Iranian Bastards Holding Christian Pastor: 8 YEAR sentence (they do this regularly)

I'm asking you -- a devoutly religious Muslim convert. Why are you having a problem in giving us your views on this. The people I know are not on this forum, but you certainly are, and there might be many of us who would like to hear what you have to say about this.
The problem muslims have with other religions is no different than the problem Christian have with other religions.

Both claim they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Hope that answers your question........ :cool:

No, it really does not answer the question. What do the Muslims have against the Hindus and their religion, and consequently kill many Hindus on their way to one of their holy shrines? And, I don't think any of us are seeing Christians busy murdering people in many locations on this planet for their religious beliefs. A Christian might have his own beliefs and think that his are right, but Christians certainly are not suicide or car bombing, slitting people's throats, blowing up houses of worship with people inside praying, etc. the way we see the Muslim do.
I answered your question.

Deal with it........ :cool:
The problem muslims have with other religions is no different than the problem Christian have with other religions.

Both claim they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Hope that answers your question........ :cool:

No, it really does not answer the question. What do the Muslims have against the Hindus and their religion, and consequently kill many Hindus on their way to one of their holy shrines? And, I don't think any of us are seeing Christians busy murdering people in many locations on this planet for their religious beliefs. A Christian might have his own beliefs and think that his are right, but Christians certainly are not suicide or car bombing, slitting people's throats, blowing up houses of worship with people inside praying, etc. the way we see the Muslim do

I answered your question.

Deal with it........ :cool:

I guess Sunni Man wants no mention of what his fellow Muslims are doing to those of other religions, whether these unfortunate people happen to be in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, or Africa. Mums the word on what the Muslims are doing to people whose religious beliefs are different.
I'm asking you -- a devoutly religious Muslim convert. Why are you having a problem in giving us your views on this. The people I know are not on this forum, but you certainly are, and there might be many of us who would like to hear what you have to say about this.
The problem muslims have with other religions is no different than the problem Christian have with other religions.

Both claim they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Hope that answers your question........ :cool:

No, it really does not answer the question. What do the Muslims have against the Hindus and their religion, and consequently kill many Hindus on their way to one of their holy shrines? And, I don't think any of us are seeing Christians busy murdering people in many locations on this planet for their religious beliefs. A Christian might have his own beliefs and think that his are right, but Christians certainly are not suicide or car bombing, slitting people's throats, blowing up houses of worship with people inside praying, etc. the way we see the Muslim do.

U.S. drone strike on Yemen wedding party kills 17 SANA, Yemen -- Anger over the American drone campaign against militants in Yemen swelled Friday with word that most of those killed in a strike a day earlier were civilians in a wedding party.

The death toll reached 17 overnight, hospital officials in central Bayda province said Friday. Five of those killed were suspected of involvement with Al Qaeda, but the remainder were unconnected with the militancy, Yemeni security officials said.

U.S. drone strikes have become commonplace in Yemen, where government measures have proven ineffectual against what is considered one of the most virulent Al Qaeda offshoots in the region.

However, civilian deaths like those in Thursday’s strike have inflamed popular sentiment against both the U.S. and the fragile central government. .

U.S. drone strike on Yemen wedding party kills 17 -

U.S. drone strike on Yemen wedding party kills 17 -
The problem muslims have with other religions is no different than the problem Christian have with other religions.

Both claim they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Hope that answers your question........ :cool:

No, it really does not answer the question. What do the Muslims have against the Hindus and their religion, and consequently kill many Hindus on their way to one of their holy shrines? And, I don't think any of us are seeing Christians busy murdering people in many locations on this planet for their religious beliefs. A Christian might have his own beliefs and think that his are right, but Christians certainly are not suicide or car bombing, slitting people's throats, blowing up houses of worship with people inside praying, etc. the way we see the Muslim do.

U.S. drone strike on Yemen wedding party kills 17 SANA, Yemen -- Anger over the American drone campaign against militants in Yemen swelled Friday with word that most of those killed in a strike a day earlier were civilians in a wedding party.

The death toll reached 17 overnight, hospital officials in central Bayda province said Friday. Five of those killed were suspected of involvement with Al Qaeda, but the remainder were unconnected with the militancy, Yemeni security officials said.

U.S. drone strikes have become commonplace in Yemen, where government measures have proven ineffectual against what is considered one of the most virulent Al Qaeda offshoots in the region.

However, civilian deaths like those in Thursday’s strike have inflamed popular sentiment against both the U.S. and the fragile central government. .

