Iraq does not welcome US ground troops in fight against Daesh - huge blow to RW myth makers

I think you're conveniently ignoring reality. Iraq is asking for more troops and money. And this current President is obliging. More & more weapons, cash, and soldiers are flowing in daily.

Iraq is saying no to troops in a combat role. The troops being sent are advisers and trainers.

The build up in Kuwait would certainly be a quick reaction force if ever needed to respond to something the Iraqis can't handle and American lives were under done kind of threat or to retrieve a pilot that might go down in enemy territory,

Its called taking precautions against the unexpected.

Because of the Obama cut and run, see how the far left will spin this to suit their own propaganda.

Obama to send 1 500 more troops to Iraq as campaign expands Reuters

Will U.S. advisers move to Iraqi front lines -

Just shows that labels and religious propaganda mean more to the far left than what happens in reality.
ukraine does not welcome russian troops into its country either...but strong men like putin do what they want to do..while weak men like Obabble avert their eyes and speak in platitudes.
The righties cannot explain this:, it destroys the myth that Obama could have negotiated keeping combat troops in Iraq with immunity to engage in a combat role since the start of 2012. That myth has been nothing but pure nonsense since it was first brought up.

“The message that Iraq has submitted to the (United Nations) Security Council never included a request for ground forces to enter Iraqi territory to conduct such operations,” Ibrahim al-Jafaari told a press conference after meetings with Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop on Thursday.

The minister further said that Iraqi armed forces were making gains against the extremist militants on their own and were not in need of more troops.

“We have established a set of guidelines” for the US-led coalition, including air support for Iraqi forces as well as providing training and intelligence, Jaafari said, emphasizing that “no country has regular armies or ground troops present in Iraq except for providing training and counseling.”

Iraqi foreign minister condemns deployment of additional US troops Al Bawaba

The Iraqis don't want US troops beyond an advisers role even now. They want to fight the ground war on their own and they should be applauded for that.

Why do right wingers want to see Americans dying and getting wounded in Iraq again? Do they long for the Bush days that much?

Can anyone explain why they want Americans dying in Iraq again?
Many conservatives make the mistake of believing that ISIS can be 'defeated,' never to be heard from again, when in fact nothing could be more untrue.

ISIS, or something similar, would simply reconstitute once American ground forces leave the region, to take advantage of the political instability in Iraq that would only be exacerbated by an American military incursion.

The best chance of indeed defeating ISIS is to allow the Iraqi government to do it on its own, having the effect of uniting the country's factions and bringing about greater stability that would decrease the likelihood of another terrorist organization reforming.
Wave your wand dude...and make it so...
Wave your wand dude...and make it so...

The dude that punked your lil Dubya at the end is gone. Obama could do nothing to correct the terrible effect Maliki had on Iraq after the last American soldier was killed in Bush's dumb war. Had Bush listened to Senator Obama 4484 US troops don't die in a dumb war in Iraq and the American government is not responsible for destabilizing Iraq by handing Iraq over to a Shiite whacko like Maliki to run the place.

The biggest gain in Iraq was the peaceful transfer of power from Maliki to the current government. They can't fix the mess that Bush and Maliki made in less time that it took for Bush to unravel Iraq in the first place.
Wave your wand dude...and make it so...

The dude that punked your lil Dubya at the end is gone. Obama could do nothing to correct the terrible effect Maliki had on Iraq after the last American soldier was killed in Bush's dumb war. Had Bush listened to Senator Obama 4484 US troops don't die in a dumb war in Iraq and the American government is not responsible for destabilizing Iraq by handing Iraq over to a Shiite whacko like Maliki to run the place.

The biggest gain in Iraq was the peaceful transfer of power from Maliki to the current government. They can't fix the mess that Bush and Maliki made in less time that it took for Bush to unravel Iraq in the first place.
Obama DID nothing to correct....if he could not control Maliki, how will he control Baghdadi? Oh...that's right...he can get him a job at Walmart.
ukraine does not welcome russian troops into its country either...but strong men like putin do what they want to do..while weak men like Obabble avert their eyes and speak in platitudes.

The right wing Russia hating wackos should have thought of that before they led the mob that violently overthrew the elected government. Ukrainians are to blame for losing Crimea. Eastern Ukrainians deserve autonomy from the failures of a right wing dominated government in Kiev. Ukrainian troops have no business shelling civilians in Donetsk, When the violent mob on a Maidan Square overthrew the government and the violated the constitution that was holding Ukraine together all Russian speaking Ukrainians had a right to separate from Kiev's bloody new way of governing.
ukraine does not welcome russian troops into its country either...but strong men like putin do what they want to do..while weak men like Obabble avert their eyes and speak in platitudes.

