iran vs usa

Sharia law is something your big Sunni buddies like Saudi Arabia and Kuweit have. It does not exist in Iran. Oh, Sharia law also applies in Syria for if the involved parties all want it. If not, the national law applies.

I would say "you are very confused..." Capt blei-----just to be polite-----
but the fact is-------that you are KNOWINGLY LYING. Iran is VERY MUCH into the stench of Shariah law. As to Syria-----same thing. For those who do not know-------the LOOP HOLE in the "civil codes" or Iran and in Baathist pig
countries is-------LAW MUST NOT CONTRADICT THE KORAN ---no matter how disgusting is the koranic law
Wrong again, My friend Cayla, as Syria is secular and Iran Shiite.

BAATHIST is not "secular" anymore than Nazi-Germany was "secular" ---
or Nazi Italy was "secular" Baathism is "ISLAMIC" with a special ---
modicum, of "toleration" for controlled christianity
SOMEBODY pay to you for this bullshit ?

your post is confusing-------you did not specify the "BULLSHIT" to which you
refer. I agree that Capt Blei does cast lots of crap into cyberspace----but so saying is vague
He means the crap that you are salivating.
Sharia law is something your big Sunni buddies like Saudi Arabia and Kuweit have. It does not exist in Iran. Oh, Sharia law also applies in Syria for if the involved parties all want it. If not, the national law applies.

I would say "you are very confused..." Capt blei-----just to be polite-----
but the fact is-------that you are KNOWINGLY LYING. Iran is VERY MUCH into the stench of Shariah law. As to Syria-----same thing. For those who do not know-------the LOOP HOLE in the "civil codes" or Iran and in Baathist pig
countries is-------LAW MUST NOT CONTRADICT THE KORAN ---no matter how disgusting is the koranic law
Wrong again, My friend Cayla, as Syria is secular and Iran Shiite.

BAATHIST is not "secular" anymore than Nazi-Germany was "secular" ---
or Nazi Italy was "secular" Baathism is "ISLAMIC" with a special ---
modicum, of "toleration" for controlled christianity
SOMEBODY pay to you for this bullshit ?

your post is confusing-------you did not specify the "BULLSHIT" to which you
refer. I agree that Capt Blei does cast lots of crap into cyberspace----but so saying is vague

anti shia propaganda
iran vs usa
World Cup
8:40 east time


iran won
iran 5
usa 3
Iranians aren't Sunni.

Iran does not have much “homegrown” terrorism. For comparison, Saudi has a lot of terrorist sympathizers because the foundations of the extremist ideology of ISIS is basically taught in schools there. The state ideology of Wahhabism is very, very conservative. Iran’s society and education is far more modern and open. Iranians are Shias, and find their religious legitimacy from the Shia school of thought. They don’t find ISIS’s read on religion relevant at all (and ISIS call them infidels anyways).


no iran

FAR more important in the support of ISLAMIC TERRORISM is the support by
OIL RICH IRAN of HEZBOLLAH ---<<<< far more virulent INTERNATIONALLY than is Isis. Isis is not supported by arab govenments---it is supported by ---individual oil rich arabs and muslims around the world. HEZBOLLAH has THE SUPPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF IRAN

Yes, I am well aware of Hezbollah. They are specifically opposed to Israel, and for the most part do not attack people in the West. Can you name a terror attack in Europe or the US that was carried out by a Shi'ite? They are always carried out by Sunnis. The Sunnis are our primary enemy.

I'm not saying Iran isn't a huge threat, it is. We shouldn't let them get the bomb, we or Israel should bomb their nuclear facilities before that happens.

not entirely true------the STATS confuse you -----the only reason that there is
MORE sunni terrorism reported in the news is-----THERE ARE MORE SUNNIS
IN THE WORLD. Only about 10% of muslims are Shiites and they are mostly
in Iran-------for a better perspective on just what a SHIITE is-----talk to a Yemeni
in the USA. Yemenis are mostly sunnis--------the minority Shiites in Yemen have
been wrecking hell in that country ------being armed and REINFORCED by Hezbollah right out of Iran------the streets of the major cities have been running red
for more than a decade. The Shiite ethos is--------DESTROY KAFFIRIN AND ---also ---DESTROY SUNNIS

Iran condemns Orlando terrorist mass shooting
PressTV-Iran condemns Orlando mass shooting

Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks: candlelit vigils for the victims and 60k soccer fans respected a minute’s silence



iranian reaction for paris attack
Iran is full of shit. They can act sad because those particular attacks were by Sunni. When the Shiite terror kill people then they are not so sad.

