Iranian Bastards Holding Christian Pastor: 8 YEAR sentence (they do this regularly)

There is no reason why any country should throw someone in prison for what they believe in and if they tell others what they believe in. What are the Muslims afraid of? Imagine if they were thrown into jail here for distributing Korans.
Once again, every country has laws many American's don't agree with.

But whether it's China, Russia, Brazil, or where ever; it's their country and their laws.

Who are you to tell them they are wrong? .... :cool:

Perhaps then a law should be passed here that since there is no freedom of religion in Muslim countries, this country will not be taking in any more Muslims, many of whom try to convert Americans to Islam. You still haven't told us what Muslims are afraid of if other Muslims learn about other religions. Do they think one man with a Bible is able to convert en masse all the Muslims in that country?
A friend who happens to hang around the UN a lot and knows many Muslims was told they bring the second wife in as their cousin. Maybe they can find a second cousin for you too.
What makes you think I don't already have a 2nd wife? .... :eusa_angel:

To be perfectly honest with you, I don't even think you have one wife, let alone a second wife.
Perhaps then a law should be passed here that since there is no freedom of religion in Muslim countries, this country will not be taking in any more Muslims, many of whom try to convert Americans to Islam. You still haven't told us what Muslims are afraid of if other Muslims learn about other religions. Do they think one man with a Bible is able to convert en masse all the Muslims in that country?

Messianic chief arrested in Ben Gurion

Police arrested one Jamie Cowen, a former president of the US Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, when he tried to enter the Jewish state. Cowen, who was interrogated for eight hours, is suspected of criminal missionary activity.
Israeli News: Messianic chief arrested in Israel for proselytizing
Perhaps then a law should be passed here that since there is no freedom of religion in Muslim countries, this country will not be taking in any more Muslims, many of whom try to convert Americans to Islam.
Good luck with that!! ..... :eusa_angel:
"A man walks down the street
It's a street in a strange World
Maybe it's the Third World
Maybe it's his first time around
He doesn't speak the language
He holds no currency
He is a foreign man"...

Here's something to lighten the mood a bit. But seriously, traveling to a foreign nation can be fraught with peril.

[ame=]Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al - YouTube[/ame]
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But seriously, traveling to a foreign nation can be fraught with peril.
On my first trip to the US I walked into the first 7/11 I saw and ask the bloke for "20 Fags please"
(a fag is English jargon for a cigarette)
Perhaps then a law should be passed here that since there is no freedom of religion in Muslim countries, this country will not be taking in any more Muslims, many of whom try to convert Americans to Islam.
Good luck with that!! ..... :eusa_angel:


Yes, I doubt that would ever happen here because unlike the Muslim countries, people have the right to practice their own beliefs without worry about being killed for them. Meanwhile, you keep avoiding answering as to why Muslims have such a big problem with the religious beliefs of others. I truly wouldn't be surpriserd if now, since you are a devout Muslim convert, you wish you could shut all the churches in your area and that mosques should replace them.
Perhaps then a law should be passed here that since there is no freedom of religion in Muslim countries, this country will not be taking in any more Muslims, many of whom try to convert Americans to Islam. You still haven't told us what Muslims are afraid of if other Muslims learn about other religions. Do they think one man with a Bible is able to convert en masse all the Muslims in that country?

Messianic chief arrested in Ben Gurion

Police arrested one Jamie Cowen, a former president of the US Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, when he tried to enter the Jewish state. Cowen, who was interrogated for eight hours, is suspected of criminal missionary activity.
Israeli News: Messianic chief arrested in Israel for proselytizing

