Iranian Power Structure

Did Oswald shoot him from up, right, and behind the car?

I don't know. I have never put the scene together to make an informed conclusion other than it seems ridiculously unlikely Oswald was the only shooter.

I try to see the big picture, not the one moment. The "Israelites" felt JFK owed them for JFK's extremely favorable media coverage in the election. JFK repeatedly told them NO when they asked for more weapons. LBJ's answer was 180 degrees in the opposite direction. LBJ won his first Congressional seat when his opponent was murdered and a grand jury was never set up to investigate it....

Oswald never hit him, I don't even believe he took a shot. The first round that hit him was in the neck from the sewer to the right of the vehicle. The driver STOPPED the car dead in it's tracks. The SS had been told to stand down and they stepped off of the vehicle. If you watch the film they are standing in the middle of the road and one turns his palms up to the sky asking WTF.

I'll tell you like I did Bleipreister, we learn more from our own research than that of others.
The Dulles brothers.
Daddy Bush and Zapata Oil.
The Bay of Pigs.
JFK's speech the week before he died. It goes on and on and on.
Yes the Israeli's are in there too.

LBJ gave the MIC what they wanted and Vietnam went on years more than it should have. Last week Trump took a picture with Kissinger. They never let anything happen by accident, that picture was to let us know that Trump was/is one of them. EVERYTHING that happens politically is nothing more than a show to keep people divided. None of it is real.
Allow me a question, what Shia sect do they belong to, and what must happen before their "Messiah" can come back?
Can´t you explain your point straight?

Translation: "I don't know and I don't care enough to find it out on my own".

This is all I'm going to tell you, I have learned that people who have the fortitude and the will to do their own research are the ONLY ones who ever learn a "truth".

The Iranian leaders belong to a Shia Sect that is called the 12'vers. They are looking for the 12th "Imam", and there are a certain set of circumstances that must occur (they believe) before he'll come back.

I don't care whether you look it up or not, it doesn't make it any less true.
There is still no point.

Your unwillingness to learn is not my problem.
You can´t explain yourself - that´s your problem. Be straight or otherwise your points will be considered pretended.

Explanation: The 12th Imam comes at the same time with Jesus´ new arrival and both will fight the false Messiah.

So what does this tell about alleged Iranian intentions that you are talking about in an suspiciously obscure manner?

Kid, do your own research. I don't really care what you do or don't learn. It changes nothing.
Can´t you explain your point straight?

Translation: "I don't know and I don't care enough to find it out on my own".

This is all I'm going to tell you, I have learned that people who have the fortitude and the will to do their own research are the ONLY ones who ever learn a "truth".

The Iranian leaders belong to a Shia Sect that is called the 12'vers. They are looking for the 12th "Imam", and there are a certain set of circumstances that must occur (they believe) before he'll come back.

I don't care whether you look it up or not, it doesn't make it any less true.
There is still no point.

Your unwillingness to learn is not my problem.
You can´t explain yourself - that´s your problem. Be straight or otherwise your points will be considered pretended.

Explanation: The 12th Imam comes at the same time with Jesus´ new arrival and both will fight the false Messiah.

So what does this tell about alleged Iranian intentions that you are talking about in an suspiciously obscure manner?

Kid, do your own research. I don't really care what you do or don't learn. It changes nothing.
Your point (attempted translation: "They believe something so they want to destroy the West") is hereby rejected.
Translation: "I don't know and I don't care enough to find it out on my own".

This is all I'm going to tell you, I have learned that people who have the fortitude and the will to do their own research are the ONLY ones who ever learn a "truth".

The Iranian leaders belong to a Shia Sect that is called the 12'vers. They are looking for the 12th "Imam", and there are a certain set of circumstances that must occur (they believe) before he'll come back.

I don't care whether you look it up or not, it doesn't make it any less true.
There is still no point.