Iran does not have much “homegrown” terrorism. For comparison, Saudi has a lot of terrorist sympathizers because the foundations of the extremist ideology of ISIS is basically taught in schools there. The state ideology of Wahhabism is very, very conservative. Iran’s society and education is far more modern and open. Iranians are Shias, and find their religious legitimacy from the Shia school of thought. They don’t find ISIS’s read on religion relevant at all (and ISIS call them infidels anyways).


no iran

FAR more important in the support of ISLAMIC TERRORISM is the support by
OIL RICH IRAN of HEZBOLLAH ---<<<< far more virulent INTERNATIONALLY than is Isis. Isis is not supported by arab govenments---it is supported by ---individual oil rich arabs and muslims around the world. HEZBOLLAH has THE SUPPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF IRAN

Yes, I am well aware of Hezbollah. They are specifically opposed to Israel, and for the most part do not attack people in the West. Can you name a terror attack in Europe or the US that was carried out by a Shi'ite? They are always carried out by Sunnis. The Sunnis are our primary enemy.

I'm not saying Iran isn't a huge threat, it is. We shouldn't let them get the bomb, we or Israel should bomb their nuclear facilities before that happens.

not entirely true------the STATS confuse you -----the only reason that there is
MORE sunni terrorism reported in the news is-----THERE ARE MORE SUNNIS
IN THE WORLD. Only about 10% of muslims are Shiites and they are mostly
in Iran-------for a better perspective on just what a SHIITE is-----talk to a Yemeni
in the USA. Yemenis are mostly sunnis--------the minority Shiites in Yemen have
been wrecking hell in that country ------being armed and REINFORCED by Hezbollah right out of Iran------the streets of the major cities have been running red
for more than a decade. The Shiite ethos is--------DESTROY KAFFIRIN AND ---also ---DESTROY SUNNIS

Iran condemns Orlando terrorist mass shooting
PressTV-Iran condemns Orlando mass shooting

Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks: candlelit vigils for the victims and 60k soccer fans respected a minute’s silence



iranian reaction for paris attack
Iran is full of shit. They can act sad because those particular attacks were by Sunni. When the Shiite terror kill people then they are not so sad.

what terror by shia in europe and usa ?
just say one ..
FAR more important in the support of ISLAMIC TERRORISM is the support by
OIL RICH IRAN of HEZBOLLAH ---<<<< far more virulent INTERNATIONALLY than is Isis. Isis is not supported by arab govenments---it is supported by ---individual oil rich arabs and muslims around the world. HEZBOLLAH has THE SUPPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF IRAN

Yes, I am well aware of Hezbollah. They are specifically opposed to Israel, and for the most part do not attack people in the West. Can you name a terror attack in Europe or the US that was carried out by a Shi'ite? They are always carried out by Sunnis. The Sunnis are our primary enemy.

I'm not saying Iran isn't a huge threat, it is. We shouldn't let them get the bomb, we or Israel should bomb their nuclear facilities before that happens.

not entirely true------the STATS confuse you -----the only reason that there is
MORE sunni terrorism reported in the news is-----THERE ARE MORE SUNNIS
IN THE WORLD. Only about 10% of muslims are Shiites and they are mostly
in Iran-------for a better perspective on just what a SHIITE is-----talk to a Yemeni
in the USA. Yemenis are mostly sunnis--------the minority Shiites in Yemen have
been wrecking hell in that country ------being armed and REINFORCED by Hezbollah right out of Iran------the streets of the major cities have been running red
for more than a decade. The Shiite ethos is--------DESTROY KAFFIRIN AND ---also ---DESTROY SUNNIS

Iran condemns Orlando terrorist mass shooting
PressTV-Iran condemns Orlando mass shooting

Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks: candlelit vigils for the victims and 60k soccer fans respected a minute’s silence



iranian reaction for paris attack
Iran is full of shit. They can act sad because those particular attacks were by Sunni. When the Shiite terror kill people then they are not so sad.

what terror by shia in europe and usa ?
just say one ..

why are you LIMITING the arena------you consider people in the
continent of Africa and Asia to be monkeys and pigs -----like your "nabi"
and his "sahabah" scum?
FAR more important in the support of ISLAMIC TERRORISM is the support by
OIL RICH IRAN of HEZBOLLAH ---<<<< far more virulent INTERNATIONALLY than is Isis. Isis is not supported by arab govenments---it is supported by ---individual oil rich arabs and muslims around the world. HEZBOLLAH has THE SUPPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF IRAN

Yes, I am well aware of Hezbollah. They are specifically opposed to Israel, and for the most part do not attack people in the West. Can you name a terror attack in Europe or the US that was carried out by a Shi'ite? They are always carried out by Sunnis. The Sunnis are our primary enemy.

