Iraq and the America Haters


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The Big News from the Middle East this morning is that a group of Sunni military insurgents has overtaken the national government infrastructure in the northern city of Mosul. The group claiming responsibility is, "The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria." In short, it looks like the national government that the U.S. tried so long and hard to establish will not be able to govern this "country" in the way that we had hoped. Indeed, the "country" may not be governable, given the mentality of the opposing forces.

Not surprisingly, the Fourth Estate and the Democrat Party are basically taking the position that this - along with anything else that ever happens badly in "Iraq" - is Bush43's fault.

The Democrat politicians who voted to authorize the use of force to depose Saddam either ignore their votes or, like the Next President of The United States, publicly proclaim that their votes were "mistakes."

But this is total Anti-American bullshit. We deposed Saddam because he was a Bad Actor who was daily taking actions that were destabilizing the region, threatening Israel, either accumulating or pretending to accumulate weapons of mass destruction, and just generally causing trouble. We were assured by Iraqi ex-pats that an overthrow of Saddam's minority government would be welcomed by the People of Iraq, who would quickly establish a democratic or quasi-democratic government with whom we could work productively in the future.

We never wanted or intended to take over the country. We spent scores of billions of dollars in rebuilding their damaged and obsolete infrastructure, poured billions in to try to prop up their fledgeling economy, and sacrificed thousands of American and allied lives FOR NO PERSONAL BENEFIT. We had absolutely NOTHING TO GAIN by this military adventure; it was ENTIRELY for the benefit of the Iraqi people and others in the region who were threatened by Saddam's actions.

Americans who claimed that somehow it was "all about oil" have no explanation of EXACTLY how this would work - because it is stupid thing to say or believe. AT BEST, Iraq oil revenues would have gone to partially repay some of the "investment" we made there, but few people with any knowledge of the situation expected this ever to happen.

From the moment that Saddam was overthrown, the BLOODSHED IS ENTIRELY ON THE HANDS OF THE IRAQI PEOPLE THEMSELVES. WE didn't invite them to kill each other, bomb each other, destroy the neighborhoods of those with whom they had theological differences; that's all on them. We didn't go over there to kill anybody. We would gladly have laid down our arms and spent five years doing nothing but rebuilding roads, bridges, schools, and hospitals - and were prepared to do just that. THEY fucked it up, not us.

And every interview I've heard today about this develpment in Mosul is trying to blame even this latest bit of insanity on the U.S., and particularly on George W. Bush.

Anti-Americanism at its finest.
Saddam had the country of Iraq under control and wasn't a threat to anyone.

But the zionist fanatics the rule Israel wanted him gone and insisted that America take Saddam out.

9/11 provided the excuse.

And the U.S. government kowtowed to Israel's demands and invaded Iraq in order to please the ZOG. ... :cool:
I learned at an early age not to mess with wasp nest, politicians, never seem to learn.
Saddam had the country of Iraq under control and wasn't a threat to anyone.

But the zionist fanatics the rule Israel wanted him gone and insisted that America take Saddam out.

9/11 provided the excuse.

And the U.S. government kowtowed to Israel's demands and invaded Iraq in order to please the ZOG. ... :cool:

And women had more freedom under Saddam..and he knew how to deal with those pesky Shia terrorists..
Saddam had the country of Iraq under control and wasn't a threat to anyone.

But the zionist fanatics the rule Israel wanted him gone and insisted that America take Saddam out.

9/11 provided the excuse.

And the U.S. government kowtowed to Israel's demands and invaded Iraq in order to please the ZOG. ... :cool:

I think it's fair to say he wasn't a threat to the US, but to say he wasn't a threat to anyone? That's pushing it a bit, Hahkmed.
Saddam was a murderer, a bastard and generally bloody terrible.
However, he held the country together.
America invaded on lies, hints of 9/11 and WMD, allowing the more extreme groups to gain power where they had none.
American politicians' stupidity know no bounds.
Saddam had the country of Iraq under control and wasn't a threat to anyone.

But the zionist fanatics the rule Israel wanted him gone and insisted that America take Saddam out.

9/11 provided the excuse.

And the U.S. government kowtowed to Israel's demands and invaded Iraq in order to please the ZOG. ... :cool:

I think it's fair to say he wasn't a threat to the US, but to say he wasn't a threat to anyone? That's pushing it a bit, Hahkmed.
Saddam's military was basically neutered after the 1st Gulf War and he wasn't a viable threat to any of his neighbors. .. :cool:
That sounds about right, my friend.
Saddam had the country of Iraq under control and wasn't a threat to anyone.

But the zionist fanatics the rule Israel wanted him gone and insisted that America take Saddam out.

9/11 provided the excuse.

