Iranian Woman Stoned to Death For Adultry

LOL, your attempt to "wake people up, man!" has failed. How does that make you feel?

Go to some community college seminar, homo.


Professional attitude when introduced to a brainy debate?

Why not debate me on the topic instead of calling me a "homo" like a 12 year old?

Waking people up DOES require the people to be mature. I'm sorry you are behind in class kiddo.

I'll debate you on topic and win 100% of the time because I know politics and facts. "You are stuipid" is not a valid argument here kid.

Christ, your unhinged...

Maybe one day and calm down, realizing your wasted your life rambling this inane shitlibbery, I hope for your sake, and for everyone that has to deal with your whining in real life, that is the case.
The woman knew her countries laws and decided to break them and become a criminal.

Their county.....their laws

I fail to see the problem? . :cool:

Except she DIDN'T, psycho-boy. She was tortured until she confessed, then "convicted" in a kangaroo court conducted in a language she did not speak. I could get you to confess to anything I wanted if I tortured you long enough!
Americans don't have any legal or moral authority on the matter of torture and capital punishment.

Some think that one of judges needs to be kidnapped, taken to a remote island, and whatever happens to the woman should happen to him as it its recorded then sent to the social media.

Yes, the people of the world have a moral and ethical authority to render judgment.
So you are against law and order?? .:cool:

Won't speak for Fakey, but I (and most sane people) are against the pedophile Mohammed's murder cult of Islam!
Sunni..this is the part where you and I bump heads. I totally do NOT believe you could actually accept a woman being tortured with NINETY NINE lashes and NOT confess just to make the pain stop...then stoned and you would join in as you once said before a few years back. Cuz if I believed you would do that..then...I just don't know what to say. Some trials are flat out agendas. Some are just flat out flogging a girl or stoning a woman for being raped. That is barbaric. And you think it is fine? Really?

You need to understand one thing: he is psychopathic. It is that simple.
The woman knew her countries laws and decided to break them and become a criminal.

Their county.....their laws

I fail to see the problem? . :cool:

First of all, I notice the punishment for men for adultery is much lighter. Why is that?

Second of all, they beat her based on accusations. She confessed after 99 lashes. You would probably confess to kidnapping the Lindberg baby after 99 lashes.
I hope Muslims take over America and put all neo cons adulterers faggots and shitlibs like guno in prison.

Stone them and save the bullets good on Iran

And I would happily accept my execution for shooting as many of the traitors who put Sharia law in full effect in the US.
I seriously doubt she was lashed until she confessed.........Sharia Law doesn't work that way.

Most likely the article has it wrong.

And the lashes were part of the punishment after her conviction. . :cool:
America should stay out of it. It is none of America's business.
Actually? Human rights, LIBERTY is everyone's business...and ours and why WE have a Diplomatic Corps...

I wonder where is the NOW gang on this for Women's rights?:eusa_whistle:

Adultery is a woman's rights issue now? lol.

Really? This is the level of your reading comprehension?

No one said adultery is a women's rights issue. But women being tortured based on rumors certainly is a women's rights issue.

And very often the man gets 20 lashes and the woman is executed for adultery. But I guess that is ok with you too.
Everyday I thank God that I am nearly 70 years of age and here's why:

City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law - National Report | National Report

You are all missing the long-term point here. No one is talking about bombing Iran, or kicking anyone's ass. That's NOT the way the Nazi left in this country works. They work quietly, behind the scenes - passing laws to destroy America.

Whether it's a Blitzkrieg or not is unimportant. Force, with these pussy Nazi's isn't an option - they run from a fight. However, they have learned to be patient, to go to law school and kill the US from within by passing laws that undermine traditional America. And what are we left with? Sharia law in Michigan. First steps. Baby Steps.

So what do these Nazi women do when Sharia FINALLY takes hold in the US? Bitch and moan and scream about inhuman it is. You want liberalism? Well, get ready - it's getting ready to hit you in the damn face......

Try checking the source before you believe the worst. City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law

"Claim: Dearborn, Michigan, has become the first U.S. city to implement Sharia law.


"By the following day links and excerpts referencing this article were being circulated via social media, with many of those who encountered the item mistaking it for a genuine news article. However, the article was just a bit of satire from the National Report, a web site that publishes outrageous fictional stories such as "IRS Plans to Target Leprechauns Next," "Boy Scouts Announce Boobs Merit Badge," and "New CDC Study Indicates Pets of Gay Couples Worse at Sports, Better at Fashion Than Pets of Straight Couples.""
And I would happily accept my execution for shooting as many of the traitors who put Sharia law in full effect in the US.
No need to advocate any form of violence.

Sharia Law will become part of the landscape long after you and I have left the earth.

Little by little, decade after decade...... one court ruling here and there......and a law passed every now and then.

And before you know it......Sharia Law will be the law of the land.

All nice and legal and nary a shot fired in anger. . :cool:

I guess it is handier to just make shit up and claim someone said it, huh?

Liars like you, imho, are more dangerous than the mullahs.
The woman knew her countries laws and decided to break them and become a criminal.

Their county.....their laws

I fail to see the problem? . :cool:

First of all, I notice the punishment for men for adultery is much lighter. Why is that?

Second of all, they beat her based on accusations. She confessed after 99 lashes. You would probably confess to kidnapping the Lindberg baby after 99 lashes.

I am surprised that the Iranians haven't embraced the idea of water boarding as a great way to get people to admit to whatever. It worked for us. Right? Maybe we could send one of our rendition teams to Iran to show them our "better way of torture".

Winter, you wouldn't object if they water boarded this woman till she confessed. Would you?
We should all be mad at Bob Dylan. He is the one who wrote that "everybody must get stoned".
Wtf was he talking about?
So..if Sharia is allowed here....will stonings take place?

And sharia law can only come here if we dismantled the US Constitution.
Stoning is just another form of execution.......neither good or bad.

We have used hanging, electric chair, gas chamber, lethal injections, and firing squad, over the years in the U.S.

So death by stoning needs to be given a try. .. :cool:
I seriously doubt she was lashed until she confessed.........Sharia Law doesn't work that way.

Most likely the article has it wrong.

And the lashes were part of the punishment after her conviction. . :cool:

But if she was innocent, she would have been punished anyway. You know that, Sunni. They were never going to be on her side.
But if she was innocent, she would have been punished anyway. You know that, Sunni.
That's silly.

She had a trial in order to prove her guilt or innocence.

If she was proven innocent......the woman would have been set free. . :cool:

You and I both know that she was going to be found guilty. Has any woman ever been found innocent?

in cases of rape

as long as the woman has 4 witnesses that it was a rape

she will be found innocent

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