Iran. We are capable of producing a nuclear bomb.

You may now shut off your smart device since 99% of it was designed by evil Israelis.
Don't forget to stop your MDs from using all the equipment designed by evil Israelis.

And? Was what I said wrong? Why is it wrong to note simple truths?

I have nothing against Israel but I do want them to stop wanting us to fight their wars for them.
And? Was what I said wrong? Why is it wrong to note simple truths?

I have nothing against Israel but I do want them to stop wanting us to fight their wars for them.
Your ignorance the timeline of what occurs in the Middle East is embarrassing.
And? Was what I said wrong? Why is it wrong to note simple truths?

I have nothing against Israel but I do want them to stop wanting us to fight their wars for them.

Come on now.. what about the Israeli medical equipment?
And? Was what I said wrong? Why is it wrong to note simple truths?

I have nothing against Israel but I do want them to stop wanting us to fight their wars for them.
List one non-Israeli citizen who ever fought alongside the IDF.
In 2018, former US President Donald Trump ditched Tehran's 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, under which Iran curbed its uranium enrichment work, a potential pathway to nuclear weapons, in exchange for relief from economic sanctions.

About a year into Trump's "maximum pressure" policy on Iran, Tehran started violating the pact's nuclear restrictions.
Please stop the bullshit. The want nukes. And agreements mean crap but to smooth it over. Israel does not see the situation as agreements made. You spout America is not a theocracy and we are not. And we are destroying ourselves to prove it. But Iran is! Many great people live there and have American citizens of that background here. The matriarchy attains more and more power in America. And it weakens us. For most parts of the world do not live with so much comforts as the West. If Israel did not exist, it would be different. They are not going anywhere so realize it.
Please stop the bullshit. The want nukes. And agreements mean crap but to smooth it over. Israel does not see the situation as agreements made. You spout America is not a theocracy and we are not. And we are destroying ourselves to prove it. But Iran is! Many great people live there and have American citizens of that background here. The matriarchy attains more and more power in America. And it weakens us. For most parts of the world do not live with so much comforts as the West. If Israel did not exist, it would be different. They are not going anywhere so realize it.
I suggest you move to Iran then.
I suggest you move to Iran then.
You love Iran. There was a time I supported the Iranian thinking after I did not. Israel exists. perhaps it should have not been restarted. But the globalists did just that. Men and women have massive political and royalty power. But the men and women who control the financial and economic power have much more in the say. p.s....I know some Iranians and lived next store to one. The stereotype business owner of a quickie mart or quickie marts.
You love Iran. There was a time I supported the Iranian thinking after I did not. Israel exists. perhaps it should have not been restarted. But the globalists did just that. Men and women have massive political and royalty power. But the men and women who control the financial and economic power have much more in the say. p.s....I know some Iranians and lived next store to one. The stereotype business owner of a quickie mart or quickie marts.
I do not love Iran I am not in a relationship with Iran. Iran's social order is one which is an ancient society organization based on the leader of the nation is the religious leader. The owners of the convenience stores around here are from India no Iranians, I have not seen any since the 1970s.
In 2018, former US President Donald Trump ditched Tehran's 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, under which Iran curbed its uranium enrichment work, a potential pathway to nuclear weapons, in exchange for relief from economic sanctions.

I do not love Iran I am not in a relationship with Iran. Iran's social order is one which is an ancient society organization based on the leader of the nation is the religious leader.
I remember the 1980 Iranian crisis and the hostages. Even if we may have been the ones who interfered with them with the Shah. i remember being at a large rock club one night where inside the club they burned a dummy of an Ayatollah of Iran in effigy. Smoke was spread around the club, and it could have become dangerous. The thing is, maybe the then Ayatollah had a point. But this is not 1980. It is not the Obama era. And Israel will not accept nukes.
I remember the 1980 Iranian crisis and the hostages. Even if we may have been the ones who interfered with them with the Shah. i remember being at a large rock club one night where inside the club they burned a dummy of an Ayatollah of Iran in effigy. Smoke was spread around the club, and it could have become dangerous. The thing is, maybe the then Ayatollah had a point. But this is not 1980. It is not the Obama era. And Israel will not accept nukes.
Who died and put Israel in charge?
Israeli politics are in turmoil....a new prime minister is taking office.....will they allow Iran to build a bomb.....I think not....expect some spectacular developments soon.

A senior adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei boasted Sunday the Islamic republic is now capable of building a nuclear bomb, waiting until U.S. President Joe Biden was in the air and flying home from his Middle East visit to make the declaration of advanced capability.

Israeli politics are in turmoil....a new prime minister is taking office.....will they allow Iran to build a bomb.....I think not....expect some spectacular developments soon.

A senior adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei boasted Sunday the Islamic republic is now capable of building a nuclear bomb, waiting until U.S. President Joe Biden was in the air and flying home from his Middle East visit to make the declaration of advanced capability.

It's Brietbart crap. They probably are capable of building a nuclear weapon. Russia is going to help Iran finish the Buscehr power plant. Do you remember Atoms for Peace?

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