Iraq does not welcome US ground troops in fight against Daesh - huge blow to RW myth makers

Rush Limbaugh two days ago says ISIS is "well on the way to getting Iraq."

Now, ISIS is well on the way to establishing their caliphate. If you look at a map that shows real estate that they have conquered, it's surprisingly big, but it's patchwork, all through Iraq, parts of the Middle East. What they need is a state, and they're well on the way to getting it. They're well on the way to getting Iraq. .

How the Left s Bush Lied Propaganda Damaged Our Ability to Fight Islamists - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Kosh 10793547
And thus proves you are a far left drone..

It proves you can't name an illegal war that Obama started.

Libya, Syria, Sudan, Yemen...

Anytime you invade the airspace of another sovereign nation to carry out an act of war, you are thereby illegally engaging in warfare. Anytime you put boots on the ground of a sovereign nation, you are engaging in warfare.

That flies in the face of Congressional power, thusly illegal.

"Anytime you invade the airspace of another sovereign nation to carry out an act of war, you are thereby illegally engaging in warfare. Anytime you put boots on the ground of a sovereign nation, you are engaging in warfare."

Only to you. That statement is false. The UN sanctioned Libya and it was a justifiable act of war to save lives.

The other three just like Afghanistan are legal because of 9/11/01 and our inherent right to self defense.

Yes one of Bush's wars is very legal - I supported it when Bush started it and I support that legal NATO War on into the future if terrorists make a move that the ANA and ANP can't handle.
Pauli 10778838
I feel i must remind Obamabots that their Dear Leader is currently increasing troop numbers in Iraq and will be possibly getting us into War in Syria. That's the reality.

One who is unable to discern the difference between combat trained troops serving in a non-combat role versus a combat role have no credibility offering the readers of this thread a definition of reality.

Get tome genuine reality in your life.

From your old adversary, Foo:

Here's Dumbass4Fooooooool's problem (well, one of them)

In his goofy world, he doesn't know that all troops are combat trained, but not all serve in combat arms MOS, AFSCs, etc.. He might know that had he not chosen to French kiss the front end of a Pontiac to avoid serving in the military. Secondly, what has gotten this country in trouble are trained combat troops serving in non-combat roles. Progtards like Foooooooool really don't understand the military. Same ol' Foooooooooool. Pat him on his pointed head and send him on his way. He's harmless, although he thinks otherwise

Obamabots are still living the 'Nobel Peace Prize' dupe-job delusion. They can't accept that their guy is currently bombing & killing in countless nations around the world. They don't wanna accept that he's currently increasing troop numbers in Iraq and is about to drag us into War in Syria as well.

They like to pretend he's somehow special & different when it comes to War. But he's not. He's just continuing on with the NWO Global Elite Permanent War agenda. It is what it is.
Rush Limbaugh two days ago says ISIS is "well on the way to getting Iraq."

Now, ISIS is well on the way to establishing their caliphate. If you look at a map that shows real estate that they have conquered, it's surprisingly big, but it's patchwork, all through Iraq, parts of the Middle East. What they need is a state, and they're well on the way to getting it. They're well on the way to getting Iraq. .

How the Left s Bush Lied Propaganda Damaged Our Ability to Fight Islamists

How does a blubbering idiot like Limbàugh stay on the air.

Iraq-Kurdish force of 25,000 'to retake Mosul from IS
A joint Iraqi-Kurdish military force of up to 25,000 fighters is being prepared to retake the Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State (IS), a US official says.

According to the senior military official, the operation to recapture the northern city will probably take place in April or May.

Iraq's second largest city is currently being held by 1,000 to 2,000 IS militants, the official added.

The BBC's Gary O'Donoghue in Washington says that telegraphing the timing of the attack is unusual, but the US insists that IS forces are now in retreat and Washington needs to show that its efforts to rebuild Iraqi military capacity are bearing fruit.

Earlier in the week, Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi confirmed that his forces were "planning an offensive on Mosul".

He said the US-led coalition against IS had stepped up its operations in the past four or five weeks.

"I think the air campaign has increased in its quality and intensity," he said.

Meanwhile, military chiefs from more than 20 countries gathered in Saudi Arabia to discuss how to strengthen the Iraqi army against IS.

An official told AFP news agency that a "firm plan" was being looked at to empower the Iraqi army.


Analysis: Ahmed Maher, BBC News, Baghdad
The US administration has been criticised by Iraqi politicians for lacking a clear-cut strategy in the fight against Islamic State (IS).

By announcing a large-scale military offensive to oust the group from Iraq's second-largest city of Mosul, Washington wants to send a strong message of support to thousands of Iraqi army troops.

But it also wants to signal to arch-enemy Iran that it will not let it dictate the military endgame in Iraq.

