Iraq told us to LEAVE "their" country - PERIOD!

Iraq told W not to invade. W told them to fuck off. Obabble could have done the same. But he has no balls.

are you serious? Everyone agrees now invading Iraq was a terrible idea and certainly not worth the lives lost or money spent.

Obama deserves credit for not throwing good money after bad.
DT 10444450
Iraq told W not to invade. W told them to fuck off. Obabble could have done the same. But he has no balls.

Deltex calling for a 2012 US invasion of Iraq to take Maliki out. Sick mind. It's a depraved mind. 4484 dead American troops from the first invasion did not satisfy Deltex' thirst for blood.
DT 10444450
Iraq told W not to invade. W told them to fuck off. Obabble could have done the same. But he has no balls.

Deltex calling for a 2012 US invasion of Iraq to take Maliki out. Sick mind. It's a depraved mind. 4484 dead American troops from the first invasion did not satisfy Deltex' thirst for blood.
I'm pointing out that Obabble does not know how to wield power for good. He is the world door mat.
Iraq told W not to invade. W told them to fuck off. Obabble could have done the same. But he has no balls.

are you serious? Everyone agrees now invading Iraq was a terrible idea and certainly not worth the lives lost or money spent.

Obama deserves credit for not throwing good money after bad.
Fallacy of "bandwagoning"....
DT 10446428
I'm pointing out that Obabble does not know how to wield power for good.

Like I said, your idea (post 10444450) of "wielding power for good" is invading Iraq over a threat that did not exist and at a cost in lives and dollars that was 1000s times more than anticipated.

We must therefore accept the reality that your idea of "good" is 4484 dead American soldiers to show that your hero Bush has big balls and a small brain.

No thanks on that foul-minded concept of wielding US military power for good.
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Cari 10446657
Wait! Wait! Did we say LEAVE!?! HAHA! We meant come back!

They meant 'leave' in 2008 an The Bush Admin agreed it was time to go. Six years later a new threat emerged amidst the turmoil in Syria so they invited 'airstrikes' and 'advisers' to come in. Do you have a problem with that?
Iraq told W not to invade. W told them to fuck off. Obabble could have done the same. But he has no balls.

are you serious? Everyone agrees now invading Iraq was a terrible idea and certainly not worth the lives lost or money spent.

Obama deserves credit for not throwing good money after bad.
Fallacy of "bandwagoning"....

Uh, no, guy. THe fallacy was thinking that if our President takes us to war, he's doing it for a good reason.

There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Nope, cannisters of expired mustard gas don't count.

There was no link between Saddam and Al Qaeda.

There was no outbreak of Democracy in the Middle East.

We lost 5000 lives and spent a trillion dollars and made matters WORSE.
Iraq told W not to invade. W told them to fuck off. Obabble could have done the same. But he has no balls.

are you serious? Everyone agrees now invading Iraq was a terrible idea and certainly not worth the lives lost or money spent.

Obama deserves credit for not throwing good money after bad.
Fallacy of "bandwagoning"....

Uh, no, guy. THe fallacy was thinking that if our President takes us to war, he's doing it for a good reason.

There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Nope, cannisters of expired mustard gas don't count.

There was no link between Saddam and Al Qaeda.

There was no outbreak of Democracy in the Middle East.

We lost 5000 lives and spent a trillion dollars and made matters WORSE.
My New Years wish is that you don't get too much more sand up your nose, Joe. But beware of that slender black man hosing you from need to get over that in 2015.
How many times on these threads have USMB right wingers said "Obama's decision to leave blah blah blah......"?

Would you be kind enough to post a copy of the invitation to go there in the first place, please?
Republicans spent trillions training and arming Iraq. We should get our weapons back. They've never been used and only dropped once.
JoeB 10449920
Uh, no, guy. THe fallacy was thinking that if our President takes us to war, he's doing it for a good reason.

Delbert once upon a time subscribed to a theory that some nutjob the right wingers dug up saying that Bush invaded Iraq, killed a bunch of Iraqis, in order to teach the Saudis a lesson for the attack on September 11, 2001.

I wonder if Delbert will tell us who that jerk was. Delbert was really into it for a while.
Republicans spent trillions training and arming Iraq. We should get our weapons back. They've never been used and only dropped once.

You can't, ISIS took them.
Yea, that's a real shame. If Republicans hadn't disbanded the Iraqi Military, there is a very good chance Isis wouldn't exist. In fact, if they hadn't disbanded the Iraqi military, their scheme concerning Iraq might have worked. But their own stupidity shot them in the foot.
Iraq told W not to invade. W told them to fuck off. Obabble could have done the same. But he has no balls.

are you serious? Everyone agrees now invading Iraq was a terrible idea and certainly not worth the lives lost or money spent.

Obama deserves credit for not throwing good money after bad.
Fallacy of "bandwagoning"....

Uh, no, guy. THe fallacy was thinking that if our President takes us to war, he's doing it for a good reason.

There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Nope, cannisters of expired mustard gas don't count.

There was no link between Saddam and Al Qaeda.

There was no outbreak of Democracy in the Middle East.

We lost 5000 lives and spent a trillion dollars and made matters WORSE.
My New Years wish is that you don't get too much more sand up your nose, Joe. But beware of that slender black man hosing you from need to get over that in 2015.

Duly noted you made yourself look like a complete ass trying to claim that the Iraq War was a good idea.

No one thinks that at this point.
Yea, that's a real shame. If Republicans hadn't disbanded the Iraqi Military, there is a very good chance Isis wouldn't exist. In fact, if they hadn't disbanded the Iraqi military, their scheme concerning Iraq might have worked. But their own stupidity shot them in the foot.

Well, it's more than that. The Generals in the Pentagon said it would take 500,000 troops to occupy Iraq. Bush didn't start a draft or increase the size of the army to do that. So the country collapsed into chaos.
DT 10449920
Iraq told W not to invade. W told them to fuck off.

Actually Iraq told Dubya that he was lying about WMD in Iraq and that the US military did not need to invade because Saddam Hussien was making a clear public offer in December 2002 to allow US troops, CIA agents, FBI agents in the thousands come in peacefully to locate the WMD the US was alleging was there.

Bush upon receiving that offer gave the White House House response. Fuck Off! We,d rather see people maimed and killed on both sides when we come in to search for all that WMD you are hiding.
Oh...that's why congress voted not to invade Iraq...I missed that part of Foo's history of the war on terror.
DT 10452447
Oh...that's why congress voted not to invade Iraq...I missed that part of Foo's history of the war on terror.

Read the legislation Deltex. Congress clearly voted to have Bush make the determination whether UNSC resolutions with regard to WMD could be enforced peacefully or by necessity with the use of military force. Clearly when Bush decided to never consider an offer by Iraq to allow the US to send in its own inspectors alongside the UN teams then it is apparent that Bush was going forward with a determination influenced by his balls and not his brain. The way you like it. And thus you like that 4484 Americans got killed To show the world that Bush had balls. That is clear now that you diss Obama for not getting ground troops killed in the new war against DAIISH in Iraq and Syria.
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