Iran’s next target could be our electrical grid

Malware used by Russia and every other two bit hacker that de-compiled it... Not buying it yet. Why the hell won't they put out real evidence?
We are being conditioned. Real evidence isn't required for that. A steady stream of allegations, repeated ad nauseam is all that is necessary.


There is no evidence that would satisfy you. Admit that now and put an end to our misery.
Present one piece of evidence that would justify your criticism of me.

I've got to justify my opinion that you are an anti-government weirdo who places nutbag low info voters in the same basket as well informed, independent thinking lefties? That you are the smartest guy in the room because you don't believe ANYTHING?

I don't think so.
is iran new usa boogeyman now ?
Same as it always was.

We are coming for you.
Malware used by Russia and every other two bit hacker that de-compiled it... Not buying it yet. Why the hell won't they put out real evidence?
We are being conditioned. Real evidence isn't required for that. A steady stream of allegations, repeated ad nauseam is all that is necessary.


There is no evidence that would satisfy you. Admit that now and put an end to our misery.
Present one piece of evidence that would justify your criticism of me.

I've got to justify my opinion that you are an anti-government weirdo who places nutbag low info voters in the same basket as well informed, independent thinking lefties? That you are the smartest guy in the room because you don't believe ANYTHING?

I don't think so.
You've got nothing but faith. That is the truth of it.
This thread being brought back is interesting! An EMP attack on the United States is projected to kill 70 to 85% of the population, more if done in the winter. To protect the electrical grid from EMP, it is reported to cost LESS than 35 billion. (at least it was 3 to 5 years ago) Why didn't Obama do it? He had the money free to do it, and the electrical companies could have passed on the cost to consumers if he so wished!

Maybe, just maybe, he was to busy playing golf, here, there, and everywhere. In one of his speeches, President elect Trump has promised to upgrade the grid ASAP. You would think ALL Americans would be happy about that prospect, but we need to see the excuse the left uses to make this out to somehow be bad, as we all know they will.

I wholeheartedly support president elect Trump's call to improve our infrastructure....including our electrical grid. And quick!

Now....who on the left has ever said that hey don't want to improve infrastructure? Why.....oh why....didn't Obama do it? It's ponderous!

You know Lone, I do not know why Obama did not do it. It is maddening! I mean, we spend tons of cash in the defense department, and one EMP bomb set off over the United States could wipe out most of the population? Seems rather crazy to me if the 1st order of business for the federal government is to protect the citizenry, then spending 30 billion to protect them which is peanuts in the defense budget....amongst others.....doesn't happen.

As far as my statement on the left trying to say somehow it is bad; I just figured since nothing Trump has done or said he was going to do, has met with the approval of Democrats in Washington, I am just playing the odds and saying......they will find something not to like about this too. Could be wrong, and I certainly hope so. The protection of ALL American citizens should be the governments number 1 priority.

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