Iranian Woman Stoned to Death For Adultry

America should go to war to defend adulterers in Iran, jesus this place really has gone to shit.
In order to seize necessary resources in foreign lands, we must call the the people sitting atop those resources barbaric. But we cannot merely seize resources, we need a justification for "intervention". We need to construct a national security context ("Iran has nukes") and/or a humanitarian context (Iran's people must be saved from evil leadership). Study history. This is how superpowers take care of their needs.

This is not to say the OP's story is untrue. I believe it is very true. However, our desire to point our the barbarism of others greases the wheels of our foreign policy. And right now our foreign policy must protect our economy from being destroyed by oil scarcity. Don't tell this to Talk Radio Republicans; most of them have no idea how vital oil availability and prices are to the American and global economy. This is why they didn't understand British middle eastern policy, nor the American one that followed.
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America should stay out of it. It is none of America's business.
Actually? Human rights, LIBERTY is everyone's business...and ours and why WE have a Diplomatic Corps...

I wonder where is the NOW gang on this for Women's rights?:eusa_whistle:

America has a habit of interfering. Sometimes America needs to back the fuck off and concentrate on fixing itself.
Muslims are barbaric! Kill a mother in a horrific manner because she SUPPOSEDLY had an affair! This is Islam my friends. It's not radical Islam it's pure and mainstream Islam.

Note: She confessed after 99 lashes. They would have kept going until she confessed.


Woman may be stoned to death in Iran, could it happen here? - National social justice |
Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani, a 42 year old mother of two, is expected to be stoned to death as early as today. In 1999, she was convicted of adultery. She already received 99 lashes for the "offense". If she is executed, she will be buried up to her chest and then pelted with rocks. Death will most likely be slow and painful.

Ashtiani confessed to the adultery after receiving the 99 lashes, according to human rights lawyer Mohammed Mostafaei.

She tried to retract the confession to no avail. She was convicted by three our of five judges without ponderance of the evidence, Mostafaei said. She has asked forgiveness from the court but the judges refused to grant clemency.

Iran's supreme court upheld the conviction in 2007.

Ashtiani's native language is Turkish, not Farsi. Mostafaei believes a language barrier prevented his client from fully comprehending court proceedings.

The circumstances of Ashtiani's case make it not an exception but the rule in Iran, according to Amnesty International, which tracks death penalty cases around the world.

"The majority of those sentenced to death by stoning are women, who suffer disproportionately from such punishment," the human rights group said in a 2008 report.

I thought you christers were big into the stoning stuff

For touching Mount Sinai
Whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death. Exodus 19:13
For taking "accursed things"
Achan ... took of the accursed thing. ... And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire, after they had stoned them with stones. ... So the LORD turned from the fierceness of his anger. Joshua 7:1-26
For cursing or blaspheming
And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him. Leviticus 24:16
For adultery (including urban rape victims who fail to scream loud enough)
If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city. Deuteronomy 22:23-24

Very good response Guno and thank you. Nothing more needed to be said after this.
Everyday I thank God that I am nearly 70 years of age and here's why:

City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law - National Report | National Report

You are all missing the long-term point here. No one is talking about bombing Iran, or kicking anyone's ass. That's NOT the way the Nazi left in this country works. They work quietly, behind the scenes - passing laws to destroy America.

Whether it's a Blitzkrieg or not is unimportant. Force, with these pussy Nazi's isn't an option - they run from a fight. However, they have learned to be patient, to go to law school and kill the US from within by passing laws that undermine traditional America. And what are we left with? Sharia law in Michigan. First steps. Baby Steps.

So what do these Nazi women do when Sharia FINALLY takes hold in the US? Bitch and moan and scream about inhuman it is. You want liberalism? Well, get ready - it's getting ready to hit you in the damn face......
We like to think we are SO FAR advanced. But check out Sodomy laws.

You had anal sex with your wife? You are going to jail. (POP QUIZ, IS THIS BIG GOVERNMENT OR SMALL GOVERNMENT) Ironically, it's the "small government" people/politicians pushing for laws like these.

(opinion statement) I tend to be grossed out on the topic. I think I have better options. But will I vote for and stand behind LAW that prohibits someone else from anal sex? NO! WHY! It's not my business at all. It does not affect me at all!

[ame=]Louis CK on Gay Marriage - YouTube[/ame]
Everyday I thank God that I am nearly 70 years of age and here's why:

City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law - National Report | National Report

You are all missing the long-term point here. No one is talking about bombing Iran, or kicking anyone's ass. That's NOT the way the Nazi left in this country works. They work quietly, behind the scenes - passing laws to destroy America.

