Iron Man 3


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I have the first two. This one looks to be a doozie, I love the introduction of the Mandarin into the saga, it stays true to the cartoon show by the same name back in the early 90's. Now, if they could get the "I am Iron Man" theme song from the TV show and Stan Lee to do another cameo....

What say you?
I have the first two. This one looks to be a doozie, I love the introduction of the Mandarin into the saga, it stays true to the cartoon show by the same name back in the early 90's. Now, if they could get the "I am Iron Man" theme song from the TV show and Stan Lee to do another cameo....

What say you?

i would rather it stay true to the Comic not the cartoon.....but thats just me....
I have the first two. This one looks to be a doozie, I love the introduction of the Mandarin into the saga, it stays true to the cartoon show by the same name back in the early 90's. Now, if they could get the "I am Iron Man" theme song from the TV show and Stan Lee to do another cameo....

What say you?

I used to have a huge box of comic books - Iron Man included and I gave them away to someone who sold them on ebay and donated the money to Israel! lol! The deal was he could have some of the comic books which were collectors for his own collection.

I have seen both Iron Man movies and am looking forward to the third one!
She is just so darn cute...

Isn't she? I love Gwenyth Paltrow! She was perfect one to match up with Robert Downey Jr. What a great talent he is, right? He is such a gifted actor. He did a superb job in both movies.
I have the first two. This one looks to be a doozie, I love the introduction of the Mandarin into the saga, it stays true to the cartoon show by the same name back in the early 90's. Now, if they could get the "I am Iron Man" theme song from the TV show and Stan Lee to do another cameo....

What say you?

I used to have a huge box of comic books - Iron Man included and I gave them away to someone who sold them on ebay and donated the money to Israel! lol! The deal was he could have some of the comic books which were collectors for his own collection.

I have seen both Iron Man movies and am looking forward to the third one!

i used to have the first 15-20 issues of every Marvel title back in the mid sixties and lots of 50's DC titles and some Gold Key.....i also had a big box full and i kept them in great shape....when my family moved out here i remember bringing the box out to the car to be loaded on and my dad telling me.....we cant fit that box in here.....grab a handful and give the rest to your buddies....:eek:.....if my dad only knew.....
Iron Man was never a fave of mine in the Comics world. I loved the XMen, Master Of Kung Fu (Circa Paul Gulacy), Warlock (Circa Jim Starlin), Spiderman, Batman, Creepy, Eerie, Mad, Heavy Metal (Actually, mostly for Moeibus and Corben's art), to name a few.

That said, Robert Downey is fun to watch..but I wouldn't go to the movies for Iron Man.
Yes, my collection was huge. I had alot of 50's DC titles too and Marvel and most of the comics were a dime or a nickel. I also had some Gold Key comics. I had some comics in there that were a penny or two. I had Zane Grey and the Fighting Caravans. I cannot remember all of them. I had acquired the older ones from a guy who owned a pawn shop and said someone sold them to him but he wasn't really interested in bothering with them. Annie Oakley first edition was in there - alot of old ones that only people in their 90's would probably remember! lol! They were in excellent condition. Someone out there is enjoying them now.

I'll tell you another thing our parents threw away that are very valuable now. Marbles! I heard a story about a guy who was at a flea market and found two huge jars of marbles that he knew were very valuable. He asked the vendor how much. He said, I'm not open come back in 20 minutes. I'll sell them for 20 dollars. The marbles were worth an estimated $20,000 dollars. Can you imagine? The guy did buy them too. The larger marbles are more valuable than the smaller ones.
i had 2 Amazing Fantasy's no. day i got a Wizard comic guide to see how much what i had would have been worth today......i stopped adding them up at $500,000....:(

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