The Americans also want to win more time to train thousands of Iraqi army troops on guerrilla warfare, capitalising on the strong determination from heavyweight countries in the region like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan to take on the common enemy of Islamist jihadists.

On Thursday, an opposition news service, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said bombing raids by US-led coalition aircraft in Syria had played a key role in the recapture of 19 villages from IS in Raqqa province.

Fighters from the Kurdish Popular Protection Units (YPG) and three other rebel groups have advanced steadily into IS-held territory since securing control of Kobane on 26 January.

The YPG and its allies are also now in control of about 35km (22 miles) of the motorway connecting the cities of Aleppo and Hassakeh, the Observatory added.

Ain Issa and the motorway are 56km from the city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the "caliphate" declared by IS in Syria

DAIISH is not going to take over Iraq or Syria or anywhere else permanently, Limbaugh is an idiot.
The ONLY way that plan works is with US Army Troops on the ground leading the way.

In fact, I'd be willing to bet the Lying Cocksucker in Chief uses our own Troops to lead the Iraqis.

Any takers?
The ME is on a big learning curve, and we're the good guys again, not arrogant chickenhawk idiot Pub bullies.Now if only Pubs and their hater dupes would learn something...

Good guys dont sit back and watch while people are executed.
And yet, Bush and the Republicans did exactly that right after the Iraq invasion when Christians were being executed. How do you explain that?
HWGA 10799570

Saddam kept the ancient Christians in Iraq protected. Bush and Blair made deals and supported the replacement government that saw many Christians killed, intimidated and displaced:

As of 21 June 2007, the UNHCR estimated that 2.2 million Iraqis had been displaced to neighbouring countries with a large majority of them Christians, and 2 million were displaced internally, with nearly 100,000 Iraqis fleeing to Syria and Jordan each month.[11][12] A 25 May 2007 article notes that in the past seven months only 69 people from Iraq were grantedrefugee status in the United States.[13]

After the 2003 invasion of Iraq, violence against Christians rose, with reports of abduction, torture, bombings, and killings.[14] Some Christians were pressured to convert to Islam under threat of death or expulsion, and women were ordered to wear Islamic dress.[14]

In August 2004, International Christian Concern protested an attack by Islamists on Iraqi Christian churches that killed 11 people.[15] In 2006, an Orthodox Christian priest, Boulos Iskander, was beheaded and mutilated despite payment of a ransom, and in 2008, theAssyrian clergyman Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho of the Chaldean Catholic church inMosul died after being abducted.[14] In January 2008, bombs exploded outside nine churches.[14]

In 2007, Chaldean Catholic priest Fr. Ragheed Aziz Ganni and subdeacons Basman Yousef Daud, Wahid Hanna Isho, and Gassan Isam Bidawed were killed in the ancient city ofMosul.[16] Ganni was driving with his three deacons when they were stopped and demanded to convert to Islam, when they refused they were shot.[16] Ganni was the pastor of the Chaldean Church of the Holy Spirit in Mosul and a graduate from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum in Rome in 2003 with a licentiate inecumenical theology. Six months later, the body of Paulos Faraj Rahho, archbishop of Mosul, was found buried near Mosul. He was kidnapped on 29 February 2008 when his bodyguards and driver were killed.[17]

Christianity in Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That's what GW Bush did for Christians with his dumb war to invade to find WMD that were not there.
Edget 10798473.
The ONLY way that plan works is with US Army Troops on the ground leading the way.

Are you on DAIISH's payroll? So you think Iraqis and Iraqi Kurds cannot take Mosul without US troops in the lead in any combat situation?

Why are you trying to convince the Iraqis to refuse to fight against DAIISH on the ground on their own with US and other allies providing air support and aerial intelligence during the assault.? Do you fear the Iraqis might be successful like the Kurds were in Kobane?

If the Iraqis take Mosul back on their own all you Republicans lose credibility with all your fear mongering and serving DAIISH interests by tying worthless subhuman killers into representatives of Islam.

When Muslim ground troops defeat DAIISH in the second largest city in Iraq without the need for US ground troops DAIISH ceases to be a political tool for Republicans in US internal politics. You need DAIISH to hold on to Mosul like you hoped they could' take Kobane with those silly little US pin pricks for air strikes.

