Iraq does not welcome US ground troops in fight against Daesh - huge blow to RW myth makers

It is happening. Research it yourself. The Globalist Elites have lots more wars planned for ya. Look to Africa especially. They're planning endless war there as we speak. It's estimated the U.S. now has Special Forces deployed in 133 nations.

I hate liberturdians almost as much as I do dimocrap scum....... Maybe more.

At least liberturdians have a brain. They just refuse to use it. Balls, OTOH........??

Grow a pair

Permanent War isn't the answer. Bring the Tax Dollars and Soldiers home.
Bending over like a bitch isn't the answer but I don't expect a USA hating liberaltarian to understand.

You, the average American Taxpayer gains nothing from Permanent War. Only the Globalist Elites gain from it. You just get forced to pay for their schemes.
I gain even less if we let islamonazis breath.

Just the flavor of the week Globalist Elite Boogeyman. When it's gone, you can bet they'll invent a new one for the masses to fear & hate. So who or what will the Elites' next 'New Nazis' Boogeyman be? Gotta keep that Permanent War goin. Stay tuned.
Here's a fact you and your dimocrap scumbag pals need to learn to live with --

We DID invade Iraq.

Okay. morons? Look it up. We invaded Iraq.

Whether it was a good idea or a bad idea is completely and totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Let me repeat this again so it sinks in to your thick fucking heads --

WE INVADED IRAQ IN 2003!!!!!!!

The question now is, what do we do now. Unless you've got a 'Way Back Machine'.

This is what I mean about you people on the left being too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriots....

You spend more time trying to shift blame than trying fix the problem....

FIX the fucking problem, not the blame.

And all you people do is waste time.

Morons. All of you.

stupid and cowardly is no way to go through life

Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.

Yeah, should have left things alone in Iraq. Hussein was no threat to the U.S. And he despised the Islamic Terrorists. He instantly killed any he found in his country.

The same goes for Syria. We had no business involving ourselves in that war. Assad has never done anything to the U.S. The attempt at 'Regime Changing' him was misguided and wrong.
Dummy he was funding terrorism.

We've been doing that for many years. ISIS is the latest horrific example of that. Now Assad, Iranians, and Russians have to clean up our mess. We should have minded our own business.
Iraq prefers Iran on its side, simply because the US caused the mess in Iraq and now they want a more reliable ally. But I doubt Iraq is in a position to refuse help from anyone at this point.
What a ignorant post . Obama created the mess by being a pussy
Bush, Bush Sr, Reagan, and Obama created the mess. Trying to place the blame on a single President for the mess that is US foreign policy, is silly.
Seeing how Obama allowed Iraq to treat him like a school yard bitch I would say yes it is his fault.
Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.

Yeah, should have left things alone in Iraq. Hussein was no threat to the U.S. And he despised the Islamic Terrorists. He instantly killed any he found in his country.

The same goes for Syria. We had no business involving ourselves in that war. Assad has never done anything to the U.S. The attempt at 'Regime Changing' him was misguided and wrong.
Dummy he was funding terrorism.

We've been doing that for many years. ISIS is the latest horrific example of that. Now Assad, Iranians, and Russians have to clean up our mess. We should have minded our own business.
Son we have been fighting evil since our founding. Isis and all the terrorists you seem to think are heroes want US DEAD . Why? Because I dont worship the pedophile they do.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.

Yeah, should have left things alone in Iraq. Hussein was no threat to the U.S. And he despised the Islamic Terrorists. He instantly killed any he found in his country.

The same goes for Syria. We had no business involving ourselves in that war. Assad has never done anything to the U.S. The attempt at 'Regime Changing' him was misguided and wrong.
Dummy he was funding terrorism.

We've been doing that for many years. ISIS is the latest horrific example of that. Now Assad, Iranians, and Russians have to clean up our mess. We should have minded our own business.
Son we have been fighting evil since our founding. Isis and all the terrorists you seem to think are heroes want US DEAD . Why? Because I dont worship the pedophile they do.

Nah, you've just been duped by the Globalist Elites. But you're certainly not alone. Most feel the way you do. ISIS and others are products of your own nation's constant meddling. If there was no U.S. and Saudi funding, ISIS wouldn't have ever existed. Now Assad has to clean up our awful mess. I wish him the best of luck.
There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.

Yeah, should have left things alone in Iraq. Hussein was no threat to the U.S. And he despised the Islamic Terrorists. He instantly killed any he found in his country.

The same goes for Syria. We had no business involving ourselves in that war. Assad has never done anything to the U.S. The attempt at 'Regime Changing' him was misguided and wrong.
Dummy he was funding terrorism.

We've been doing that for many years. ISIS is the latest horrific example of that. Now Assad, Iranians, and Russians have to clean up our mess. We should have minded our own business.
Son we have been fighting evil since our founding. Isis and all the terrorists you seem to think are heroes want US DEAD . Why? Because I dont worship the pedophile they do.