U.S. drone strike on Yemen wedding party kills 17 -

U.S. drone strike on Yemen wedding party kills 17 -

Those innocent people killed in the drone attacks is sad, but the drone attacks didn't purposely target innocent people. Now tell us, Joey, does the Pope have reason to worry about Christianity being wiped out in the Middle East like your friends are busily trying to do?
Now tell us does the Pope have reason to worry about Christianity being wiped out in the Middle East like your friends are busily trying to do?
Christianity has continued to survive after Islam came to the Middle East 1,400 years ago.

So I think it will continue to survive........ :cool:
Now tell us does the Pope have reason to worry about Christianity being wiped out in the Middle East like your friends are busily trying to do?
Christianity has continued to survive after Islam came to the Middle East 1,400 years ago.

So I think it will continue to survive........ :cool:
Yes, despite the attempts of Muslim animals to wipe out all other religions from the region. :cool:

Must really piss them off that tiny Israel survives and prospers in a region surrounded by Muslim shithole states. :clap:
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Now tell us does the Pope have reason to worry about Christianity being wiped out in the Middle East like your friends are busily trying to do?
Christianity has continued to survive after Islam came to the Middle East 1,400 years ago.

So I think it will continue to survive........ :cool:

Really??? Then how come the Copts are now just 10 percent of the Egyptian population, and they are still being killed because the Muslims want Christianity to die out in Egypt. The Pope is a much, much more intelligent man than you are, and sees reason to worry about his fellow Christians in the Middle East where your brethren are so busy killing them. Can anyone imagine how the Copts would have remained the majority in Egypt if Mohammed's gang didn't leave the Saudi Peninsula and invade Egypt, killing many living there and forcing so many to convert. The descendents of those whose ancestors were lucky enough to survive this onslaught cannot even practice their religion in peace, let alone worry about being killed. Naturally, Sunni Man really doesn't care.
Naturally, Sunni Man really doesn't care.

It's not my problem........ :cool:

Well, then, thanks for showing us that you have no compassion for others. You only have compassion for Muslims. If alll Americans felt like you, the money donated to relief organizations would certainly dry up. Imagine that, money from these relief agencies even go to help Muslims in need.
More nonsense from the Islamophobic hate site Gatestone that's ran by zionist jews. .... :cuckoo:

There are many Christian organization working in Muslim countries reporting on what is happening to their fellow Christians there. Such a shame that you, as a American, have no problems with what is going on. Why not write the Christian author with Egyptian roots who compiles these lists, and tell him what you think of him. Be sure to tell him though, that you are a devout Muslim convert and you don't want any news getting out about what your fellow Muslims are doing which shows them in a bad light.
There are many Christian organization working in Muslim countries reporting on what is happening to their fellow Christians there. Such a shame that you, as a American, have no problems with what is going on. Why not write the Christian author with Egyptian roots who compiles these lists, and tell him what you think of him. Be sure to tell him though, that you are a devout Muslim convert and you don't want any news getting out about what your fellow Muslims are doing which shows them in a bad light.
Silly-Sally go ahead and post all of the false nonsense you usually do.

We muslims are used to the western media and people like you making up lies and slandering our religion.

It makes no difference to me. .... :cool:
There are many Christian organization working in Muslim countries reporting on what is happening to their fellow Christians there. Such a shame that you, as a American, have no problems with what is going on. Why not write the Christian author with Egyptian roots who compiles these lists, and tell him what you think of him. Be sure to tell him though, that you are a devout Muslim convert and you don't want any news getting out about what your fellow Muslims are doing which shows them in a bad light.
Silly-Sally go ahead and post all of the false nonsense you usually do.

We muslims are used to the western media and people like you making up lies and slandering our religion.

It makes no difference to me. .... :cool:

Sunni Man, as a good devout Muslim, doesn't want to acknowledge that Christians are being persecuted by his fellow Muslims. He think it is all a lie. Why not tell this Assyrian group that they are always writing lies too?

Assyrian International News Agency
Sunni Man, as a good devout Muslim, doesn't want to acknowledge that Christians are being persecuted by his fellow Muslims. He think it is all a lie. Why not tell this Assyrian group that they are always writing lies too?

Assyrian International News Agency
I still don't care.

True story......... :cool:

Of course you don't care. You have no compassion for those who are non Muslims or even Muslims of a different sect from you. Meanwhile, as long as you sit quiet in front of your computer and don't act up like some other converts do, like the Rigby Killer who was described as good man who takes his Islam seriously, all will be well in Boston.

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