It's best when our brave and military professionals be kept out of the line of fire. I don't understand your objection to that.
HWGA 10799570

Saddam kept the ancient Christians in Iraq protected. Bush and Blair made deals and supported the replacement government that saw many Christians killed, intimidated and displaced:

As of 21 June 2007, the UNHCR estimated that 2.2 million Iraqis had been displaced to neighbouring countries with a large majority of them Christians, and 2 million were displaced internally, with nearly 100,000 Iraqis fleeing to Syria and Jordan each month.[11][12] A 25 May 2007 article notes that in the past seven months only 69 people from Iraq were grantedrefugee status in the United States.[13]

After the 2003 invasion of Iraq, violence against Christians rose, with reports of abduction, torture, bombings, and killings.[14] Some Christians were pressured to convert to Islam under threat of death or expulsion, and women were ordered to wear Islamic dress.[14]

In August 2004, International Christian Concern protested an attack by Islamists on Iraqi Christian churches that killed 11 people.[15] In 2006, an Orthodox Christian priest, Boulos Iskander, was beheaded and mutilated despite payment of a ransom, and in 2008, theAssyrian clergyman Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho of the Chaldean Catholic church inMosul died after being abducted.[14] In January 2008, bombs exploded outside nine churches.[14]

In 2007, Chaldean Catholic priest Fr. Ragheed Aziz Ganni and subdeacons Basman Yousef Daud, Wahid Hanna Isho, and Gassan Isam Bidawed were killed in the ancient city ofMosul.[16] Ganni was driving with his three deacons when they were stopped and demanded to convert to Islam, when they refused they were shot.[16] Ganni was the pastor of the Chaldean Church of the Holy Spirit in Mosul and a graduate from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum in Rome in 2003 with a licentiate inecumenical theology. Six months later, the body of Paulos Faraj Rahho, archbishop of Mosul, was found buried near Mosul. He was kidnapped on 29 February 2008 when his bodyguards and driver were killed.[17]

Christianity in Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That's what GW Bush did for Christians with his dumb war to invade to find WMD that were not there.

Gotta love the convenient paramnesia of liberals when it comes to the invasion of iraq.
If it doesnt fit the narrative,they just change the facts.
Would you like a list of dems who voted for and approved?
Or possibly the body count of dead Kurds who were killed by chemical weapons?
Your love of saddam and his sweet little children is noted.
HWGA 10802171
Would you like a list of dems who voted for and approved?

If you are talking about Senator Clinton and Senator Kerry's vote. I have always considered their votes to be correct because Saddam Hussein was in violation of his disarmament obligations ti the UN at the time the vote was taken immediately following the terririst attacks on 9/11.

So what does their votes to potentially avoid war by getting inspectors back in have to do with the fact that Saddam Hussein protected Christians in Iraq and Bash's disastrous post Saddam occupation of Iraq that allowed the killings and persecution of Christians to begin with the US invasion.

That is what the expanded topic was that you simply must be trying to avoid my response.
HWGA 10802171
Would you like a list of dems who voted for and approved?

If you are talking about Senator Clinton and Senator Kerry's vote. I have always considered their votes to be correct because Saddam Hussein was in violation of his disarmament obligations ti the UN at the time the vote was taken immediately following the terririst attacks on 9/11.

So what does their votes to potentially avoid war by getting inspectors back in have to do with the fact that Saddam Hussein protected Christians in Iraq and Bash's disastrous post Saddam occupation of Iraq that allowed the killings and persecution of Christians to begin with the US invasion.

That is what the expanded topic was that you simply must be trying to avoid my response.

Nope,their votes had to do with saddam possessing WMDs.
Nice try though.
HWGA 10802171
f it doesnt fit the narrative,they just change the facts

What facts have I changed? I am not 'they' whoever you believe 'they' is.

Bush and Blair sent a draft resolution to the UNSC around March 7, 2003 that was essentially a confession that the US and UK had zero evidence that the Baathist regime was hiding weapons from UN inspectors in early March 2003. Bush and Blair said Saddam Hussein could stay in power and war would be avoided for ten days.

But then ten days later that intelligence that left no doubt that Iraq was concealing the most lethal weapons ever devised from the UN inspectors suddenly and mysteriously came out of thin air.

What facts do I have wrong?
HWGA 10802171
f it doesnt fit the narrative,they just change the facts

What facts have I changed? I am not 'they' whoever you believe 'they' is.

Bush and Blair sent a draft resolution to the UNSC around March 7, 2003 that was essentially a confession that the US and UK had zero evidence that the Baathist regime was hiding weapons from UN inspectors in early March 2003. Bush and Blair said Saddam Hussein could stay in power and war would be avoided for ten days.

But then ten days later that intelligence that left no doubt that Iraq was concealing the most lethal weapons ever devised from the UN inspectors suddenly and mysteriously came out of thin air.

What facts do I have wrong?

Are you denying saddam had WMDs?
Not what i've heard. U.S. ground troops are increasing weekly. The Iraqi Government is actually requesting more. But should we be getting more involved in Iraq again? Well, that's a good question. My answer is no. It's time to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.

