Iran’s next target could be our electrical grid


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Looks like the globalists are lining up on Iran. All they need is to have Mrs. Clinton elected and we may find ourselves in yet another war. Except this time just bombing won't work. She has already threatened Iraq with nuclear destruction for the right provocation.

It sounds like something out of a Hollywood movie, a bomb with an electromagnetic pulse that can take out all the lights in Los Angeles without collateral damage. It might sound like Hollywood, but this could be our reality if Iran attacks our electrical grid like they have laid out in “Passive Defense,” a secret Iranian military document.

Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) shared information about Iran’s potential electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack as it is described in “Passive Defense,” with Circa. And right now Franks thinks an EMP attack is “the most dangerous short-term national security threat that we face.”
Any attack with an EMP against the United States should be considered equivalent to a nuclear attack. Retaliation should be swift and final against the attacking nation.
Saudi Arabia can a lot in Iran territory. Off course I want Saudi Arabia by 100,000 soldier against Iran's 350,000 ground fighters. Saudi Arabia are stronger in attack I expect me to another people in this treat.
Any attack with an EMP against the United States should be considered equivalent to a nuclear attack. Retaliation should be swift and final against the attacking nation.

As far as I know Iran still does not have a nuclear weapon or the delivery system that would be required.

So I suspect Iran is being lined up for regime change.
Any attack with an EMP against the United States should be considered equivalent to a nuclear attack. Retaliation should be swift and final against the attacking nation.

As far as I know Iran still does not have a nuclear weapon or the delivery system that would be required.

So I suspect Iran is being lined up for regime change.

Ain't like we've not done that there before is it. Hmmmm .....
Russians goin' after our electric grid...

Vermont utility finds malware code attributed to Russians
December 30, 2016 — A state electric utility confirmed on Friday it had found on one of its laptops a malware code the U.S. government says is used by Russian hackers.
The Burlington Electric Department said U.S. utilities were alerted by the Department of Homeland Security on Thursday of a malware code used in Grizzly Steppe, the name Homeland Security has applied to a Russian campaign linked to recent hacks. Burlington Electric, which is municipally owned, said it detected the malware in a laptop not connected to its grid systems. It said it took "immediate action to isolate the laptop and alerted federal officials." "Our team is working with federal officials to trace this malware and prevent any other attempts to infiltrate utility systems," it said in an emailed statement.

It said it had briefed state officials and would fully support an investigation into the potential Russian hack. Russia, which has been accused of interfering in the U.S. presidential election by hacking American political sites and email accounts, has denied hacking U.S. systems. Democratic Gov. Peter Shumlin said his administration had been in touch with the federal government and the state's utilities. "Vermonters and all Americans should be both alarmed and outraged that one of the world's leading thugs, (Russian President) Vladimir Putin, has been attempting to hack our electric grid, which we rely upon to support our quality-of-life, economy, health, and safety," he said in a statement.

He said the hacking episode should highlight the urgent need for the federal government to "vigorously pursue and put an end to this sort of Russian meddling." Burlington Electric, which says it's "at the forefront of the green energy revolution," is one of the state's two largest electric utilities. The other, Colchester-based Green Mountain Power, said its systems were secure. "Our teams have done a complete systems check and found no security concerns," it said.
Green Mountain Power, which serves about 265,000 residential and business customers, said it recently was thoroughly reviewed for safety by Homeland Security. It said it would continue to rigorously monitor its systems and "remain vigilant."

Vermont utility finds malware code attributed to Russians

See also:

Behind Russia’s Cyber Strategy
Dec. 30, 2016 - A 2013 article by Russian Gen. Valery Gerasimov emphasized importance of cyberwarfare
Russia’s military laid out what is now seen as a blueprint for cyberwarfare with a 2013 article in a professional journal by Gen. Valery Gerasimov, the chief of Russia’s General Staff. Cyberspace, wrote Gen. Gerasimov, “opens wide asymmetrical possibilities for reducing the fighting potential of the enemy.” At the time, Russia’s military was absorbing the lessons of the Arab Spring, when social media played a key role in mobilizing leaderless protests that upended the political order across North Africa and the Middle East. “In North Africa, we witnessed the use of technologies for influencing state structures and the population with the help of information networks,” the article stated. “It is necessary to perfect activities in the information space, including the defense of our own objects.”

