Iraq told us to LEAVE "their" country - PERIOD!

Proofs in the pudding boys, obviously the country wasn't stable enough for us to leave. Obama should have renegotiated the exit date. Instead, he simply wanted to appease the doves, so he left prematurely.

Face it, Obama fucked up. The proof is right in front of your faces on the evening news every day.

Invading the country was the real fuck up.

Gawd dam you liberals are some gullible dumbasses.

If Saddam had moved WMD to another country, do you think we would've invaded again to go get them?

Of course not. You would never be told.
My post #60 basically covers your correct assessment of the above post.
However, there are posters trying to pin everything on Obama, that is partisan hackery. Both Bush and Obama have some responsibility in regards to what is going on in Iraq but Maliki bears a most of the responsibility with his actions/reaction/inaction to the Sunnis within the government.

With the Sunnis establishing a caliphate up north they might be resistant to working with the new Iraqi president.


No freaking guff. I just can't see ISIS getting a warm and fuzzy for whoever takes over the Iraq government.

It's amazing to witness the left wing whackos try to turn the invasion and that's what it was into some sort of political protest.

They are completely insane. It was an invasion. And by anyone's standard a lightning fast takeover of a lot of Iraq. But they are trying to portray it as a rebellion.

I guess they have to. Obama has monumentally fucked up again and they are pulling out all stops to blame everyone else for his failure in dealing with ISIS.

He can order drone strikes on wedding parties in Yemen but hell's bells he wouldn't help out last year when the Iraqis were pleading for drone strikes to contain ISIS.

If the liberals EVER had any high ground when they talked about handling foreign affairs it's been blown to bits. This administration has no clue.
With the Sunnis establishing a caliphate up north they might be resistant to working with the new Iraqi president.


No freaking guff. I just can't see ISIS getting a warm and fuzzy for whoever takes over the Iraq government.

It's amazing to witness the left wing whackos try to turn the invasion and that's what it was into some sort of political protest.

They are completely insane. It was an invasion. And by anyone's standard a lightning fast takeover of a lot of Iraq. But they are trying to portray it as a rebellion.

I guess they have to. Obama has monumentally fucked up again and they are pulling out all stops to blame everyone else for his failure in dealing with ISIS.

He can order drone strikes on wedding parties in Yemen but hell's bells he wouldn't help out last year when the Iraqis were pleading for drone strikes to contain ISIS.

If the liberals EVER had any high ground when they talked about handling foreign affairs it's been blown to bits. This administration has no clue.

Sure they do. Republicans would have let our troops die in the middle of a religious war, picking the wrong side when there is no side.
The deal was never going to be hammered out, there was absolutely no support on the Iraqi side.
One of the main reasons the ISIS spilled over into Iraq and gathered a ton of Sunni support is that Maliki basically shut out the Sunnis within the Iraqi government.
Obama gave Maliki a choice, start bringing Sunnis into his government and stop persecuting the Sunni and he'd get US help or don't bring the Sunnis back into the fold and don't get any American help.
Maliki chose to keep things as they were, Maliki is responsible for not getting US help.

Oh cut the bloody crap that this is about Sunni disenfranchisement. That's a pantload.

Obama has absolutely fucked up because he and other western leaders wanted Assad deposed by any means possible including ISIS growing in power and stature to become the wealthiest terror army on the planet.

Iraq asked for air strikes last year against ISIS. Obama owns this bloody mess in Iraq.

Well, don't take my word, do a Google search using "maliki sunni government civil war' and see what the ME experts are saying. :eusa_whistle:

Good grief. It's not a civil war.

ISIS invaded Iraq. ISIS holds one third of Syria. Did they take over one third of Syria because they were pissed at Maliki? Have they set up their Caliphate just because of Maliki?

Bull freaking shit that it's a civil war. And ISIS is not done yet. They are the wealthiest terror army on the planet. Too bad they weren't taken out earlier.


An Islamic State chief who calls himself the 'emir' of Mosul claims the world 'has seen nothing yet' from the terror group.

Jihadi commander Haji Othman claimed his fighters had no fear of American air strikes and everyone would be 'amazed' when they saw their full capabilities.

In an interview with an Italian newspaper, he warned that Christians in northern Iraq must convert to Islam, pay a tax as 'non-believers' or face certain death.

The Islamic State already controls around a third of Syria and has swept through swathes of Iraq since June when they took Mosul, the country's second city and became the most cash-rich terrorist group in the world.

But their plans do not stop there, Othman told Corriere della Sera, one of Italy’s leading dailies.

‘You have seen nothing yet. This is just the beginning,' he told the newspaper in a telephone conversation by mobile phone.

'So far we’ve used just a minimal part of the strength that we have at our disposal. You cannot imagine how strong we really are.