ISIS and Al Qaeda are now thriving in the Middle East. And that's all due to the U.S. invasion. We screwed the pooch bigtime. Let's cut our losses and come home.
What is it with you paulbot libertarians and the need to blame the USA for every evil perpetrated in the world?
Troop numbers are increasing. And they'll be spreading into Syria soon. Another day, another War.
As usual, no cite! ***YAWN***

It is happening. Research it yourself. The Globalist Elites have lots more wars planned for ya. Look to Africa especially. They're planning endless war there as we speak. It's estimated the U.S. now has Special Forces deployed in 133 nations.

I hate liberturdians almost as much as I do dimocrap scum....... Maybe more.

At least liberturdians have a brain. They just refuse to use it. Balls, OTOH........??

Grow a pair

Permanent War isn't the answer. Bring the Tax Dollars and Soldiers home.
Bending over like a bitch isn't the answer but I don't expect a USA hating liberaltarian to understand.
. NF 10802422
. I have always considered their votes to be correct because Saddam Hussein was in violation of his disarmament obligations to the UN. .... So what does their votes to potentially avoid war by getting inspectors back in have to do with ....

Nope,their votes had to do with saddam possessing WMDs.

Yepp, their votes had to do with saddam possessing WMDs.. Why in the heck are you so inept that you do not know that "disarmament obligations to the UN" and "getting inspectors back" is absolutely and without question even to a third grader about nothing but WMD? Do you need help reading what you are responding to? I have patience for those lacking in comprehension abilities. At least you are aware that the vote was about Saddam Possessing WMDs. Now you know that his disarmament obligations were about WMD and the UN inspectors being allowed to get back in and that according to the AUMF on Iraq Congress authorized the use of force for Bush to enforce the relevant (WMD threat related) UN Resolutions if the diplomatic peaceful means (of UN Inspections were to fail)! The UN WMD inspections were not failing when Bush forced them to end without a lick of evidence that they were failing.

That is were Bush went wrong. It was in March 2003 specifically because Saddam was said to be cooperating the from December 2002 through March 17 2003 on process and was cooperating proactively on substance at least a month before Bush decided inspections were not working and war would disarm Iraq much better - with bloodshed and destruction and all the violence that followed the US premeditated invasion of choice of Iraq - then Christians began getting killed and displaced.

Christians that survived in the heart of Islamic belief since the time of Christ. Then your Bush ruined that and did nothing to stop it.

He became fixated on helping Muslim develop a solid democracy in Iraq that still has not happened.
Last edited:
HWGA 10803400
Are you denying saddam had WMDs?

Nope, not denying that he had them in the past. Never have I considered such a thing. I'm agreeing with Bush43 as he has stated that the alleged WMD that were supposedly being hidden in March 2003 from UN inspectors in order to justify the invasion were not really there. The did not exist. The UNSC majority was correct to insist upon continued inspections to get to the full and final truth about Iraq's alleged WMD stockpiles,

I said I agreed with Senator Clinton's vote. Why do you ignore that information since it wipes out your entire point of view on the Christians that were killed because of Bush's decision to invade rather than allow a few more months of inspections.
. NF 10802422
. I have always considered their votes to be correct because Saddam Hussein was in violation of his disarmament obligations to the UN. .... So what does their votes to potentially avoid war by getting inspectors back in have to do with ....

Nope,their votes had to do with saddam possessing WMDs.

Yepp, their votes had to do with saddam possessing WMDs.. Why in the heck are you so inept that you do not know that "disarmament obligations to the UN" and "getting inspectors back" is absolutely and without question even to a third grader about nothing but WMD? Do you need help reading what you are responding to? I have patience for those lacking in comprehension abilities. At least you are aware that the vote was about Saddam Possessing WMDs. Now you know that his disarmament obligations were about WMD and the UN inspectors being allowed to get back in and that according to the AUMF on Iraq Congress authorized the use of force for Bush to enforce the relevant (WMD threat related) UN Resolutions if the diplomatic peaceful means (of UN Inspections were to fail)! The UN WMD inspections were not failing when Bush forced them to end without a lick of evidence that they were failing.

That is were Bush went wrong. It was in March 2003 specifically because Saddam was said to be cooperating the from December 2002 through March 17 2003 on process and was cooperating proactively on substance at least a month before Bush decided inspections were not working and war would disarm Iraq much better - with bloodshed and destruction and all the violence that followed the US premeditated invasion of choice of Iraq - then Christians began getting killed and displaced.

Christians that survived in the heart of Islamic belief since the time of Christ. Then your Bush ruined that and did nothing to stop it.

He became fixated on helping Muslim develop a solid democracy in Iraq that still has not happened.
In order for inspectors to succeed they first have to be allowed to do their job which saddam refused to allow them to do . Revision of history doesn't a point.

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