Now that doctrine is likely to come under more scrutiny following new U.S. sanctions that target Russia’s military intelligence agency, the Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU, as well as the country’s Federal Security Service, the successor to the Soviet-era KGB. The Obama administration accused Russia’s intelligence agencies of “tampering, altering or causing the misappropriation of information” with the goal of interfering with the 2016 presidential election. And the U.S. Treasury Department named a number of companies it alleged were linked to the hack, shedding new light on the links between the Russian military and security services and the country’s IT sector.

In the 2013 article, Gen. Gerasimov elaborated on the Russian military’s desire to hone its hacking skills as an extension of conventional warfare and political conflict. Experts say that since then, Russia has used cyberattacks as part of its arsenal against neighboring countries and as a political weapon, Western officials and security researchers said. In Washington’s defense and national security circles, Russia’s use of masked invasions on the ground and difficult-to-attribute attacks in cyberspace have become examples of what is now known as the “Gerasimov doctrine,” in reference to the 2013 article.

At the Pentagon, the effort to ward off such a threat from Russia became a matter of high priority for Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and the nation’s top military generals. In an August appearance at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies, Gen. Robert Neller, Commandant of the Marine Corps and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he had read Gen. Gerasimov’s article three times. “He talks about what he calls fighting a war without fighting a war—use of information, social media, disinformation, deception,” Gen. Neller said.



Microsoft says Russia-linked hackers exploiting Windows flaw
November 1, 2016 - Microsoft Corp said on Tuesday that a hacking group previously linked to the Russian government and U.S. political hacks was behind recent cyber attacks that exploited a newly discovered Windows security flaw.
The software maker said in an advisory on its website there had been a small number of attacks using "spear phishing" emails from a hacking group known Strontium, which is more widely known as "Fancy Bear," or APT 28. Microsoft did not identify any victims. Microsoft's disclosure of the new attacks and the link to Russia came after Washington accused Moscow of launching an unprecedented hacking campaign aimed at disrupting and discrediting the upcoming U.S. election. The U.S. government last month formally blamed the Russian government for the election-season hacks of Democratic Party emails and their subsequent disclosure via WikiLeaks and other entities. Russia has denied those accusations.

Microsoft said a patch to protect Windows users against the newly discovered threat will be released on Nov. 8, which is Election Day. It was not clear whether the Windows vulnerability had been used in any of the recent U.S. political hacks. Representatives of the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security could not immediately be reached for comment. A U.S. intelligence expert on Russian cyber activity said that Fancy Bear primarily works for or on behalf of the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency, which U.S. intelligence officials have concluded were responsible for hacks of Democratic Party databases and emails.

The logo of Microsoft is pictured in Issy-les-Moulineaux, France​

In spear phishing, an attacker sends targeted messages, typically via email, that exploit known information to trick victims into clicking on malicious links or open tainted attachments. Microsoft said the attacks exploited a vulnerability in Adobe Systems Inc's Flash software and one in the Windows operating system. Adobe released a patch for that vulnerability on Monday, when security researchers with Google went public with details on the attack.

Microsoft chided rival Google for going public with details of the vulnerabilities before it had time to prepare and test a patch to fix them. "Google’s decision to disclose these vulnerabilities before patches are broadly available and tested is disappointing, and puts customers at increased risk," Microsoft said. A Google representative declined to comment on Microsoft's statement.

Any attack with an EMP against the United States should be considered equivalent to a nuclear attack. Retaliation should be swift and final against the attacking nation.

As far as I know Iran still does not have a nuclear weapon or the delivery system that would be required.

So I suspect Iran is being lined up for regime change.
Irans nukes worked well when tested in North Korea.....and last time I read, Iran does have dozens of delivery systems functioning....
Malware used by Russia and every other two bit hacker that de-compiled it... Not buying it yet. Why the hell won't they put out real evidence?
Malware used by Russia and every other two bit hacker that de-compiled it... Not buying it yet. Why the hell won't they put out real evidence?
We are being conditioned. Real evidence isn't required for that. A steady stream of allegations, repeated ad nauseam is all that is necessary.
Saudi Arabia can a lot in Iran territory. Off course I want Saudi Arabia by 100,000 soldier against Iran's 350,000 ground fighters. Saudi Arabia are stronger in attack I expect me to another people in this treat.
i can kill all 100000 arabs soldiers by my hands :biggrin:
Malware used by Russia and every other two bit hacker that de-compiled it... Not buying it yet. Why the hell won't they put out real evidence?
We are being conditioned. Real evidence isn't required for that. A steady stream of allegations, repeated ad nauseam is all that is necessary.