And the U.S. government kowtowed to Israel's demands and invaded Iraq in order to please the ZOG. ... :cool:

I think it's fair to say he wasn't a threat to the US, but to say he wasn't a threat to anyone? That's pushing it a bit, Hahkmed.
Saddam's military was basically neutered after the 1st Gulf War and he wasn't a viable threat to any of his neighbors. .. :cool:
And Saddam was anti Iran...since they would give him what he wanted of Iran..All the US invasion of Iraq created was a power vacuum, same as Afghanistan. I would bet that with in 5 years the Taliban will rule Afghanistan..which tribe? I am not sure....
And Saddam was anti Iran...since they would give him what he wanted of Iran..All the US invasion of Iraq created was a power vacuum, same as Afghanistan. I would bet that with in 5 years the Taliban will rule Afghanistan..which tribe? I am not sure....

The Taliban are the strongest military force so, yes, you're probably right.
America's daft invasion was a interruption, nothing more.
Iraq will probably go the same way as, much more worryingly, will Pakistan.
The US invasions have fanned a flame of extremism that might well see Pakistan controlled by an extremist group, giving them control nuclear weapons.
America is supporting the Pakistani government to protect Israel, but that won't hold for ever.
And Saddam was anti Iran...since they would give him what he wanted of Iran..All the US invasion of Iraq created was a power vacuum, same as Afghanistan. I would bet that with in 5 years the Taliban will rule Afghanistan..which tribe? I am not sure....

The Taliban are the strongest military force so, yes, you're probably right.
America's daft invasion was a interruption, nothing more.
Iraq will probably go the same way as, much more worryingly, will Pakistan.
The US invasions have fanned a flame of extremism that might well see Pakistan controlled by an extremist group, giving them control nuclear weapons.
America is supporting the Pakistani government to protect Israel, but that won't hold for ever.

The only real answer was to invade Pakistan also, and wipe out the Taliban. But then they would be considered as committing crimes on humanity..
These wars have turned into yet another Vietnam...It made war profiteers a lot of cash...
Yeah..we're doing great in iraq.

Militants Overrun Iraq's Second-Largest City as Government Forces Flee - WSJ

BAGHDAD—Islamist insurgents seized control of Iraq's second-largest city on Tuesday in a brazen military operation that underscored the weakness of the central government across vast swaths of the country.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki declared a nationwide "state of maximum preparedness" after government forces fled Mosul in disarray following four days of fighting. He asked parliament to declare a state of emergency. But he didn't say whether military forces were mobilizing to retake the city, 220 miles north of the capital, Baghdad.

The insurgent fighters who routed the Iraqi army out of Mosul on Tuesday did not just capture much of Iraq’s second-largest city. They also gained a windfall of arms, munitions and equipment abandoned by the soldiers as they fled — arms that were supplied by the United States and intended to give the troops an edge over the insurgents.

The problem is not a new one, but it looms larger now that the United States is shifting its counterterrorism strategy away from using American armed forces directly, and toward relying on allied or indigenous troops and security forces supplied and trained by the United States. President Obama proposed last week that a $5 billion fund be set up to finance such efforts.

Mosul Seized: Jihadis Loot $429m from City's Central Bank to Make Isis World's Richest Terror Force

The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (Isis) has become the richest terror group ever after looting 500 billion Iraqi dinars - the equivalent of $429m (£256m) - from Mosul's central bank, according to the regional governor.

Nineveh governor Atheel al-Nujaifi confirmed Kurdish televison reports that Isis militants had stolen millions from numerous banks across Mosul. A large quantity of gold bullion is also believed to have been stolen.

Following the siege of the country's second city, the bounty collected by the group has left it richer than al-Qaeda itself and as wealthy as small nations such as Tonga, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands and the Falkland Islands.
Basically, all American government interventions, wars, murders and political interfering has increased power for the extremists where they had almost none before.
Look up terrorist attacks before the 1970s, most were nothing to do with that region.
It all started with Israel and US support for that bastard state.
Let the Muslims there kill each other.

We should of carpet bombed that country pillar to post long ago.
obama turned victory into an awful defeat. In Mosul and Tikrit where so many Americans lost their lives, the great majority after obama took office, terrorists are again in control committing mass beheadings. Fallujah will soon fall. obama looks on. No doubt he is taking a great deal of satisfaction in showing George Bush how a real democratic leader does it!

The Prime Minister has no troops, he is asking that citizens arm themselves and fight.

U.S. Watches As Iraq Speeds Toward Disaster

Does the sleazy preezy have a comment on what he did? Is he sticking his nose in the air and telling Iraq how grateful they should be to his magnificence?
Invasion of Iraq accomplished two things:
1.) Empowered Iran in that region.
2.) Empowered China to control U.S. Dollar due to the hundreds of billions borrowed from them to fight the damn thing.
Hopefully Iraq and Iran will return to slaughtering each other so civilization can go on pursuing happiness.

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