Iranian lives matter, do American lives?

Pollution is dangerous. Why do you want to pollute more?

Do you have any idea how clean this country is now compared to 50 years ago? A hundred years ago?

Do you have any idea how clean this country is compared to other countries?

Environmentalists today have nothing to do with the environment and everything thing to do with political extremism, trying to destroy industries and impose green socialism under the guise of saving the planet.

So, we are the cleanest so its OK to become dirtier. Great reasoning.

Saving coal miners jobs will not make us dirty you half-wit. Spare us the gloom-and-doom bullshit.
It will increase the pollution which will kill people.

Not just people but our planet.

Climate change is real and it's here. It's been in my area for years now. Ice caves that existed for millions of years, melted and gone forever. Wildfires that destroy thousands of acres of forest a year and cause pollution and smoke so bad that if you go out in it, it's like smoking 9 cigarettes a day. Rivers, lakes and streams drying up. Areas of mountains that never didn't have snow, are now bare of snow.

Coal isn't clean and it's helping to destroy our planet.

People don't want to use it anymore. We have alternatives now so coal should be used for other things than burning and destroying our planet.

Explain then how 15 thousand years ago we had Hyenas in The Artic Circle, and Wooly Mammoths, and other Mega Fauna.

The Earth has Ice Ages, and Warming Periods and Man had nothing to do with it.

We are still in an Ice Age right now.
Trump calls off the military strike on Iran when he learns that 150 Iranians might be killed.

He recently eliminated the pollution cal on coal fired generation plants that in ten years, the extra pollution will kill 300-1500 Americans every year.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If you think fossil fuels are dangerous then put your money where your mouth instead of being a whiny TDS afflicted asshole.

Stop using anything connected with fossil fuels. Stop driving a car, stop using using electricity generated by fossil fuels. Stop buying goods made in the fossil fuel supply line including all agricultural products.

You don't know jackshit about pollution and the health effects of coal fired generation. Nether do the dumbshits that tell you that 1500 people will die. Those projections and health studies are bogus and based upon very flawed assumptions. Bad science. I know because I am Environmental Engineer that actually looked at how they came up with that silly bullshit.

Nobody is going to die because we use more coal. However, more people will have more cost effective electricity to power the things that will make their life healthier.

The US spends more money on pollution control than the rest of the world combined. The incremental health impact of a little more coal generation will be negligible on the population. Just because some stupid environmental wacko tells you differently don mean it is fact.

You Moon Bats don't know any more about Environmental Health as you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, History, Ethics or the Constitution.

Pollution is dangerous. Why do you want to pollute more? I would think an Environmental Engineer would know that. I would think an environmental engineer would know the more pollution, the worse the effects on one's health.

I would think an environmental engineer would know how those living downwind from coal fired plants have far worse health that those that do not.

Drinking a Coke is not good for you either, but smart folks recognize that having a Coke every once in a while is not a big deal and won't kill you. You have to weigh the good with the had. In this case, the benefits of having coal fired plants far exceeds any negative effects. Seems as though you and most left-wingers have been duped by the left-wing funded "scientific" research.

I can choose not to drink Coke. We can't choose the air we breathe.

The statistics come from the EPA.

It is a waste of the earth's oxygen supply for you stupid moon Bats to be breathing air.

You chose to use electrify that is generated by fossil fuels and then you bitch about the health effects? Typical stupid Moon Bat hypocrisy.

The EPA is a political organization you dumb fuck. Being an Environmental Engineer for 30 years I know more about the EPA than you could ever imagine.

Their health studies are based upon several very unfounded assumptions. Just looking at the number of lung cancer cases in the US and then extrapolating that so many were caused by coal generation and so how many more in the future is nothing more that voodoo science.

There are big bucks in Environmental Wackoism because morons like you are simply too stupid to understand how flawed the assertions are. It is hell for you Libtards to be so uneducated, isin't it?.

You are simply a dumb Moon Bat that don't know you ass from a hole about most of the stuff that you post on here. Since you are a mentally ill Libtard afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome you are blaming deaths on Trump when that is nothing but bullshit. They are not but if the studies are correct then in my life time then Truman, Kennedy, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and that shithead Neggra Obama also killed people but you didn't mention that, did you?
flash you should consider to stop giving these fktards meaning. they aren't worth your time for that explanation. It's their fault, they know it, they like to get folks like you all riled up.
Close it if you ant. I'll just reopen it.

