Iraq does not welcome US ground troops in fight against Daesh - huge blow to RW myth makers

Troop numbers are increasing. And they'll be spreading into Syria soon. Another day, another War.
As usual, no cite! ***YAWN***

It is happening. Research it yourself. The Globalist Elites have lots more wars planned for ya. Look to Africa especially. They're planning endless war there as we speak. It's estimated the U.S. now has Special Forces deployed in 133 nations.

I hate liberturdians almost as much as I do dimocrap scum....... Maybe more.

At least liberturdians have a brain. They just refuse to use it. Balls, OTOH........??

Grow a pair
Troop numbers are increasing. And they'll be spreading into Syria soon. Another day, another War.
As usual, no cite! ***YAWN***

It is happening. Research it yourself. The Globalist Elites have lots more wars planned for ya. Look to Africa especially. They're planning endless war there as we speak. It's estimated the U.S. now has Special Forces deployed in 133 nations.

I hate liberturdians almost as much as I do dimocrap scum....... Maybe more.

At least liberturdians have a brain. They just refuse to use it. Balls, OTOH........??

Grow a pair

Permanent War isn't the answer. Bring the Tax Dollars and Soldiers home.
If we hadn't invaded Iraq and meddled in Syria, ISIS and Al Qaeda wouldn't have the presence they have now.

This would be correct if you wrote it this way;

If we hadn't invaded Iraq ISIS and Al Qaeda wouldn't have the presence they have now.

Daesh terrorist scum are most directly the result of the invasion of Iraq and the resultant transfer of Iraq from a Sunni and Kurdish dominated Iraq with no ties to Tehran to a Shiite and Kurdush dominated Iraq with ties to Tehran.

Theses Daiish terrorist scum are actually an apocalyptic end of times cult. They believe they must start a war with Christendom's armies and even if they are losing and this will force Jesus to cone back and surrender to Mohamned in Damascus and the two will lead a victorious march of Muslims to the Rock in Jerusalem and Mohammed will rule an Islamic world.

In other words they are all nutcase cultists ready to kill rape and plunder anybody andvanything that dies not join their bargaric cult to bring the end times and their version of the Apocalypse into being.

How do you not kill every one of these bastards by any means and technical advantage the western nations have over them?

They don't have air power or a navy.

Their end times cult forgot to account for that.

They can't bring the end of the world by what they are doing. They are losing. As they lose fewer and fewer will be joining their insane cult.
If we hadn't invaded Iraq and meddled in Syria, ISIS and Al Qaeda wouldn't have the presence they have now.

This would be correct if you wrote it this way;

If we hadn't invaded Iraq ISIS and Al Qaeda wouldn't have the presence they have now.

Daesh terrorist scum are most directly the result of the invasion of Iraq and the resultant transfer of Iraq from a Sunni and Kurdish dominated Iraq with no ties to Tehran to a Shiite and Kurdush dominated Iraq with ties to Tehran.

Theses Daiish terrorist scum are actually an apocalyptic end of times cult. They believe they must start a war with Christendom's armies and even if they are losing and this will force Jesus to cone back and surrender to Mohamned in Damascus and the two will lead a victorious march of Muslims to the Rock in Jerusalem and Mohammed will rule an Islamic world.

In other words they are all nutcase cultists ready to kill rape and plunder anybody andvanything that dies not join their bargaric cult to bring the end times and their version of the Apocalypse into being.

How do you not kill every one of these bastards by any means and technical advantage the western nations have over them?

They don't have air power or a navy.

Their end times cult forgot to account for that.

They can't bring the end of the world by what they are doing. They are losing. As they lose fewer and fewer will be joining their insane cult.

The invasion of Iraq opened Pandora's Box. And 'Regime Changing' Assad was absolutely ludicrous. Now ISIS and Al Qaeda have a real foothold in the Middle East. And the U.S. is mostly responsible for it.
I hate liberturdians almost as much as I do dimocrap scum....... Maybe more. At least liberturdians have a brain. They just refuse to use it. Balls, OTOH........?? Grow a pair
Then join the Iraqi Army. Otherwise you're just another internet tough guy spewing hot air.
It is happening. Research it yourself. The Globalist Elites have lots more wars planned for ya. Look to Africa especially. They're planning endless war there as we speak. It's estimated the U.S. now has Special Forces deployed in 133 nations.
You posted the argument, it's up to you to provide the proof.
The invasion of Iraq opened Pandora's Box. And 'Regime Changing' Assad was absolutely ludicrous. Now ISIS and Al Qaeda have a real foothold in the Middle East. And the U.S. is mostly responsible for it.

