Iraq does not welcome US ground troops in fight against Daesh - huge blow to RW myth makers

Why do right wingers want to see Americans dying and getting wounded in Iraq again? Do they long for the Bush days that much?

Can anyone explain why they want Americans dying in Iraq again?

DT 10785338
. Do you have any video of your heroic iraqi warriors charging accross the desert to engage ISIS yet Foo? Haven't seen any on CNN yet.

I see you can't tell us why you want Americans to be getting killed in Iraq and Syria even as Daesh terrorist scum are losing ground and being killed in the thousands.

But anyway no Americans were killed to drive Daesh terrorist scum out of Kobane. Peshmerga are Iraqis. But the Iraqi Army drove Daesh terrorist scum out of Diyala Province and no Americans had to die Bush style.

Double blow for ISIS in Syria, Iraq. January 27, 2015

BEIRUT: Kurdish militia have driven Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group militants from the Syrian border town of Kobani after months of heavy fighting, a monitor and spokesman said on Monday, dealing a crucial blow to the militants.

Across the border in Iraq meanwhile, a top army officer announced troops had “liberated” Diyala province from ISIS fighters.

Over the border in Iraq, the army announced another defeat for ISIS, with the recapture of Diyala province.

“We announce the liberation of Diyala from the (ISIS) organisation,” Staff Lieutenant General Abdulamir Al Zaidi said.

“Iraqi forces are in complete control of all the cities and districts and subdistricts of Diyala province.”

The general said there would still be clashes however against ISIS in the rural Hamreen mountains, which stretch across multiple provinces, including Diyala.

In Syria, the Kurdish advance marked the culmination of a battle lasting more than four months in which nearly 1,800 people were killed.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) had pushed ISIS militants from all of Kobani.

They “expelled all ISIS fighters from Kobani and have full control of the town,” Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said.

“The Kurds are pursuing some militants on the eastern outskirts of Kobani, but there is no more fighting inside now.” The monitor said Kurdish forces were carrying out “mopping-up operations” against remaining ISIS forces in the Maqtala district, on the eastern outskirts of the town.

You want Americans to die because you haven't seen a video of those counter attacks. You are sick.
Bear5 10785502
The op is another liberal pussy, its no myth when the USA says we are staying, we stay.

Bush43 is your liberal pussy then who agreed with Iraq demands that we were not staying one day after 2011. I guess that is what compassionate conservatives are.
How ignorant can Republicans be? Iraq hates us. They hate Bush. There was no "America Appreciation Day". They never "thanked" Bush and the Republicans. No, I take that back. I suspect Iraqi's were thankful Bush did nothing to protect the Christians in Iraq while they were being slaughtered and driven from their homeland. A black stain on America and an even blacker one against the GOP. And they are too stupid to even understand the damage they caused.
Why do right wingers want to see Americans dying and getting wounded in Iraq again? Do they long for the Bush days that much?

Can anyone explain why they want Americans dying in Iraq again?

DT 10785338
. Do you have any video of your heroic iraqi warriors charging accross the desert to engage ISIS yet Foo? Haven't seen any on CNN yet.

I see you can't tell us why you want Americans to be getting killed in Iraq and Syria even as Daesh terrorist scum are losing ground and being killed in the thousands.

But anyway no Americans were killed to drive Daesh terrorist scum out of Kobane. Peshmerga are Iraqis. But the Iraqi Army drove Daesh terrorist scum out of Diyala Province and no Americans had to die Bush style.

Double blow for ISIS in Syria, Iraq. January 27, 2015

BEIRUT: Kurdish militia have driven Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group militants from the Syrian border town of Kobani after months of heavy fighting, a monitor and spokesman said on Monday, dealing a crucial blow to the militants.

Across the border in Iraq meanwhile, a top army officer announced troops had “liberated” Diyala province from ISIS fighters.

Over the border in Iraq, the army announced another defeat for ISIS, with the recapture of Diyala province.

“We announce the liberation of Diyala from the (ISIS) organisation,” Staff Lieutenant General Abdulamir Al Zaidi said.

“Iraqi forces are in complete control of all the cities and districts and subdistricts of Diyala province.”

The general said there would still be clashes however against ISIS in the rural Hamreen mountains, which stretch across multiple provinces, including Diyala.

In Syria, the Kurdish advance marked the culmination of a battle lasting more than four months in which nearly 1,800 people were killed.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) had pushed ISIS militants from all of Kobani.

They “expelled all ISIS fighters from Kobani and have full control of the town,” Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said.

“The Kurds are pursuing some militants on the eastern outskirts of Kobani, but there is no more fighting inside now.” The monitor said Kurdish forces were carrying out “mopping-up operations” against remaining ISIS forces in the Maqtala district, on the eastern outskirts of the town.

You want Americans to die because you haven't seen a video of those counter attacks. You are sick.
Nice dodge know I am talking about the heroes in Baghdad...not the Kurds...the Kurds spit on the cowards in Baghdad.
The ME is on a big learning curve, and we're the good guys again, not arrogant chickenhawk idiot Pub bullies.Now if only Pubs and their hater dupes would learn something...

Bear5 10785502
The op is another liberal pussy, its no myth when the USA says we are staying, we stay.

Bush43 is your liberal pussy then who agreed with Iraq demands that we were not staying one day after 2011. I guess that is what compassionate conservatives are.
wtf? It was up to the next president bush stayed till the end of his 8 years moron, it was up to el bozo and he decided the war was over and gave the green light to the J.V. Team
Bear5 10785624
wtf? It was up to the next president bush stayed till the end of his 8 years moron,

He signed the equivalence of a treaty for three years in which he committed the US to withdrawing all troops by the end of 2011. Bush set a date with the Iraqis and the Iraqis refused to extend it. The SOFA deal was not voided when Bush's disastrous presidency came to an end.

