Iranian Woman Stoned to Death For Adultry

Stoning is a horrible way to die.
Those on Netflix...look for the movie called The Stoning Of Soraya. Based on a true story.
The gist is....the husband wanted to divorce his wife because he lusted after a 13 year old. But to divorce her, he had to give good reason. He leaves her to fend for herself, and a man takes pity on her and hires her to clean his house so she can buy food to put on the table for her children. Then the crap starts. What a great excuse! He claims she has been having an affair with the old man. The women of the town pick up the story gossip and spread it further. She is then judged as guilty. The man helps the townspeople stone her and makes her children throw rocks too. It took a long time for her to die.
The clencher is the end of the story, which I will not share cuz it would ruin it.

So those who don't see a problem with a woman found guilty by a bunch of pervert old men who have agendas...and would pick up a rock to stone that woman....take a good look at that movie. Just like The Passion Of The see it all in super gory detail. You might change your mind and hesitate to pick up a rock or find excuses for them to pick up rocks.

No offense, but you ever seen a human burned alive? I have. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Again - 59 boys. Brought to you by the "Religion of Peace".

Burning while alive is just as bad. Any way you look at's barbaric.
Liberals don't seem to know what they support. If the woman was stoned to death for being a Christian they'd be fine with it.
And demand ALL of them be treated the same just for being Christian...after all? Isn't it the left that tells us ad nauseum that Christians want a Theocracy?

Really? Iran IS a theocracy...and as another poster stated correctly...Liberals are scared to death of Liberals would be the first to suffer their wrath.
So you are against law and order?? .:cool:

Sharia may be law and order in the minds of animals but it is far from justice.
The citizens of Iran support this law and it's punishment for adultery or else they would change it.

I see no reason that it's anyone else's business but the Iranian people.

But please continue with your self righteous outrage. . :cool:

Criminals and gangsters such as those in Iran think sharia criminal law is only their business.

Nope, it isn't, and the time will come when they will be held accountable and punished.
Shitlibs support homosexuality, "sex change" operations, polyamory, adultery, polyandry and pedophilia(especially if it is gay(pedophiles are disproportionately homos) or with jewish movie moguls like polanski or woody allen), but inbreeding is unacceptable, lol.

What a fruit loop.
You know, I constantly hear that "Islam is the religion of peace". I can't say one way or the other - all I have to go on is their actions - "By their fruits you shall know them" - Matthew 7-16

The one thing that I am POSITIVE of, however, is that they want America dead and the Nazis on the left are TERRIFIED of them.

The left will vilify Christians all day, every day, 365 days a year. Why? Because they know that they can get away with it. Muslims? They won't touch that mule with a 10 foot pole....

Frankly, if they want to live in the 14th century, I couldn't care less. It's just like all these "concerned women" in America that are wringing their hands over the kidnapping of all these unfortunate girls - and justifiably so.

But where was their "outrage" when that same group of fanatical muslims burned alive, those 59 boys? Nothing but silence. In short - Cackling Nazi hens.

Nigerian Islamists kill 59 pupils in boarding school attack | Reuters
Speaking of Nazi's and IRAN? You do know what that word means don't you? [Iran].

Try Aryan...And what was it the Germans (NAZI's) were striving for? Were you aware that the Nazi's had Muslims in their ranks?

Indeed. Hitler was fascinated by Iran.
And it was Nazi Germany that named the place...
Sunni..this is the part where you and I bump heads. I totally do NOT believe you could actually accept a woman being tortured with NINETY NINE lashes and NOT confess just to make the pain stop...then stoned and you would join in as you once said before a few years back. Cuz if I believed you would do that..then...I just don't know what to say. Some trials are flat out agendas. Some are just flat out flogging a girl or stoning a woman for being raped. That is barbaric. And you think it is fine? Really?
Speaking of Nazi's and IRAN? You do know what that word means don't you? [Iran].

Try Aryan...And what was it the Germans (NAZI's) were striving for? Were you aware that the Nazi's had Muslims in their ranks?

Indeed. Hitler was fascinated by Iran.
And it was Nazi Germany that named the place...

Indeed. During WWII, Hitler had sent emissaries to (Then) Persia several times and wanted desperately to make them part of the Axis and asked that they country be changed to the name "Iran".

It wasn't until the first Shah was deposed (1935) later that the religious fanatics actually changed the name. I can't say that it was because of that dead bastard Hitler, but they most certainly changed the name (as we all know).
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Indeed. Hitler was fascinated by Iran.
And it was Nazi Germany that named the place...

Indeed. During WWII, Hitler had sent emissaries to (Then) Persia several times and wanted desperately to make them part of the Axis and asked that they country be changed to the name "Iran".

It wasn't until the first Shah was deposed (1935) later that the religious fanatics actually changed the name. I can't say that it was because of that dead bastard Hitler, but they most certainly changed the name (as we all know).
Fucking lol

Heil Hitler 1488.
And it was Nazi Germany that named the place...

