Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

WTF do the markets have to do with this asshat being sent to Allah.............


If traders are watching and believing the talking heads on CNN and MSNBC, they think we will be at war by morning.

And that would affect markets, uncertainty does.
Speculation.......blah blah blah..........heard a story that 2 guys were talking at the Stock was real loud there. was is your Mother...........

She is doing well.


She is DOING WELL................

And suddenly everyone sold and the market crashed.........
Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

Why didn't President Obama do this? Because he had better sense. He knew it wouldn't be worth the fallout. We are all less safe.

The news this evening is tremendous. Not only does this send a message to the Mullahs in Teheran that we aren't going to put up with their shit, it also sends a message to Rocket Man, that Donald J. Trump isn't someone to be trifled with.
Weird, just yesterday I was praising Trump over his quick response to the attack on the embassy...

So, are we at war?

Serious question. Every prez has a war: and Iran has been asking for it for months. I was hoping Trump would get thru re-election before going after them (or their going after us, which is what seems to be happening!).

So we've killed a top Iranian general and a high-level enemy Iraqi commander who were apparently standing together: nothing suspicious about THAT, oh no! By shelling an airport. After massive armed and mob attacks on our embassy so severe we had to evacuate fast. And we are rushing troops to the area, the headlines are saying. Sounds like it could be war to me ---- anyone?

Darn, and the Dow was up well over 300 today!! It won't be up tomorrow, I'm guessing....

Actually, it might well be up again.

Futures are down over 200


Are ya skeered?

No, just providing the information. Do facts scare you?
nope the economy is doing just fine .
Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

Why didn't President Obama do this? Because he had better sense. He knew it wouldn't be worth the fallout. We are all less safe.

wait a minute. You called us chicken little for saying Iran was an existential threat, now all of a sudden we’re less safe? Your politics isn’t what is motivating you to say that is it!
90% of the leftist trolls on this board are in mourning over the death of a terrorist.

its about time ! and going after the lranian leaders may be the new approach that will slap some sense into those murdering terrorist !! and it may also give the opposition inside of Iran the the boost they need to kick out the Islamic extremest running their country !
Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

Why didn't President Obama do this? Because he had better sense. He knew it wouldn't be worth the fallout. We are all less safe.

Obama was a clown. Iran should be terrified about what we're going to do next, not the other way around.
Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

Why didn't President Obama do this? Because he had better sense. He knew it wouldn't be worth the fallout. We are all less safe.

wait a minute. You called us chicken little for saying Iran was an existential threat, now all of a sudden we’re less safe? Your politics isn’t what is motivating you to say that is it!

Please quote where I said that.
Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

Why didn't President Obama do this? Because he had better sense. He knew it wouldn't be worth the fallout. We are all less safe.

Obama loved Iran, his top adviser, Val Jarrett, was born in Tehran.

Of course he wasn't going to do anything against one of his most beloved nations.
I thought Trump was an existential threat right before Pelosi, Nadler & Schiff went on vacation and in to hiding.

Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

Why didn't President Obama do this? Because he had better sense. He knew it wouldn't be worth the fallout. We are all less safe.

wait a minute. You called us chicken little for saying Iran was an existential threat, now all of a sudden we’re less safe? Your politics isn’t what is motivating you to say that is it!
Obama was the #1 terrorist financier and weapons provided to terrorists in the world.

He’s probably crying real tears today.

Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

Why didn't President Obama do this? Because he had better sense. He knew it wouldn't be worth the fallout. We are all less safe.

Obama loved Iran, his top adviser, Val Jarrett, was born in Tehran.

Of course he wasn't going to do anything against one of his most beloved nations.
Democrat and left-wing icons Qassim Sueimani and Mahdi al Muhandis were killed in an air strike today. It is a sad day for the democrat party, the piles of shit in the fake news media and the America-hating asshole leftists. Right now, they need time to grieve for their fallen heroes, hold candlelight vigils for them, then go on to influence Americans into thinking these two dead shitbags were the greatest people to never win the Nobel Peace Prize.

After that, somebody has to be held accountable for this travesty. Soon the democrats and their sluts in the media will be calling for President Donald J. Trump to be impeached for this. Oh, they'll come up with something like Trump denied them due process, cruel and unusual punishment or something along that line.

Well, in conclusion, thank you President Trump. The world is now a better place. The left, the media, democrats all of you can eat shit.
Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

Why didn't President Obama do this? Because he had better sense. He knew it wouldn't be worth the fallout. We are all less safe.

wait a minute. You called us chicken little for saying Iran was an existential threat, now all of a sudden we’re less safe? Your politics isn’t what is motivating you to say that is it!

Please quote where I said that.

So you agreed that Iran was and is a threat to the United States? Are you sure you weren’t one of those people that said Iran isn’t a threat and haven’t attacked anyone in a gazillion years so we should just let them be?
So, are we at war?

Serious question. Every prez has a war: and Iran has been asking for it for months. I was hoping Trump would get thru re-election before going after them (or their going after us, which is what seems to be happening!).

So we've killed a top Iranian general and a high-level enemy Iraqi commander who were apparently standing together: nothing suspicious about THAT, oh no! By shelling an airport. After massive armed and mob attacks on our embassy so severe we had to evacuate fast. And we are rushing troops to the area, the headlines are saying. Sounds like it could be war to me ---- anyone?

Darn, and the Dow was up well over 300 today!! It won't be up tomorrow, I'm guessing....

Actually, it might well be up again.

Futures are down over 200


Are ya skeered?

No, just providing the information. Do facts scare you?
nope the economy is doing just fine .

The economy is doing tremendous, I earned $9000 today in the market, and that a fact.

There could be a blip, depending on how traders see this. But if they are smart, they will realize that Trump will win this, and the Mullahs are losers.

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