The right wing Russia hating wackos should have thought of that before they led the mob that violently overthrew the elected government. Ukrainians are to blame for losing Crimea. Eastern Ukrainians deserve autonomy from the failures of a right wing dominated government in Kiev. Ukrainian troops have no business shelling civilians in Donetsk, When the violent mob on a Maidan Square overthrew the government and the violated the constitution that was holding Ukraine together all Russian speaking Ukrainians had a right to separate from Kiev's bloody new way of governing.

See, the far left hates anything not far left, even though Putin is more far left than they are willing to admit.

This another one that believes socialism and communism are "right wing".

Typical far left drone!
DT 10793107
Obama DID nothing to correct....if he could not control Maliki, how will he control Baghdadi? Oh...that's right...he can get him a job at Walmart.

The almighty war President Bush could not control Maliki. No one could control Maliki he made himself defense minister and in charge of the police. He sent a letter to the UN requiring US troops to be gone by the end of 2008. Bush pissed his pants at the end of his term when the US economy went into another one if those GOP dumpsters and Bush had to kiss Maliki's ass just to give our troops time to have an orderly withdrawal and surrender. Why would Maliki go soft on Obama after he already had his way with Bush. Obama was wise enough not to provide an army to back a corrupt and destabilizing Prime Minister with close ties to Tehran thanks also to lil Dubya.

Bush could not even find Bin Ladin or be bothered with it so proud he was of getting 4484 US troops killed to replace Saddam Hussein with Tehran friendly Maliki.

Real Presidents get the guy who killed 3000 Americans without getting any Americans killed on the mission.

Bush gets 4484 killed after 9/11 in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

You are lying since Obama has not talked about getting any Daesh terrorist scum jobs. Unless you mean He has led a coalition that gives unskilled Daesh terrorist scum the job of burying 8000 terrorist scum that have been killed and Obama and his coalition are not finished. That's if they can find enough body parts to bury.
Kosh 10793219
Typical far left drone

Are you ever going to be able to offer a thought or meaningful response other than your typical empty headed cliche's about the far left - whoever the far left is anyway?
Kosh 10793219
Typical far left drone

Are you ever going to be able to offer a thought or meaningful response other than your typical empty headed cliche's about the far left - whoever the far left is anyway?

This from a far left religious propaganda drone still blaming Booooshhhh, while supporting Obama's illegal wars..

Posting known far left propaganda is not meaningful discussion, it is pushing a religious agenda..
DT 10793107
Obama DID nothing to correct

Obama corrected Maliki. He told him to govern right or get out of the way. He got out of the way. That is a major correction for Iraq thus far.

I recall when you were hoping Maliki was going to aim some tanks at Parliament and stay on by force. What a fool you are.
So you thank Obama's cut and run policy for this.

Obama had no cut and run policy from Iraq or anywhere else. Iraq had become a sovereign nation long before Obama became President. It was Iraq that forced an unusual request into the Bush / Maliki 2008 SOFA. What was unusual was the inclusion of a date for the withdrawal of all US forces from Iraq by the end of 2011.

. SOFAs have been drafted in the past for specific exercises and/or events, but including a date for the withdrawal of all forces from a foreign territory appears unique to this agreement. The withdrawal is a two-phase process. The first requires the withdrawal of all U.S. combat forces from Iraqi cities, villages, and localities no later than June 30, 2009; the second requires the withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011.

It can't be a cut and run by Obama because the only party that could decide to allow US troops to remain in Iraq after December 31, 2011 was the Iraqis through their legislature. If you want to blame a US President for cutting and running you'd have to blame the President that negotiated the terms of a treaty in force as a legally binding agreement.

. However, according to the U.S. Department of State the “strategic framework” agreement is considered a legally-binding agreement between the United States and Iraq, and as such, is listed in the publication Treaties In Force.

Bush agreed to the withdrawal terms that the Iraqis demanded. Bush thus ended the dumb war that Obama warned him not to start. Bush should be appreciated for getting out of his dumb war on Iraq's terns. Only a fool,would refer to that withdrawal as a cut and run.
Kosh 10793547
And thus proves you are a far left drone..

It proves you can't name an illegal war that Obama started.

Libya, Syria, Sudan, Yemen...

Anytime you invade the airspace of another sovereign nation to carry out an act of war, you are thereby illegally engaging in warfare. Anytime you put boots on the ground of a sovereign nation, you are engaging in warfare.

That flies in the face of Congressional power, thusly illegal.

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