Nah, you've just been duped by the Globalist Elites. But you're certainly not alone. Most feel the way you do. ISIS and others are products of your own nation's constant meddling. If there was no U.S. and Saudi funding, ISIS wouldn't have ever existed. Now Assad has to clean up our awful mess. I wish him the best of luck.
Boy it isnt a conspiracy. Grow the fuck up.
Here's a fact you and your dimocrap scumbag pals need to learn to live with --

We DID invade Iraq.

Okay. morons? Look it up. We invaded Iraq.

Whether it was a good idea or a bad idea is completely and totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Let me repeat this again so it sinks in to your thick fucking heads --

WE INVADED IRAQ IN 2003!!!!!!!

The question now is, what do we do now. Unless you've got a 'Way Back Machine'.

This is what I mean about you people on the left being too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriots....

You spend more time trying to shift blame than trying fix the problem....

FIX the fucking problem, not the blame.

And all you people do is waste time.

Morons. All of you.

stupid and cowardly is no way to go through life

Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.

Yeah, should have left things alone in Iraq. Hussein was no threat to the U.S. And he despised the Islamic Terrorists. He instantly killed any he found in his country.

The same goes for Syria. We had no business involving ourselves in that war. Assad has never done anything to the U.S. The attempt at 'Regime Changing' him was misguided and wrong.
Dummy he was funding terrorism.

Because you say he was. :lol:

Give us a link to what you believe you are talking about.

That is not true at all. Saddam was not funding Al Qaeda or any extremist terrorism.
The invasion of Iraq opened Pandora's Box. And 'Regime Changing' Assad was absolutely ludicrous. Now ISIS and Al Qaeda have a real foothold in the Middle East. And the U.S. is mostly responsible for it.

Here's a fact you and your dimocrap scumbag pals need to learn to live with --

We DID invade Iraq.

Okay. morons? Look it up. We invaded Iraq.

Whether it was a good idea or a bad idea is completely and totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Let me repeat this again so it sinks in to your thick fucking heads --

WE INVADED IRAQ IN 2003!!!!!!!

The question now is, what do we do now. Unless you've got a 'Way Back Machine'.

This is what I mean about you people on the left being too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriots....

You spend more time trying to shift blame than trying fix the problem....

FIX the fucking problem, not the blame.

And all you people do is waste time.

Morons. All of you.

stupid and cowardly is no way to go through life

Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.
Again what complete bullshit. Iraq invaded a neighboring country and lost and then never compiled with the cease fire agreement and constantly attacked our fighter jets. That isn't a peaceful country

Iraq was sanctioned for invading Kuwait and paid the price everybody was comfortable with for several years. Attacking Iraq for that reason 13 years later is not acceptable in a civilized world.

We had Iraq's anti-aircraft sites well under control.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.

Yeah, should have left things alone in Iraq. Hussein was no threat to the U.S. And he despised the Islamic Terrorists. He instantly killed any he found in his country.

The same goes for Syria. We had no business involving ourselves in that war. Assad has never done anything to the U.S. The attempt at 'Regime Changing' him was misguided and wrong.
Dummy he was funding terrorism.

We've been doing that for many years. ISIS is the latest horrific example of that. Now Assad, Iranians, and Russians have to clean up our mess. We should have minded our own business.
Son we have been fighting evil since our founding. Isis and all the terrorists you seem to think are heroes want US DEAD . Why? Because I dont worship the pedophile they do.

Total ignorance like yours about the sovereignty of countries no matter how much we dislike them caused this horrible mess with ISIS to begin with.

We cannot go from country to country overthrowing endless dictators and governments we really do not like trying to desperately make them in our image. It won't work and will result in millions of needless and innocent deaths. Permanent change has to come from within and takes long periods of time.
Here's a fact you and your dimocrap scumbag pals need to learn to live with --

We DID invade Iraq.

Okay. morons? Look it up. We invaded Iraq.

Whether it was a good idea or a bad idea is completely and totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Let me repeat this again so it sinks in to your thick fucking heads --

WE INVADED IRAQ IN 2003!!!!!!!

The question now is, what do we do now. Unless you've got a 'Way Back Machine'.

This is what I mean about you people on the left being too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriots....

You spend more time trying to shift blame than trying fix the problem....

FIX the fucking problem, not the blame.

And all you people do is waste time.

Morons. All of you.

stupid and cowardly is no way to go through life

Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.
Again what complete bullshit. Iraq invaded a neighboring country and lost and then never compiled with the cease fire agreement and constantly attacked our fighter jets. That isn't a peaceful country

Iraq was sanctioned for invading Kuwait and paid the price everybody was comfortable with for several years. Attacking Iraq for that reason 13 years later is not acceptable in a civilized world.

We had Iraq's anti-aircraft sites well under control.
You really are ignorant of what happened
"Pessimism about success of Iraqi mission growing, with almost 60% saying the war was not very or not at all successful, up from 31% in 2013.

"A large majority of the U.S. military’s rank and file are opposed to sending troops back to Iraq in combat roles, according to a new Military Times poll, even as the Pentagon commits to a broadening program of air strikes against Islamist extremists in the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS).