'We have immense power. You will be amazed. You won’t be able to resist us.

‘We've never feared the Americans, not even in the past when we were much weaker.

‘Why would we fear them now? We’ve defeated them before and we’ll defeat them again.

'May Allah curse the Americans and their allies! They will suffer an ugly death.’

He said that Christians could return only if they converted immediately to Islam or paid the jizyah, an ancient tax once imposed on non-Muslims.

‘They can return, they will be welcome. But under one condition – that they convert to Islam.

'Then we will welcome them as brothers.'

Yazidi refugee crisis steps up with thousands fleeing into Syria as Obama arms Kurdish forces against ISIS | Mail Online

We got the same treatment after we liberated Europe but we still have Troops in Germany. Remember the old saying (Americans are) "overpaid, oversexed and over here". Harry Truman ordered Troops to Korea without consulting congress and by an executive order so Korea was his baby and he screwed it up badly. We turned victory to an embarasing truce in three years at a cost of 50,000 American lives and old Harry is still a democrat icon. Shows you how far the media is willing to go to protect the legacy of one of their own.

Bull shit. Germans were trying to get into the American and British Occupation Zones. There were many more soldiers KIA in the Iraqi Occupation than in the fight to oust Saddam. There was a small group of determined Nazis who tried the insurgency gig in Germany but it never amounted to much in the UK/France/USA zones.

Germans preferred Allied occupation to Russian occupation but who wouldn't? What Iraqi occupation?
Wow.. who makes threads just to make excuses for a sitting POTUS?? Your stupid opinion isn't news Deanie.. your meltdown is ridiculous.. LMAO

But yet, can you refute what the OP said? Were we to ignore what the government of Iraq wanted as if we owned their country?

Damn you are one big flake.

Of course we can refute. I've been doing it for about a week on about 10 dif threads. I can't help you're so late to the party.
My post #60 basically covers your correct assessment of the above post.
However, there are posters trying to pin everything on Obama, that is partisan hackery. Both Bush and Obama have some responsibility in regards to what is going on in Iraq but Maliki bears a most of the responsibility with his actions/reaction/inaction to the Sunnis within the government.

With the Sunnis establishing a caliphate up north they might be resistant to working with the new Iraqi president.


No freaking guff. I just can't see ISIS getting a warm and fuzzy for whoever takes over the Iraq government.

It's amazing to witness the left wing whackos try to turn the invasion and that's what it was into some sort of political protest.

They are completely insane. It was an invasion. And by anyone's standard a lightning fast takeover of a lot of Iraq. But they are trying to portray it as a rebellion.

I guess they have to. Obama has monumentally fucked up again and they are pulling out all stops to blame everyone else for his failure in dealing with ISIS.

He can order drone strikes on wedding parties in Yemen but hell's bells he wouldn't help out last year when the Iraqis were pleading for drone strikes to contain ISIS.

An 'invasion' that was facilitated by the dis-satisfaction of the Sunnis.
If the country had been united ISIS/L would never have gained a foothold and the army would have fought them off.
I don't think a single person is saying Bush didn't have a part in troops leaving Iraq. I have on these boards for years now been saying Bush ended the war, that Obama tried to keep the US there and that the Democrat voters are now part of the biggest war party... Liberals claim Obama ended the war because it ended under his watch, now these same people claim it was Bush's fault.... making the issue about why Obama failed to deliver on his promise to end the war if it ended because of Bush, and why Obama took credit for ending the war when it ended and Obama bots gave it to him.

My post #60 basically covers your correct assessment of the above post.
However, there are posters trying to pin everything on Obama, that is partisan hackery. Both Bush and Obama have some responsibility in regards to what is going on in Iraq but Maliki bears a most of the responsibility with his actions/reaction/inaction to the Sunnis within the government.

Oh piss off that this is a Sunni uprising. It's a blatant lie. And piss off that ISIS is Maliki's fault. It's a blatant lie. And Bush has nothing at all to do with the "new and improved" ISIS.

Talk about partisan freaking hackery. You're a poster child for it.

well no its not a Lie. Maliki started removing Sunni people from The military and the government. Thus The sunni's feel they dont have a place to voice their opinion on things. Isis is mostly Sunni.

Once we where gone from Iraq Maliki acted on removing these people.

Unless you feel General Petraeus is a lair? Because thats his version of things.

But then again you are a fucking moron.
Politifact lies!!!!!

It says Obama kept this promise "On my first day in office, I would give the military a new mission: ending this war".

Again, politifact lies.... how is this possible!!! "Barack Obama will work with military commanders on the ground in Iraq and in consultation with the Iraqi government to end the war safely and responsibly within 16 months."

