Iraq's PM to relinquish power...

Beirut 1983 – all over again.
Was a time when Beirut was the “Riviera of the Mediterranean,” a sought after vacation spot, beautiful seashores, beaches, casinos, hotels and restaurants. People – mostly Christian (many Catholic) were happy, joyous and free – led by a young and promising prime minister. A beautiful democracy.
Then came the stinking filthy rag-head Muslims. Came in like a bad fart in church. Killed everyone – bombed, raped, beheaded – plundered. You know – spread that” Islamic love,” in ways only they can. Nothing left of beautiful Beirut but bombed out buildings, dead bodies and mayhem.
Yet, the Libberhoids love those Muslims. Absolutely LOVE ‘EM!
Those of us who think otherwise, they think, there’s something wrong with us.
Beirut 1983 – all over again.
Was a time when Beirut was the “Riviera of the Mediterranean,” a sought after vacation spot, beautiful seashores, beaches, casinos, hotels and restaurants. People – mostly Christian (many Catholic) were happy, joyous and free – led by a young and promising prime minister. A beautiful democracy.
Then came the stinking filthy rag-head Muslims. Came in like a bad fart in church. Killed everyone – bombed, raped, beheaded – plundered. You know – spread that” Islamic love,” in ways only they can. Nothing left of beautiful Beirut but bombed out buildings, dead bodies and mayhem.
Yet, the Libberhoids love those Muslims. Absolutely LOVE ‘EM!
Those of us who think otherwise, they think, there’s something wrong with us.

And you are so absolutely full of shit.
Beirut 1983 – all over again.
Was a time when Beirut was the “Riviera of the Mediterranean,” a sought after vacation spot, beautiful seashores, beaches, casinos, hotels and restaurants. People – mostly Christian (many Catholic) were happy, joyous and free – led by a young and promising prime minister. A beautiful democracy.
Then came the stinking filthy rag-head Muslims. Came in like a bad fart in church. Killed everyone – bombed, raped, beheaded – plundered. You know – spread that” Islamic love,” in ways only they can. Nothing left of beautiful Beirut but bombed out buildings, dead bodies and mayhem.
Yet, the Libberhoids love those Muslims. Absolutely LOVE ‘EM!
Those of us who think otherwise, they think, there’s something wrong with us.

And you are so absolutely full of shit.

My family and friends in Israel disagree with you.

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