Iranian Bastards Holding Christian Pastor: 8 YEAR sentence (they do this regularly)

In view of all the concessions Obama and his fools have recently made towards Iran, it is only appropiate that Iran makes some real concessions itself, showing a small amount of goodwill, and a release of this man would be the right thing to do, irrespective of his background.
In view of all the concessions Obama and his fools have recently made towards Iran, it is only appropiate that Iran makes some real concessions itself, showing a small amount of goodwill, and a release of this man would be the right thing to do, irrespective of his background.
Why should Iran release a convicted criminal?? ... :cool:
did he kill somebody? why are you calling him a criminal? ..... people are weird. ^^^
In view of all the concessions Obama and his fools have recently made towards Iran, it is only appropiate that Iran makes some real concessions itself, showing a small amount of goodwill, and a release of this man would be the right thing to do, irrespective of his background.
Why should Iran release a convicted criminal?? ... :cool:
What's he convicted of, moron, do you even know? Practicing Christianity and proselytizing. That's his big crime.

If that's a crime then all you Islamist assholes should be put in jail.
Years ago there were two separate articles, one quoting the mayor of a small town in Texas and the other from a small town in the New England area. These nice Sunni Muslims were busting the town budgets because of welfare.
Don't know about the town in Texas.

But the one in NE is Lewiston, Maine.

Since the Somali people resettled there due to the civil war a dozen years ago.

They have revitilized the formerly run down mill town.

The local economy has started to boom because the somali people opened new businesses.

And the state of Maine has opened a new extension to their university system in Lewiston due to increased enrollment. .... :cool:
Ha ha ha. Somali Muslims turn a neighborhood to shit, not revitalize it.
Years ago there were two separate articles, one quoting the mayor of a small town in Texas and the other from a small town in the New England area. These nice Sunni Muslims were busting the town budgets because of welfare.
Don't know about the town in Texas.

But the one in NE is Lewiston, Maine.

Since the Somali people resettled there due to the civil war a dozen years ago.

They have revitilized the formerly run down mill town.

The local economy has started to boom because the somali people opened new businesses.

And the state of Maine has opened a new extension to their university system in Lewiston due to increased enrollment. .... :cool:

They don't seem to do so hot in the San Diego area according to someone who lives there and knows what is going on. Meanwhile, why don't you tell us about the Samali gangs roaming in the Minneapolis area and how the Somali youths are running to join the Jihadists in Muslim countries? In additioin speaking about Sunnis, I believe they are the majority Muslims in Chad. Years ago there was a fire in the Bronx and a woman and about six children died. The other woman and six other children survived. It is so nice that Muslims practice polygamy here in America where a taxi cab driver can support a dozen kids on welfare. There is no way, even in the Bronx, where a guy driving a cab can support a dozen kids without the help of welfare.
They don't seem to do so hot in the San Diego area according to someone who lives there and knows what is going on. Meanwhile, why don't you tell us about the Samali gangs roaming in the Minneapolis area and how the Somali youths are running to join the Jihadists in Muslim countries? In additioin speaking about Sunnis, I believe they are the majority Muslims in Chad. Years ago there was a fire in the Bronx and a woman and about six children died. The other woman and six other children survived. It is so nice that Muslims practice polygamy here in America where a taxi cab driver can support a dozen kids on welfare. There is no way, even in the Bronx, where a guy driving a cab can support a dozen kids without the help of welfare.
Silly-Sally, you must have a serious case of ADHD .... :eek:

Tell me about blah, blah, Somali gangs, blah, blah, Chad, blah, blah, taxi cabs, blah blah, Bronx, blah, blah, Jihadist, blah, blah, polygamy, blah, blah, blah........ :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
did he kill somebody? why are you calling him a criminal? ..... people are weird. ^^^
He broke Iranian law and was convicted in an Iranian court.

So yes, he is a criminal. ... :cool:

read my post 43 again

that's why I say that iran should show some gesture of goodwill after all the concessions Obama and his fools have recently made towards Iran....

show some goodwill for heavens sake...
read my post 43 again

that's why I say that iran should show some gesture of goodwill after all the concessions Obama and his fools have recently made towards Iran....

show some goodwill for heavens sake...
Yes, it would show some goodwill between our two countries. .... :thup:
They don't seem to do so hot in the San Diego area according to someone who lives there and knows what is going on. Meanwhile, why don't you tell us about the Samali gangs roaming in the Minneapolis area and how the Somali youths are running to join the Jihadists in Muslim countries? In additioin speaking about Sunnis, I believe they are the majority Muslims in Chad. Years ago there was a fire in the Bronx and a woman and about six children died. The other woman and six other children survived. It is so nice that Muslims practice polygamy here in America where a taxi cab driver can support a dozen kids on welfare. There is no way, even in the Bronx, where a guy driving a cab can support a dozen kids without the help of welfare.
Silly-Sally, you must have a serious case of ADHD .... :eek:

