Iraq does not welcome US ground troops in fight against Daesh - huge blow to RW myth makers

thana 10804353
In order for inspectors to succeed they first have to be allowed to do their job which saddam refused to allow them to do

That statement is so untrue and absurd that you should be embarrassed for even saying it. S. Hussein was declared proactively cooperating on substance and fully cooperating on process for the entire inspection period from December 2002 through March 2003. Colin Powell even said on ABC's Sunday show that Iraq was cooperating with the inspectors and that war was not inevitable. Powell made that comment on the first week in January 2003
thana 10804353
In order for inspectors to succeed they first have to be allowed to do their job which saddam refused to allow them to do

George W Bush did not make the claim to justify the war that Saddam did not allow the inspectors to do their job. Bush did make the claim that he had intelligence that left no doubt that Iraq was concealing the most lethal weapons ever devised from the March 2003 inspection team. If Bush had such positive actionable intelligence he was required to share it with the UN security council. instead of doing the correct thing that he said he would do according to UN resolution 1441 Bush started the war on intelligence that was not correct. Or he had no intelligence at all which is more likely the case.
Typical lame ass left wing nut tactic:

Make up shit completely out of nothing, claim that all conservatives believe it, shoot it down, and then offer that as proof that conservatives are evil.

To be a Progressive is to be an idiot.
Can anyone explain why they want Americans dying in Iraq again?
War is the health of the state:
"WASHINGTON — As the U.S. expands its war against the Islamic State, the Army is preparing to deploy a division headquarters to Iraq.

"Officials have not identified the division that will deploy — the first division headquarters to go to Iraq since the U.S. withdrawal in 2011.

"An official announcement is expected in the coming days. But Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno recently confirmed the Army 'will send another division headquarters to Iraq to control what we're doing there, a small headquarters.'"

As I understand it, a division consists of 10,000 - 30,000 soldiers. Perhaps some vets can tell us if the only reason to establish a Division Headquarters is to eventually (post 2016?) lead a division?

Army chief Division headquarters heading to Iraq
The invasion of Iraq opened Pandora's Box. And 'Regime Changing' Assad was absolutely ludicrous. Now ISIS and Al Qaeda have a real foothold in the Middle East. And the U.S. is mostly responsible for it.

Here's a fact you and your dimocrap scumbag pals need to learn to live with --

We DID invade Iraq.

Okay. morons? Look it up. We invaded Iraq.

Whether it was a good idea or a bad idea is completely and totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Let me repeat this again so it sinks in to your thick fucking heads --

WE INVADED IRAQ IN 2003!!!!!!!

The question now is, what do we do now. Unless you've got a 'Way Back Machine'.

This is what I mean about you people on the left being too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriots....

You spend more time trying to shift blame than trying fix the problem....

FIX the fucking problem, not the blame.

And all you people do is waste time.

Morons. All of you.

stupid and cowardly is no way to go through life

Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.
The invasion of Iraq opened Pandora's Box. And 'Regime Changing' Assad was absolutely ludicrous. Now ISIS and Al Qaeda have a real foothold in the Middle East. And the U.S. is mostly responsible for it.

Here's a fact you and your dimocrap scumbag pals need to learn to live with --

We DID invade Iraq.

Okay. morons? Look it up. We invaded Iraq.

Whether it was a good idea or a bad idea is completely and totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Let me repeat this again so it sinks in to your thick fucking heads --

WE INVADED IRAQ IN 2003!!!!!!!

The question now is, what do we do now. Unless you've got a 'Way Back Machine'.

This is what I mean about you people on the left being too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriots....

You spend more time trying to shift blame than trying fix the problem....

FIX the fucking problem, not the blame.

And all you people do is waste time.

Morons. All of you.

stupid and cowardly is no way to go through life

Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.
The invasion of Iraq opened Pandora's Box. And 'Regime Changing' Assad was absolutely ludicrous. Now ISIS and Al Qaeda have a real foothold in the Middle East. And the U.S. is mostly responsible for it.

Here's a fact you and your dimocrap scumbag pals need to learn to live with --

We DID invade Iraq.

Okay. morons? Look it up. We invaded Iraq.

Whether it was a good idea or a bad idea is completely and totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Let me repeat this again so it sinks in to your thick fucking heads --

WE INVADED IRAQ IN 2003!!!!!!!

The question now is, what do we do now. Unless you've got a 'Way Back Machine'.

This is what I mean about you people on the left being too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriots....

You spend more time trying to shift blame than trying fix the problem....

FIX the fucking problem, not the blame.

And all you people do is waste time.

