Iraq War Among Worst Events in World History


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
"At 10 years since the launch of Operation Iraqi Liberation (to use the original name with the appropriate acronym, OIL) and over 22 years since Operation Desert Storm, there is little evidence that any significant number of people in the United States have a realistic idea of what our government has done to the people of Iraq, or of how these actions compare to other horrors of world history..."

"A number of U.S. academics have advanced the dubious claim that war making is declining around the world.

"Misinterpreting what has happened in Iraq is central to their argument.

"As documented below, by the most scientifically respected measures available, Iraq lost 1.4 million lives as a result of OIL, saw 4.2 million additional people injured, and 4.5 million people become refugees. The 1.4 million dead was 5% of the population."

Iraq War Among World's Worst Events | War Is A Crime .org
Where is all of that oil your talking about.

You seriously think that the invasion of Iraq was to secure MORE oil?

Why would any Free Market organization flood the market with a valuable commodity?

The Iraqi invasion wasn't about assuring us more oil.

It was about assuring that our oil companies CONTROLLED the oil.
Where is all of that oil your talking about.

You seriously think that the invasion of Iraq was to secure MORE oil?

Why would any Free Market organization flood the market with a valuable commodity?

The Iraqi invasion wasn't about assuring us more oil.

It was about assuring that our oil companies CONTROLLED the oil.

Yea, thats why most of the oil fields in Iraq are controlled by Malaysia, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Turkey, Korea, Russia and of course China.

U.S. Companies Shut Out as Iraq Auctions Its Oil Fields - TIME

Seriously, try to learn some facts on your own instead of just swallowing what every other D-bag out there spews.
Your link:

"The auction represents an astonishing transformation for Iraq. In just a few months, it has become a major oil power with the potential to overtake the world's biggest producer, Saudi Arabia.

"In a previous bid round last June, Iraq handed control to the giant Rumaila field near Basra to Britain's BP, while ExxonMobil later took an 80% stake in another huge field, West Qurna Phase 1, and plan to eventually pump 2.5 million barrels a day."

Just because US parasites didn't steal as much of Iraq's oil as Dick Cheney felt they were entitled to doesn't change the simple fact that absent an illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq there would have been no oil auction for US Companies to get "shut out" from.
Iraq has turned out to be ( and was in its inception) a grand strategic blunder of immense proportions and we have not even gotten to the worst part yet.

That being said, anyone who thinks this was about oil is flat out nuts.

Now, the Gulf war? THAT was about Petroleum security.
Your link:

"The auction represents an astonishing transformation for Iraq. In just a few months, it has become a major oil power with the potential to overtake the world's biggest producer, Saudi Arabia.

"In a previous bid round last June, Iraq handed control to the giant Rumaila field near Basra to Britain's BP, while ExxonMobil later took an 80% stake in another huge field, West Qurna Phase 1, and plan to eventually pump 2.5 million barrels a day."

Just because US parasites didn't steal as much of Iraq's oil as Dick Cheney felt they were entitled to doesn't change the simple fact that absent an illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq there would have been no oil auction for US Companies to get "shut out" from.

your extenuation cum mitigation George is, frankly're welcome.
Where is all of that oil your talking about.

You seriously think that the invasion of Iraq was to secure MORE oil?

Why would any Free Market organization flood the market with a valuable commodity?

The Iraqi invasion wasn't about assuring us more oil.

It was about assuring that our oil companies CONTROLLED the oil.

Yea, thats why most of the oil fields in Iraq are controlled by Malaysia, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Turkey, Korea, Russia and of course China.

U.S. Companies Shut Out as Iraq Auctions Its Oil Fields - TIME

Seriously, try to learn some facts on your own instead of just swallowing what every other D-bag out there spews.

Clearly, you don't understand the oil companies control Republican politicians. That's why the "apology" to BP.

Because of the GOP, Hugo Chavez could give unlimited money to American elections. When he was alive that is.

Try to figure out why. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I will explain.
Clearly, you don't understand the oil companies control Republican politicians. That's why the "apology" to BP.

Because of the GOP, Hugo Chavez could give unlimited money to American elections. When he was alive that is.

Try to figure out why. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I will explain.
So are you saying Oil Companies, Defense Contractors and Banks don't own Democrat Politicians?

Explain please.
Where is all of that oil your talking about.
Bloomberg knows:

"'Western producers like BP, Exxon Mobil, and Shell are enjoying their best access to Iraq's southern oil fields since 1972,' Business Week noted in its issue of March 4th of last year. (1972 was the year Saddam Hussein nationalized Iraq's oil fields.)

"Business Week quotes Andy Inglis, BP's chief executive for exploration and production as saying, 'We see this as the beginning of a long-term relationship with Iraq and will continue to look for further opportunities.'

