Ireland about to be gay country

Ireland has voted to become a land of degenerates and perverts. Maybe they think they will finally lose the reputation of being drunks. Despite all of the unfortunate connotations associated with the Irish, I always liked the people. It's hard to like perverts or those who have normalized such degeneracy.
Ireland is on course to become the first nation in the world to legalise gay marriage by popular vote, leaders on both sides of the historic referendum campaign said on Saturday.
Ireland on course to be first country to legalise gay marriage by popular vote Society The Guardian

Today, attitudes in Ireland towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people are increasingly liberal.
Irish believe gay marriage can help attract foreign investment, the Irish government said on Thursday ahead of a referendum on the issue that has been publicly backed by global technology giants including Google, Ebay and Twitter.
The last bastion has fallen...Irish...dissapointed me...I always thought these crazy men will be stand against homo expansion...

Your title is bullshit, but that's not surprising based on your viewpoint. Ireland has not become a gay country because of this vote. They are allowing gay marriage. That does not make all Irish gay as you seem to insinuate.
Speaking of bullshit, you sure like eating da poo poo.

I'm not the goofball who suggested that all of Ireland is now going to become gay. :cuckoo:
Ireland has voted to become a land of degenerates and perverts. Maybe they think they will finally lose the reputation of being drunks. Despite all of the unfortunate connotations associated with the Irish, I always liked the people. It's hard to like perverts or those who have normalized such degeneracy.

I'm not gay, so when we finally legalize gay marriage, the only change for me will be that I know more of our citizens will have the rights they deserve. Citizens of Ireland will experience the same thing. Why are you so afraid of something that won't personally effect you in any way? I promise that nobody is going to make you get gay married.
If it is a difference between tolerance and hatred, the answer is pretty obvious.

Once again, people have their own definitions of "tolerance" and "hatred." If "tolerance" is someone being made to accept something they don't care for regardless of their personal or religious beliefs, and "hatred" as that which they are accused of when they refuse based on those reasons, then yes, the answer is pretty obvious: they are neither intolerant nor hateful; you are.

I don't hate anyone, I think gays should have rights same as we, but that doesn't stop me from despising their way of life like any of my conservative brethren. Gays are people too---so, too, are those mean, hateful, intolerant, bigoted Christian Conservatives.

When you say someone is "hateful" because of what they believe in, are you being tolerant? My advice to you is to think before you start slinging the words "hatred" and "tolerance" around. They don't always mean what you think they mean.
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Ireland is on course to become the first nation in the world to legalise gay marriage by popular vote, leaders on both sides of the historic referendum campaign said on Saturday.
Ireland on course to be first country to legalise gay marriage by popular vote Society The Guardian

Today, attitudes in Ireland towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people are increasingly liberal.
Irish believe gay marriage can help attract foreign investment, the Irish government said on Thursday ahead of a referendum on the issue that has been publicly backed by global technology giants including Google, Ebay and Twitter.
The last bastion has fallen...Irish...dissapointed me...I always thought these crazy men will be stand against homo expansion...

Your title is bullshit, but that's not surprising based on your viewpoint. Ireland has not become a gay country because of this vote. They are allowing gay marriage. That does not make all Irish gay as you seem to insinuate.

Why do you take it so literally?
Ireland is on course to become the first nation in the world to legalise gay marriage by popular vote, leaders on both sides of the historic referendum campaign said on Saturday.
Ireland on course to be first country to legalise gay marriage by popular vote Society The Guardian

Today, attitudes in Ireland towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people are increasingly liberal.
Irish believe gay marriage can help attract foreign investment, the Irish government said on Thursday ahead of a referendum on the issue that has been publicly backed by global technology giants including Google, Ebay and Twitter.
The last bastion has fallen...Irish...dissapointed me...I always thought these crazy men will be stand against homo expansion...

Your title is bullshit, but that's not surprising based on your viewpoint. Ireland has not become a gay country because of this vote. They are allowing gay marriage. That does not make all Irish gay as you seem to insinuate.

Why do you take it so literally?

A character flaw, perhaps. Liberals like him are guilty of making the same supposed error he is accusing you of. Broad generalizations like "Christians are bigots" or "Conservatives are racist/hateful/misogynistic, etc," are common among them. Identity politics.
It's' constitution can only be changed by a vote of the people, not by elected representatives.

So, why is it wrong when people in our states do the same to their Constitutions via the same type of referendum? Double standard much? I don't care about the constitutionality, but if one assumes it's okay for people to vote to allow gay marriage, then why is it wrong when we vote against it here?