Here is one link:

EPA rolls back Obama-era plan limiting coal emissions - CNNPolitics
Good. The restrictions were excessive and designed to punish coal mines and put them out of business. This is one of those things that Trump was elected to do. So happy to see another campaign promise fulfilled.
Your children must really hate you. You want to make them & their kids sick as you make their futures more difficult.

I didn't hate my old man when he pointed out the smell of rotting eggs in the air, and told me "son, that's the smell of money being made".

And that was absolutely true. During the Carter Regime, when the smell disappeared, the region was in destitution and poverty
Carter literally did nothing to stop China dumping steel on our shores and decimating our Steel Industry, and then Clinton came along and got China in to the WTO, and got NAFTA online, and tried to finish our Steel Industry off, same as Obama tried to put Coal out of business.
The steel mills that died did so because they hadn`t invested in their plants since WW2. They put themselves out of business. Coal has left my state with 3,000 miles of dead streams and we`re treating mine acid discharge coming from mines that have been closed since Ike was president. Did your old man tell you that rivers catching fire was a good thing too?
Trump calls off the military strike on Iran when he learns that 150 Iranians might be killed.

He recently eliminated the pollution cal on coal fired generation plants that in ten years, the extra pollution will kill 300-1500 Americans every year.

That's a bunch of bullshit. Coal fired plants don't kill anyone.

This anti-coal bullshit is a load of crap. In the midwest, where I was born in the beautiful city of Youngstown Ohio(with the phony Croatian mayor- "Tito") , burning coal was a way of life, and I'm still around. Now that I live on the eastern seaboard in the Tremendous City of Hermitage PA, we burn coal here. PA is a bigger source of black gold than Ohio even. And the people who have been her their entire lives are still around.

You need to open up , Dave, experience new things.

I've lived in different parts of the country, I know the line you all are pushing is just bullshit.

The EPA is out of freaking control.

My former Liberal congressman even knew it. Rep. Traficant pointed out that if a dog urinates in a parking lot, and the EPA finds out, they immediately declared it to be legally a "wetland".

I understand how duped you are by the Trumptard mentality but the EPA studies pollution along with other organizations. Their findings are not alone. The American Lung Association has a long history of fighting pollution.

Why would you want you kid to brearth more [olluted air so some corporation does not have to spend money to operate cleaner?
still waiting for your solution to the problem you posted. why aren't you offering ideas? wtf is wrong with you, it's obvious you hate people.
Close it if you ant. I'll just reopen it.

Here is one link:

EPA rolls back Obama-era plan limiting coal emissions - CNNPolitics
Good. The restrictions were excessive and designed to punish coal mines and put them out of business. This is one of those things that Trump was elected to do. So happy to see another campaign promise fulfilled.
Your children must really hate you. You want to make them & their kids sick as you make their futures more difficult.

I didn't hate my old man when he pointed out the smell of rotting eggs in the air, and told me "son, that's the smell of money being made".

And that was absolutely true. During the Carter Regime, when the smell disappeared, the region was in destitution and poverty
Carter literally did nothing to stop China dumping steel on our shores and decimating our Steel Industry, and then Clinton came along and got China in to the WTO, and got NAFTA online, and tried to finish our Steel Industry off, same as Obama tried to put Coal out of business.
The steel mills that died did so because they hadn`t invested in their plants since WW2. They put themselves out of business. Coal has left my state with 3,000 miles of dead streams and we`re treating mine acid discharge coming from mines that have been closed since Ike was president. Did your old man tell you that rivers catching fire was a good thing too?
ahhh look at the commie fk. regulation, unions and Carter and Clinton, it's all you need to know why jobs left.
Trump calls off the military strike on Iran when he learns that 150 Iranians might be killed.

He recently eliminated the pollution cal on coal fired generation plants that in ten years, the extra pollution will kill 300-1500 Americans every year.

And 87 people a year die in bathtubs what is your point?

And we are constantly looking to make them safer. With hand rails & walk-ins.
what's your solution to end coal? why don't you post your genius solution?
Close it if you ant. I'll just reopen it.