I'm not saying Iran isn't a huge threat, it is. We shouldn't let them get the bomb, we or Israel should bomb their nuclear facilities before that happens.

not entirely true------the STATS confuse you -----the only reason that there is
MORE sunni terrorism reported in the news is-----THERE ARE MORE SUNNIS
IN THE WORLD. Only about 10% of muslims are Shiites and they are mostly
in Iran-------for a better perspective on just what a SHIITE is-----talk to a Yemeni
in the USA. Yemenis are mostly sunnis--------the minority Shiites in Yemen have
been wrecking hell in that country ------being armed and REINFORCED by Hezbollah right out of Iran------the streets of the major cities have been running red
for more than a decade. The Shiite ethos is--------DESTROY KAFFIRIN AND ---also ---DESTROY SUNNIS

Iran condemns Orlando terrorist mass shooting
PressTV-Iran condemns Orlando mass shooting

Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks: candlelit vigils for the victims and 60k soccer fans respected a minute’s silence



iranian reaction for paris attack
Iran is full of shit. They can act sad because those particular attacks were by Sunni. When the Shiite terror kill people then they are not so sad.

what terror by shia in europe and usa ?
just say one ..
Iran funds terror. For example, they funded the Hezbollah bombing of the US military barracks in Beruit in 1983.
Yes, I am well aware of Hezbollah. They are specifically opposed to Israel, and for the most part do not attack people in the West. Can you name a terror attack in Europe or the US that was carried out by a Shi'ite? They are always carried out by Sunnis. The Sunnis are our primary enemy.

I'm not saying Iran isn't a huge threat, it is. We shouldn't let them get the bomb, we or Israel should bomb their nuclear facilities before that happens.

not entirely true------the STATS confuse you -----the only reason that there is
MORE sunni terrorism reported in the news is-----THERE ARE MORE SUNNIS
IN THE WORLD. Only about 10% of muslims are Shiites and they are mostly
in Iran-------for a better perspective on just what a SHIITE is-----talk to a Yemeni
in the USA. Yemenis are mostly sunnis--------the minority Shiites in Yemen have
been wrecking hell in that country ------being armed and REINFORCED by Hezbollah right out of Iran------the streets of the major cities have been running red
for more than a decade. The Shiite ethos is--------DESTROY KAFFIRIN AND ---also ---DESTROY SUNNIS

Iran condemns Orlando terrorist mass shooting
PressTV-Iran condemns Orlando mass shooting

Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks: candlelit vigils for the victims and 60k soccer fans respected a minute’s silence



iranian reaction for paris attack
Iran is full of shit. They can act sad because those particular attacks were by Sunni. When the Shiite terror kill people then they are not so sad.

what terror by shia in europe and usa ?
just say one ..
Iran funds terror. For example, they funded the Hezbollah bombing of the US military barracks in Beruit in 1983.

yes they did. That was Lebanon and the least of its expenditure for the terrorist mob Hezbollah led by the infamous barbarian NUS KHARAH ALLAH---
IRANIAN SHIITE SHIT warrior adept at mutilation murder. Iran has spend 100s of millions to SUPPORT a buffer population now living in the wasteland which is
south of the Litani river and to arm the area to the teeth ---only miles from the northern border of Haifa ---ie North Israel. The only reason the Shiite dogs are
there is for the delusional fulfillment of the AYATOILET agenda to DESTROY DA JOOOS. In fact Hezbollah has spent = sums to plant Hezbollah dogs in Yemen---in the hope of capturing the black turd in Mecca-------thousands of Yemeni children lie dead in the dust.
not entirely true------the STATS confuse you -----the only reason that there is
MORE sunni terrorism reported in the news is-----THERE ARE MORE SUNNIS
IN THE WORLD. Only about 10% of muslims are Shiites and they are mostly
in Iran-------for a better perspective on just what a SHIITE is-----talk to a Yemeni
in the USA. Yemenis are mostly sunnis--------the minority Shiites in Yemen have
been wrecking hell in that country ------being armed and REINFORCED by Hezbollah right out of Iran------the streets of the major cities have been running red
for more than a decade. The Shiite ethos is--------DESTROY KAFFIRIN AND ---also ---DESTROY SUNNIS