In 2007 Maliki was the one who forced Bush to sign a SOFA prior to the end of 2008. That's why Bush caved to Iraqi demands.

Maliki went on after the SOFA to destroy the Iraq army by placing his cronies in top officers positions who ran an army with 50,000 ghost soldiers on the payroll. And you wanted Obama to defend that corrupt regime without having immunity from Iraq's courts?
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The ME is on a big learning curve, and we're the good guys again, not arrogant chickenhawk idiot Pub bullies.Now if only Pubs and their hater dupes would learn something...

Good guys dont sit back and watch while people are executed.
We're bombing the bastards and arming our guys- that's all the ME wants. More than that is RW idiocy and will be destructive. Like all the BS Pubs have pulled over there for 30 years...
HWGA 10785696
Good guys dont sit back and watch while people are executed.

That's why good guys from the region need to step up and do the ground fighting., They and we as Americans should not expect Americans to put their lives on the line in a combat role on the ground so the locals can sit back and watch their own people being killed by these murderers.
DT 10785597
Nice dodge know I am talking about the heroes in Baghdad...not the Kurds...the Kurds spit on the cowards in Baghdad.

You are a liar. The Kurds are not spitting on cowards in Baghdad. They are part of the government in Baghdad. The President of Iraq is Kurd.

. BAGHDAD (AP) -- Kurdish politician Fouad Massoum has been named the new president of Iraq following a parliamentary vote.

Massoum, 76, is one of the founders of current President Jalal Talabani's Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party. He is considered a soft-spoken moderate, known for keeping good relations with Sunni and Shiite Arab politicians.
DT 10785597
Nice dodge know I am talking about the heroes in Baghdad...not the Kurds...the Kurds spit on the cowards in Baghdad.

You are a liar. The Kurds are not spitting on cowards in Baghdad. They are part of the government in Baghdad. The President of Iraq is Kurd.

. BAGHDAD (AP) -- Kurdish politician Fouad Massoum has been named the new president of Iraq following a parliamentary vote.

Massoum, 76, is one of the founders of current President Jalal Talabani's Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party. He is considered a soft-spoken moderate, known for keeping good relations with Sunni and Shiite Arab politicians.
A token pussy who will not ship arms to the Kurds.
The righties cannot explain this:, it destroys the myth that Obama could have negotiated keeping combat troops in Iraq with immunity to engage in a combat role since the start of 2012. That myth has been nothing but pure nonsense since it was first brought up.

“The message that Iraq has submitted to the (United Nations) Security Council never included a request for ground forces to enter Iraqi territory to conduct such operations,” Ibrahim al-Jafaari told a press conference after meetings with Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop on Thursday.

The minister further said that Iraqi armed forces were making gains against the extremist militants on their own and were not in need of more troops.

“We have established a set of guidelines” for the US-led coalition, including air support for Iraqi forces as well as providing training and intelligence, Jaafari said, emphasizing that “no country has regular armies or ground troops present in Iraq except for providing training and counseling.”

Iraqi foreign minister condemns deployment of additional US troops Al Bawaba

The Iraqis don't want US troops beyond an advisers role even now. They want to fight the ground war on their own and they should be applauded for that.

Why do right wingers want to see Americans dying and getting wounded in Iraq again? Do they long for the Bush days that much?

Can anyone explain why they want Americans dying in Iraq again?
Many conservatives make the mistake of believing that ISIS can be 'defeated,' never to be heard from again, when in fact nothing could be more untrue.

ISIS, or something similar, would simply reconstitute once American ground forces leave the region, to take advantage of the political instability in Iraq that would only be exacerbated by an American military incursion.

The best chance of indeed defeating ISIS is to allow the Iraqi government to do it on its own, having the effect of uniting the country's factions and bringing about greater stability that would decrease the likelihood of another terrorist organization reforming.
CCJ 10786303
The best chance of indeed defeating ISIS is to allow the Iraqi government to do it on its own, having the effect of uniting the country's factions and bringing about greater stability that would decrease the likelihood of another terrorist organization reforming.

That is not only true in a practical sense it is exactly what the Iraqis want . They have requested exactly the help that the US military has been giving them. Air strikes and advisers. They are currently encircling Mosul to cut off Daesh's supply lines and preparing for an offensive that US advisers are well planning.

The right wing are still in favor of Daesh taking over Iraq because they have been trained like monkeys to think the fall of Iraq exonerates Bush.

Jeb Bush running for President opens up the entire can of worms that is his brothers dumb war in the first place. Jen Bush has fallen into the trap that Obama could have kept the surge going. His speech on foreign policy's yesterday was already a farce and full of errors, he claimed Daesh had 200,000 killers when all estimates are between 20,000 and 35.000.

He was trying to rudicule Obama when he made the error in that number.
pauli 10781881
But the reality is, he's just continuing on with the Elites' Permanent War agenda.

Is there one person on this forum that agrees with you that Obama should not be bombing Daesh terrorist scum in Iraq and Syria?

Most Americans worship violence and War. They've been conditioned to believe Permanent War is the answer. So no, there are very few who agree with me that we need to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East.

ISIS and Al Qaeda are flourishing in the Middle East due to our constant meddling. If we hadn't invaded Iraq and meddled in Syria, ISIS and Al Qaeda wouldn't have the presence they have now.
Troop numbers are increasing. And they'll be spreading into Syria soon. Another day, another War.
As usual, no cite! ***YAWN***

It is happening. Research it yourself. The Globalist Elites have lots more wars planned for ya. Look to Africa especially. They're planning endless war there as we speak. It's estimated the U.S. now has Special Forces deployed in 133 nations.

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