Whether it's a Blitzkrieg or not is unimportant. Force, with these pussy Nazi's isn't an option - they run from a fight. However, they have learned to be patient, to go to law school and kill the US from within by passing laws that undermine traditional America. And what are we left with? Sharia law in Michigan. First steps. Baby Steps.

So what do these Nazi women do when Sharia FINALLY takes hold in the US? Bitch and moan and scream about inhuman it is. You want liberalism? Well, get ready - it's getting ready to hit you in the damn face......

What about last election when Republicans were CERTAIN Iran had a Nuke?
Uh yea, don't know if you want to be using this guy as a example to validate your opinion...

Americans don't have any legal or moral authority on the matter of torture and capital punishment.

Are you serious? We generally put to death monsters that are convicted of murder. Liberals complain when it's inhumane. For the most part we provide a death that is quick and nearly painless. Humane in a way, but we usually only provide it for premeditated murder. Usually it's left for the worst of the worst.

Here they are sentencing her to a lock and painful execution for adultery.

If a mental midget like you can't see the difference than shame on you.

Islam is the latest addition to the list of liberal protected classes.
Everyday I thank God that I am nearly 70 years of age and here's why:

City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law - National Report | National Report

You are all missing the long-term point here. No one is talking about bombing Iran, or kicking anyone's ass. That's NOT the way the Nazi left in this country works. They work quietly, behind the scenes - passing laws to destroy America.

Whether it's a Blitzkrieg or not is unimportant. Force, with these pussy Nazi's isn't an option - they run from a fight. However, they have learned to be patient, to go to law school and kill the US from within by passing laws that undermine traditional America. And what are we left with? Sharia law in Michigan. First steps. Baby Steps.

So what do these Nazi women do when Sharia FINALLY takes hold in the US? Bitch and moan and scream about inhuman it is. You want liberalism? Well, get ready - it's getting ready to hit you in the damn face......

What about last election when Republicans were CERTAIN Iran had a Nuke?

Question for you: How certain are you EXACTLY that they don't have one? I mean seriously. I had a very high security clearance while in the Army - I have been inside places that most of you would not have a clue even existed - yet they do. Point being, I haven't been in the Army since the late 80s.

I PROMISE you that I have no idea whether or not they have a device or not but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they had already developed one. Is it possible to hide such a development? Give me a break.....of course it is.
The woman knew her countries laws and decided to break them and become a criminal.

Their county.....their laws

I fail to see the problem? . :cool:
There is not a 'problem' per se.
The issue is that liberals here in the US do not ever question Muslims and defend them unconditionally. No matter what the circumstance. No matter how horrible the act.
Muslims are barbaric! Kill a mother in a horrific manner because she SUPPOSEDLY had an affair! This is Islam my friends. It's not radical Islam it's pure and mainstream Islam.

Note: She confessed after 99 lashes. They would have kept going until she confessed.


Woman may be stoned to death in Iran, could it happen here? - National social justice |
Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani, a 42 year old mother of two, is expected to be stoned to death as early as today. In 1999, she was convicted of adultery. She already received 99 lashes for the "offense". If she is executed, she will be buried up to her chest and then pelted with rocks. Death will most likely be slow and painful.

Ashtiani confessed to the adultery after receiving the 99 lashes, according to human rights lawyer Mohammed Mostafaei.

She tried to retract the confession to no avail. She was convicted by three our of five judges without ponderance of the evidence, Mostafaei said. She has asked forgiveness from the court but the judges refused to grant clemency.

Iran's supreme court upheld the conviction in 2007.

Ashtiani's native language is Turkish, not Farsi. Mostafaei believes a language barrier prevented his client from fully comprehending court proceedings.

The circumstances of Ashtiani's case make it not an exception but the rule in Iran, according to Amnesty International, which tracks death penalty cases around the world.

"The majority of those sentenced to death by stoning are women, who suffer disproportionately from such punishment," the human rights group said in a 2008 report.

I thought you christers were big into the stoning stuff

For touching Mount Sinai
Whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death. Exodus 19:13
For taking "accursed things"
Achan ... took of the accursed thing. ... And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire, after they had stoned them with stones. ... So the LORD turned from the fierceness of his anger. Joshua 7:1-26
For cursing or blaspheming
And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him. Leviticus 24:16
For adultery (including urban rape victims who fail to scream loud enough)
If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city. Deuteronomy 22:23-24
And we have stonings in this country when?
Yes it is barbaric. Yes it is cruel and evil. As we have found over and over again we cannot force all those barbaric, cruel ad n evil people to live like we want them to live. Especially since we won't listen to the Muslims trying to change it. If we were really concerned we would not have a university that stopped Hirsi Ali from talking about it.

How many muslim controlled countries are there? Not just in the middle east but all over the world? We cannot declare war on the peoples of all those countries because we don't like the way they run their own lives.

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