Here's a fact you and your dimocrap scumbag pals need to learn to live with --

We DID invade Iraq.

Okay. morons? Look it up. We invaded Iraq.

Whether it was a good idea or a bad idea is completely and totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Let me repeat this again so it sinks in to your thick fucking heads --

WE INVADED IRAQ IN 2003!!!!!!!

The question now is, what do we do now. Unless you've got a 'Way Back Machine'.

This is what I mean about you people on the left being too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriots....

You spend more time trying to shift blame than trying fix the problem....

FIX the fucking problem, not the blame.

And all you people do is waste time.

Morons. All of you.

stupid and cowardly is no way to go through life
It is happening. Research it yourself. The Globalist Elites have lots more wars planned for ya. Look to Africa especially. They're planning endless war there as we speak. It's estimated the U.S. now has Special Forces deployed in 133 nations.
You posted the argument, it's up to you to provide the proof.

Oh, the proof is endless War. And like i said, pay closer attention to Africa in the coming years. The Globalist Elites are turning their attention there now. Lots of resources to be plundered there. Lots of U.S. Taxpayer Cash and weapons will be flowing in. Stay tuned.
The invasion of Iraq opened Pandora's Box. And 'Regime Changing' Assad was absolutely ludicrous. Now ISIS and Al Qaeda have a real foothold in the Middle East. And the U.S. is mostly responsible for it.

Here's a fact you and your dimocrap scumbag pals need to learn to live with --

We DID invade Iraq.

Okay. morons? Look it up. We invaded Iraq.

Whether it was a good idea or a bad idea is completely and totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Let me repeat this again so it sinks in to your thick fucking heads --

WE INVADED IRAQ IN 2003!!!!!!!

The question now is, what do we do now. Unless you've got a 'Way Back Machine'.

This is what I mean about you people on the left being too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriots....

You spend more time trying to shift blame than trying fix the problem....

FIX the fucking problem, not the blame.

And all you people do is waste time.

Morons. All of you.

stupid and cowardly is no way to go through life

I'm not a Democrat. I actually lean Republican. But the reality is, ISIS and Al Qaeda are now thriving in the Middle East. And that is due to U.S. policies. 'Regime Change' is a very dangerous costly endeavor. And we're seeing that now.
I hate liberturdians almost as much as I do dimocrap scum....... Maybe more. At least liberturdians have a brain. They just refuse to use it. Balls, OTOH........?? Grow a pair
Then join the Iraqi Army. Otherwise you're just another internet tough guy spewing hot air.

Hey scumbag. I did my share in 1966, 1967, 1968 and in '69. I was in Viet Nam in every one of those years doing my best to kill every communist I could find.

Did a pretty fair job of it, too. (now, VN's major export is their women, the surest sign of a failed culture)

I helped defeat my generation's enemy of civilization.

My parent's generation defeated their great enemy -- National Socialism.


You're just a typical leftist coward.
I'm not a Democrat. I actually lean Republican. But the reality is, ISIS and Al Qaeda are now thriving in the Middle East. And that is due to U.S. policies. 'Regime Change' is a very dangerous costly endeavor. And we're seeing that now.

You're rhetoric and you're anti-Republican rants enable dimocrap scum.

That makes you a dimocrap scumbag. Period.

Don't like it? Change your bullshit.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. The idea is NOT necessarily to elect the 'best' Republican.

The idea is to defeat the scum of the earth.... dimocraps. dimocraps are evil incarnate, they are literally the lowest form of life to ever exist on this planet

I'm really not a 'Republican' either. I could easily support many of your views.

But the reason you and yours are so unpopular is because you cause the defeat of decent, albeit not perfect, Republicans.

Therefore -- Fuck you and FUCK your politicians.

Get on board or get lost
Grow a pair

You must be one of those wishing to send other American's pairs to be blown off in Iraq and Syria so the local
men who live there won't have to risk theirs.

