Iraq does not welcome US ground troops in fight against Daesh - huge blow to RW myth makers

thana 10813007
Same war dummy...

We have seen no evidence for his claim. I'll ask again.

NF 10814217
Show this forum evidence that S. Hussein prior to 2003 was bankrolling and training Al Qaeda or any apocryphal end of times cultist like Al Baghdad - the leader of DAIISH terrorist scum that have joined themselves to the Sunni minority that was forced from power in Iraq for not having WMD after idiot Bush refused to accept the UN inspectors who found no evidence that WMD stockpiles or programs existed in Iraq in March 2003.
Edget 10798473.
The ONLY way that plan works is with US Army Troops on the ground leading the way.

Are you on DAIISH's payroll? So you think Iraqis and Iraqi Kurds cannot take Mosul without US troops in the lead in any combat situation?

Why are you trying to convince the Iraqis to refuse to fight against DAIISH on the ground on their own with US and other allies providing air support and aerial intelligence during the assault.? Do you fear the Iraqis might be successful like the Kurds were in Kobane?

If the Iraqis take Mosul back on their own all you Republicans lose credibility with all your fear mongering and serving DAIISH interests by tying worthless subhuman killers into representatives of Islam.

When Muslim ground troops defeat DAIISH in the second largest city in Iraq without the need for US ground troops DAIISH ceases to be a political tool for Republicans in US internal politics. You need DAIISH to hold on to Mosul like you hoped they could' take Kobane with those silly little US pin pricks for air strikes.

It's best when our brave and military professionals be kept out of the line of fire. I don't understand your objection to that.
It's best for ISIS...for sure.
I watch at different times ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN FOX, and sometimes even MSNBC and have seen no reports of major Iraqi forces gains against ISIS. I have seen reports of minor victories though.

Are you watching Fox News today?

Iraqi forces expected to retake Tikrit within days

Iraqi forces expected to retake Tikrit within days

Some excerpts:

.In the past three days, forces have progressed roughly 50 miles down one road toward the city and are now about a mile from its center.

. Hadi Al-Amiri, the leader of the predominantly Shiite paramilitary force Hashd Al-Shaabi, said Monday he is confident his men can crush ISIS in Iraq without the help of the U.S.-led coalition.

. “We don’t need it and we won’t need it,” said Al-Amiri. “Anyone who puts faith in the international coalition to liberate Iraq is putting their faith on a mirage. The people of Iraq will liberate this country and put an end to ISIS.”

. Al-Amiri’s forces appear to be leading the fight for Tikrit, with support from the Iraqi army and Sunni tribesmen. Also assisting: Iran. Iran has provided advisers, weapons and ammunition to the Iraqi government. According to the Pentagon, there may be Iranians operating heavy artillery and rocket launchers as well.

The Daesh terrorist scum are crumbling - I will be very pleased to see every last Daesh killed, captured or driven into hiding without a single American giving their lives to help make it happen.
Low morale at Deltex's house:

"The people of Iraq will liberate this country and put an end to ISIS.”"

. NF 10802070
It's best when our brave and military professionals be kept out of the line of fire. I don't understand your objection to that.

DT 10802070
It's best for ISIS...for sure.

No it's best for American soldiers lives and their families that no one with a brain listens to your crap.

Hadi Al-Amiri, the leader of the predominantly Shiite paramilitary force Hashd Al-Shaabi, said Monday he is confident his men can crush ISIS in Iraq without the help of the U.S.-led coalition.

“We don’t need it and we won’t need it,” said Al-Amiri. “Anyone who puts faith in the international coalition to liberate Iraq is putting their faith on a mirage. The people of Iraq will liberate this country and put an end to ISIS.”

Al-Amiri’s forces appear to be leading the fight for Tikrit, with support from the Iraqi army and Sunni tribesmen. Also assisting: Iran. Iran has provided advisers, weapons and ammunition to the Iraqi government. According to the Pentagon, there may be Iranians operating heavy artillery and rocket launchers as well.

“We thank them deeply for participating with us because Iran has more experience than anyone else on Earth in fighting terrorism,” Al-Amiri said.

The joint effort appears to be paying off as those near the front lines point to signs that ISIS may be fracturing in some areas over the strain of attempting to function as a state.

Reports are emerging of low morale, and U.S. officials said they’re seeing “anecdotal evidence of resentment and even resistance” in ISIS-controlled areas.

In addition to the push for Tikrit, Peshmerga forces south of Kirkuk retook three villages from ISIS in the past 24 hours. About 100 ISIS fighters were killed. In Syria, Kurdish forces have expanded the area they control around the city of Kobani.

After nearly 3,000 coalition airstrikes, the days of freely moving around in large formations, flying black flags and taking territory may be over for the group.

“What we’ve seen is ISIL pushed back both around Baghdad and in that area around Tikrit, just as we’ve pushed ISIL back in the north in the Kurdish areas,” said Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, using another acronym for the radical Sunni militant group. “The amount of territory ISSL holds inside Iraq has been shrinking.”

Iraqi forces expected to retake Tikrit within days

Even Fox News has to tell the truth once in a while.
Slow going in Tikrit, foo...despite a 24000 to 2000 advantage. Iraq should be ISIS free about two years after obama is gone.
DT 10929841
Slow going in Tikrit, foo...despite a 24000 to 2000 advantage. Iraq should be ISIS free about two years after obama is gone.

We know you prefer it happens faster so you get to see Americans die.

2000 Daesh planted thousands of IED,s - do you want Americans in the lead stepping on them?

I wrote:
NF 10802070
It's best when our brave and military professionals be kept out of the line of fire. I don't understand your objection to that.

You wrote:
DT 10802070
It's best for ISIS...for sure.

It's not best for ISIS. If it takes two weeks longer to liberate Tikrit without US troops dying - my god why can't you get on America's side on this?
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