Noooo the DNC... oops I mean the MSM would /never/ do that to us!
Any attack with an EMP against the United States should be considered equivalent to a nuclear attack. Retaliation should be swift and final against the attacking nation.

As far as I know Iran still does not have a nuclear weapon or the delivery system that would be required.

So I suspect Iran is being lined up for regime change.
maybe we have you trust cia ?
This thread being brought back is interesting! An EMP attack on the United States is projected to kill 70 to 85% of the population, more if done in the winter. To protect the electrical grid from EMP, it is reported to cost LESS than 35 billion. (at least it was 3 to 5 years ago) Why didn't Obama do it? He had the money free to do it, and the electrical companies could have passed on the cost to consumers if he so wished!

Maybe, just maybe, he was to busy playing golf, here, there, and everywhere. In one of his speeches, President elect Trump has promised to upgrade the grid ASAP. You would think ALL Americans would be happy about that prospect, but we need to see the excuse the left uses to make this out to somehow be bad, as we all know they will.
Malware used by Russia and every other two bit hacker that de-compiled it... Not buying it yet. Why the hell won't they put out real evidence?
We are being conditioned. Real evidence isn't required for that. A steady stream of allegations, repeated ad nauseam is all that is necessary.


There is no evidence that would satisfy you. Admit that now and put an end to our misery.
Looks like the globalists are lining up on Iran. All they need is to have Mrs. Clinton elected and we may find ourselves in yet another war. Except this time just bombing won't work. She has already threatened Iraq with nuclear destruction for the right provocation.

It sounds like something out of a Hollywood movie, a bomb with an electromagnetic pulse that can take out all the lights in Los Angeles without collateral damage. It might sound like Hollywood, but this could be our reality if Iran attacks our electrical grid like they have laid out in “Passive Defense,” a secret Iranian military document.

Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) shared information about Iran’s potential electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack as it is described in “Passive Defense,” with Circa. And right now Franks thinks an EMP attack is “the most dangerous short-term national security threat that we face.”
I thought we were going to stimulate our economy with a massive infrastructure refurbishment and renovation.
Looks like the globalists are lining up on Iran. All they need is to have Mrs. Clinton elected and we may find ourselves in yet another war. Except this time just bombing won't work. She has already threatened Iraq with nuclear destruction for the right provocation.

It sounds like something out of a Hollywood movie, a bomb with an electromagnetic pulse that can take out all the lights in Los Angeles without collateral damage. It might sound like Hollywood, but this could be our reality if Iran attacks our electrical grid like they have laid out in “Passive Defense,” a secret Iranian military document.

Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) shared information about Iran’s potential electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack as it is described in “Passive Defense,” with Circa. And right now Franks thinks an EMP attack is “the most dangerous short-term national security threat that we face.”

speculation with no basis.

more like we are china's target because your orange sociopath has zero understanding of international affairs.
Malware used by Russia and every other two bit hacker that de-compiled it... Not buying it yet. Why the hell won't they put out real evidence?
We are being conditioned. Real evidence isn't required for that. A steady stream of allegations, repeated ad nauseam is all that is necessary.

Noooo the DNC... oops I mean the MSM would /never/ do that to us!
I know right. But it is the government that is doing it. The media is just a tool.
This thread being brought back is interesting! An EMP attack on the United States is projected to kill 70 to 85% of the population, more if done in the winter. To protect the electrical grid from EMP, it is reported to cost LESS than 35 billion. (at least it was 3 to 5 years ago) Why didn't Obama do it? He had the money free to do it, and the electrical companies could have passed on the cost to consumers if he so wished!

Maybe, just maybe, he was to busy playing golf, here, there, and everywhere. In one of his speeches, President elect Trump has promised to upgrade the grid ASAP. You would think ALL Americans would be happy about that prospect, but we need to see the excuse the left uses to make this out to somehow be bad, as we all know they will.

I wholeheartedly support president elect Trump's call to improve our infrastructure....including our electrical grid. And quick!

Now....who on the left has ever said that hey don't want to improve infrastructure? Why.....oh why....didn't Obama do it? It's ponderous!
Yes, ironic considering how much the left keeps bringing in Russia's state run media with their arguments lately.
Malware used by Russia and every other two bit hacker that de-compiled it... Not buying it yet. Why the hell won't they put out real evidence?
We are being conditioned. Real evidence isn't required for that. A steady stream of allegations, repeated ad nauseam is all that is necessary.


There is no evidence that would satisfy you. Admit that now and put an end to our misery.
Present one piece of evidence that would justify your criticism of me.

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