Morons. All of you.

stupid and cowardly is no way to go through life

Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.
The invasion of Iraq opened Pandora's Box. And 'Regime Changing' Assad was absolutely ludicrous. Now ISIS and Al Qaeda have a real foothold in the Middle East. And the U.S. is mostly responsible for it.

Here's a fact you and your dimocrap scumbag pals need to learn to live with --

We DID invade Iraq.

Okay. morons? Look it up. We invaded Iraq.

Whether it was a good idea or a bad idea is completely and totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Let me repeat this again so it sinks in to your thick fucking heads --

WE INVADED IRAQ IN 2003!!!!!!!

The question now is, what do we do now. Unless you've got a 'Way Back Machine'.

This is what I mean about you people on the left being too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriots....

You spend more time trying to shift blame than trying fix the problem....

FIX the fucking problem, not the blame.

And all you people do is waste time.

Morons. All of you.

stupid and cowardly is no way to go through life

Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.
Again what complete bullshit. Iraq invaded a neighboring country and lost and then never compiled with the cease fire agreement and constantly attacked our fighter jets. That isn't a peaceful country
QHC 10806012
Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.

thana 10806129.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

QHC 10806224
There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history

thana 10806410
Again what complete bullshit. Iraq invaded a neighboring country and lost and then never compiled with the cease fire agreement and constantly attacked our fighter jets. That isn't a peaceful country

There was no provocation or reason to invade Iraq after March 10, 2003 when Bush acknowledged in a draft resolution to the UNSC that he would be willing to avoid war and leave S. Hussein in power., Bush's ultimatum in that draft resolution was to the UN inspectors not the Baathist regime. S. Hussein could do no more than he was doing in March 2003 to avoid Bush's war of aggression by choice.

QHC did not say Iraq was a peaceable nation. I can read it right there.

"Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history" So peaceable countries do not attack another country when there is no provocation. And peaceable countries only invade a country as a las resort or to stop a level of genocide when the military action will not cause more death and destruction than the genocide that needs to be stopped.

Bush broke that 'peaceable country' rule when he decided after March 10, 2003 to invade Iraq and do so without a plan when the government and security forces fall.
QHC 10806012
Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.

thana 10806129.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

QHC 10806224
There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history

thana 10806410
Again what complete bullshit. Iraq invaded a neighboring country and lost and then never compiled with the cease fire agreement and constantly attacked our fighter jets. That isn't a peaceful country

There was no provocation or reason to invade Iraq after March 10, 2003 when Bush acknowledged in a draft resolution to the UNSC that he would be willing to avoid war and leave S. Hussein in power., Bush's ultimatum in that draft resolution was to the UN inspectors not the Baathist regime. S. Hussein could do no more than he was doing in March 2003 to avoid Bush's war of aggression by choice.

QHC did not say Iraq was a peaceable nation. I can read it right there.

"Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history" So peaceable countries do not attack another country when there is no provocation. And peaceable countries only invade a country as a las resort or to stop a level of genocide when the military action will not cause more death and destruction than the genocide that needs to be stopped.

Bush broke that 'peaceable country' rule when he decided after March 10, 2003 to invade Iraq and do so without a plan when the government and security forces fall.
Amazing how facts and the truth seem to not effect your delusions
Iraq prefers Iran on its side, simply because the US caused the mess in Iraq and now they want a more reliable ally. But I doubt Iraq is in a position to refuse help from anyone at this point.
Iraq prefers Iran on its side, simply because the US caused the mess in Iraq and now they want a more reliable ally. But I doubt Iraq is in a position to refuse help from anyone at this point.
What a ignorant post . Obama created the mess by being a pussy
thana 10808539
Amazing how facts and the truth seem to not effect your delusions

What specifically is not fact or truth?

And how did Obama create a mess that Bush created when he chose to endvUN inspections and start a major war that created AQI and a new series of lethal round of all kinds of sectarian killing between Shiites and Sunnis.
Not what i've heard. U.S. ground troops are increasing weekly. The Iraqi Government is actually requesting more. But should we be getting more involved in Iraq again? Well, that's a good question. My answer is no. It's time to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.

ISIS and Al Qaeda are now thriving in the Middle East. And that's all due to the U.S. invasion. We screwed the pooch bigtime. Let's cut our losses and come home.
What is it with you paulbot libertarians and the need to blame the USA for every evil perpetrated in the world?

I just call it like i see it. Al Qaeda and ISIS now thriving in the Middle East is mostly on the U.S. The meddling in Iraq and Syria caused it. I mean, what did Assad ever do to the U.S.? Why so hellbent on 'Regime Changing' him? Just another Interventionist blunder.
Troop numbers are increasing. And they'll be spreading into Syria soon. Another day, another War.
As usual, no cite! ***YAWN***

It is happening. Research it yourself. The Globalist Elites have lots more wars planned for ya. Look to Africa especially. They're planning endless war there as we speak. It's estimated the U.S. now has Special Forces deployed in 133 nations.