Iran condemns Orlando terrorist mass shooting
PressTV-Iran condemns Orlando mass shooting

Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks: candlelit vigils for the victims and 60k soccer fans respected a minute’s silence



iranian reaction for paris attack
Iran is full of shit. They can act sad because those particular attacks were by Sunni. When the Shiite terror kill people then they are not so sad.

what terror by shia in europe and usa ?
just say one ..
Iran funds terror. For example, they funded the Hezbollah bombing of the US military barracks in Beruit in 1983.

yes they did. That was Lebanon and the least of its expenditure for the terrorist mob Hezbollah led by the infamous barbarian NUS KHARAH ALLAH---
IRANIAN SHIITE SHIT warrior adept at mutilation murder. Iran has spend 100s of millions to SUPPORT a buffer population now living in the wasteland which is
south of the Litani river and to arm the area to the teeth ---only miles from the northern border of Haifa ---ie North Israel. The only reason the Shiite dogs are
there is for the delusional fulfillment of the AYATOILET agenda to DESTROY DA JOOOS. In fact Hezbollah has spent = sums to plant Hezbollah dogs in Yemen---in the hope of capturing the black turd in Mecca-------thousands of Yemeni children lie dead in the dust.

One of America's greatest mistakes was allowing the Lebanon Christians to get slaughtered.

As for the rest of camel land, we should let the Shiites and Sunni kill each other, while refusing any refugees/immigrants.
Iran condemns Orlando terrorist mass shooting
PressTV-Iran condemns Orlando mass shooting

Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks: candlelit vigils for the victims and 60k soccer fans respected a minute’s silence



iranian reaction for paris attack
Iran is full of shit. They can act sad because those particular attacks were by Sunni. When the Shiite terror kill people then they are not so sad.

what terror by shia in europe and usa ?
just say one ..
Iran funds terror. For example, they funded the Hezbollah bombing of the US military barracks in Beruit in 1983.

yes they did. That was Lebanon and the least of its expenditure for the terrorist mob Hezbollah led by the infamous barbarian NUS KHARAH ALLAH---
IRANIAN SHIITE SHIT warrior adept at mutilation murder. Iran has spend 100s of millions to SUPPORT a buffer population now living in the wasteland which is
south of the Litani river and to arm the area to the teeth ---only miles from the northern border of Haifa ---ie North Israel. The only reason the Shiite dogs are
there is for the delusional fulfillment of the AYATOILET agenda to DESTROY DA JOOOS. In fact Hezbollah has spent = sums to plant Hezbollah dogs in Yemen---in the hope of capturing the black turd in Mecca-------thousands of Yemeni children lie dead in the dust.

One of America's greatest mistakes was allowing the Lebanon Christians to get slaughtered.

As for the rest of camel land, we should let the Shiites and Sunni kill each other, while refusing any refugees/immigrants.

we continue the mistake-----muslim refugees should be GIVEN REFUGE--in
muslim nations-------the USA should concentrate on getting Christians out of
Iraq and Syria-------I am ALL FOR refuge for all people NEEDING REFUGE
Yes, I am well aware of Hezbollah. They are specifically opposed to Israel, and for the most part do not attack people in the West. Can you name a terror attack in Europe or the US that was carried out by a Shi'ite? They are always carried out by Sunnis. The Sunnis are our primary enemy.

I'm not saying Iran isn't a huge threat, it is. We shouldn't let them get the bomb, we or Israel should bomb their nuclear facilities before that happens.

not entirely true------the STATS confuse you -----the only reason that there is
MORE sunni terrorism reported in the news is-----THERE ARE MORE SUNNIS
IN THE WORLD. Only about 10% of muslims are Shiites and they are mostly
in Iran-------for a better perspective on just what a SHIITE is-----talk to a Yemeni
in the USA. Yemenis are mostly sunnis--------the minority Shiites in Yemen have
been wrecking hell in that country ------being armed and REINFORCED by Hezbollah right out of Iran------the streets of the major cities have been running red
for more than a decade. The Shiite ethos is--------DESTROY KAFFIRIN AND ---also ---DESTROY SUNNIS

Iran condemns Orlando terrorist mass shooting
PressTV-Iran condemns Orlando mass shooting

Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks: candlelit vigils for the victims and 60k soccer fans respected a minute’s silence



iranian reaction for paris attack
Iran is full of shit. They can act sad because those particular attacks were by Sunni. When the Shiite terror kill people then they are not so sad.

what terror by shia in europe and usa ?
just say one ..