It is utter nonsense to insist upon sending US troops to serve in a combat role in Iraq where Iraq does not want them. Its bizarre. Its out if touch with reality.
I'm not a Democrat. I actually lean Republican. But the reality is, ISIS and Al Qaeda are now thriving in the Middle East. And that is due to U.S. policies. 'Regime Change' is a very dangerous costly endeavor. And we're seeing that now.

You're rhetoric and you're anti-Republican rants enable dimocrap scum.

That makes you a dimocrap scumbag. Period.

Don't like it? Change your bullshit.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. The idea is NOT necessarily to elect the 'best' Republican.

The idea is to defeat the scum of the earth.... dimocraps. dimocraps are evil incarnate, they are literally the lowest form of life to ever exist on this planet

I'm really not a 'Republican' either. I could easily support many of your views.

But the reason you and yours are so unpopular is because you cause the defeat of decent, albeit not perfect, Republicans.

Therefore -- Fuck you and FUCK your politicians.

Get on board or get lost

A Revolution's happening. The old fart Neocon frauds can't control the Republican Party forever. Many are just waiting patiently for them to die off. Then new fresh real Conservative leadership can take the reigns. But i will sadly admit, that is a ways off. The Neocon frauds still have a firm grip on power. I am an optimist though. Their day will come to an end eventually.
Then join the Iraqi Army. Otherwise you're just another internet tough guy spewing hot air.
Hey scumbag. I did my share in 1966, 1967, 1968 and in '69. I was in Viet Nam in every one of those years doing my best to kill every communist I could find. Did a pretty fair job of it, too. (now, VN's major export is their women, the surest sign of a failed culture) I helped defeat my generation's enemy of civilization.My parent's generation defeated their great enemy -- National Socialism.
You sound like quite the psychopath. IMO, the Iraqis et al. should be doing their own fighting. We should provide aid, but war should be out of the question, unless we're attacked.
Grow a pair

You must be one of those wishing to send other American's pairs to be blown off in Iraq and Syria so the local
men who live there won't have to risk theirs.

It is utter nonsense to insist upon sending US troops to serve in a combat role in Iraq where Iraq does not want them. Its bizarre. Its out if touch with reality.

I think you're conveniently ignoring reality. Iraq is asking for more troops and money. And this current President is obliging. More & more weapons, cash, and soldiers are flowing in daily.
I think you're conveniently ignoring reality. Iraq is asking for more troops and money. And this current President is obliging. More & more weapons, cash, and soldiers are flowing in daily.

Iraq is saying no to troops in a combat role. The troops being sent are advisers and trainers.

The build up in Kuwait would certainly be a quick reaction force if ever needed to respond to something the Iraqis can't handle and American lives were under some kind of threat or to retrieve a pilot that might go down in enemy territory,

Its called taking precautions against the unexpected.
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Pauli 10778838
I feel i must remind Obamabots that their Dear Leader is currently increasing troop numbers in Iraq and will be possibly getting us into War in Syria. That's the reality.

One who is unable to discern the difference between combat trained troops serving in a non-combat role versus a combat role have no credibility offering the readers of this thread a definition of reality.

Get tome genuine reality in your life.

From your old adversary, Foo:

Here's Dumbass4Fooooooool's problem (well, one of them)

In his goofy world, he doesn't know that all troops are combat trained, but not all serve in combat arms MOS, AFSCs, etc.. He might know that had he not chosen to French kiss the front end of a Pontiac to avoid serving in the military. Secondly, what has gotten this country in trouble are trained combat troops serving in non-combat roles. Progtards like Foooooooool really don't understand the military. Same ol' Foooooooooool. Pat him on his pointed head and send him on his way. He's harmless, although he thinks otherwise
Grow a pair

You must be one of those wishing to send other American's pairs to be blown off in Iraq and Syria so the local
men who live there won't have to risk theirs.

It is utter nonsense to insist upon sending US troops to serve in a combat role in Iraq where Iraq does not want them. Its bizarre. Its out if touch with reality.

More than 4 000 troops will be deployed to Kuwait possibly to fight Islamic State -

See how the far left ignores what their messiah does. And supports Obama illegal wars..

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