Iranian lives matter, do American lives?

There is no war on coal

It is just becoming obsolete

Really? let's see ya make steel without it. :eusa_snooty:

Coal use for energy production is growing less & less.

Keep in mind we need to reduce emissions, not eliminate them.

We had 8 years of Obama reducing emissions all over the place, and the climate didn't stop changing.

Its a fool's game, thinking that man can change the weather.

Almighty God is in charge of such matters, mankind is too small and insignificant to affect such matters
Coal use for energy production is growing less & less.

Keep in mind we need to reduce emissions, not eliminate them. we ship it to the rest of the world who aren't as "enlightened" as we are and like heat and light in their homes.
Trump calls off the military strike on Iran when he learns that 150 Iranians might be killed.

He recently eliminated the pollution cal on coal fired generation plants that in ten years, the extra pollution will kill 300-1500 Americans every year.

For the sake of you maintaining a little credibility around here and all, link us to your outrage over wetbacks killing Americans would ya please?
Thanks in advance.

So, lets not care about anything else killing Americans because some illegals do it.

I get it.

Why do you only care about illegals murdering people?

And furthgermore, shove your bigotry up your fast ignorant ass.

Isn’t this thread about how you hate politicians pushing policies that lead to dead Americans?
Don’t you wetback lovers insist on importing more wetbacks knowing full well of their off the charts level of criminality?
I wonder what Mollie Tibbetts thinks of pollution vs. wetbacks?
There is no war on coal

It is just becoming obsolete

Really? let's see ya make steel without it. :eusa_snooty:
Are Liberals really this stupid?

No Steel, and you cannot even make nails, or screws to build homes for the Illegal Aliens we provide homes to, while we make Veterans sleep on the Streets.

Hell, Lib Tards could not even hand out Free Heroin Needles without Steel and Plastics Industries.

They are so Dumb, they Make Stupid Jealous.
in ten years, the extra pollution will kill 300-1500 Americans every year.
Fake news.

And how many Americans do you think will die when they cannot afford their electric bills?

And by the way, do you use electricity to heat and cool your home? Do you drive a car? Do you fly to your vacay destination? Or do you live in a cave and build a fire to keep warm (and even that creates pollution)?

There are programs to help poor people pay their utilities.

How much have the rates gone up & how much will they go down under Triump's new rules?

I have news for you morons, we need to reduce our emission s & reduce are vcsrbon foottprint.

I've cut mine by over half.

1) My HVAC is geothermal.
2) 90% of my driving is with a 45 mpg Prius.

What have you done?
There is no war on coal

It is just becoming obsolete

Really? let's see ya make steel without it. :eusa_snooty:
Are Liberals really this stupid?

No Steel, and you cannot even make nails, or screws to build homes for the Illegal Aliens we provide homes to, while we make Veterans sleep on the Streets.

Hell, Lib Tards could not even hand out Free Heroin Needles without Steel and Plastics Industries.

They are so Dumb, they Make Stupid Jealous.
So Veterans sleep on the streets because of illegals?
BTW, back in the early 50's we had a coal furnace in the house I grew up in back in Michigan. In cold weather, my dad bought coal by the ton and it went down a chute into the "coal room" in the basement. Each night in cold weather he'd shovel the coal into the furnace and we were warm and toasty. I have a brother who's 80, and another brother and sister in their late 70's...I'm almost Mom lived to be 93. If coal is so deadly, how come we didn't all die from asthma or lung cancer?
There is no war on coal

It is just becoming obsolete

Really? let's see ya make steel without it. :eusa_snooty:
Are Liberals really this stupid?

No Steel, and you cannot even make nails, or screws to build homes for the Illegal Aliens we provide homes to, while we make Veterans sleep on the Streets.

Hell, Lib Tards could not even hand out Free Heroin Needles without Steel and Plastics Industries.

