Iranian Power Structure


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2017
The Conspiratorium.
"At the top of Iran's power structure is the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who succeeded Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the father of the Iranian Revolution, upon Khomeini's death in 1989. Khomeini and Khamenei are the only two men to have held the office since the founding of the Islamic Republic in 1979.

According to Iran's Constitution, the Supreme Leader is responsible for the delineation and supervision of "the general policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran," which means that he sets the tone and direction of Iran's domestic and foreign policies. The Supreme Leader also is commander-in-chief of the armed forces and controls the Islamic Republic's intelligence and security operations; he alone can declare war or peace. He has the power to appoint and dismiss the leaders of the judiciary, the state radio and television networks, and the supreme commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He also appoints six of the twelve members of the Council of Guardians, the powerful body that oversees the activities of Parliament and determines which candidates are qualified to run for public office.

The Supreme Leader's sphere of power is extended through his representatives, an estimated 2,000 of whom are sprinkled throughout all sectors of the government and who serve as the Leader's clerical field operatives. In some respects the Supreme Leader's representatives are more powerful than the president's ministers and have the authority to intervene in any matter of state on the Supreme Leader's behalf.

The president is the second highest ranking official in Iran. While the president has a high public profile, however, his power is in many ways trimmed back by the constitution, which subordinates the entire executive branch to the Supreme Leader. In fact, Iran is the only state in which the executive branch does not control the armed forces.

The president is responsible for setting the country's economic policies. Though he has nominal rule over the Supreme National Security Council and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security, in practice the Supreme Leader dictates all matters of foreign and domestic security. Eight vice presidents serve under the president, as well as a cabinet of 22 ministers. The Council of Ministers must be confirmed by Parliament."

Inside Iran - The Structure Of Power In Iran | Terror And Tehran | FRONTLINE | PBS

The elections nothing but head feint and the WEST always falls for it. The Ayatollah controls everything.

Wonder how things might be had we not toppled their duly democratically elected govt at the behest of US corporate interests? The corporate state demands constant destablization in the middle east while the public pays and dies for it.
Iran was a complete and total non-US "problem" in 2001, where Iran was actually at war in Afghan against the Taliban.

When W send our troops to Afghan, the war between Iran backed NORTHERN ALLIANCE and TALIBAN was ongoing.

Then, with our troops still there, W flipped off NORTHERN ALLIANCE with the "axis of evil" BS.

That forced out moderate RAFSANJANI and got AHMADINEJAD elected....

Iran re-radicalized because W was the worst traitor in US history.

That flip off of Northern Alliance is responsible for at least 200 of our US casualties in Afghan, and why we can't "win" there because NOBODY trusts us.... because they know we lie and backstab for ISRAEL.
Is this how you always react to a truth/reality that you don't like?

You are one of two things.

1. a sub human who parrots lies and has no ability to think or ask questions
2. a deliberate traitor trying to re-write history for ISRAEL
Really? And what if true? Not that you have an actual choice.

Oh it's absolutely true, we go through the same charade here every 4 years, it's that it isn't theocratically driven.
However, they in Iran don´t pose a threat to us.

Did I say that they were? They'd LIKE to be, but as of yet they lack the Intercontinental Technology. Regionally they like to use Proxies like Hizbollah and Hamas.
They hate us they hate us

My BIRDBRAIN can't stop parroting they hate us they hate us....


and W was a great Prez, right Doc, you FUCKING SUB HUMAN!!!
PARROTS like repeating themselves...

Who was arming and funding NORTHERN ALLIANCE when W made the "axis of evil" speech?

Northern Alliance - Wikipedia

The Northern Alliance fought a defensive war against the Taliban government. They received support from Iran,

You must be quite young, hence your knowledge seems to only go back as far as GW who is an ignoramus. Frankly the Bush's and the Clinton's are evil people. As far as someone being a parrot, that word fits you perfectly.
They hate us they hate us

My BIRDBRAIN can't stop parroting they hate us they hate us....


and W was a great Prez, right Doc, you FUCKING SUB HUMAN!!!

This is the problem with youth, they only believe what fits their small minded paradigm. The Iranian PEOPLE love us, they however have no power or weapons. The Iranian Leadership hates us, they are quire radical and detest all "infidels". Obama could have stepped in in 2009's "Green Revolution" but he wussed out.

Don't hate the messenger, I'm simply telling you the truth.
Really? And what if true? Not that you have an actual choice.

Oh it's absolutely true, we go through the same charade here every 4 years, it's that it isn't theocratically driven.
However, they in Iran don´t pose a threat to us.

True, it's usually the peace loving USA that does the attacking. Gotta keep the 'defense' industry and the banks profitable, no matter what party's in power.

If Trump bucks them he'll go the way of JFK.
"At the top of Iran's power structure is the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who succeeded Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the father of the Iranian Revolution, upon Khomeini's death in 1989. Khomeini and Khamenei are the only two men to have held the office since the founding of the Islamic Republic in 1979.

According to Iran's Constitution, the Supreme Leader is responsible for the delineation and supervision of "the general policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran," which means that he sets the tone and direction of Iran's domestic and foreign policies. The Supreme Leader also is commander-in-chief of the armed forces and controls the Islamic Republic's intelligence and security operations; he alone can declare war or peace. He has the power to appoint and dismiss the leaders of the judiciary, the state radio and television networks, and the supreme commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He also appoints six of the twelve members of the Council of Guardians, the powerful body that oversees the activities of Parliament and determines which candidates are qualified to run for public office.

The Supreme Leader's sphere of power is extended through his representatives, an estimated 2,000 of whom are sprinkled throughout all sectors of the government and who serve as the Leader's clerical field operatives. In some respects the Supreme Leader's representatives are more powerful than the president's ministers and have the authority to intervene in any matter of state on the Supreme Leader's behalf.

The president is the second highest ranking official in Iran. While the president has a high public profile, however, his power is in many ways trimmed back by the constitution, which subordinates the entire executive branch to the Supreme Leader. In fact, Iran is the only state in which the executive branch does not control the armed forces.

The president is responsible for setting the country's economic policies. Though he has nominal rule over the Supreme National Security Council and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security, in practice the Supreme Leader dictates all matters of foreign and domestic security. Eight vice presidents serve under the president, as well as a cabinet of 22 ministers. The Council of Ministers must be confirmed by Parliament."

Inside Iran - The Structure Of Power In Iran | Terror And Tehran | FRONTLINE | PBS

The elections nothing but head feint and the WEST always falls for it. The Ayatollah controls everything.

Iran is a threat to the world.
Really? And what if true? Not that you have an actual choice.

Oh it's absolutely true, we go through the same charade here every 4 years, it's that it isn't theocratically driven.
However, they in Iran don´t pose a threat to us.

Did I say that they were? They'd LIKE to be, but as of yet they lack the Intercontinental Technology. Regionally they like to use Proxies like Hizbollah and Hamas.
Just saying. Iran does not want to be a threat. They rather like good relations.

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