Iran funds terror. For example, they funded the Hezbollah bombing of the US military barracks in Beruit in 1983.

iran havnt full controll for hezbollah army .
+ hezobollah didnt kill ordinary people. kill army warrior
and kill in me . beirut. their land . no europe and usa
i said what terror in europe and usa . just normal people. i didnt say army
Iran condemns Orlando terrorist mass shooting
PressTV-Iran condemns Orlando mass shooting

Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks: candlelit vigils for the victims and 60k soccer fans respected a minute’s silence



iranian reaction for paris attack
Iran is full of shit. They can act sad because those particular attacks were by Sunni. When the Shiite terror kill people then they are not so sad.

what terror by shia in europe and usa ?
just say one ..
Iran funds terror. For example, they funded the Hezbollah bombing of the US military barracks in Beruit in 1983.

yes they did. That was Lebanon and the least of its expenditure for the terrorist mob Hezbollah led by the infamous barbarian NUS KHARAH ALLAH---
IRANIAN SHIITE SHIT warrior adept at mutilation murder. Iran has spend 100s of millions to SUPPORT a buffer population now living in the wasteland which is
south of the Litani river and to arm the area to the teeth ---only miles from the northern border of Haifa ---ie North Israel. The only reason the Shiite dogs are
there is for the delusional fulfillment of the AYATOILET agenda to DESTROY DA JOOOS. In fact Hezbollah has spent = sums to plant Hezbollah dogs in Yemen---in the hope of capturing the black turd in Mecca-------thousands of Yemeni children lie dead in the dust.

One of America's greatest mistakes was allowing the Lebanon Christians to get slaughtered.

As for the rest of camel land, we should let the Shiites and Sunni kill each other, while refusing any refugees/immigrants.

lebonan christian vote hezbollah now
Iran is full of shit. They can act sad because those particular attacks were by Sunni. When the Shiite terror kill people then they are not so sad.

what terror by shia in europe and usa ?
just say one ..
Iran funds terror. For example, they funded the Hezbollah bombing of the US military barracks in Beruit in 1983.

yes they did. That was Lebanon and the least of its expenditure for the terrorist mob Hezbollah led by the infamous barbarian NUS KHARAH ALLAH---
IRANIAN SHIITE SHIT warrior adept at mutilation murder. Iran has spend 100s of millions to SUPPORT a buffer population now living in the wasteland which is
south of the Litani river and to arm the area to the teeth ---only miles from the northern border of Haifa ---ie North Israel. The only reason the Shiite dogs are
there is for the delusional fulfillment of the AYATOILET agenda to DESTROY DA JOOOS. In fact Hezbollah has spent = sums to plant Hezbollah dogs in Yemen---in the hope of capturing the black turd in Mecca-------thousands of Yemeni children lie dead in the dust.

One of America's greatest mistakes was allowing the Lebanon Christians to get slaughtered.

As for the rest of camel land, we should let the Shiites and Sunni kill each other, while refusing any refugees/immigrants.

lebonan christian vote hezbollah now

so? Idi Amin got 100% of the vote in Uganda too
not entirely true------the STATS confuse you -----the only reason that there is
MORE sunni terrorism reported in the news is-----THERE ARE MORE SUNNIS
IN THE WORLD. Only about 10% of muslims are Shiites and they are mostly
in Iran-------for a better perspective on just what a SHIITE is-----talk to a Yemeni
in the USA. Yemenis are mostly sunnis--------the minority Shiites in Yemen have
been wrecking hell in that country ------being armed and REINFORCED by Hezbollah right out of Iran------the streets of the major cities have been running red
for more than a decade. The Shiite ethos is--------DESTROY KAFFIRIN AND ---also ---DESTROY SUNNIS

Iran condemns Orlando terrorist mass shooting
PressTV-Iran condemns Orlando mass shooting

Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks: candlelit vigils for the victims and 60k soccer fans respected a minute’s silence



iranian reaction for paris attack
Iran is full of shit. They can act sad because those particular attacks were by Sunni. When the Shiite terror kill people then they are not so sad.

what terror by shia in europe and usa ?
just say one ..

Iran funds terror. For example, they funded the Hezbollah bombing of the US military barracks in Beruit in 1983.

iran havnt full controll for hezbollah army .
+ hezobollah didnt kill ordinary people. kill army warrior
and kill in me . beirut. their land . no europe and usa
i said what terror in europe and usa . just normal people. i didnt say army

you are playing semantics-----an islamo Nazi ploy-----Hezbollah dogs are
murderers for the ayatoilet pigs-------

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