They are so Dumb, they Make Stupid Jealous.
So Veterans sleep on the streets because of illegals?
Yes, or aren't you up on the policies of your Stupid Party?

Illegal Aliens are taking up housing that veterans should be placed in, and we are footing The Bill.

Go ahead and focus on Free Heroin Needles then, and try to hand those out without Steel Or Plastic.

How about you weave some Heroin Needles from Reeds or something Lib Tard?
There is no war on coal

It is just becoming obsolete

Really? let's see ya make steel without it. :eusa_snooty:
Are Liberals really this stupid?

No Steel, and you cannot even make nails, or screws to build homes for the Illegal Aliens we provide homes to, while we make Veterans sleep on the Streets.

Hell, Lib Tards could not even hand out Free Heroin Needles without Steel and Plastics Industries.

They are so Dumb, they Make Stupid Jealous.
So Veterans sleep on the streets because of illegals?

A lot of them are.

The problem with housing is the increased demand from Illegals- get rid of the Illegal population and supply of housing will increase, rents will decrease. Basic Econ 101
There is no war on coal

It is just becoming obsolete

Really? let's see ya make steel without it. :eusa_snooty:
Are Liberals really this stupid?

No Steel, and you cannot even make nails, or screws to build homes for the Illegal Aliens we provide homes to, while we make Veterans sleep on the Streets.

Hell, Lib Tards could not even hand out Free Heroin Needles without Steel and Plastics Industries.

They are so Dumb, they Make Stupid Jealous.
So Veterans sleep on the streets because of illegals?

A lot of them are.

The problem with housing is the increased demand from Illegals- get rid of the Illegal population and supply of housing will increase, rents will decrease. Basic Econ 101

30 Million Illegals shipped out.

30 Million Homes for Veterans and Poor American Citizens and the money to house them there too.
Trump calls off the military strike on Iran when he learns that 150 Iranians might be killed.

He recently eliminated the pollution cal on coal fired generation plants that in ten years, the extra pollution will kill 300-1500 Americans every year.

For the sake of you maintaining a little credibility around here and all, link us to your outrage over wetbacks killing Americans would ya please?
Thanks in advance.

So, lets not care about anything else killing Americans because some illegals do it.

I get it.

Why do you only care about illegals murdering people?

And furthgermore, shove your bigotry up your fast ignorant ass.
oh the drama queen is over dramatizing as every good leftist fk does. no facts to back up any of the accusations, none, zip, nadda. anytime fishtool.
You are confused Moon Bat.

If you think fossil fuels are dangerous then put your money where your mouth instead of being a whiny TDS afflicted asshole.

Stop using anything connected with fossil fuels. Stop driving a car, stop using using electricity generated by fossil fuels. Stop buying goods made in the fossil fuel supply line including all agricultural products.

You don't know jackshit about pollution and the health effects of coal fired generation. Nether do the dumbshits that tell you that 1500 people will die. Those projections and health studies are bogus and based upon very flawed assumptions. Bad science. I know because I am Environmental Engineer that actually looked at how they came up with that silly bullshit.

Nobody is going to die because we use more coal. However, more people will have more cost effective electricity to power the things that will make their life healthier.

The US spends more money on pollution control than the rest of the world combined. The incremental health impact of a little more coal generation will be negligible on the population. Just because some stupid environmental wacko tells you differently don mean it is fact.

You Moon Bats don't know any more about Environmental Health as you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, History, Ethics or the Constitution.

Pollution is dangerous. Why do you want to pollute more? I would think an Environmental Engineer would know that. I would think an environmental engineer would know the more pollution, the worse the effects on one's health.

I would think an environmental engineer would know how those living downwind from coal fired plants have far worse health that those that do not.

Drinking a Coke is not good for you either, but smart folks recognize that having a Coke every once in a while is not a big deal and won't kill you. You have to weigh the good with the had. In this case, the benefits of having coal fired plants far exceeds any negative effects. Seems as though you and most left-wingers have been duped by the left-wing funded "scientific" research.