"Dr. Abdulhay Yahya Zalloum, an international oil consultant and economist, agrees the western firms have won contracts despite 'a lack of transparency and clarity of vision regarding the legal issues.'

"The Iraqi (Puppet) government 'gave a little piece of the cake for China and some of the other countries and companies to keep them silent.'

"A group led by BP will receive $2 billion per year to develop Iraq's Rumalia field and a Shell-led group is to get $913 million per year. An Exxon-led group is to get $1.6 billion per year, Bloomberg News reports. Each calculation is based on the agreed-to per-barrel fee times the maximum production level, Bloomberg explains."

OpEdNews - Article: Oil Companies Big Winners in Iraq War

Neither Exxon, Shell, nor BP would have any presence in Iraq today without the murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of Iraqi civilians.
Iraq has turned out to be ( and was in its inception) a grand strategic blunder of immense proportions and we have not even gotten to the worst part yet.

That being said, anyone who thinks this was about oil is flat out nuts.

Now, the Gulf war? THAT was about Petroleum security.
When are you expecting the "worst part" to arrive?
Iraq lost about 5% of its population to ensure BP and other western corporations a presence they haven't had in that country for decades. If that isn't about oil, what is it about...cashews?
Clearly, you don't understand the oil companies control Republican politicians. That's why the "apology" to BP.

Because of the GOP, Hugo Chavez could give unlimited money to American elections. When he was alive that is.

Try to figure out why. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I will explain.
So are you saying Oil Companies, Defense Contractors and Banks don't own Democrat Politicians?

Explain please.
Republicans AND Democrats depend on the same 1% of the US population to fund their ever more expensive election campaigns. Neither party can turn its back on eternal war and endless debt stemming from the private creation of money at interest; "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth changes nothing.
Where is all of that oil your talking about.

You seriously think that the invasion of Iraq was to secure MORE oil?

Why would any Free Market organization flood the market with a valuable commodity?

The Iraqi invasion wasn't about assuring us more oil.

It was about assuring that our oil companies CONTROLLED the oil.

You mean that coalition of 128 Nations that united in defense of Kuwait was just a figment of our imagination's? Got it. :cuckoo:
The new study concluded that both the war and the subsequent $212 billion reconstruction effort were failures as the war "reinvigorated radical Islamist militants in the region, set back women's rights, and weakened an already precarious health care system" while "most of [the reconstruction] money was spent on security or lost to waste and fraud," according to Daniel Trotta of Reuters reports.

What hath the filthy god damned chickenhawk scum of The Bush League wrought?

And now comes Barack Obama, the 2008 reaction to Halfwit America's choice in 2004 when white trash re-elected the most obviously failed president in US history; a degenerate war monger and pathological liar, Junebug Bush ran his campaign out of a sewer yet still beat a better man. Here is an example of how much better it is in Iraq today...

The obscene flow of money, violence, and consequent sectarian strife are still common in the country. Seventeen people were killed today in a Baghdad bombing, just five days short of the decade anniversary of the invasion.
Mistake? Iraq is a series of willful acts by degenerates. America deserves the fucking they got after 2001, and if Barack Hussein Obama is having as much fun fucking white trash as I am observing it, it's morning in America again for at least two people.
The new study concluded that both the war and the subsequent $212 billion reconstruction effort were failures as the war "reinvigorated radical Islamist militants in the region, set back women's rights, and weakened an already precarious health care system" while "most of [the reconstruction] money was spent on security or lost to waste and fraud," according to Daniel Trotta of Reuters reports.

What hath the filthy god damned chickenhawk scum of The Bush League wrought?

And now comes Barack Obama, the 2008 reaction to Halfwit America's choice in 2004 when white trash re-elected the most obviously failed president in US history; a degenerate war monger and pathological liar, Junebug Bush ran his campaign out of a sewer yet still beat a better man. Here is an example of how much better it is in Iraq today...

The obscene flow of money, violence, and consequent sectarian strife are still common in the country. Seventeen people were killed today in a Baghdad bombing, just five days short of the decade anniversary of the invasion.
Mistake? Iraq is a series of willful acts by degenerates. America deserves the fucking they got after 2001, and if Barack Hussein Obama is having as much fun fucking white trash as I am observing it, it's morning in America again for at least two people.
"The Iraq war has cost the U.S. more than $2 trillion so far and with interest could swell to more than $6 trillion, according to a study released Thursday.

"That $2 trillion figure comes from $1.7 trillion in war expenses and an additional $490 billion in benefits owed to war veterans.

"An extra $4 trillion factors in to pay interest through 2053. The study notes that because the Iraq War appropriations 'were not funded with new taxes, but by borrowing, it is important to keep in mind the interest costs already paid, and future interest costs.'"

Get ready for Jeb v Hillary in 2016...think it can't get any worse?

The Iraq War Could Cost More Than $6 Trillion - Business Insider

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