Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police

This is great.

This jerkoff Ollie refuses to condemn the cop who threw the flash grenade into a group of people helping a wounded man even after seeing the video because they "might" have been agitating the cops despite having no evidence to back this up.

And now in this post he is calling Olsen an agitator based on a SUPPOSED video he has NEVER SEEN where Olsen ALLEGEDLY was somewhere he shouldn't be.

Pure agenda driven scum this guy Ollie is.

I'm sorry you're so stupid. I've never seen the video yet it has been posted in this thread at least twice, and I was the first to post a link to the still shot of the fool in front of the barricades. Now that we have established that you are a moron. Go back and read what I say, not what you want me to have said. I said there will be an investigation.....

BTW What is my agenda other than supporting the constitution? We know that yours is obviously anarchy.

And go ahead and keep on negging me, we can do this until you are zeroed out....

In this case, yes I misread your post and thought you were saying "supposedly there was a video" My bad.

That said, you keep doing scummy things like running static for that grenade throwing cop and I will continue to neg you. Threats of returning the favor wont stop me, I anticipate them being reciprocated by the thinned skinned.

Ya, handing out negative rep is all you have in life isn't it ? But no matter how many you hand out, your wiener wont get any bigger. But if it makes you feel better continue.
You guys don't get it.

I've said over again....Olsen getting hit isn't the point or the beef.

The beef is the flash grenade throwing cop and your refusal to condemn his actions.

Your attempts to justify the cop's actions are what makes the two of you scum.

Make up your mind. What you guys use to demonize the cops changes from the guy getting shot in the head to the flash bang getting chucked at the crowed around him. If you notice in every official report, the flash bang is not even an issue ? I will again admit that Oakland deserves its reputation as a heavy handed police department, but so far NOTHING has come out condemning them, or any of the other police departments that participated in the eviction.
Not one thing except edited video.

I don't need to make up my mind. I've been talking about one thing and demonizing one cop, the grenade thrower. I've said numerous times that's my beef and I've said numerous times that it's has nothing to do with Olsen getting hit because I don't know how exactly that happened.

Alluding to the protesters throwing shit when the video shows otherwise and weak dismissals of an "edited" video aren't going to fly with me.
You guys don't get it.

I've said over again....Olsen getting hit isn't the point or the beef.

The beef is the flash grenade throwing cop and your refusal to condemn his actions.

Your attempts to justify the cop's actions are what makes the two of you scum.

I see you slithered in unannounced. Your such a disgrace you hide log in information. Dont you tire of being a pussy?

So grenade was thrown into a crowd that had been ordered to disperse.

You want some tissue with that pussy?

^------this is the continuance of week+ long neg rep whine from Full Auto.

You, the noob, and Ollie have a lot in common; you squeal like pigs when stuck.
I don't believe we've seen video of before the police opened the can of whup ass on the fools. But we have seen video where the dumbasses pick up and throw gas canisters back at the police. At least we can assume that's what those trails of smoke are.

There are two witnesses from the side of the protesters who have admitted that things were thrown at the police before they opened up. And we have the police statements saying so. I tend to believe the police.....
I'm sorry you're so stupid. I've never seen the video yet it has been posted in this thread at least twice, and I was the first to post a link to the still shot of the fool in front of the barricades. Now that we have established that you are a moron. Go back and read what I say, not what you want me to have said. I said there will be an investigation.....

BTW What is my agenda other than supporting the constitution? We know that yours is obviously anarchy.

And go ahead and keep on negging me, we can do this until you are zeroed out....

In this case, yes I misread your post and thought you were saying "supposedly there was a video" My bad.

That said, you keep doing scummy things like running static for that grenade throwing cop and I will continue to neg you. Threats of returning the favor wont stop me, I anticipate them being reciprocated by the thinned skinned.

Ya, handing out negative rep is all you have in life isn't it ? But no matter how many you hand out, your wiener wont get any bigger. But if it makes you feel better continue.

Yep, it's just neg reps that keep me going. You got me.

Talk about my penis some more. You seem to like that.
You guys don't get it.

I've said over again....Olsen getting hit isn't the point or the beef.

The beef is the flash grenade throwing cop and your refusal to condemn his actions.

Your attempts to justify the cop's actions are what makes the two of you scum.

I see you slithered in unannounced. Your such a disgrace you hide log in information. Dont you tire of being a pussy?

So grenade was thrown into a crowd that had been ordered to disperse.

You want some tissue with that pussy?

^------this is the continuance of week+ long neg rep whine from Full Auto.

You, the noob, and Ollie have a lot in common; you squeal like pigs when stuck.

I stick back.............. Just the way I am............... Wanna play some more?
I see you slithered in unannounced. Your such a disgrace you hide log in information. Dont you tire of being a pussy?