Indeed. During WWII, Hitler had sent emissaries to (Then) Persia several times and wanted desperately to make them part of the Axis and asked that they country be changed to the name "Iran".

It wasn't until the first Shah was deposed (1935) later that the religious fanatics actually changed the name. I can't say that it was because of that dead bastard Hitler, but they most certainly changed the name (as we all know).
Fucking lol

Heil Hitler 1488.

Dumb Nazi. Read your history.

In 1935 the Iranian government requested those countries which it had diplomatic relations with, to call Persia "Iran," which is the name of the country in Persian. The suggestion for the change is said to have come from the Iranian ambassador to Germany, who came under the influence of the Nazis.
You know, I constantly hear that "Islam is the religion of peace". I can't say one way or the other - all I have to go on is their actions - "By their fruits you shall know them" - Matthew 7-16

The one thing that I am POSITIVE of, however, is that they want America dead and the Nazis on the left are TERRIFIED of them.

The left will vilify Christians all day, every day, 365 days a year. Why? Because they know that they can get away with it. Muslims? They won't touch that mule with a 10 foot pole....

Frankly, if they want to live in the 14th century, I couldn't care less. It's just like all these "concerned women" in America that are wringing their hands over the kidnapping of all these unfortunate girls - and justifiably so.

But where was their "outrage" when that same group of fanatical muslims burned alive, those 59 boys? Nothing but silence. In short - Cackling Nazi hens.

Nigerian Islamists kill 59 pupils in boarding school attack | Reuters
Speaking of Nazi's and IRAN? You do know what that word means don't you? [Iran].

Try Aryan...And what was it the Germans (NAZI's) were striving for? Were you aware that the Nazi's had Muslims in their ranks?

Indeed. Hitler was fascinated by Iran.

To illustrate the point further:



Indeed. During WWII, Hitler had sent emissaries to (Then) Persia several times and wanted desperately to make them part of the Axis and asked that they country be changed to the name "Iran".

It wasn't until the first Shah was deposed (1935) later that the religious fanatics actually changed the name. I can't say that it was because of that dead bastard Hitler, but they most certainly changed the name (as we all know).
Fucking lol

Heil Hitler 1488.

Dumb Nazi. Read your history.

In 1935 the Iranian government requested those countries which it had diplomatic relations with, to call Persia "Iran," which is the name of the country in Persian. The suggestion for the change is said to have come from the Iranian ambassador to Germany, who came under the influence of the Nazis.

Iran, a paradise free of ZOG. The Fourth Reich.
Americans don't have any legal or moral authority on the matter of torture and capital punishment.

Aaaand KNB equated American justice to stoning women for adultery.


Cause we water board brown terrorists. That to him is the same thing as stoning a woman for adultery. BTW, they also stone women for BEING RAPED.

Not that a moron like KNB cares. Cause he doesn't.

Funny how the liberals claim to care about the poor and down trodden isn't it?
Americans don't have any legal or moral authority on the matter of torture and capital punishment.

Aaaand KNB equated American justice to stoning women for adultery.


Cause we water board brown terrorists. That to him is the same thing as stoning a woman for adultery. BTW, they also stone women for BEING RAPED.

Not that a moron like KNB cares. Cause he doesn't.

Funny how the liberals claim to care about the poor and down trodden isn't it?
After all? KNB and his kind say Conservatives are waging a 'War Against Women'...they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. They're projecting...and most don't know it much less understand it.
Ok you Statists/Libs? You see the real war on women...I think you all had better think twice before you go accusing Conservatives or Republicans of waging such a war, or stating we wish such things for this nation by accusing US of wanting a theocracy. You'd better think twice. And join the rest of us in reality and stop with the crap.
Sharia may be law and order in the minds of animals but it is far from justice.
The citizens of Iran support this law and it's punishment for adultery or else they would change it.

I see no reason that it's anyone else's business but the Iranian people.

But please continue with your self righteous outrage. . :cool:

Citizens? People? Those are pretty loose words when used by an animal like yourself. Don't feel bad though it's the muslim way. It's how you sub-humans work.

You aren't strong enough to actually function as a human without taking that status away from all of your women. The women you consider neither citizen or people. So it's left up to you weak, pathetic little so called alpha males to vote right?

You're so impressive to your women you can't let them vote or they will actually vote your pathetic ass out. That's got to be a prime life to live little boy. Your wife would actually hate you if the law you support didn't force her to submit or be stoned to death.

I find muslim weakness not in the women but in the men that perpetuate this fraud upon the world in order to keep control.

I'm trying to think why I should be impressed with you, your wife isn't. But you don't have control over me so I guess your suppression of her is all you have.

I have always believed the end of the muslims would come when the women get power. Apparently you believe that as well, it's why you fight so hard to keep them uneducated and under your thumb.

Come on Sunni, say something here. I would use your full name but Man isn't anything I would consider you being.

Say something here and prove me wrong.
The woman knew her countries laws and decided to break them and become a criminal.

Their county.....their laws

I fail to see the problem? . :cool:

Where is the evidence she committed adultery? Even if she did, she does not deserve death.

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