Here is one link:

EPA rolls back Obama-era plan limiting coal emissions - CNNPolitics
Good. The restrictions were excessive and designed to punish coal mines and put them out of business. This is one of those things that Trump was elected to do. So happy to see another campaign promise fulfilled.
Your children must really hate you. You want to make them & their kids sick as you make their futures more difficult.

I didn't hate my old man when he pointed out the smell of rotting eggs in the air, and told me "son, that's the smell of money being made".

And that was absolutely true. During the Carter Regime, when the smell disappeared, the region was in destitution and poverty
Carter literally did nothing to stop China dumping steel on our shores and decimating our Steel Industry, and then Clinton came along and got China in to the WTO, and got NAFTA online, and tried to finish our Steel Industry off, same as Obama tried to put Coal out of business.
The steel mills that died did so because they hadn`t invested in their plants since WW2. They put themselves out of business. Coal has left my state with 3,000 miles of dead streams and we`re treating mine acid discharge coming from mines that have been closed since Ike was president. Did your old man tell you that rivers catching fire was a good thing too?

If you don't like the modern world, live off The Grid.

But I dare you to try it without anything made by Hydrocarbons.

Try posting on this website without plastic?

How about just wearing clothes NOT made by machines?

Talk about Naked and Afraid?

Go try that some time...because that is where you would be.

See how that turns out for you.

More like Naked and Starving!

How about a cabin without windows?

How about a fireplace without brick?

Try making a cast iron stove without hydrocarbons?

How about making Solar Panels without Modern Technology?

Go ahead, I dare you to try....

Go out in the woods and try to weave yourself a solar panel out of reeds.

How about you trying to build a cabin by hand, including hand hewing all of the beams, posts, rafters, etc. etc.?

Then come back to us when you quit because you are "SOFT" and "NAIVE" and "Stupid" and couldn't handle living off the land.

That is, if you even Live through the ordeal.

I'd like to see you produce some True Green Energy....

Waiting for you to leave for The Wilderness in 3......2.....1..
Do you have any idea how clean this country is now compared to 50 years ago? A hundred years ago?

Do you have any idea how clean this country is compared to other countries?

Environmentalists today have nothing to do with the environment and everything thing to do with political extremism, trying to destroy industries and impose green socialism under the guise of saving the planet.

So, we are the cleanest so its OK to become dirtier. Great reasoning.

Saving coal miners jobs will not make us dirty you half-wit. Spare us the gloom-and-doom bullshit.
It will increase the pollution which will kill people.
When are you going to go live off the grid and quit using the Internet which requires Plastics made from Petroleum and Electricity made from Coal!

Save The Planet!

Exile a Lib Tard to The Wilderness.
Grown ups don`t say things like Lib Tard. We have to read your shit until school starts up around Labor day I suppose. Do they still have summer school for half wits?
right, I call you fkwads, dickless evil humans. that's what grown ups call fks like you all.

Where's your solution at? post the saving industry!!!
Good. The restrictions were excessive and designed to punish coal mines and put them out of business. This is one of those things that Trump was elected to do. So happy to see another campaign promise fulfilled.
Your children must really hate you. You want to make them & their kids sick as you make their futures more difficult.

I didn't hate my old man when he pointed out the smell of rotting eggs in the air, and told me "son, that's the smell of money being made".

And that was absolutely true. During the Carter Regime, when the smell disappeared, the region was in destitution and poverty
Carter literally did nothing to stop China dumping steel on our shores and decimating our Steel Industry, and then Clinton came along and got China in to the WTO, and got NAFTA online, and tried to finish our Steel Industry off, same as Obama tried to put Coal out of business.
The steel mills that died did so because they hadn`t invested in their plants since WW2. They put themselves out of business. Coal has left my state with 3,000 miles of dead streams and we`re treating mine acid discharge coming from mines that have been closed since Ike was president. Did your old man tell you that rivers catching fire was a good thing too?
ahhh look at the commie fk. regulation, unions and Carter and Clinton, it's all you need to know why jobs left.
I worked in the steel industry for 35 years and I told you why some mills closed and some didn`t. Have a passing 5th grader read my post to you.
Close it if you ant. I'll just reopen it.

Here is one link:

EPA rolls back Obama-era plan limiting coal emissions - CNNPolitics
Good. The restrictions were excessive and designed to punish coal mines and put them out of business. This is one of those things that Trump was elected to do. So happy to see another campaign promise fulfilled.
Your children must really hate you. You want to make them & their kids sick as you make their futures more difficult.
I didn't think families were ok in here!!!!mods?
Your children must really hate you. You want to make them & their kids sick as you make their futures more difficult.

