Iraqi Cities to Become Terrorist Controlled July 1, 2009

GREAT POINT!!! Because as everybody knows the Presidential candidate's timetable supercedes the Commander-in-Chief's.

So explain to me again the problem with the current adminstrations attempt to time our withdrawal ? If Bush does it, Iraq will become a terrorist state yet if Obama does it everything will be hunky dory ?
It is now possible to talk about doing just that with tentative dates because the terrorists and the Insurgents have been broken. They are unable t just wait and attack later in any force, To many Iraqis are shooting them and turning them in.

So what you're saying is that Obama's prediction for troop withdrawl in 12 months was closer than McCain's assessment that we'd be there for 50 years.
So explain to me again the problem with the current adminstrations attempt to time our withdrawal ? If Bush does it, Iraq will become a terrorist state yet if Obama does it everything will be hunky dory ?

There's nothing wrong with the timetable for withdrawl. Hell, why wait until June 2009, let's withdraw them in January. Even a hardcore military guy like RGS believes that the insurgency is broken.
So what you're saying is that Obama's prediction for troop withdrawl in 12 months was closer than McCain's assessment that we'd be there for 50 years.

You know as well as I do he meant in garrison at the permission of the Host country, seeing how he clearly said no fighting and no dieing. But do go ahead and lie some more.
I never said we should leave now, more lies from you. What? No valid argument so you are going to make shit up?
You can count on it getting screwed up if Obama is President and the Democrats control both houses of Congress. His 16 months will become 5 or 6 and he will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. AND then blame Bush.

January + 5 or months = June or July 2009 ... the same timetable Bush just set.
More leftwing propoganda from Article 15....


This is merely just a schedule showing an estimated date in which we might start drawing down our troops.

"This is not the timetable you have been calling for."


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This is what I've been trying to tell these right wingers for so long. What have we won in Iraq? Sadr is going to take over, and Iran is going to help him. If we stay, we get road side bombed and it costs US taxpayers billions. Sure Blackwater, Haloburton and Exxon make a fortune, but the American people WILL NEVER WIN. Define winning.

We would need to stay forever to protect Al Malaki. Sadr will be the next president.

Now if Bush didn't rape their country with Haloburton & Blackwater, maybe we could have. Had he partnered with Iran instead of trying to start a conflict with them, maybe we could have got their help all these years. But Bush wanted all the oil to himself. Now he's begging for help.

The American people are really clueless. It is sad to me.

"This is not the timetable you have been calling for."

The Daily Show was making fun of this. Bush kept calling it a Horizon instead of a timetable, because no matter how much you move towards the horizon, it never gets any closer. LOL..
January + 5 or months = June or July 2009 ... the same timetable Bush just set.

You need to read this. - The Republican Plan For 2008 Begins Today

The Republican Plan For 2008 Begins Today

Published on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 by

1. Shift “ownership” of the downside of the “war” and occupation of Iraq to the Democrats.

2. Begin to wind down American involvement in the occupation of Iraq no later than mid-2008.

3. “Claim victory and get out” of direct combat in Iraq by the early fall of 2008.
About time he listened to American and Iraqi public opinion. Of course, he had to wait until the contracts got distributed, but now that the cake is sliced and distributed he can start getting out. Either way, regardless of who proposes it or for what reason, it's good that a timeline is being set to end the occupation and hand power to Iraqis.
I never said we should leave now, more lies from you. What? No valid argument so you are going to make shit up?

Nobody made shit up. Looks like someone forgot to issue you some reading skills when you enlisted in the Corps. I never said you said we should leave; I said you said the insurgency was broken.

If you can find where I said otherwise by June 30, 2009, I'll apologize. If not lick my balls.
Nobody made shit up. Looks like someone forgot to issue you some reading skills when you enlisted in the Corps. I never said you said we should leave; I said you said the insurgency was broken.

If you can find where I said otherwise by June 30, 2009, I'll apologize. If not lick my balls.

Pull them out big boy I have a K-Bar to take care of them. Your entire rant has to do with us leaving, which is in fact what we have ALWAYS planned to do. The Insurgency is broken as well as the terrorist groups. They still exist but are so weakened as to be more easily contained. Iraqis are turning them in, killing them and kicking them out faster then they can reorganize.
And now the Bush Administration has told the terrorists that they just need to lay low for less than a year then the Americans will leave ... I know if I were a terrorist leader that's what I would be telling my organization after hearing this news.


I've spent the last three years having NeoCons lecture me that giving the terrorists a date, would mean they would just lay low and wait until we left.

But, for some odd reason, Neocons have "suddenly" stopped using that talking point in the last 30 days.

I wonder why?

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