Tell me about blah, blah, Somali gangs, blah, blah, Chad, blah, blah, taxi cabs, blah blah, Bronx, blah, blah, Jihadist, blah, blah, polygamy, blah, blah, blah........ :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Your big problem, Mr. Cuckoo, is that since becoming a Muslim convert and trying to be such a good, devout one, you apparently don't believe that in this modern world people should have freedom of religion no matter where they happen to be. There is no reason why any country should throw someone in prison for what they believe in and if they tell others what they believe in. What are the Muslims afraid of? Imagine if they were thrown into jail here for distributing Korans. Plus, you refuse to see that there are Muslims right here in the U.S. who do act up and there are Muslims who refuse to assimilate like American immigrants in the past have done. As for polygamy, I once came across a site where Muslim women themselves were complaining that they thought that once they were in America, their husbands would only have one wife, but they found out otherwise. A friend who happens to hang around the UN a lot and knows many Muslims was told they bring the second wife in as their cousin. Maybe they can find a second cousin for you too.
There is no reason why any country should throw someone in prison for what they believe in and if they tell others what they believe in. What are the Muslims afraid of? Imagine if they were thrown into jail here for distributing Korans.
Once again, every country has laws many American's don't agree with.

But whether it's China, Russia, Brazil, or where ever; it's their country and their laws.

Who are you to tell them they are wrong? .... :cool:
A friend who happens to hang around the UN a lot and knows many Muslims was told they bring the second wife in as their cousin. Maybe they can find a second cousin for you too.
What makes you think I don't already have a 2nd wife? .... :eusa_angel:
What was he doing there? It's like the U.S. Government bitching about a missing CIA Operative. Why are these people in Iran? The answer is, they're likely Spies. And we get just as pissed when foreign nations send spies here to the U.S. So lessons learned here?...Don't get caught somewhere you don't belong.

That's really far too simple an approach. There's no indication the man was a CIA spy. He was, apparently, someone who made a choice about his religious belief. Declaring that one is explicitly free to make personal decisions about the religious faith they embrace is a hallmark of Western liberal democracy. It’s also a hallmark of an ethical and moral society that does not require all must Kowtow to any specific religion. In the free world, we often call forced religion eccentric or hateful or even totalitarian, or we just call it Islamic ideology. In the happy-fun Moslem state Iran, freedom of religion is dealt with as an imprisonable offense (or a capital offense, if the right people get their hands on you).
Declaring that one is explicitly free to make personal decisions about the religious faith they embrace is a hallmark of Western liberal democracy.
The guy was full of typical western hubris and quickly found out it didn't mean squat in Iran. ... :cool:
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did he kill somebody? why are you calling him a criminal? ..... people are weird. ^^^
He broke Iranian law and was convicted in an Iranian court.

So yes, he is a criminal. ... :cool:

read my post 43 again

that's why I say that iran should show some gesture of goodwill after all the concessions Obama and his fools have recently made towards Iran....

show some goodwill for heavens sake...

I suspect that the mullocrats are far too entrenched in their normal state of siege mentality to be able to make those kinds of judgements. The paranoia shared by the mullocrats won't allow them to soften the "Death to America" worldview as they would appear weak. The rats could begin gnawing at their heels.
No great love for Iran, but in the interest of accuracy in reporting, he was a Christian missionary proselytizing in a country where it's illegal to do that. Woulda played out exactly the same way in many other Arab countries. Even Israel outlaws proselytizing.

Tough poop. Next time read up on the laws of the country you intend to visit dummy.
What was he doing there? It's like the U.S. Government bitching about a missing CIA Operative. Why are these people in Iran? The answer is, they're likely Spies. And we get just as pissed when foreign nations send spies here to the U.S. So lessons learned here?...Don't get caught somewhere you don't belong.

That's really far too simple an approach. There's no indication the man was a CIA spy. He was, apparently, someone who made a choice about his religious belief. Declaring that one is explicitly free to make personal decisions about the religious faith they embrace is a hallmark of Western liberal democracy. It’s also a hallmark of an ethical and moral society that does not require all must Kowtow to any specific religion. In the free world, we often call forced religion eccentric or hateful or even totalitarian, or we just call it Islamic ideology. In the happy-fun Moslem state Iran, freedom of religion is dealt with as an imprisonable offense (or a capital offense, if the right people get their hands on you).

He simply didn't belong there. He took a big risk, and he lost. The U.S. Government routinely sends Spies over there. So obviously the Iranian Government is going to be very suspicious of Americans. Just not a good time to be 'vacationing' in Iran. Especially if you're an American.

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