So grenade was thrown into a crowd that had been ordered to disperse.

You want some tissue with that pussy?

^------this is the continuance of week+ long neg rep whine from Full Auto.

You, the noob, and Ollie have a lot in common; you squeal like pigs when stuck.

I stick back.............. Just the way I am............... Wanna play some more?

Actually, I'm heading out for the evening but sure thing, old timer. The way I figure the math you will die of old age before I hit zero.
You guys don't get it.

I've said over again....Olsen getting hit isn't the point or the beef.

The beef is the flash grenade throwing cop and your refusal to condemn his actions.

Your attempts to justify the cop's actions are what makes the two of you scum.

Make up your mind. What you guys use to demonize the cops changes from the guy getting shot in the head to the flash bang getting chucked at the crowed around him. If you notice in every official report, the flash bang is not even an issue ? I will again admit that Oakland deserves its reputation as a heavy handed police department, but so far NOTHING has come out condemning them, or any of the other police departments that participated in the eviction.
Not one thing except edited video.

I don't need to make up my mind. I've been talking about one thing and demonizing one cop, the grenade thrower. I've said numerous times that's my beef and I've said numerous times that it's has nothing to do with Olsen getting hit because I don't know how exactly that happened.

Alluding to the protesters throwing shit when the video shows otherwise and weak dismissals of an "edited" video aren't going to fly with me.

There is no "alluding" to anything, its a point of fact that they where throwing shit. It is also a fact that NO ONE knows why the cop cleared the crowd with a flash bang. You dont know what the conversation was over his radio, and you dont know what he was looking at because the video shows only one small section of the scene, and has been edited. One thing you can be sure of is that the police have hours of there own video. If it showed ANY wrong doing, it would have been all over the news by now. It has not. Considering the police in that area have had several cases involving police brutality it would make sense that the Mayer and police chief would hurry up and crucify the cop to prevent any further rioting or bad press .
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You guys don't get it.

I've said over again....Olsen getting hit isn't the point or the beef.

The beef is the flash grenade throwing cop and your refusal to condemn his actions.

Your attempts to justify the cop's actions are what makes the two of you scum.

I see you slithered in unannounced. Your such a disgrace you hide log in information. Dont you tire of being a pussy?

So grenade was thrown into a crowd that had been ordered to disperse.

You want some tissue with that pussy?

^------this is the continuance of week+ long neg rep whine from Full Auto.

You, the noob, and Ollie have a lot in common; you squeal like pigs when stuck.

This is about you refusing to acknowledge an error. You then went into petty bitch mode so I egged you on. You now dance on command. Just a little head fake and you run for the nanny button.

Ive disagreed with many here right and left. I also give out reps right and left.

But you take the cake I have never seen such a petty minded individual. I am also willing to bet I can make you throw fits anytime I want. How about right now?
I see you slithered in unannounced. Your such a disgrace you hide log in information. Dont you tire of being a pussy?

So grenade was thrown into a crowd that had been ordered to disperse.

You want some tissue with that pussy?

^------this is the continuance of week+ long neg rep whine from Full Auto.

You, the noob, and Ollie have a lot in common; you squeal like pigs when stuck.

This is about you refusing to acknowledge an error. You then went into petty bitch mode so I egged you on. You now dance on command. Just a little head fake and you run for the nanny button.

Ive disagreed with many here right and left. I also give out reps right and left.

But you take the cake I have never seen such a petty minded individual. I am also willing to bet I can make you throw fits anytime I want. How about right now?
FA? you amaze me as how on command YOU make the puppets dance...:lol:
You guys don't get it.

I've said over again....Olsen getting hit isn't the point or the beef.

The beef is the flash grenade throwing cop and your refusal to condemn his actions.

Your attempts to justify the cop's actions are what makes the two of you scum.

I see you slithered in unannounced. Your such a disgrace you hide log in information. Dont you tire of being a pussy?

So grenade was thrown into a crowd that had been ordered to disperse.

You want some tissue with that pussy?

^------this is the continuance of week+ long neg rep whine from Full Auto.

You, the noob, and Ollie have a lot in common; you squeal like pigs when stuck.

You are a sad little fella. With your big tough sports guy avatar and big talk. You have to hand out the negs with your little comments to build your ego after a week of getting punked by your boss, or whoever. thats fine, glad to help you out.

Here, this Ave fits you better.


And your high school yearbook photo.

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Boy this thread sure has been milked for all it's worth. In the end both the Police and the "Occupiers" were wrong. You shouldn't call yourself an "Occupier" and then expect no violence. The term "Occupier" infers possible violence. So the Left blew it when they decided to label these protests that way. And the Police were wrong because they neither protected or served this poor guy. They will have to be held accountable. Lessons learned here...Don't call yourself an "Occupier." There will be violence.