Your unwillingness to learn is not my problem.
You can´t explain yourself - that´s your problem. Be straight or otherwise your points will be considered pretended.

Explanation: The 12th Imam comes at the same time with Jesus´ new arrival and both will fight the false Messiah.

So what does this tell about alleged Iranian intentions that you are talking about in an suspiciously obscure manner?

Kid, do your own research. I don't really care what you do or don't learn. It changes nothing.
Your point (attempted translation: "They believe something so they want to destroy the West") is hereby rejected.

I could care less.
There is still no point.

Your unwillingness to learn is not my problem.
You can´t explain yourself - that´s your problem. Be straight or otherwise your points will be considered pretended.

Explanation: The 12th Imam comes at the same time with Jesus´ new arrival and both will fight the false Messiah.

So what does this tell about alleged Iranian intentions that you are talking about in an suspiciously obscure manner?

Kid, do your own research. I don't really care what you do or don't learn. It changes nothing.
Your point (attempted translation: "They believe something so they want to destroy the West") is hereby rejected.

I could care less.
What a blow that you deal to me!
Your unwillingness to learn is not my problem.
You can´t explain yourself - that´s your problem. Be straight or otherwise your points will be considered pretended.

Explanation: The 12th Imam comes at the same time with Jesus´ new arrival and both will fight the false Messiah.

So what does this tell about alleged Iranian intentions that you are talking about in an suspiciously obscure manner?

Kid, do your own research. I don't really care what you do or don't learn. It changes nothing.
Your point (attempted translation: "They believe something so they want to destroy the West") is hereby rejected.

I could care less.
What a blow that you deal to me!

Not at all, I really don't care. You ascribe yourself more importance than you deserve.
You can´t explain yourself - that´s your problem. Be straight or otherwise your points will be considered pretended.

Explanation: The 12th Imam comes at the same time with Jesus´ new arrival and both will fight the false Messiah.

So what does this tell about alleged Iranian intentions that you are talking about in an suspiciously obscure manner?

Kid, do your own research. I don't really care what you do or don't learn. It changes nothing.
Your point (attempted translation: "They believe something so they want to destroy the West") is hereby rejected.

I could care less.
What a blow that you deal to me!

Not at all, I really don't care. You ascribe yourself more importance than you deserve.
Important enough to have you several times stating how unimportant. That´s not new to me. I live with a whole people of pigs who drop their topics as unimportant when they can´t back it up. You are not one of them, are you?
Kid, do your own research. I don't really care what you do or don't learn. It changes nothing.
Your point (attempted translation: "They believe something so they want to destroy the West") is hereby rejected.

I could care less.
What a blow that you deal to me!

Not at all, I really don't care. You ascribe yourself more importance than you deserve.
Important enough to have you several times stating how unimportant. That´s not new to me. I live with a whole people of pigs who drop their topics as unimportant when they can´t back it up. You are not one of them, are you?

Then you live with a whole lot of people just like yourself.

LOL I already have in the OP, like I told you kid, I really don't care if you wish to remain completely ignorant. In fact I wholly expect it. People have an aversion to things that they perceive as a threat to their own systems of thought People have an ingrained reality that exists within a paradigm that allows them to feel safe, feel good about themselves. The sad part is that it simply isn't real.
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Your point (attempted translation: "They believe something so they want to destroy the West") is hereby rejected.

I could care less.
What a blow that you deal to me!

Not at all, I really don't care. You ascribe yourself more importance than you deserve.
Important enough to have you several times stating how unimportant. That´s not new to me. I live with a whole people of pigs who drop their topics as unimportant when they can´t back it up. You are not one of them, are you?

Then you live with a whole lot of people just like yourself.

LOL I already have in the OP, like I told you kid, I really don't care if you wish to remain completely ignorant. In fact I wholly expect it. People have an aversion to things that they perceive as a threat to their own systems of thought People have an ingrained reality that exists within a paradigm that allows them to feel safe, feel good about themselves. The sad part is that it simply isn't real.
I simply asked you to be concrete about Iran´s plans. I am not here to wipe up your tears all day.
I could care less.
What a blow that you deal to me!