See where I'm going with this?
I am sure that the Irish people really didn't consider your opinion when they voted overwhelmingly for love rather than hate.

Aaand who said anything about hate? Is that an instinct now? Pin the word "hate" to anyone who has an affront to gay marriage? Hmm? There's a big difference between hating the person and hating their ways.
Ireland is on course to become the first nation in the world to legalise gay marriage by popular vote, leaders on both sides of the historic referendum campaign said on Saturday.
Ireland on course to be first country to legalise gay marriage by popular vote Society The Guardian

Today, attitudes in Ireland towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people are increasingly liberal.
Irish believe gay marriage can help attract foreign investment, the Irish government said on Thursday ahead of a referendum on the issue that has been publicly backed by global technology giants including Google, Ebay and Twitter.
The last bastion has fallen...Irish...dissapointed me...I always thought these crazy men will be stand against homo expansion...

Yep- now all of Ireland will be forced to become gay........get ready for your gay overlords to invade from Ireland and start forcing you to have gay sex all the time!


Thats right- from the Conservative point of view- once you allow women to vote-

1) Who said conservatives don't want women to vote?

well then they will want to be able to use Birth Control

2) Who is stopping them?

and once you allow women to use Birth Control...well that makes Gays....and once you stop arresting and killing Gays

3) Who is stopping women from using birth control?

4) Who wants to arrest and kill gays? Radical Muslims do. Conservatives? Not so much.

well then they will want to be able to get married....and if Gays can marry each other.

Fine by me, but why should this "love" bring with it so much hate for those who oppose it? Doesn't sound like love to me, but an agenda.

well then people will start treating each other with love and respect.

Aand how do you expect that to happen when you go vilifying people who oppose same sex marriage? Hmm? How does that quantify with "love" or "respect?" In this debate, there is none of that here. None.
Imagine had they voted against it. They no doubt know what the consequences would have been. They would have not only been shunned, but would have faced economic sanctions that would have been devastating.

As long as it wasn't put to a vote, there would have been no problem. The moment you do put it to a vote, the wheels are put in motion and you better do the right thing or there will be hell to pay.
About what economic sanctions and shunning are you talking about? Sanctions from whom? From the side of whole EU or US? I think it is disgusting to make whole country suffers because of gays.
Do you mean Russian case as example?
Good on the Irish! Although the majority of Irish are Catholic, they still voted in favor of equality. Sadly, Australia is now the only English speaking country where gay marriage is not legal in at least one state. Sucks balls.
It's' constitution can only be changed by a vote of the people, not by elected representatives.

So, why is it wrong when people in our states do the same to their Constitutions via the same type of referendum? Double standard much? I don't care about the constitutionality, but if one assumes it's okay for people to vote to allow gay marriage, then why is it wrong when we vote against it here?

See where I'm going with this?
What the fuck are you on?
If it is a difference between tolerance and hatred, the answer is pretty obvious.

Once again, people have their own definitions of "tolerance" and "hatred." If "tolerance" is someone being made to accept something they don't care for regardless of their personal or religious beliefs, and "hatred" as that which they are accused of when they refuse based on those reasons, then yes, the answer is pretty obvious: they are neither intolerant nor hateful; you are.

I don't hate anyone, I think gays should have rights same as we, but that doesn't stop me from despising their way of life like any of my conservative brethren. Gays are people too---so, too, are those mean, hateful, intolerant, bigoted Christian Conservatives.

When you say someone is "hateful" because of what they believe in, are you being tolerant? My advice to you is to think before you start slinging the words "hatred" and "tolerance" around. They don't always mean what you think they mean.
Part of tolerance is allowing people to have the right to do things that they believe in. Only accepting what you believe in is not tolerance.
I hope Ireland can survive you feeling "a little sorry" for them.

I hope you can survive us disagreeing with you on this subject. But hey, go ahead, act as if we are your version fire aids.

I am more than sure Ireland can survive. But hey, you can pretend like I think you are my version of fire AIDS if it fulfills your constant need to be a victim.
Good on the Irish! Although the majority of Irish are Catholic, they still voted in favor of equality. Sadly, Australia is now the only English speaking country where gay marriage is not legal in at least one state. Sucks balls.
Whose balls? Homosexual's?
Please stop thinking it's equality. It's a world-wide propaganda, the next part of sexual revolution which has both pros and cons.

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