What Joey doesn't tell us is that it is even against the law for Jews to be proselytizing in Israel. Can Joey show us any law in Muslim countries where it say Muslims can be arrested for proselytizing to the Christians, Hindus or Buddhists? Meanwhile, Joey, can you give us an example of where any missionaries of whatever religion are left to rot in Israeli prisons like they are in Muslim prisons. Does Israel throw people in prison to rot like they do to people who allegedly have committed blashemy in Muslim countries?
But seriously, traveling to a foreign nation can be fraught with peril.
On my first trip to the US I walked into the first 7/11 I saw and ask the bloke for "20 Fags please"
(a fag is English jargon for a cigarette)

You didn't ask for a brand name? Most people would. They would say 20 Bensons, 20 Marlborough, etc. You are trying to crack a funny, but you couldn't be any less funny and look rather ridiculous after that fake statement.
But seriously, traveling to a foreign nation can be fraught with peril.
On my first trip to the US I walked into the first 7/11 I saw and ask the bloke for "20 Fags please"
(a fag is English jargon for a cigarette)

I certainly wish Joey would tell us why he made the effort to get a Green Card to work here in the U.S. I wonder what kind of work he was doing unless he was to be a spy for the Ayatollahs.
Well each Country has its own Laws, take your country for example, Which has the highest % of its population in jail in the World and even puts people to death, which I am against
But seriously, traveling to a foreign nation can be fraught with peril.
On my first trip to the US I walked into the first 7/11 I saw and ask the bloke for "20 Fags please"
(a fag is English jargon for a cigarette)

You didn't ask for a brand name? Most people would. They would say 20 Bensons, 20 Marlborough, etc. You are trying to crack a funny, but you couldn't be any less funny and look rather ridiculous after that fake statement.

There you go again with that mind-set, they dont sell english brands, such as Embassy or N0.6 and honestly, After such a long flight I would have smoked anything, In the end I bought Kools
Well each Country has its own Laws, take your country for example, Which has the highest % of its population in jail in the World and even puts people to death, which I am against

No doubt, Joey, in many Muslim countries people who have committed something truly terrible against a wife, daughter, non Muslim neighbor, etc. would not even have gotten a term in prisom from the authorities/ There are probably more people murdered by your friends, Joey, of people who are of different beliefs than they are than all the murderers executed in the U.S.

Parallel justice: Jirga sets free man accused of killing wife ? The Express Tribune
Meanwhile, you keep avoiding answering as to why Muslims have such a big problem with the religious beliefs of others.
You continually claim to personally know many muslims.

So why don't you just ask them your question?? ... :cool:
Meanwhile, you keep avoiding answering as to why Muslims have such a big problem with the religious beliefs of others.
You continually claim to personally know many muslims.

So why don't you just ask them your question?? ... :cool:

I'm asking you -- a devoutly religious Muslim convert. Why are you having a problem in giving us your views on this. The people I know are not on this forum, but you certainly are, and there might be many of us who would like to hear what you have to say about this.
Meanwhile, you keep avoiding answering as to why Muslims have such a big problem with the religious beliefs of others.
You continually claim to personally know many muslims.

So why don't you just ask them your question?? ... :cool:

I'm asking you -- a devoutly religious Muslim convert. Why are you having a problem in giving us your views on this. The people I know are not on this forum, but you certainly are, and there might be many of us who would like to hear what you have to say about this.
The problem muslims have with other religions is no different than the problem Christian have with other religions.

Both claim they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Hope that answers your question........ :cool:
did he kill somebody? why are you calling him a criminal? ..... people are weird. ^^^
He broke Iranian law and was convicted in an Iranian court.

So yes, he is a criminal. ... :cool:
Ah, I see. So when Iranians murder Bahaiis simply for practicing their faith which is "against the law" in Iran, that's the way the dice rolls. Or perhaps when slavery was legal, it was too bad for the blacks, because, hey, that's the law in the US. Or when Muslims countries beat, incarcerate, and abuse their wives and other women for stupid things such as not wearing a veil, yup, that's the law, you don't like it, LEAVE.