Not at all, I really don't care. You ascribe yourself more importance than you deserve.
Important enough to have you several times stating how unimportant. That´s not new to me. I live with a whole people of pigs who drop their topics as unimportant when they can´t back it up. You are not one of them, are you?

Then you live with a whole lot of people just like yourself.

LOL I already have in the OP, like I told you kid, I really don't care if you wish to remain completely ignorant. In fact I wholly expect it. People have an aversion to things that they perceive as a threat to their own systems of thought People have an ingrained reality that exists within a paradigm that allows them to feel safe, feel good about themselves. The sad part is that it simply isn't real.
I simply asked you to be concrete about Iran´s plans. I am not here to wipe up your tears all day.

LOL, really? The discussion is about Iran and their system of Government. Who controls what and whether or not the Election was "real". Lefty's commonly shift the goal posts when cornered, you are no exception. I've already answered enough of your questions and given you enough direction to do your own research, you can choose to do it and learn for yourself, or you can remain ignorant, as I've already stated I don't really care which road you choose.
I will give you this, Iran has three major targets. The moment they can they will begin taking them out. In order of importance.

1)Saudi Arabia
2) Israel
3) The United States
Yes the Israeli's are in there too

They are the ones who "got what they wanted" from JFK's offing.

Jack Ruby aka Jacob Rubenstein looked in the camera and said "I'm a hero!"

The media/Hollywood have also tried to exclude Israel from the list of suspects and add in some really laughable suspects who clearly did not do that. LBJ is also now fingered by the MLK family for lying about MLK's death and hate hoaxing a KKKer...

Son of Dr. King Asserts L.B.J. Role in Plot

"Three months ago, Dexter Scott King declared that he and his family believed that James Earl Ray was not guilty of the murder of his father, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tonight, in a televised interview, Mr. King asserted that President Lyndon B. Johnson must have been part of a military and governmental conspiracy to kill Dr. King."

It doesn't stop there. A few years ago, the Atlanta Jewish Times sounded exactly like those who did get away with JFK...

Newspaper Editor: Israel Should Consider Assassinating Obama [UPDATE]

"Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies."

Implied there is that the American people would be FOOLED into believing that IRAN, not ISRAEL, whacked O... as if they'd gotten away with it before and duped us "dumb Americans."
I will give you this, Iran has three major targets. The moment they can they will begin taking them out. In order of importance.

1)Saudi Arabia
2) Israel
3) The United States

That's the three countries most responsible for 911, although Israel should be 1 and the US 2.
Yes the Israeli's are in there too

They are the ones who "got what they wanted" from JFK's offing.

Jack Ruby aka Jacob Rubenstein looked in the camera and said "I'm a hero!"

The media/Hollywood have also tried to exclude Israel from the list of suspects and add in some really laughable suspects who clearly did not do that. LBJ is also now fingered by the MLK family for lying about MLK's death and hate hoaxing a KKKer...

Son of Dr. King Asserts L.B.J. Role in Plot

"Three months ago, Dexter Scott King declared that he and his family believed that James Earl Ray was not guilty of the murder of his father, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tonight, in a televised interview, Mr. King asserted that President Lyndon B. Johnson must have been part of a military and governmental conspiracy to kill Dr. King."

It doesn't stop there. A few years ago, the Atlanta Jewish Times sounded exactly like those who did get away with JFK...

Newspaper Editor: Israel Should Consider Assassinating Obama [UPDATE]

"Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies."

Implied there is that the American people would be FOOLED into believing that IRAN, not ISRAEL, whacked O... as if they'd gotten away with it before and duped us "dumb Americans."

I feel sorry for you. The MIC and the Banks got what they wanted. Your Anti-Semitism has you blinded to any real truth.

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