like the idea of Iran with the bomb. But how do you propose to stop them, or anybody else? Creating a bomb gets easier every day as the technology advances. Soon, any third world nation that desires to have a bomb, will be able to create one.

So, the question is, how many nations are you going to invade because you think that they are building a bomb? And even when you are correct, how long can we occupy those nations before we are dead broke? How many of our sons and daughters are you going to sacrifice as you did in Iraq for no gain?

So our military is sent into Libya and other African nations on a whim from the President. But to actually use them to take out real threats is a bad thing?
Hey londoner, why don't you try to find out which member of the royals is responsible for the body found on the Queen's private estate and leave American politics to ...Americans.
What do you want to do about Iran? Cannot allow them to get a bomb. Would you be happier if we just wipe them out. War would actually save Iranian lives.
Like when we didn't stop the North Koreans from getting a nuke and they bombed the South the next day!

All those people were killed and the country was devastated. They'll probably never recover!

If ONLY we had stopped the Norks. Let's not do the same with Iran!

Unfortunately, the analogy doesn't work. North Korea is run by Communists. Communists are by definition athiests. They are afraid of retaliation.

Iran is run by Shi'a Twelvers. Radical even for the radical Muslims. They believe that they are to prepare the way for the coming of the Twelfth Imam by creating chaos and destruction. They aren't afraid of retailiation. They believe they are going to be rewarded with 72 virgins when they die killing billions of people.

Now, I don't claim to be the smartest person on earth. But I can tell that there is a huge difference between the North Koreans getting a nuclear bomb and a bunch of Twelvers.

Oh, and for the record: We didn't invade North Korea to stop them from getting the bomb or in response to getting the bomb.

I'd also point out that Pakistan, another Muslim nation also has the bomb and we havent been preparing for war nor did we go to war with them to stop them. See, they may be Muslim, but they aren't Twelvers.
Israel lives there----let them handle it like a loyal ally who has been given trillions of dollars for just such a purpose.
Israel lives there----let them handle it like a loyal ally who has been given trillions of dollars for just such a purpose.

If it effects only Israel, then yes I agree.

If it's going to effect us, then I don't. There is no reason we should let others take care of our problems.

Right now though, let's wait and see and if we can get some espoinage going on then so much the better.
What do you want to do about Iran? Cannot allow them to get a bomb. Would you be happier if we just wipe them out. War would actually save Iranian lives.
Like when we didn't stop the North Koreans from getting a nuke and they bombed the South the next day!

All those people were killed and the country was devastated. They'll probably never recover!

If ONLY we had stopped the Norks. Let's not do the same with Iran!

Unfortunately, the analogy doesn't work. North Korea is run by Communists. Communists are by definition athiests. They are afraid of retaliation.

Iran is run by Shi'a Twelvers. Radical even for the radical Muslims. They believe that they are to prepare the way for the coming of the Twelfth Imam by creating chaos and destruction. They aren't afraid of retailiation. They believe they are going to be rewarded with 72 virgins when they die killing billions of people.

Now, I don't claim to be the smartest person on earth. But I can tell that there is a huge difference between the North Koreans getting a nuclear bomb and a bunch of Twelvers.

Oh, and for the record: We didn't invade North Korea to stop them from getting the bomb or in response to getting the bomb.

I'd also point out that Pakistan, another Muslim nation also has the bomb and we havent been preparing for war nor did we go to war with them to stop them. See, they may be Muslim, but they aren't Twelvers.
Israel has at least 400 nukes and a modern military. If they think Iran is a threat, then they should do something about it.

It would be like us asking Israel to invade Mexico because we think they're gonna' get a nuke. You know they have the capability, we better invade now!

I'm sure Rightwinger would be ok with it, as long as only a few Americans get killed.
You can see why the GOP shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the White House- No evidence that Iraq wants nukes, and they're ready to attack- absolute idiocy.
We have 50 states.

And not all of them want to attack Iran. Why should the Federal government be allowed to make a decision for the rest of us? We are surviving just fine without attacking Iran.

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum don't care about the rights and powers of the states. They are big government Republicans and they will use the full power of the federal government as Bush and Reagan did (both of whom used war to grow Washington beyond belief). There has never been a Republican administration that was not built around an inflated National Security threat or a war. Every Republican president requires a Big Enemy in order to generate support among citizens and to move economic woes off the font page.

Therefore, Romney/Santorum is going to engage us in another unaffordable war which causes gas prices to go over $4. If you think the economy is bad now, just wait until the Republicans cause massive instability in the Middle East again.

Trust me. War is coming.

We can't afford another expensive, wrongheaded Republican war. (And don't claim that Afghanistan is just such a war. Bush started Afghanistan, and it's no Iran. Attacking Iran would destabilize the region more than attacking Iraq & Afghanistan combined. It would be a disaster. Afghanistan is a mud hole. Iran is a real country.)

Will Republican voters fall in line behind dear leader when he starts the next war?

Do Republican voters ever question their Washington leaders when it comes to war? -like the Left did with LBJ?

When Romney attacks Iran, will the Right run out and buy flags? Or will they, as free citizens, question their government?

Prediction: When Romney attacks Iran, the Tea Party will go from anti-government watchdogs to fire breathing Apparatchiks. They will shout down anyone who questions Washington on the war. They will become a big government protectorate, much like the Republican base during the first 6 yrs of Bush.

Why does the Right always allow Government to do whatever it wants when their party is in power? Why do they trust government so much?

(We can't afford another useless war. Please listen to Ron Paul)

Are you incredibly stupid, or do you just play one on the internet?

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