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Iraq | PolitiFact

Look at the broken promises. Two. Both because he didn't "spend enough". Guess who controls the purse strings?

The other promises were kept. Oops.

Imagine, Republicans mad we didn't spend money on a country drowning in oil.
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Proofs in the pudding boys, obviously the country wasn't stable enough for us to leave. Obama should have renegotiated the exit date. Instead, he simply wanted to appease the doves, so he left prematurely.

Face it, Obama fucked up. The proof is right in front of your faces on the evening news every day.

Invading the country was the real fuck up.

Gawd dam you liberals are some gullible dumbasses.

If Saddam had moved WMD to another country, do you think we would've invaded again to go get them?

Of course not. You would never be told.

Yeah, I guess you're right, it's a good job that the invading forces managed to find all those WMDs and get them away from the murderous Al Qaeda-affiliated Hussein government!
You've convinced me.
We got the same treatment after we liberated Europe but we still have Troops in Germany. Remember the old saying (Americans are) "overpaid, oversexed and over here". Harry Truman ordered Troops to Korea without consulting congress and by an executive order so Korea was his baby and he screwed it up badly. We turned victory to an embarasing truce in three years at a cost of 50,000 American lives and old Harry is still a democrat icon. Shows you how far the media is willing to go to protect the legacy of one of their own.

Once a new government in Germany was established post-war as per the treaties signed and agreed to, have they ever asked us to leave?

If they did, we we left the Philippines.

Who is THEY???? This is the liberal problem when you have a small brain. There's no they. There wasn't even any THEY with the Soviet Union. Not even with China.

There are many factions. They change their opinions. And they change their minds during different time frames. There are thousands of variables to take into account and once again you libs think in MONOLITH.
Invading the country was the real fuck up.

Gawd dam you liberals are some gullible dumbasses.

If Saddam had moved WMD to another country, do you think we would've invaded again to go get them?

Of course not. You would never be told.

Yeah, I guess you're right, it's a good job that the invading forces managed to find all those WMDs and get them away from the murderous Al Qaeda-affiliated Hussein government!
You've convinced me.

Notice how the "other" country isn't named? Just "another" country?

Funny, when Bush said they had WMD's, right wingers believed him. When he said they didn't, they call him a liar. So how do they know which time he was lying?
Invading the country was the real fuck up.

Gawd dam you liberals are some gullible dumbasses.

If Saddam had moved WMD to another country, do you think we would've invaded again to go get them?

Of course not. You would never be told.

Yeah, I guess you're right, it's a good job that the invading forces managed to find all those WMDs and get them away from the murderous Al Qaeda-affiliated Hussein government!
You've convinced me.

If they were moved somewhere else do you think Bush would've run out and told you dumbass?????????????????

No. Because he would have to invade THAT place be able to prove existence.

You libs aren't even honest enough to ponder that in the abstract.
We got the same treatment after we liberated Europe but we still have Troops in Germany. Remember the old saying (Americans are) "overpaid, oversexed and over here". Harry Truman ordered Troops to Korea without consulting congress and by an executive order so Korea was his baby and he screwed it up badly. We turned victory to an embarasing truce in three years at a cost of 50,000 American lives and old Harry is still a democrat icon. Shows you how far the media is willing to go to protect the legacy of one of their own.

Once a new government in Germany was established post-war as per the treaties signed and agreed to, have they ever asked us to leave?

If they did, we we left the Philippines.

Who is THEY???? This is the liberal problem when you have a small brain. There's no they. There wasn't even any THEY with the Soviet Union. Not even with China.

There are many factions. They change their opinions. And they change their minds during different time frames. There are thousands of variables to take into account and once again you libs think in MONOLITH.

Umm, huh? That didn't make sense. Not even for you.
My post #60 basically covers your correct assessment of the above post.
However, there are posters trying to pin everything on Obama, that is partisan hackery. Both Bush and Obama have some responsibility in regards to what is going on in Iraq but Maliki bears a most of the responsibility with his actions/reaction/inaction to the Sunnis within the government.

Oh piss off that this is a Sunni uprising. It's a blatant lie. And piss off that ISIS is Maliki's fault. It's a blatant lie. And Bush has nothing at all to do with the "new and improved" ISIS.

Talk about partisan freaking hackery. You're a poster child for it.

well no its not a Lie. Maliki started removing Sunni people from The military and the government. Thus The sunni's feel they dont have a place to voice their opinion on things. Isis is mostly Sunni.

Once we where gone from Iraq Maliki acted on removing these people.

Unless you feel General Petraeus is a lair? Because thats his version of things.

But then again you are a fucking moron.

Well hell this is easy then---the new Iraqi PM will just tell ISIS to chill and everything will be cool.

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