Muslim logic at it's finest. "that's the law" Ha ha ha.
No doubt, Joey, in many Muslim countries people who have committed something truly terrible against a wife, daughter, non Muslim neighbor, etc. would not even have gotten a term in prisom from the authorities/ There are probably more people murdered by your friends, Joey, of people who are of different beliefs than they are than all the murderers executed in the U.S.

Parallel justice: Jirga sets free man accused of killing wife ? The Express Tribune

Meanwhile do you even know how Many souls were killed by your Tribe?
A Jewish group in Ukraine is objecting to a criminal case brought over the "Great Famine" committed in the 1930s.

The nation's security service is pressing the case against a list of former Soviet officials accused of committing the Holodomor, which caused the deaths of millions in Ukraine in 1932-33. Most of the names on the list were Jewish.

Ukrainian lawmaker Aleksandr Feldman, leader of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, said last week that it was "a farce" to press the case.

"All organizers of the Great Famine are dead," he said. Last July, the Ukrainian Security Service released a list of high-ranking Bolshevik state and Communist Party officials -- as well as officials from NKVD, the police force of Bolshevik Russia -- that essentially blamed Jews and Latvians responsible for perpetrating and executing the famine because most of the names on the list were Jewish.
Holodomor - Metapedia

Over 90% of the Bolsheviks was Jewish and 100% of the Mensheviks was Jewish.
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You continually claim to personally know many muslims.

So why don't you just ask them your question?? ... :cool:

I'm asking you -- a devoutly religious Muslim convert. Why are you having a problem in giving us your views on this. The people I know are not on this forum, but you certainly are, and there might be many of us who would like to hear what you have to say about this.
The problem muslims have with other religions is no different than the problem Christian have with other religions.

Both claim they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Hope that answers your question........ :cool:

No, it really does not answer the question. What do the Muslims have against the Hindus and their religion, and consequently kill many Hindus on their way to one of their holy shrines? And, I don't think any of us are seeing Christians busy murdering people in many locations on this planet for their religious beliefs. A Christian might have his own beliefs and think that his are right, but Christians certainly are not suicide or car bombing, slitting people's throats, blowing up houses of worship with people inside praying, etc. the way we see the Muslim do.
No doubt, Joey, in many Muslim countries people who have committed something truly terrible against a wife, daughter, non Muslim neighbor, etc. would not even have gotten a term in prisom from the authorities/ There are probably more people murdered by your friends, Joey, of people who are of different beliefs than they are than all the murderers executed in the U.S.

Parallel justice: Jirga sets free man accused of killing wife ? The Express Tribune

Meanwhile do you even know how Many souls were killed by your Tribe?
A Jewish group in Ukraine is objecting to a criminal case brought over the "Great Famine" committed in the 1930s.

The nation's security service is pressing the case against a list of former Soviet officials accused of committing the Holodomor, which caused the deaths of millions in Ukraine in 1932-33. Most of the names on the list were Jewish.

Ukrainian lawmaker Aleksandr Feldman, leader of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, said last week that it was "a farce" to press the case.

"All organizers of the Great Famine are dead," he said. Last July, the Ukrainian Security Service released a list of high-ranking Bolshevik state and Communist Party officials -- as well as officials from NKVD, the police force of Bolshevik Russia -- that essentially blamed Jews and Latvians responsible for perpetrating and executing the famine because most of the names on the list were Jewish.
Holodomor - Metapedia

Over 90% of the Bolsheviks was Jewish and 100% of the Mensheviks was Jewish.
Bolshevik - Metapedia

Tut, tut, Joey. This happens to be 2013, and your tribe happens to be killing an awful lot of innocent people these days. Maybe Joey thinks he can tell the readers that Stalin was really Jewish. The Bolsheviks were actually atheists, Joey, and didn't follow any religion at all. However, since Joey felt that he had to bring up Russia, I wonder if he can enlighten us about all the pogroms against the Jews by the Russian people. Sounds like the way his tribe are treating those of different religions.

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