Compared to most of the nations of the world this is pretty tame. Wouldn't you agree that is so compared to China, Lybia, Iran, USSR, Ottoman empire, most of Africa, Roman empire, ect.

Is that your standard? If people aren't beaten to death, then we're doing OK?


What I find strange is that the right wingers tend to compare the US (a democracy), with the countries listed (communist and terrorist nations).
Make up your mind. What you guys use to demonize the cops changes from the guy getting shot in the head to the flash bang getting chucked at the crowed around him. If you notice in every official report, the flash bang is not even an issue ? I will again admit that Oakland deserves its reputation as a heavy handed police department, but so far NOTHING has come out condemning them, or any of the other police departments that participated in the eviction.
Not one thing except edited video.

I don't need to make up my mind. I've been talking about one thing and demonizing one cop, the grenade thrower. I've said numerous times that's my beef and I've said numerous times that it's has nothing to do with Olsen getting hit because I don't know how exactly that happened.

Alluding to the protesters throwing shit when the video shows otherwise and weak dismissals of an "edited" video aren't going to fly with me.

There is no "alluding" to anything, its a point of fact that they where throwing shit. It is also a fact that NO ONE knows why the cop cleared the crowd with a flash bang. You dont know what the conversation was over his radio, and you dont know what he was looking at because the video shows only one small section of the scene, and has been edited. One thing you can be sure of is that the police have hours of there own video. If it showed ANY wrong doing, it would have been all over the news by now. It has not. Considering the police in that area have had several cases involving police brutality it would make sense that the Mayer and police chief would hurry up and crucify the cop to prevent any further rioting or bad press .

Really? Because even though an officer Bologna in NYC at the OWS protests was indiscriminately pepper spraying the crowd, it was CAUGHT ON VIDEO, and he still had it swept under the carpet.

Know what his punishment was? A loss of 10 days of vacation.
last time i checked, occupying a peace of land like a military would become peaceful assembly?

Looks like they were told to leave....... Looks like they refused.........


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Look Familiar?
Boy this thread sure has been milked for all it's worth. In the end both the Police and the "Occupiers" were wrong. You shouldn't call yourself an "Occupier" and then expect no violence. The term "Occupier" infers possible violence. So the Left blew it when they decided to label these protests that way. And the Police were wrong because they neither protected or served this poor guy. They will have to be held accountable. Lessons learned here...Don't call yourself an "Occupier." There will be violence.

The sad thing is there is still no evidence of wrong doing on the part of the police. None. In a town like Oakland, had their been wrongdoing by their cops with their reputation we would have heard something by now to placate the protesters. But, that's typical of most. Hate the cops for doing there job, but scream when you want them.
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got it, lets blame all the police, because some , keyword some might have acted inappropriately. I love how the left wing media and its allies are using this poor kid for propaganda purposes, gerbels would be proud
I don't need to make up my mind. I've been talking about one thing and demonizing one cop, the grenade thrower. I've said numerous times that's my beef and I've said numerous times that it's has nothing to do with Olsen getting hit because I don't know how exactly that happened.

Alluding to the protesters throwing shit when the video shows otherwise and weak dismissals of an "edited" video aren't going to fly with me.

There is no "alluding" to anything, its a point of fact that they where throwing shit. It is also a fact that NO ONE knows why the cop cleared the crowd with a flash bang. You dont know what the conversation was over his radio, and you dont know what he was looking at because the video shows only one small section of the scene, and has been edited. One thing you can be sure of is that the police have hours of there own video. If it showed ANY wrong doing, it would have been all over the news by now. It has not. Considering the police in that area have had several cases involving police brutality it would make sense that the Mayer and police chief would hurry up and crucify the cop to prevent any further rioting or bad press .

Really? Because even though an officer Bologna in NYC at the OWS protests was indiscriminately pepper spraying the crowd, it was CAUGHT ON VIDEO, and he still had it swept under the carpet.

Know what his punishment was? A loss of 10 days of vacation.

This did not happen in New York. And I know the idea is diametrically opposed to what your average OWS protester is used to, but a bath, and time will fix the pepper spray.

BUT, all screwing around aside, Oakland cops DO have a history. Just Google Oakland PD/Police brutality and you will see what I mean. You will see that it also gets dealt with swiftly. By no later then the middle of the week, something should be out. Until then, all this is just speculation, arm chair quarter backing, and opinion.
got it, lets blame all the police, because some , keyword some might have acted inappropriately. I love how the left wing media and its allies are using this poor kid for propaganda purposes, gerbels would be proud

True, wonder how much money (if any) has been raised in his name ?

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