I can choose not to drink Coke. We can't choose the air we breathe.

The statistics come from the EPA.

It is a waste of the earth's oxygen supply for you stupid moon Bats to be breathing air.

You chose to use electrify that is generated by fossil fuels and then you bitch about the health effects? Typical stupid Moon Bat hypocrisy.

The EPA is a political organization you dumb fuck. Being an Environmental Engineer for 30 years I know more about the EPA than you could ever imagine.

Their health studies are based upon several very unfounded assumptions. Just looking at the number of lung cancer cases in the US and then extrapolating that so many were caused by coal generation and so how many more in the future is nothing more that voodoo science.

There are big bucks in Environmental Wackoism because morons like you are simply too stupid to understand how flawed the assertions are. It is hell for you Libtards to be so uneducated, isin't it?.

You are simply a dumb Moon Bat that don't know you ass from a hole about most of the stuff that you post on here. Since you are a mentally ill Libtard afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome you are blaming deaths on Trump when that is nothing but bullshit. They are not but if the studies are correct then in my life time then Truman, Kennedy, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and that shithead Neggra Obama also killed people but you didn't mention that, did you?
flash you should consider to stop giving these fktards meaning. they aren't worth your time for that explanation. It's their fault, they know it, they like to get folks like you all riled up.

I know that.

If you are a Moon Bat like RealDickhead not only are you ignorant as hell, uneducated, low information but you are also unwilling to pull your head out of your ass.

Then you throw in the Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness and you really are bat shit crazy.

Blaming Trump for potential cancer deaths is just about as retarded as it comes.
in ten years, the extra pollution will kill 300-1500 Americans every year.
Fake news.

And how many Americans do you think will die when they cannot afford their electric bills?

And by the way, do you use electricity to heat and cool your home? Do you drive a car? Do you fly to your vacay destination? Or do you live in a cave and build a fire to keep warm (and even that creates pollution)?

There are programs to help poor people pay their utilities.

How much have the rates gone up & how much will they go down under Triump's new rules?

I have news for you morons, we need to reduce our emission s & reduce are vcsrbon foottprint.

I've cut mine by over half.

1) My HVAC is geothermal.
2) 90% of my driving is with a 45 mpg Prius.

What have you done?
did it do any good what you did? if you can't at least state your effort made a difference, then there is no actual reason to ask everyone else to do what you did. you must show progress, and your thread implies quite the opposite. what a losing proposition, oh wait, you're a fking leftist turd.

BTW, as someone has already articulated in here, under obammy we did cut our emissions, and afterward, you're still saying it didn't help. well fk, if it isn't having an affect on the planet, that must mean there is something else which causes said disaster to be ahead of us.

Conclusion, you are wrong.
There is no war on coal

It is just becoming obsolete

Really? let's see ya make steel without it. :eusa_snooty:
Are Liberals really this stupid?

No Steel, and you cannot even make nails, or screws to build homes for the Illegal Aliens we provide homes to, while we make Veterans sleep on the Streets.

Hell, Lib Tards could not even hand out Free Heroin Needles without Steel and Plastics Industries.

They are so Dumb, they Make Stupid Jealous.
So Veterans sleep on the streets because of illegals?
There is no war on coal

It is just becoming obsolete

Really? let's see ya make steel without it. :eusa_snooty:
Are Liberals really this stupid?

No Steel, and you cannot even make nails, or screws to build homes for the Illegal Aliens we provide homes to, while we make Veterans sleep on the Streets.

Hell, Lib Tards could not even hand out Free Heroin Needles without Steel and Plastics Industries.

They are so Dumb, they Make Stupid Jealous.
So Veterans sleep on the streets because of illegals?

A lot of them are.

The problem with housing is the increased demand from Illegals- get rid of the Illegal population and supply of housing will increase, rents will decrease. Basic Econ 101
ah shit, there you go trying to edumacate the stupid again.

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