"The poll of active-duty members also showed a sudden hike in negativity over the past year about the success of the army’s combat mission in Iraq, with a large number of troops now questioning what U.S. military operations in the country had achieved.

"Just over 70% of the troops polled were opposed to the U.S. military sending a 'substantial number of combat troops to Iraq to support the Iraqi security forces.'

"Of the 2,200 U.S. troops surveyed in the Military Times poll, just under 60% said the war in Iraq was not very or not at all successful, up from 31% in 2013; just 30% thought the war was very or somewhat successful this year, compared with 53% last year."

70 of U.S. Troops Oppose Returning to Iraq in Combat Roles
Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.
Again what complete bullshit. Iraq invaded a neighboring country and lost and then never compiled with the cease fire agreement and constantly attacked our fighter jets. That isn't a peaceful country

Iraq was sanctioned for invading Kuwait and paid the price everybody was comfortable with for several years. Attacking Iraq for that reason 13 years later is not acceptable in a civilized world.

We had Iraq's anti-aircraft sites well under control.
You really are ignorant of what happened

Maybe, you won't honestly debate because you just love war.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.
Again what complete bullshit. Iraq invaded a neighboring country and lost and then never compiled with the cease fire agreement and constantly attacked our fighter jets. That isn't a peaceful country

Iraq was sanctioned for invading Kuwait and paid the price everybody was comfortable with for several years. Attacking Iraq for that reason 13 years later is not acceptable in a civilized world.

We had Iraq's anti-aircraft sites well under control.
You really are ignorant of what happened

Maybe, you won't honestly debate because you just love war.
Listen little boy I have family putting their lives on the line every day for pukes like you so take your accusations of me loving war and shove them you childish little bitch.
There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.
Again what complete bullshit. Iraq invaded a neighboring country and lost and then never compiled with the cease fire agreement and constantly attacked our fighter jets. That isn't a peaceful country

Iraq was sanctioned for invading Kuwait and paid the price everybody was comfortable with for several years. Attacking Iraq for that reason 13 years later is not acceptable in a civilized world.

We had Iraq's anti-aircraft sites well under control.
You really are ignorant of what happened

Maybe, you won't honestly debate because you just love war.
Listen little boy I have family putting their lives on the line every day for pukes like you so take your accusations of me loving war and shove them you childish little bitch.
And it's your fellow conservatives seeking to put them and other Americans in harm's way yet again with another failed, illegal war in Iraq.
Again what complete bullshit. Iraq invaded a neighboring country and lost and then never compiled with the cease fire agreement and constantly attacked our fighter jets. That isn't a peaceful country

Iraq was sanctioned for invading Kuwait and paid the price everybody was comfortable with for several years. Attacking Iraq for that reason 13 years later is not acceptable in a civilized world.

We had Iraq's anti-aircraft sites well under control.
You really are ignorant of what happened

Maybe, you won't honestly debate because you just love war.
Listen little boy I have family putting their lives on the line every day for pukes like you so take your accusations of me loving war and shove them you childish little bitch.
And it's your fellow conservatives seeking to put them and other Americans in harm's way yet again with another failed, illegal war in Iraq.
It is what they do. They protect the USA unlike you liberals
Again what complete bullshit. Iraq invaded a neighboring country and lost and then never compiled with the cease fire agreement and constantly attacked our fighter jets. That isn't a peaceful country

Iraq was sanctioned for invading Kuwait and paid the price everybody was comfortable with for several years. Attacking Iraq for that reason 13 years later is not acceptable in a civilized world.

We had Iraq's anti-aircraft sites well under control.
You really are ignorant of what happened

Maybe, you won't honestly debate because you just love war.
Listen little boy I have family putting their lives on the line every day for pukes like you so take your accusations of me loving war and shove them you childish little bitch.
And it's your fellow conservatives seeking to put them and other Americans in harm's way yet again with another failed, illegal war in Iraq.
Who is the comander N chief?
Someone inform the dumbass op that Bush isn't in charge in Iraq, Obama is. And his former generals ALL SAY he is lost at sea so to speak.
Iraq will forever be GWB's failed, illegal war – he alone is responsible for its consequences, regardless the current administration.
Iraq was stable when Obama received it.
There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.
Again what complete bullshit. Iraq invaded a neighboring country and lost and then never compiled with the cease fire agreement and constantly attacked our fighter jets. That isn't a peaceful country

Iraq was sanctioned for invading Kuwait and paid the price everybody was comfortable with for several years. Attacking Iraq for that reason 13 years later is not acceptable in a civilized world.

We had Iraq's anti-aircraft sites well under control.
You really are ignorant of what happened

Maybe, you won't honestly debate because you just love war.
Listen little boy I have family putting their lives on the line every day for pukes like you so take your accusations of me loving war and shove them you childish little bitch.

If you continue to support a war that was totally unnecessary, when that has been clearly shown, it is a distinct possibility it is because you love war whether you realize it or not. Especially when you fail to give but a few reasons why and contradiction is your only avenue.

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