I didn't hate my old man when he pointed out the smell of rotting eggs in the air, and told me "son, that's the smell of money being made".

And that was absolutely true. During the Carter Regime, when the smell disappeared, the region was in destitution and poverty
Carter literally did nothing to stop China dumping steel on our shores and decimating our Steel Industry, and then Clinton came along and got China in to the WTO, and got NAFTA online, and tried to finish our Steel Industry off, same as Obama tried to put Coal out of business.
The steel mills that died did so because they hadn`t invested in their plants since WW2. They put themselves out of business. Coal has left my state with 3,000 miles of dead streams and we`re treating mine acid discharge coming from mines that have been closed since Ike was president. Did your old man tell you that rivers catching fire was a good thing too?
ahhh look at the commie fk. regulation, unions and Carter and Clinton, it's all you need to know why jobs left.
I worked in the steel industry for 35 years and I told you why some mills closed and some didn`t. Have a passing 5th grader read my post to you.
and I don't have to have worked in the industry to know why they left. they left because of the reasons I gave you. fact!!!!
Your children must really hate you. You want to make them & their kids sick as you make their futures more difficult.

I didn't hate my old man when he pointed out the smell of rotting eggs in the air, and told me "son, that's the smell of money being made".

And that was absolutely true. During the Carter Regime, when the smell disappeared, the region was in destitution and poverty
Carter literally did nothing to stop China dumping steel on our shores and decimating our Steel Industry, and then Clinton came along and got China in to the WTO, and got NAFTA online, and tried to finish our Steel Industry off, same as Obama tried to put Coal out of business.
The steel mills that died did so because they hadn`t invested in their plants since WW2. They put themselves out of business. Coal has left my state with 3,000 miles of dead streams and we`re treating mine acid discharge coming from mines that have been closed since Ike was president. Did your old man tell you that rivers catching fire was a good thing too?
ahhh look at the commie fk. regulation, unions and Carter and Clinton, it's all you need to know why jobs left.
I worked in the steel industry for 35 years and I told you why some mills closed and some didn`t. Have a passing 5th grader read my post to you.
On a Level..... LEVEL Playing Field..... Some businesses DESERVE to close. That's called competition.

But China dumping STEEL was one of the most UNFAIR things ever done to THE AMERICAN STEEL INDUSTRY and Carted didn't do Jack Shit about it, and Clinton Made it even worse.

They wanted to put a lot of Steel Workers out of Business just like they wanted to put a lot of Coal Miners out of business.

And they did.

Trump calls off the military strike on Iran when he learns that 150 Iranians might be killed.

He recently eliminated the pollution cal on coal fired generation plants that in ten years, the extra pollution will kill 300-1500 Americans every year.

And 87 people a year die in bathtubs what is your point?

And we are constantly looking to make them safer. With hand rails & walk-ins.
what's your solution to end coal? why don't you post your genius solution?
Real Dave is a Real Leftist Moron.

He has no solutions.
Trump calls off the military strike on Iran when he learns that 150 Iranians might be killed.

He recently eliminated the pollution cal on coal fired generation plants that in ten years, the extra pollution will kill 300-1500 Americans every year.

For the sake of you maintaining a little credibility around here and all, link us to your outrage over wetbacks killing Americans would ya please?
Thanks in advance.
in ten years, the extra pollution will kill 300-1500 Americans every year.
Fake news.

And how many Americans do you think will die when they cannot afford their electric bills?

And by the way, do you use electricity to heat and cool your home? Do you drive a car? Do you fly to your vacay destination? Or do you live in a cave and build a fire to keep warm (and even that creates pollution)?
Trump calls off the military strike on Iran when he learns that 150 Iranians might be killed.

He recently eliminated the pollution cal on coal fired generation plants that in ten years, the extra pollution will kill 300-1500 Americans every year.

For the sake of you maintaining a little credibility around here and all, link us to your outrage over wetbacks killing Americans would ya please?
Thanks in advance.

So, lets not care about anything else killing Americans because some illegals do it.

I get it.

Why do you only care about illegals murdering people?

And furthgermore, shove your bigotry up your fast ignorant ass.

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