I hate liberturdians almost as much as I do dimocrap scum....... Maybe more.

At least liberturdians have a brain. They just refuse to use it. Balls, OTOH........??

Grow a pair

Permanent War isn't the answer. Bring the Tax Dollars and Soldiers home.
Bending over like a bitch isn't the answer but I don't expect a USA hating liberaltarian to understand.

You, the average American Taxpayer gains nothing from Permanent War. Only the Globalist Elites gain from it. You just get forced to pay for their schemes.
The invasion of Iraq opened Pandora's Box. And 'Regime Changing' Assad was absolutely ludicrous. Now ISIS and Al Qaeda have a real foothold in the Middle East. And the U.S. is mostly responsible for it.

Here's a fact you and your dimocrap scumbag pals need to learn to live with --

We DID invade Iraq.

Okay. morons? Look it up. We invaded Iraq.

Whether it was a good idea or a bad idea is completely and totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Let me repeat this again so it sinks in to your thick fucking heads --

WE INVADED IRAQ IN 2003!!!!!!!

The question now is, what do we do now. Unless you've got a 'Way Back Machine'.

This is what I mean about you people on the left being too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriots....

You spend more time trying to shift blame than trying fix the problem....

FIX the fucking problem, not the blame.

And all you people do is waste time.

Morons. All of you.

stupid and cowardly is no way to go through life

Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.

Yeah, should have left things alone in Iraq. Hussein was no threat to the U.S. And he despised the Islamic Terrorists. He instantly killed any he found in his country.

The same goes for Syria. We had no business involving ourselves in that war. Assad has never done anything to the U.S. The attempt at 'Regime Changing' him was misguided and wrong.
As usual, no cite! ***YAWN***

It is happening. Research it yourself. The Globalist Elites have lots more wars planned for ya. Look to Africa especially. They're planning endless war there as we speak. It's estimated the U.S. now has Special Forces deployed in 133 nations.

I hate liberturdians almost as much as I do dimocrap scum....... Maybe more.

At least liberturdians have a brain. They just refuse to use it. Balls, OTOH........??

Grow a pair

Permanent War isn't the answer. Bring the Tax Dollars and Soldiers home.
Bending over like a bitch isn't the answer but I don't expect a USA hating liberaltarian to understand.

You, the average American Taxpayer gains nothing from Permanent War. Only the Globalist Elites gain from it. You just get forced to pay for their schemes.
I gain even less if we let islamonazis breath.
The invasion of Iraq opened Pandora's Box. And 'Regime Changing' Assad was absolutely ludicrous. Now ISIS and Al Qaeda have a real foothold in the Middle East. And the U.S. is mostly responsible for it.

Here's a fact you and your dimocrap scumbag pals need to learn to live with --

We DID invade Iraq.

Okay. morons? Look it up. We invaded Iraq.

Whether it was a good idea or a bad idea is completely and totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Let me repeat this again so it sinks in to your thick fucking heads --

WE INVADED IRAQ IN 2003!!!!!!!

The question now is, what do we do now. Unless you've got a 'Way Back Machine'.

This is what I mean about you people on the left being too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriots....

You spend more time trying to shift blame than trying fix the problem....

FIX the fucking problem, not the blame.

And all you people do is waste time.

Morons. All of you.

stupid and cowardly is no way to go through life

Understanding how big of a mistake it was to invade Iraq is a very good thing and part of the process of ending U.S. naked aggression.
Naked aggression? more America hating bullshit. Son when you grow up you will realize we do more good in this world then anyone. Saddam brought the war upon his self.

There was no provocation, something there must be with such a serious thing as invading a country. Peaceable countries have lived by this rule throughout history.

Yeah, should have left things alone in Iraq. Hussein was no threat to the U.S. And he despised the Islamic Terrorists. He instantly killed any he found in his country.

The same goes for Syria. We had no business involving ourselves in that war. Assad has never done anything to the U.S. The attempt at 'Regime Changing' him was misguided and wrong.
Dummy he was funding terrorism.
Iraq prefers Iran on its side, simply because the US caused the mess in Iraq and now they want a more reliable ally. But I doubt Iraq is in a position to refuse help from anyone at this point.
What a ignorant post . Obama created the mess by being a pussy
Bush, Bush Sr, Reagan, and Obama created the mess. Trying to place the blame on a single President for the mess that is US foreign policy, is silly.

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